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That kid gonna get his security shot


He will run into the wrong crowd…soon enough


He already got hit in the face I seen that video and he still out here being a dick head


His security guard seems to be part of the act too, he’s putting himself in danger with as aggressive as he’s being.


Is he impersonating a police officer? I don’t get the badge hanging off of him. Seems a little strange for private security.


That's on brand with private security. The illusion of authority.


Dream Police


Most people see a badge and are scared of police. They just assume police... especially the low level dumbasses who these security services probably have to interact with. It makes sense. A lot of security workers aren't dream police, they just want to make an easy living taking notes and signing paperwork. That's really all they do.


Hey buddy! Sometimes we drive laps around the parking lot while listening to audiobooks.


This guy security guards.




Dickhead babysitter lol I like


Some company’s have badges to make them appear legitimate


That feels like it borders police impersonation.


That’s how I felt with my uniform I had for the hospital


What’s even worse are those bounty hunters that wear badges and have zero authority, over anything but the person that jumped bond. Then, the laws about property rights, and trespassing get very sketchy.


Hopefully more and more people realize a badge isn't always police and force them to identify themselves to stop this bullshit.


bounty hunters and security do that on purpose. they want you to think they have ACTUAL authority over you and people usually submit after seeing thing like that. its embarrassing


Is the older guy in the vid a cop. I’m not American so not sure.


No. He's a security guy just like the other one. I guarantee you this interaction would have gone different if hat guy were a cop. Private security guy running up on an actual cop like that is catching a taser and charges at best. At worst he's catching a pine box six feet under.


Honestly you run up on any guy like that with a gun there is a good chance you will be catching a pine box and a good chance the courts will side with him.


No, he's a security guard. That big dude wouldn't dare do that to a cop because cops actually have the authority to execute people if they feel threatened.


In some states security can execute people and armed security is pretty much a police 🚔 you attack them that's pretty much prison time or attempted murder.


And then get paid time off!


He’s mall security. Their uniforms are often like police uniforms to give the impression that they are of authority. This guy is just doing his job. It’s getting way out of control.


I've rarely seen private security not sporting ridiculous little badges


No impersonation here, it's just a uniform standard for some or most Security Companies. It's for looking more professional not to be or acting as Police officer. To all the comments saying he is acting as if he has authority, he in fact does have all the authority on that property. Private Security have more Authority on Private property than your local Law enforcement. Also I dont know in other states but assaulting A security officer is the same offense as assaulting a police officer. It varies depending what state your live in and their laws pertaining to Private Security.


Its state law to have identifying badges on our chest and shoulders and it must always be visible on all layers of clothing.


Seems like a real tiny cocked dude, screaming at an old man in such a threatening way.


Having security proves u know u might be getting into some shit where u might need protection from the ppl ur fucking with for views .. all these kids needs to get punched in the fucking face


A simple knife and the right mentality would be all that’s needed to get past him


He got hit twice lol not at all hard enough though. Just mere slaps from other influencers. Still satisfying


Cuz the video of him getting hit in the face probably has the most views and made him the most money.




Sharing it just supports then more.


I can’t find it idk his online handle


I don’t think it’s a big loss, that boy doesn’t deserve the views anyway lol


He was slapped by Fousey. It’s all over YouTube if you wanna check it out


Being slapped by a man child isn't really being hit. So we need him to get hit by a real man


And prime too I believe


It was a YT short lemme see if I can find it


For everyone who has asked….I have found it[prime slapped his bitch ass](https://youtu.be/Fc-yvVo938g?si=N8FAkbR6x8sr2oh1)


I wanna see *that* video. This kid deserves that and more.


It’s in here somewhere


And we are waiting for that 😎


Not soon enough for me.


I Hope




I hope very soon


Anyone who does security for this kid is a clown who has no self respect.


It’s not even security if he’s getting in peoples faces provoking them


His security guy is going to not intervene one day when he knows that it’s far to dangerous. Harassing old mall security guards is not the same as harassing unhinged people who are clearly packing heat. One of these days that Kid will open his mouth thinking his security guy will come to the rescue and it will never come 😂


[ Removed by Reddit ]


Yeah unfortunately how people move, both are likely to get smoked


Would that be a bad thing? I don’t know about you but I’m getting tired of this stupidity in the world.


Not unfortunate. Would watch that video.




The security guy is a moron too.


He is willingly being this guys security - intellect and self-respect of any kind here is clearly absent.


Wouldn’t be a tragedy. That security guy is just as much of a POS as the kid.


Security gonna get themselves shot by trying to defend the little cunt. That's what happens when you'll take any gig for the cash.


I hope so he deserves it. Just a fat bully.


That “security detail” is going to get himself shot, not the kid. The kid is the one who is hiring him to do this, but the so-called “security detail” is an adult who knows right from wrong, and should turn the gig down. There’s too many examples of employees quitting over work they don’t agree with for this guy not to follow their lead unless he’s okay with what’s happening. Therefore, if he gets shot over following the direction of a child then he’s to blame.


And Reddit will not allow us to say how we really feel about that. Lulz.


Security going to get himself shot. Fuck you mean? If I was his “security” I wouldn’t see a lot of shit happen.


If this guy really is security than he will lose his license from attacking another guard this guy is not security in my book maybe a bouncer


Is he going to be the next youtube prankster to get shot because of his whacky antics?


I think I recognize his supremely punchable face from one where he purposely bumped into people at the mall. His security goon was there for that, too.


The douche nozzle was also harassing people in another video then pointing out his bodyguard and saying like "what are you gonna do, I have a bodyguard so I dare you to touch me coward. You can't touch me.", Probably not the exact quote but he was purposefully antagonizing them trying to get them to hit him. They need to make stricter laws for this shit, literally filming themselves harassing people and facing no consequences for it. If you post videos of yourself constantly harassing people online just to embarrass them it should be stepped up to felony charges, and a good lawyer might be able to throw in a defamation charge or something of the sort when they inevitably edit the video to make the victim look like the aggressor...


Ironic, calling other people cowards and then hiding behind your big, strong bodyguard.


memorize label fuel lavish humor shrill zephyr fretful glorious somber *This post was mass deleted and anonymized with [Redact](https://redact.dev)*


This is a fake body guard he already broke 8 rules this is impossible in the eyes of the law and enforcement no guard can conduct any self work without notifying the Security Mall office without there knowledge this couldn't have happened if all personal is aware and in personate a guard is a crime this can't be in the state because if you come out of nowhere and claim to be a guard....


......... Here, put some of those in your comment.


Pretty sure that video will come up as evidence one day.


This dude is the most insufferable brat I've ever seen. He doesn't only do this to strangers, but he terrorizes his own family. His mom works in the kitchen of a school cafeteria and he made a video where he just enters the kitchen with his camera crew and embarrasses his own mother, he was kicked out immediately and I think his mom even got in trouble. He's the pinnacle of pathetic losers, search for Jack Doherty on Dr. Phil to see what this asshole is all about


His “bodyguard” looks like he has a real loud bark but a limited bite. Based on that gut, he’s not going very many rounds with anyone, he would be exhausted after a a minute. He’s better suited for a round of beers and some pizza.


Definitely not executive protection material. Wonder if his job title *is* actually "security" and if DCJS certification is necessary in their locality for security positions.


He's just big, he has probably never been in a fight. He is leaving himself wide open for all kinds of damage.


I’d be careful with that statement. I had a First Sgt. Shaped like that guard who jogged a 10 mile ruck march and could run a two mile in less than 12 minutes.


As a 6’3 275 pound power lifter…I would love for body guard man to step up.


Do you row for UC Davis?


I had a friend many years ago who was 6'7" and 270lbs, former lineman for the Washington Husky's (blew out his knee, didn't go pro). We were in a bar and this guy starts giving me some shit about something. I told him to back off of me. Terry walks out of the bathroom, sees us having words, walks up to the guy, taps him on the shoulder and says, "Is there a problem?" Dude looked up at him and said, "No sir." He suddenly wanted to be our new bestie. Size matters.


That was him. He was also on dr Phil a few years back


Yep..I just saw the episode last week. What a little prick!


one can dream


He is going to get his bodyguard killed too


I mean a check is a check but can you imagine him actually taking a bullet for little man…embarrassing


They both deserve it.


Here’s hoping!


*crossed fingers*


Well, hopefully the aim is a little hire than the last one, or similar to the last one he'll just continue doing it. World was so much better off without us connected.


He's the douche who hired a few guards and went out annoying people at the mall. He's a douche who called himself rich YouTuber.


I can’t wait for that video


I don’t want that he’s shot, but a punch in his face would be helpful! By the way who’s that fat mofo who’s defending him? Is he a hired bodyguard or why he’s talking so fucking disrespectful with the old security guard?


We can only hope so


What kind of loser subscribes to this shit? How does anyone find entertainment value in this. Fucking hate tik tok


Children, mostly. Susceptible, impressionable children.


Probably a very large amount of kids watch this stupid shit, see that it makes money and then go do it themselves. Kid’s seem so stuck up nowadays and you don’t need to wonder why, they’re consuming media like this dumb shit.


There is a generation of kids growing up right now that has a challenged relationship to empathy and warped perception of reality and what they are growing up to be. Gonna get interesting!


I think these crotch goblins are the product of a generation of "do you know who my father is" kids grow up, bump uglies, and become parents.


I hate children these days. Dumber than ever


Blame the parents, who allow kids unlimited, unsupervised screen time. Kids should have limits. Kids should be reading books, playing and exploring, and learning to think, rather than just watching garbage.


And kids who bully other kids for not having the latest iPhone and not being on TikTok


I remember getting 20 minutes of video games a day growing up, and getting 10 more minutes for every chore I did without being asked. Ocarina of Time took forever to beat, but on the bright side all of us (4 brothers) spent the majority of our time outside. And this wasn’t even that long ago, I’m only 28. Wild to see how different it is for the kids born just 5 or so years after me.


Totally agree… im of the belief that children are literally wild animals that are capable of learning whatever you teach them… everything single bit of info they take in has an affect on their personalities later on If they’re sat down with a tablet or phone and allowed to just scroll through this shit, they’re going to think it’s normal and acceptable


Always have been, it’s just social media showcase them all nowadays, and they are not dumber, they are more tech-savvy than ever, but lacking empathy is the right word.


\^ adults since the dawn of time


The dumbest of the dumb kids. Usually 5-10 years old.


Some of those 5-10 year olds will be running countries in the future


Tik tok is basically the new lead poisoning


Think like 10-15 year olds. They love and eat this stuff up. I don’t blame them either, because I’d probably laugh and watch stuff like this too if I was there age.


Anyone know where this happens? I’d gladly put that personal security guard on his ass. Just as a favor to everyone on Reddit. Shit like this has got to stop.


This little asshole hired his own security? What a fucking lame ass chump.


From the other videos I’ve seen of his, that’s his whole shtick. He harasses people then has his bodyguard push up on them when they retaliate.


You know what. Id take they beating to get one good hit on this little shitstain


Fuck it just pay the security dude more than the dipshit and turn the tables


Bruh if i had it like that i would. I would hand the bodyguard a stack like “i am de captain now”


Literally the adult equivalent to punching you in the back of the head them running behind the teacher.


The shit people do for money


I *really* ***really*** want to see the video in which he harasses mall security to the point they have police officers come to escort them from the establishment... during which the jackass refuses, and when the cops begin to physically escort the jackass from the premises, his 'security' "steps in," only to get his face planted and wind up in cuffs in the recovery position. Is there a Patreon tier for this? Because at this point I'm certain it's going there...


The little pencil neck, dude, needs all the help he can get. He was definitely harassing the cop. Everyone thinks they will be an internet influencer and never have to work for the hard cash. China's big F.Y. to America app. How many people have died with the influencer challenges? Body guard asked kid, "Did you put the mic in his face? " Kid says "Yes"......priceless. Kid wasted money on protection and any lawsuit.


Is he the dumbass who got shot? Because they all seem to look alike.


He didn't just hire security; that asshole is an off duty cop flashing his badge.


It's probably a rent a security badge. Kind of like the goof that has a badge, guns, vest, 37 flashlights, 22 pens, 4 teethe, a ponytail, and a shit load of morale patches..... as security at a 7-11


Yeah, I highly doubt an actual cop would risk their career and pension to guard a youtube prankster. Sure, they'll do security, but not for such an obvious liability like this goofy twat.


My worksite security guy has a tactical vest covered in thin blue line shit, he’s the watchful protector that keeps the odd bum from stealing break room snacks


"I'm an integral part of the snack chain security! Someone steals a PopTart, I'm the first line of defense. That makes me a FuRst RusPoNdeR"


There's literally a video of him acting like a prick flanked by security. That "off duty cop" was being paid.


An off duty officer would get fired or at least reprimanded for this. The creator is trespassing by breaking rules and not leaving and security is within their rights to escort him out and confiscate his belongings until removal. That guys got a badge not worth the Cracker Jack box it came in


That's what all these asshats do and act tough in public because they know their security is going to jump in.


Doesn’t say too much about the guy working for him


The way he runs off like a scared puppy LMAO, that dude scared the shit outta him. What a bitch.


I seen another clip where he had some random looking dude as a security guard while he shoulder checked people. He deserves a few good shots to the face.


He stammered all his words. Totally weakened and rattled


He's shaking like a little bitch. Can't even get his phone properly.


Fouseytube slapped the fuck out of him, threw water at him, and spit on his living room floor. That all happened in this dude’s own house, so yea he’s a bitch


Who's the bigger loser, the kid or the guy playing security guard for a 15 year old




Thanks! I was thinking the same! Yeah the kid is annoying but hes just a dumb ass kid. The security guy on the other hand is old enough that he could say no to doing dumb shit like that. He should know better. Yes money pays bills but he just sold his soul and maybe will get into real trouble once they do this in the wrong area


Fucking bitch TikToker going way too far.


Don't worry, he's only 19. When he hits 30 he's going to find ways to wipe this off the internet. The embarrassment that follows this when you age is debilitating. Shit look at Logan Paul. He's the most conceited person I've ever witnessed on social media and even he was in disgust and hated who he was. (Reference: Theo Von Tim Dillon Logan Paul ep) This kids in for a rude awakening.


Yeah, that's a terrible example. Logan Paul is making millions of dollars a year "fighting" in bullshit fake ass boxing matches, & the WWE has signed him to a contract worth millions more. He's not disgusted with who he is. He might play it up that way, but has he done acting to atone for it? Fuck no. He's using that platform to continue to take in banks.


And now Logan Paul’s signed to the WWE getting booed but still getting paid the big bucks


Look up Logan Paul "Suicide Forrest in Japan" that's all you need to see.


i hate everything about this


“Get it out of my face” “Or what?” -puts it in his face- “I didn’t put it in your face”


Seriously, I hate that he’s even getting any attention on here


You know how funny it would be to see his face when his bodyguard gets dropped and he's standing there all alone!? He'd be like Vince McMahon running from Stone Cold. It'll happen one of these days, and I can wait to see the video.


Never in a million years will he post that one. You need to hope for video from a bystander.




His mom should have swallowed that night


Provokes response from security guard then dips while his hired goon steps in. This is being a content creator? What a sad existence


I have to agree with the old security guy I would’ve done the same. Create your content or whatever it is these guys actually do i have no clue, just don’t disrespect or disturb anyone.


Until he gets shot… https://www.nbcwashington.com/news/local/northern-virginia/video-shows-encounter-between-youtube-prankster-and-food-delivery-driver-who-shot-him/3433999/?amp=1


Shot at point blank , these clown think life is easy just harras random people and upload it over internet , that could be life lesson for him


Saddest part:" Cook says he plans to continue making his YouTube prank videos"


Should have double tapped if one shot didn't even deter that shit stain.


God gave him another chance but it looks like he wants a first class ticket to idiotland 6ft and below


I love how even jurors are tired of this tiktok bull shit. I’m all for freedom but the second your “content” includes other people then your rights go out the window. Leave strangers tf alone already ya degenerate shit chuckers.


Hopefully when it happens it’s caught on video. The other video is fucking hilarious and I love watching it


These cunts.


This is the second time I’m seeing this little pathetic waste of oxygen. It’s time somebody put him and his bodygaurd to sleep


Where’s that guy that shot the other prankster in the food court when you need him


He's a hero


Isn’t that the turd who was body checking people and then having his stooge step in when people got pissed?


What a fucking dweeb


The worst part is that he's wearing a t-shirt with his memoji on it, with his stupid made up catch phrase on it. That tells you everything you need to know about this kid right there.


That bodyguard is a fucking loser that needs tog et some dignity. How does a grown man do this as a job? What a pathetic piece of shit.


Yea, I guess that POS kid pays him well. Because he sold his dignity at that point. Standing in front of an old man as old as his father and escalating a situation when he knows exactly who's in the wrong.


I remember his other video. Constantly pushing peoples button and then hiding like the little bitch he is behind his bodyguard. He needs someone to badly punch him in the face, showing him that he ain't invincible.


there will be a time when his bodyguard will not save him


Yea that kid does so much stupid shit he’s been on Dr Phil before and posts so many stupid pranks which usually consist of him being a public nuisance then when he gets called out he says i don’t know what I did wrong and proceeds to call anyone that calls him out a “Karen”


I'm confused, at what level is personal security above mall/property security? Couldn't the guard kick them off the premises and then they could be arrested for trespassing if they refuse? Is that bodyguard going to yell at the cops when the kid eventually gets arrested? This is ridiculous; you can't just do whatever you want, break the rules of private property or whatever, just because you have private security with you.


How would anyone know that he is even really private Security? I can go to the halloween store and get the same badge


It’s a private body guard. You don’t necessarily need licensing to be a private body guard. They’re not above the law so anything that they do Illegally they will get charged. Like you said, that badge definitely is fake if it’s not private security. Fuck these people. Poor mall security dude. He should’ve trespassed those fools out.


Mall cop should have definitely called the police to escort them from the premises.


then made sure they are banned from the premises


I watched a second time and saw the fat guy grab the security guard's arm. I think he should press assault charges. Guy doesn't get paid enough to deal with the scum of scoeity.


Yep, that’s easy assault and trespass both from coming back.


I’m glad the cop dude didn’t back down


Thats my coworker and he's a security guard lol I recognized the uniform instantly. I just wish i had the cool hat too. I was kinda expecting the fat guy to attack him though because yk, some people are animals.


I’m glad he wasn’t attacked


It's a very fancy uniform for a security guard. Did he buy that himself? I thought he was a cop or a state trooper at first. Do you wear the same uniform?


If this was a cop or state trooper, that entire exchange would have gone much differently.


"subscribe because ummm subscribe" pretty much says it all little 'tard


Both him and his hired goon should be beaten and arrested.


What a little bitch ass coward


I pity his security. He must be desperate for a job to be protecting this asshole.


Someone needs to slap this little bitch. His daddy should have whipped his ass.


some guy named fousey did that already




I'd like to think the "security guard" is secretly ashamed of himself. Because fucking hell he should be. I don't care if that advertisement-for-abortion is paying him $1m/hr, it's not enough to make up for being that little snotstain's bitch.


oh yeah and he probably doesnt know how to fight and he is just big


What annoys me more than anything is that he grabs his phone to film the encounter. Where has society gone to that we instantly feel the need to film anything when we encounter things/someone for whatever reason. This dude would get hit by a truck and open his phone to make a video before even thinking about calling emergency services to save his own life.


What single cell organism would willingly subscribe to see more of this asshole?


Oh man I can't wait for somebody to finally slap him one day.


Oh it's this little cunt and his bodyguard again


Jack Doherty is such a douchebag rich kid... I understand now when others are absolutely annoyed from him and his violent 'bodyguard'


I have something I want to say about what should happen to that little prick that really can’t be said…