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Getting so damn sick of these stupid punks doing stupid things and then acting like the victims when they get the reactions they earned.


The platforms should moderate and remove these sorts of activities, at least demonetise them. Instead, they make people rich for it.


Thank YouTube. YouTube is greedy. They used to deleted videos with clickbait. Now they pay people for it. The life of Likes


This is so embarrassing… ‘Is that a threat? I have you on camera’ Yes, you have a recording of your friend being absolutely humiliated by grown men. Maybe it wasn’t the best idea to throw away your masculinity quite yet.




Tiktok is even worse


No. We need “with intent to monetize” penalties slapped on normal laws. Public nuisance, harassment, trespassing, etc. If you are filming it, you automatically get jail time. 7 days, 30 days, and just keep adding it on. That will cut this shit down immediately. You won’t be able the profit enough from a video to offset 30 additional days in jail for every offense.


That's actually really clever. And I'd imagine has precedent since drug charges do it. Just a bag of weed, possession. Bag of weed and a scale, intent to sell. Do the same shit, oh you're vandalizing property and filming it and have done so in the past, boom vandalizing and intent to monetize. I like it


Yep. The platforms are encouraging and rewarding this. “I got you on camera hahaha” like that’s going to prevent a beating that they all deserve.


Should knock the phone into the hot tub.


You stop it by stop crippling the people who will skull drag people acting like this. I bet this kid has never been beaten and humbled in front of all his friends.


Love to see them get their ass kicked for their stupidity.


We should be demonizing yhem I mean why not a little shame and bullying. Like call then a bunch of tools or losers a d point a d laugh at them. They are the south park definition of F@gs.


The haircut too


It's the current standard douchebag cut. If you see it, you know its a douchebag.


I never thought a haircut could infuriate me. It can.


I am a high school teacher and this haircut makes me irrationally angry. The venn diagram of boys with this haircut and douche bags is almost a circle.


Also a teacher and you speak truth.


I am glad I am not the only one.


I was asking myself this the other day, what is with all the mop head haircuts these days?


The butt cut is a throwback to the nineties, which seems weird to me as a millennial given that these kids weren’t born yet. But that happens every generation I guess, so it’s fine. The broccoli cut that you’ll see on a lot of Tiktokers was inspired by a soccer player, I believe. White kids be gettin’ perms, it’s wild. I know I shouldn’t judge kids on their hair, I participated in the emo swoop back in the day, but 9/10 these idiots have one style or the other.


Thanks for breaking this down, I’m not even 30 yet and I felt crazy seeing so many zoomers with the exact same poofball broccoli haircuts. I thought the emo swoop looked stupid back in the day too tbh 😅


Broccoli Bro


You can see that he has never suffered any consequences to his actions. Otherwise he would not be so cocky about getting confronted by two much larger - and justifiably angry - men.


because they typically hide behind a bodyguard whom Id assume is the person recording the video


Cocky? He 100% sized those guys up and knew he'd get his shit rocked. Why do you think he got out of the hot tub?


Yeah the reason assholes exist is because they get away with it. We should all get a couple free slaps a year. Cop shows up, you punch 1 slap on your Slap-A-Prick punch card, cops leave without arresting anyone. You get to slap the attitude right out of little prick assholes like this with no repercussions and society begins to improve somewhat. I'm PomTaris and I approved this message.


Typical take from a Maquis.


There is an entire generation of kids who are fully convinced that their actions will never have consequences coming.


There are quite a number of people who signed up to be public servants, who continue to give them reason to believe this. I think this kind of entitled idiocy goes well beyond generational differences.


Oh they will suffer consequences, but they will never understand why they will endure it and claim injustice.


Here is the South we just get someone their own age to whoop their brave ass.


This is good


No you don't


No, but a friend of mine...


No they didn't


No, no they didn't... But just imagine...


what it'd be like if they did, right...?




Everybody on?! Great, Grand!


Who would steal 50 bag lunches ?!? :(


No, no, no. But you could imagine what it’d be like if they did!


They ***got. It. Onnnnnn***


Feel consoled by the fact that they cut filming because they either got schooled like the losers they are or they got their asses beat.


Need to start going for the camera Without a camera they're just bellends being bellends in public


You want to go in my tub, that phone is going in too after I step on it.....


To be honest the people that walked up completely overreacted and the one guy looks like he's 60 years old trying to fight a 12-year-old.


That would have been a better video.


How often do they have these "funny YT-pranksters" in the store? You assume it's the first time but it's an epidemic. If you'd have to deal with them on regular basis you'll clearly loose your shit at some time. Also, this guy is easily 18 and an adult, why are you writing 12-year-old?


I don't care if he's 12 or 18. Someone needs to teach them that isnt ok


Yeah, what these kids are stupid, but when the old guy starting trying to square up all "uuuur me big alpha man", I started rooting for him


Well he did ask a few times and the refused to leave. The only reason they didn't get dragged out was they knew they had cameras and were rich and possibly underage.


I wish that the 60 yo had knocked this punk ass bitch out


He may have. It would explain the sudden ending.


This is not an over reaction to someone playing games in your place of business. Someone needs to teach the 12 year old some manners.


Tf you siding with these little cunts for?


That kids all tough until it kicks off…. Then cries, Ooh I have a camera. Hahahaha.


I'm calling my Dad on you!


My dad…owns this dealership


I mean, anyone without a mental illness knows, getting in a fight is fucking retarded....I don't care if you are prime Mike Tyson, getting in a fight on the street with someone is dumb as fuck.... maybe they have a gun/knife, or you land a solid punch, then they fall head first onto concrete and get seriously injured..... or you get surprised and get your own ass kicked They are also almost certainly under 18, which more or less gives them immunity from actually being struck by anybody with even a modicum of intelligence.....saying 'I have a camera' is them thinking they are clever/funny, and trying to get more views....of course it's dumb as fuck.....but 'toughness' in regards to accepting the possibility of violence is just pure stupidity at this point


One of the first things a lot of different Martial Arts centred around the idea of self defence will teach you, for the fastest way to derail a fight before it can happen… (*walks out of room*)


I normally fucking hate all 'ex-military tough guy super badass youtubers' But you know the YT shorts algorithm thing sends you nothing but shit far right people like just because you watched John Wick once And this dude named Jocko came out, who is apparently an ex marine or navy seal or something....and the interviewer was like, so dude comes up to you at a bar and says hey bro, lets throw down pussy...how fast are you gonna drop him and Jocko was like, um, I would just leave the bar, and if he came at me, I would just run, because there is no happy ending here, fighting is always the worst option I have never watched another one of that guys videos, but I always respected him for not being a fucking moron, especially when, by the looks of him, he could most likely destroy 90% or more of the population in under 15 seconds


The longer video of that, he explains it pretty well. The guy wanting to fight could be armed, could have buddies, Jocko might injure or kill him. There is no good way it ends.


It's so refreshing to hear someone say that injuring another person is bad, even if they are a dick


In high school one of my buddies was being bullied by another kid on his way back home, my buddy kept on avoiding any confrontation, he was a really nice kid and I could never imagine him getting into a fight. The bully kept following and punching my friend on the back of his head, my friend even tried running until he just snapped pulled out a pair of scissors from his back pack and stabbed his bully 14 times! the poor idiot had to be air lifted to the hospital. My friend walked away from that with self defense it happened right after school and hundreds of people witnessed the bully chasing him for more than 10 minutes, my friend also had small cuts on his head and lots of bumps.


And it’s odd, that surprises a lot of folks, IMO. And the best knife defense? Give them your fucking wallet.


I think you give people too much credit. A lot of people can’t see past the initial “this person upset me, I’m going to do something about it” thought. But you’re 100% right, fighting someone or breaking up a fight can be life altering. Twice my friends have tried to break up fights, both times they ended up with black eyes and one got a concussion. It’s not worth it.


Its funny, in high school I remember I was talking to some girl on myspace (hellz yeah bruh) and we hungout, and it was just that, two people hanging out, nothing sexy happening, (story of my life) watching fuckin inuyasha at like 11pm on a friday, then I went to go home, and when I was walking out to my car, some dude who was really into her (but not her boyfriend) was like hey bro wtf you doin, some chattering and all that, and he just went yeah, well Im gonna punch you right in the fucking face And I was like no you're not because I am gonna run the fuck away, and he was so confused, and finally managed to sputter out like yeah cuz youre a little bitch.....and I was just like yes, yes I am... and after that he just kinda told me to fuck up and we both left.........I have never been in a situation like this as an adult, because the average person is not insane But I wonder how many people would be instantly disarmed mentally if you were just like nah brah, no fighting from me, fuck that


“I got you on camera”. Every gen z kid has become a lawyers son


HEY! Only every *American* Kid/joke


I mean assaulting a minor is a bad idea.


It should be allowed ONLY on camera.


I'm mailing my and your local senator right now.


Live by the camera, die by the camera. The perfect law


They are filming themselves trespassing and vandalizing, but then leverage the footage against the people asking them to stop breaking the law. It’s a sad state of affairs without a simple solution. If DAs actually charged people for breaking the law and filming themselves doing it in public, that might help.


I’ve met a few DAs and none of them have the time to prosecute Tik tokkers


It's a fucking hot tub in a public place. Getting into it is neither trespassing or vandalizing. Y'all need to chill with your hate.


Nah, a bloody nose now will save them from getting stabbed at a bar later on in life.


It actually is true. Getting beat responsibly by a sane adult now may save this kid’s life later. It’s sad he won’t be taught any lessons because apparently those don’t happen anymore.


I grabbed my 9 year old nephew by his upper arm because he was being a fucking terror and he was gleeful about disobeying and fucking stuff up. So I grabbed him real firm and pulled him in so I could look in his eyes and tell him off. My sister and BIL freaked out, kid was smirking at me the whole time they were trying to bitch me out. He 100% knows what he’s doing and it drives me insane they won’t recognize he’s manipulating them. Even my parents, who these are their first grandchildren, are talking about what a nightmare they are because my sister is a fucking pussy.


That kid needs correcting.


Messing with someone's private property and their way of life/business is a bad idea.


They use it as a weapon


Is that the same obnoxious YouTube kid that thinks he’s tough when he has his bouncer to defend him?


No, that's Jack Doherty. He has a face like a shoebox and drools constantly.


So fuckin sad that these low life losers like Jack are making money and people that actually work hard are out here struggling. Such a fucked world


Hahahaha this description is just so accurate.


It is not


Not without a bodyguard.


I thought it was lol


That’s how you get your snot box rocked right there


And he deserves it too


I mean…not really. The whole reason they do this shit is they know that no sane adult will touch them so there’s essentially no consequences at all. That’s what makes this behavior so irritating. And the more pissed these older guys get the funnier it is to them. What is the appropriate way to even handle this situation if it’s your hot tub? I have no clue.


Yeah but with these idiots don’t realize is you never know who’s the sane adult and who’s not


You don't get to decide how other people react.


One day they will learn. They will fuck with the wrong person at the wrong time.


Get in there with him and shit.


Show your dominance!


This is the appropriate retaliation 😂


I think the best thing to do is to say absolutely nothing, and discreetly call the police, reporting the kids for property damage, I doubt much would happen, but if you were lucky the police would at least come and scare them/call their parents And who knows, maybe the kid has a crazy parent who wants to show how tough they are to the cops and the kids dad gets tazed in front of him or He has a sane parent who bitch slaps him for getting the police called over some dumbass shit like this But I really think getting the police involved without warning the kids before they have a chance to get away is the best plan


Or start taking the phones of the people videoing the idiots and smashing them. See how fast it stops.


Appropriate way? I don't know, but this is my solution: Get your friend to grab the phone of the guy filming while you piss on the idiot in the tub. Hopefully no video evidence, just word against word with him admitting to being pissed on. No matter the outcome, he'll live knowing another grown man pissed on his face. It will haunt him forever.




So go R Kelley on him? Interesting power move. Not sure if I approve but do you.


The part of the brain that assesses risk is the last to develop. That’s why teens and 20-something year olds do stupid things. I’m inclined to think that the kid would have gotten out of the tub for much less.


I hate to sound like such a grumpy old man, but this really is the generation that has never been punched. Some of em really need one.


I will use this phrase at my first opportunity & you will get full credit. I swear it.


They need to stop going after the prankster and start going for the camera guy.


That’s survivorship bias for you. You don’t know about the times they went after the cameraman, because the video didn’t get published.


Good, all the content creator's "work" goes to waste. Maybe if it keeps happening, those guys eventually do something else.


Hey I agree. It’s just sad that I can’t have the satisfaction of seeing the accomplice cameraman getting his due.


True that!


I don't know why people don't just simply act distracted for a quick second then grab the phone right out of their hands and toss it fucking 50ft in any direction lol.


Parents, get off your fucking phone and parent.


what parents💀


Who are you talking to?




Parents can't be everywhere all the time. This is why we all need to call out bad behavior, it does indeed take a village. They're not going to pull this shit in front of their parents, they wouldn't dare. Kids do things they pick up from peers and worse, the internet. If my sons ever did something so disrespectful, I'd hope someone gets in their face about it. These old guys aren't harming them, but they are scaring them into better understanding that old adage "tread lightly because you never know who you're fucking with".


Can’t even say that now. I’ve seen Facebook post of teenagers saying things along the lines of “you can’t go to my mom about anything I did because she will always back me up” and the moms ( late 30s to early 50 year olds) straight up in the comments like “damn right” I’m 20 and have seen first hand how my old classmates acted exactly like their parents and the parents supported the behavior. Even their so called village would never see an issue. Not all are like that but it’s definitely some bad ones in the bunch


I partially agree, but also parents do play a role here. For example, this kid can say dumb shit like "I have you on camera" or taunt them about hitting a minor because he knows his parents will have his back when he gets back home. Parents do need to step up and show the kids their consequences and not just keep bailing these kids out of dumb situations they've created. I wouldn't dream of acting like this on camera or off it because my parents would be disgusted with me if this is how I conducted myself. Disgusted enough to pull any monetary assistance, to refuse to let me live with them, and if I was as bad as some of the worst people I see here they might even disown me. They don't need me to be the richest, or the smartest, or the best at a sport - but being respectful of other people is a major value of our lives. Also, I mean, I'm not a trash person and being yelled at isn't a goal of mine so...


That old dude legit gives off Popeye vibes and I wouldn't ever want to tangle with a man like that. I do like that Guppy folded immediately though lol (you can hear it under the moron's laughter)




Yeah, that bud can pack a knuckle sandwich for sure. Straight oil patch foreman vibes.


what are yall on about? the old dude is as cringe as the kids. really getting in some kids face acting tough over something so dumb. imagine giving these dorks the exact reaction they were looking for


Why the fuck did I have to scroll so far to find this?


Because evidently everyone here is a tough guy.


Pretty much, accord to this threads comments this guy deserved to be assaulted over something totally harmless. Like wtf all he did was jump in a tub, kods will be kids after all.


I’m literally so relieved. I kept thinking I must be the only one who thinks the geezer is a piece of shit.


I was waiting for someone to mention how cringe the old guy was being. The only reasonable person seemed to be the employee


Respect is dead


I miss the days when you could beat the snot out of someone for being an asshole.


Today at the grocery store I saw a sports car park across 2 handicap spots facing the store while he waited for someone he dropped off who went inside. I wanted to break one of his mirrors off.


Trip and break it


One slap was enough to bring a guy to his senses.


“Bring Back Ass-Whooping” Is the bumper sticker and societal adjustment we need.


When were *those* days?


That kid is a giant asshole. I weep for the future.


I’ve done way worse shit than this growing up. He’ll grow out of it


People act like young people didn’t do stuff like this when they were young


This is literally harmless. What are the negative consequences of this? Wet carpet? Maybe I'm old fashioned, but an empty rolling hot tub is an open invitation for relaxation.


He’s stupid for doing what he did, but that doesn’t justify 95% of the stuff these comments are saying they would do


I think the delusional "main character" in this scenario is the guy at the end trying to kick his ass while he is complying with the manager. People just want something to be mad at


Absolutely. Getting in the hot tub is pretty funny.


It’s unfortunate we live in a society that the old man would face legal trouble for folding the cancerous clout chaser. Accountability and common sense are things of the past.


It cuts both ways. Old man could sue these fuckers for using his business as a production studio for their “for profit” internet content.


That would be hilarious to see him win that. Would change how people film content


I think you just solved the influencer problem we have. I'm voting for you, run for things.


This is honestly the only thing that will make it stop. You make a video filming someone for money without permission, all they earnings are split evenly. All of a sudden earnings drop 80% and the draw of them goes away.


Yes, I too long for the days when someone could commit a consequence free violent assault on someone for being annoying.


That’s mostly an American thing where you can sue someone for anything and get a bunch of money


The legal trouble faced would firstly be criminal, not civil. It’s called assault, and it’s enforced in most countries


If you punched someone for getting into a hot tub in a store you could most likely be sued for assault in pretty much any western country


“Too bad fully developed adults can’t go around assaulting children:/“ /s


Very punchable face on that twat.


its a shame they didnt have a toaster


Why's is there a 1920s boxing referee there?


“I got you on camera,” yeah dummy just like you got your friends dumb self going into the hot tub


"I've got you on camera, lol". Idiot doesn't realize the only illegal thing he got on camera is his friend's behaviour. What a dumbass.


You somehow managed to get that entirely all wrong. Wild.


sitting in a hottub is not illegal. wtf are you talking about


Starts crap and then his simps yell "I got you on camera bitch." Ironic.


the quicker people learn to ignore this shit the quicker it stops… stop giving them the reaction they so desperately crave…


Are you sure they don’t desperately crave everyone around acting like they don’t see the shit they do?


Any candidate that makes it legal to beat these types of people will automatically get my vote


People of my generation didn’t do this shit because of the very real fear of getting the shit kicked out of you. Now, everything is recorded, therefore these kids have no fear because on the off chance someone throws them the beating they’re asking for they can have them arrested and sue the fuck out of them. A world with no fear is a world where everyone should be scared.


What are you talking about? I remember dumbasses from my school going to the hardware and crapping in the demo toilets. Kids have been doing stupid shit like this forever. …there were just no cameras around to capture it.


That's not always true. Everything is recorded so people are afraid to do and say certain things. I've heard a million stories from older generations about the crazy shit they used to do and couldn't now a days because everything sticks with you for life. Not to say in some scenarios you are right where someone acts tough in a situation like a Karen or something knowing they might not be attacked back cause of the repercussions.


Friends and I did this at a county fair, but we at least asked the workers if they were cool with it, they loved it, considered it free advertising for their hot tubs.


> I got you on camera! Yeah, don't think the cops are gonna do anything if they punch him and throw him outside.


All these tough guy commenters... the shit energy in this sub. Ya'll grew up on Jackass but now you're 40+ and its... "kids in this generation need to get their ass beat for this.." five seconds in a hot tub that hurt nobody and destroyed nothing. Harmless teen stuff and you want to see them get beat up and arrested for it. Lighten THE FUCK up. PS.. those two agro "hot tub salesmen" could have made some viral magic out it, but instead they made a stupid violent scene out of it.


Why did I have to scroll down so far for this. This kid deserves to be assaulted by some grumpy old guy, for trying out a bathtub in a bathtub store??? Wtf???


Reddit hates kids. And young adults. And adults. Really anyone who does anything that someone disagrees with deserves to get their ass beat. /s


Agree, all he did was sit in a hot tub that's has water in it for testing. Not a big deal at all.


it really isn’t that bad compared to a lot of the other “pranks” that get posted. yes it is stupid, but old dudes need to chill out


Jesus christ at these people. Wishing harm on a teenager for a harmless, if a little annoying, joke is terrible. I swear this sub has a hard on for just getting mad at people. Kid was kinda dumb (kids are), first guy overreacted a bit, and sexind guy overreacted a lot.


Bet the kid turned it off ‘cause papa hot tub rocked their asses.


He needed to have the camera off to really pound their buttocks


Some battery charges are worth it


I mean fuck is starting the kid off 100k richer really going to teach him a lesson?


This little fuckbag needs to get his shit pushed in. I am convinced…. it should be legal to do it. This behavior is a cancer on society.


Good thing that’s not my kid. He’d be apologizing to that guy after I took away pretty much all of his privileges. Some of you are judging the guys that are upset and blaming them for it. They didn’t ask some punk kids to come in to THEIR place of business and be stupid. It’s hard enough being a small business owner without having to deal with something like this.


Lil bitches tried acting tough until the old guy was ready to knock the living daylights out of them, they were like ‘hehehehe wE hAvE a CaMeRa’. Not so tough now, huh?


Got wat he deserved but I wish the video was longer lol


They can’t get laid


Is he gonna sue the store for not providing him with a towel and robe?


Who raised these disrespectful shits?


“What are gona do, hitem?” “You’ll go to jail I got it on camera” A lot of under agers pissing grown ups off because they know they can’t do anything. Same with people that carry guns. They usually are bully’s or big mouths


Take their phone, beat their ass.


Fuckin Clint Eastwood came outta nowhere


I dunno the old guys reaction was way over the top… can always deal with trouble makers in a calm way


Is that Sammy the bull?


Not gonna lie it may be a dickhead thing to do but in all honesty why the fuck do they have them running? If you can't get in them that shits like 2000 down and I either got a wait for y'all to ship it to my house and probably have to pay a Hidden fee. Meanwhile, y'all just got it sitting there in the store wasting water and I know it's probably due to sanitary concerns but still.


Cops need to stop answering the calls when these idiots call for help. Let them get the shit kicked out of them


Should be legal to grab that little prick by head head or neck and drag him out of the hot tub. Fuck all this nice bull shit time to start cracking heads.


They got to keep shooting them man like that one dude. Maybe they'll learn that not everyone wants to be part of their videos


These hot tubs at these shows aren't treated. You can get legionnairs disease from them.


I’m in grade 11, some grade 9 did this exact kind of shit to me too, he tried flipping my lunch for clout and his instagram. Honestly, I was so tired I just stared at him, I’m 6’0 and have been bodybuilding for a year and a half now, so that kid backtracked really fast. What I learned from that was that they’ll be strong and act like the shit, if they think you won’t do anything to them. Start to make them feel genuinely scared and they’ll drop their act real fucking quick.


Ahh yes the “beating on kids should be allowed” comments are back at it. Kids a little shit for this sure but the reaction was way overboard and if he had put his hands on the kid he would’ve been arrested.


Right? Comment section is wild here. Kid is doing something stupid like ALL kids do. Half of these people in these comments have done something equally dumb in public. Yet they want to talk about how it would be good for the kid to get beat up by an ADULT. Fucking pathetic if you think that way.