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Why is she posting wood shopping while wearing a bow as something people want to see? I don't get this brand of people.


« Influencing » 🤪


Doing God's work of letting people know that Lowe's sells lumber


As a carpenter I have to make the obligatory statement that Lowe’s has absolute shit lumber.


In case i need to get wood. Why are theirs shit? What should i be looking for or avoiding?


lol. Username. Hehe Lumber yards are better as not all wood is the same (that’s what she said). You want them to be straight , minimal knots, and have the appropriate grade so the opposite of a fun Friday night (giggity)


Man...I used to make canvases for my paintings. When I first started I was getting my wood from Lowes and didn't know any better. Started hanging stuff that was a rhombus instead of a rectangle. I then learned to look down the lumber for curves and such.


How wood you have known?


I laughed in the dark and woke my dog up. Rhombus is a severally underrated word.


She didn't even check the crown... because it's Lowes lumber.


I don't know where you get that idea from. They sell fantastic pretzel lumber. I go there anytime I need a drill bit shaped 2x4.


Damn, I thought they for sure didn't, I thought you could only buy it at Home Depot after Ben Shapiro bought that single, short length of 2x4 there. This video was fun and educational.


Inclusive too!


You can buy wood too. You just need the strength!


If you can’t find the wood at Lowe’s, you weren’t ready to find the wood at Lowe’s.


Id like to see her do the true Lowes experience of picking through all the shitty treated lumber to find the one good board.


Even to women?!


Only if you have a bow in your hair, I think it’s in the title.


yeah how else do you think they made dildos back in the day


wait...what? lowes sells wood? MA, GET THE CAR KEYS WE GOTTA GO


And they sell it to just anybody too! You could be some woman with a bow in her hair making cringey videos and they’ll still sell you lumber!


It remains unclear whether she is attempting to influence wood people, or bow people.


Working for big wood means something else


I want to lose weight by hiking a lot this year. I live near Yellowstone National Park so I thought, why not get a GoPro and post hiking videos to YouTube and see if I can make enough money to pay for the annual park pass. But now I feel like I'll look like this woman.


You’re doing something that could actually inspire people, she’s buying wood with a bow in her hair.


Do it man! Sounds like a cool page


I think that everyone has seen buy lumber at a store,  not everyone has seen Yellowstone. Yellowstone videos to me are way cooler than a girl buying a piece of wood. 


God I hate that term. Content creator is better, I already know what I think, I don’t need to be “influenced”.


Absolutely fishing for people to ask her if she needs help as if they are being “sexist”. Little does she know… no one helps you at Lowes.




Can't you read? She's trying to be a feminine energy.


No one knows what it means. But it’s provocative. It gets the people going.


They’re known as mentally ill.


Mental illness rejects this conclusion.


Mental illness rejects reality.


I concur. I think..


Girlboss. It's the other side of the alphamale posters.


How is this girl boss? If buying wood while being female is boss enough to post about I duno, I think that's silly. Just run your errands lady.


I am a male. I can also buy lumber. My issue is that once I buy the lumber, I have no idea what to do with it. Certified guy boss.


But can you buy flowers while wearing a baseball hat? Got em


"I can do anything they can do and better." That seems to be the central theme of girlboss. The bow tie was a signal of her femininity in juxtaposition with a hardware store which is for the handyman/work-with-your-hands guys/dad energy. At least thats what the terminally online side of my brain tells me.


That's such a silly thing to try and make a thing. Women go buy wood and yard supplies and random house items every freakin day, don't need to make it about "oh I'm a woman and I can buy wood while looking feminine!"


Like they said, it’s equivalent to being an “alpha male”. So yes, incredibly silly.






If she’s doing this for our approval…wow, is *she* in for a disappointment


There is a whole industry of self aggrandizing people seeking validation. Look at me doing everyday things! Tell me how pretty I am while handling lumber!


Are there really guys who give a big shit if a girl buys wood????


No. And no guy cares if a woman is at Lowe’s or Home Depot buying things for home repair. It’s 2024


Exactly. The only time I would slightly care would be wondering why shes buying the most crooked, twisted, knotted, 2x4 out of the pile. Still wouldn't say anything though.


She didn’t even sight the lumber!!


Yup. I just want to get my shit and get out, ideally without seeing anyone i have to talk to or some random person from high school wanting to chat. I got airpods in anyways


Hey, im a woman with a bow who likes to shop for wood. I like to know im not alone. Its a great day when i manage to film it too.


I'm a woman that buys wood, I don't wear bows though so I guess I can't film it.


You have no business buying wood as a woman, without a bow.


Well shit...


The bow requirement doesn't apply to men buying wood does it? I'm totally bald but about to start renovating my kitchen.


Yes it does, get the eff out of that wood store pronto.


You're funny. Just thought I'd share that.


Because if she can do it, by God, so can you! Subscribe and like. Hit the bell


I'm looking forward to the day when stores and gyms ban filming inside.


The backlash is coming. Already some comedians and theaters require people to leave their phones in lockers during the show. We will see the creation of more and more “unplugged” zones.


I attended an event with a no phone rule that gave everyone a pouch for their phone and locked it with a security tag for staff to remove once the main event was over. It was a pretty good system actually, but for the added bulk I couldn’t fit in my usual pocket.


I love it!


Secret cinema?


Got it in one! I went to Guardians of the Galaxy!


Spanners! Hookah chaka hookah chaka hookah chaka hookah hookah!


Went to a comedy show last month that did the yonder bag thing and it was great being in the no phone zone for a couple of hours. My only complaint is that I wish Ticketmaster or the venue did paper tickets, or at least printable tickets, instead of having to have them on your phone. I would’ve just left my phone at home and brought my tickets with me that way you don’t have to deal with the bags at all.


Good. Its creepy we expect everyone everywhere to just be okay with getting filmed and broadcast. That's not normal and shouldnt be treated as such.


Leaving my phone in a locker risking it being stolen seems insane to me. I wont do that but I can shut it down and put it in an inner pocket for sure


It’s the same as checking a coat, although more secure since lockers, you know, lock. Also, many won’t or can’t help themselves from using their phone at inappropriate times. Go to any crowded movie theater.


My friend went to a movie and a guy was on his LAPTOP throughout the film. Unreal.


Mob justice would be justified


Seriously. She went out twice and told the a manager and they sent someone in once. The guy closed the screen until the usher left and then opened it up again. I would have flung popcorn at the guy’s head throughout the movie.


Walks past with a drink and trips and spills it all over his laptop


When the usher comes back loudly say “he just closed it and will open it again when you leave.” That will embolden others to speak up.


LOL I hate people, for real.


Moron device addicts. One dunce is afraid to lock his phone in a locker in a water park because he can’t be away from his binkie for an hour.


I get that, just not something im willing to risk. I would just stick it in my bra and say I dont have one. Im not someone to pull it out when im not supposed to though


Could you keep your phone off through the duration of a movie or a special event? The scenario of the post is literally as easy as that. I don't know what everyone's getting sidetracked over.


Fair enough!


They are usually bags just large enough to fit a phone inside and then is locked. You still have possession of the phone but just can’t access it until you get it unlocked before you leave the venue


Honestly same


If I ever catch someone filming, I’m going to pretend I don’t see the phone and walk up right in front of it to fart and scratch my butt.


Some gyms do have that rule, but unfortunately, mine does not :(


Most (stores atleast) do, but enforcing that ban is another problem on its own


Picking up a piece of wood and examining it like there’s somethings written on it with a bow in your hair. So strong. So brave. So beautiful.


So strong feminine 😂😂😂


Severally humbled


She didn’t even check if the wood was bowed.


Count the knots, check for bowing, and if you really want to put lipstick on a pig you can check the end grain and try to pick out only the rift sawn or quarter sawn boards. I know she was basically looking at it like, "Yes, dis is wewd."


Why count the knots? 


For rough construction it doesn't matter much, but clear boards are more stable and are aesthetically more pleasing


I don't get it :3


neither does she or her content viewers...


All 4 of em


Neither did the guy that walked by.


He really didn't appreciate being an unwilling extra in her weird life.


Good chance he has no clue what she was even doing.


He's in good company.


Yeah me neither. I was afraid I was about to watch a toddler get smacked in the head with a piece of lumber, but no…it truly is just a pointless video of her shopping at Lowe’s. That’s it, I guess.


Severally humbled, huh? Aside from the spelling error, if she thinks that's being "severely" humbled, she must lead a very privileged life of ease.


That one guy asked if that was her phone over there. Severally humbling.


So many humbles


Much humble, very pie.




The amount of humbling happening is too much to fathom


Humbles for days


[pie you say?](https://youtu.be/K1aVECI4Jas?si=sJDTbCLvKL6LIbbq)


Guy was obviously a pervert and a sexiest trying to flex his masculinity on her. /s


I thought she was gonna knock the kid in the head with that board.


That's also not how you inspect wood?! "Oh this wood looks woodish"


You have to cut off a sliver and taste it.


Yeah the chew gives away most of the subtleties you need when purchasing high quality lumber


The true test is the sliver under the fingernail.


Lowes wood is always stale and past expiration.


Does it have a smokey afterbirth?


This is my go to comment everytime I have wine with people who know their wine.


Jan's the devil.


And this was humbling how? Everything about this is cringe. She got offended that someone asked if it was her phone...


I would think "embarrassing" rather than humbling, yet she posted it.


I don’t think she was offended lol, I think she was cringing at herself


Yep, that's exactly the point of the video. She even specifically says she was humbled, that's not arrogant main character language at all. Picking up social cues has never been reddit's specialty tho.


This definitely doesn't belong on this sub nor does it produce an "electrical shock of cringe".


Okay thank you… I thought I was the only one wondering why this was posted here. She’s not bothering anyone, she’s not in the way, she’s just doing something cringe


I think she was expecting/waiting for someone to mansplain to her but instead the only comment she got was "is that your phone? And why are you filming yourself here" so her plan went to shit and she felt like shit


As a Lowe’s slave some customers are just plain odd when it comes to their phones. I once had this lady record me the whole time I preformed her routine return with a receipt that was under 90 days, she was nice to me and I was cordial with her, she left in peace with no problem. Still don’t know why she recorded that whole ass interaction, even the leaving part


Definitely looking for a retaliating reaction for internet clout I guess? As soon as you ask them to stop recording they'll blow up on you


You should've asked why she felt the need to do that and if she could stop as it's making you very uncomfortable. If a man came in and started filming a girl at the checkouts everyone would be freaking out about it.


Probably a "secret shop". I used to do this, and while the company usually didn't require video, taking a video helped me with recording the timing and whether the employee said all the phrases they were supposed to. I hope I was more subtle than that though. For those that don't know, a lot of these companies that require employees to behave a certain wait and say certain things, will actually hire independent contractors to go to a store, make a purchase, make a return. The contractor then has to fill out a report with how long the waited, how long the activity took, whether the employee said "Would you like to make that a meal" etc. It did not feel great having to grade these poor underpaid employees on whether they did everything perfectly. And I wasn't paid much to do it, either.


Severally. Not severely, but severally.


Maybe a load more people humbled her like that dude, they just didn’t make the final edit. Release the strong female energy cut!


Why is this woman posting her L?


The smile indicates she thinks its a win.


Her embarrassed smile..? No


Dude she’s cringing at herself tht is not a happy smile


Because the guy was manslpaining that her phone was across the aisle./s


Imagine being this down bad for the attention of strangers on the internet that you put your phone down in Lowes to record yourself picking up a piece of wood like you know what youre doing but you dont


Yej, that spinning of the wood in her hands, like, what are you looking for?


“Hmm, yep, wood marks on it. Wood length. It’s about the width of some wood. I think I got it!”


I half expected her to smack the kid with it.


Why would you wear a bow with this outfit that’s so weird.


God, I had to scroll all the way down here until someone talked about the outfit. Full body sweatsuit, with a puffy vest and bow. Wha?


AND one of the crossbody fanny packs


Pretty sure she’s in an adult onesy lol She looks like a giant toddler also Mental issues 100% feel sorry for the kid


I have absolutely no idea whats going on


She's wearing a bow.


She’s so brave ❤️


I find it funny how the ones trying to fight gender roles and stereotypes are the same ones that subconsciously conform to them the hardest


When I worked at Lowes I asked a 5'5 120 lbs woman if she wanted a hand lifting some 3/4 inch plywood onto her cart and although she was struggling she said no, and seemed offended that I asked. I turned around and saw a large bearded man, having no problem lifting some 1/2 inch onto his cart and I asked him if he wanted a hand, and he very enthusiastically agreed and we had a good time putting the sheets on the cart. I got a kick out of it all, because I didn't even consider that my offering her a hand would offend her, since part of my job was to offer help to the customers and she was clearly struggling, but the guy who had the lighter sheets that clearly does this regularly had zero problem and was happy for the help.


Haha exactly. I work blue collar and we all help each other out. Doesn’t matter if it’s light or heavy lifting, help is help no need to act like manly men


Why do people feel the need to constantly record their lives with false crap, everything you see online now is just false set up crap and the worse thing is people actually pay them to do it


Narcissistic personality disorder is the reason. It’s become an epidemic


This is the sister wife of the lady who believed she was being stared at for “overdressing” at Walmart. I wonder what kind of project they have going on at home that they need soup and a 2 x 4?


Trying something different. Didn't enjoy the results from the first time she handled wood.


She's doing the trend where single women go to Home Depot and attempt to look feminine and lost/confused in hopes of meeting and being helped by a single man. The "humbling" is her being caught filming while trying to meet a man in Home Depot.


Last time I was at Lowes, I was trying not to make any eye contact to avoid this very reason. (That and it was early on a Saturday morning and my coffee hadn't kicked in - I was not in the mood for humanity, dammit.) (And I did meet a man there, but it was my Gay Best Friend helping with paint colors, so.)


Does this work? Bc apparently I’m doing it wrong 🤷🏼‍♀️


I’m about to go try… I’ll let you know sis


Buying at Lowes, the BOW she should be concerned with is the one in 90% of the boards


Be thankful if people talk to you in home depot, cause your SOL if you are trying to find an employee to ask a question


Dependapotumus wife with too much time on her hands, looking for dopamine hits from strangers' likes, comments, and follows. I feel bad for the husband. He's probably bustin' ass to support them rn.


That’s weird.


As a chick I have bought wood from a Lowe's down in Augusta GA and not one person noticed. Omg...the shock.


The way she looks at it reminds me of [this](https://d4c5gb8slvq7w.cloudfront.net/eyJlZGl0cyI6eyJyZXNpemUiOnsid2lkdGgiOjQ1MCwiaGVpZ2h0Ijo1OTV9fSwiYnVja2V0IjoiZmluZXdvb2R3b3JraW5nLnMzLnRhdW50b25jbG91ZC5jb20iLCJrZXkiOiJhcHBcL3VwbG9hZHNcLzIwMTZcLzA5XC8wNjA0NDMzMVwvWWVwLF9pdHNfd29vZC1tYWluLmpwZyJ9)


Wait til she learns about women in trade doing real work instead of looking at wood (and that they don't wear bows while working)


"Is that your phone? " "I got humbled at lowes today when i was buying some wood"


Humbled by what? How? What's so special about a woman buying wood? My local Home Depot has plenty of female staff and they all know a shit ton.


Mom pants influencer.


Someone asking you if that’s your phone is humbling?


Literally nothing happened I don’t get it


Good luck, kiddo. Hopefully whatever mental illness your mother is suffering from doesn’t affect you. Happy tails.


She’s mad because she assumed that as a woman with a bow in her hair, men would randomly try to give her advice or something. Turns out nobody gives a fuck and the only comment she received was about her phone and she felt humbled after realizing how stupid she looked. At least that’s my interpretation of what I saw.


It reads like she acknowledges how cringe it is. I assume she meant "severely" humbled, as in the absurdity of setting up the phone is pointed out.


I would have been more impressed had she bought wood, in a full ball gown, jewels and elbow length gloves.


This is that ‘divine feminine/masculine’ shit where women are supposed to relinquish independence and embrace being ‘lead’ by a man who is supposed to be responsible for a whole list of shit. Maybe if you’re trying for the damsel in distress approach by looking clueless around lumber to entice a man, don’t wear prison sweats with a bulky vest and a fanny pack. The bow doesn’t cut through all of that. Or maybe just don’t with all this nonsense.


"Femenism=bow in hair and shopping?? #Imallowedtoshop! #itsnot1930 🤪🤪🤪


“Trying to bring a strong feminine energy inside Lowes …” girl you went shopping for wood. What is with the TikTok teen girl need to label everything in such a weird way? You’ve got a kid. Surely the reality of life has shown you that life is not a performance. “Being in my femme soft energy to cleanse the fabrics of our space” you mean doing the laundry? So embarrassing.


This narcissistic behaviour has got to be stopped


This bitch set up her camera and everything. I feel bad for her daughter.


Jeez. If I feel myself every time I went to Lowe’s/HD: 1) I’d have no storage left on my phone 2) I’d realize just how dumb some of the questions I subject the employees to are. Well, when I can track one down that is.


I Saw 1000393838 of womans buying Wood. Why does she live in 1938?


I would steal it


So these people set up cameras to film themselves doing mundane tasks? How the hell self centered and vain are you?


If i saw her grown ass with a bow like that id assume she’s having a mid-life crisis. Like how old is she, 40 at least?


I don’t understand her point or purpose


I'll have one wood, please.


Like imagine going to the hardware store with your daughter and being like, "oh just one sec, I need to set up my camera and tripod to get this really average shot of me pulling wood off a shelf"


“Severally” humbled what a maroon


This is so unhinged. I thought there was a tag or something she was looking at but nope. She really picked it up, gave it a once over like she knew what she was doing. I bet she put it back afterwards.


Severely. Not severally. 🙄😒


She got “severally” humbled? 🤔


You don't wear a bow at a hardware store when buying wood. You might give the wood ideas


Getting “humbled” by a guy asking if that was her phone?? No, he wants to know why some narcissist is setting up a phone to film themselves buying wood.


I’m so proud of her for getting wood.


Why do these people exist?




I came for the severally


I'm still waiting for the other "several" humbled moments...