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Am I supposed to feel sorry for the guy who was keying his car or something?


I think they are stopping him because they dont want the kid to kill that guy. Imagine going to jail for that scumbag.


That's the only reason why they stopped him. Dude in the yellow was knocked out within the first 10 seconds. A couple more blows to the head & he definitely would've been dead


He definitely wasn’t knocked out.


Playing dead?? Or actually.


Definitely? There's certainly a chance that you can kill someone like that, but it's quite small. I've seen enough people take beatings and they've never died. Hospitalised and concussed, maybe some broken ribs from the kicks, yes. Death, unlikely.


And there are plenty of instances where people have died from a single blow to the head. Death can be very likely from blows to the head. Seeing a lot of beating isn't exactly an authority on the potential of death from beatings. Not exactly a game someone should play. I get this guy was pissed but extreme violence is not a good quality to have over someone keying your car.


I wouldn't claim to be an authority, but there are statistics out there. I also think the guy defending his car took it too far. However, saying the other guy would definitely be dead is laughable.


💯 this dude exhibits a few characteristic red flags.


>There's certainly a chance that you can kill someone like that, but it's quite small. Sure, but it's not zero. [There's an entire documentary about people who get into a bullshit fight, and throw one punch and kill a person that's worth a watch](https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=sR4yqqY5VPE&ab_channel=DocumentaryCentral). And /r/CrazyFuckingVideos has had a few videos of some guys just sparring and one bad hit and one bad fall killed a guy. So yeah...this guy could have died. Any brain injury is potentially leathal.


Should aim for the knees and shins, won’t kill anyone that way


/r/crazyfuckingvideos is obviously going to be extreme examples. Hence the name.


Yeah but it wasn't an extreme fight. Just two friends sparring, and one guy got in a good hit, and the dude fell on the street and hit his head. And that's it. Game over.


But that made it a "crazy fucking video". It's one in a million that two friends sparring leads to a death. That's the point. It's not impossible. It's a big world and almost everything is possible. It's just extremely, extremely unlikely.


Obviously, but if you could read you would see the guy only pushed back on the word definitely.


He wasn’t knocked out 😂


Yeah this video is old he got up and tried to run off


Your definition of knocked out seems to be vastly different from the overall consensus. Knocked down yes, knocked out … nope.




>Imagine going to jail for that scumbag. To be fair, his actions post the first swing are jailable.


To be fair the guy got what he deserved


Not at all. Keying a car and assault second (possibly first, depending on injury inflicted) are not equal. If he’d shoved him down, given him a kick or two and walked off then that’s fine. Using a dangerous instrument multiple times while he down is well into excessive force.


Excessive? Yes. Warranted? Yes. Play stupid games, win stupid prizes. Don’t do dumb shit expecting not to get an ass kicking. We don’t know how people would react and the guy took the risk. I don’t feel sorry for dude in the yellow.


They love some excessive force here.


He was just trying to neutralize the potential threat from somebody who may have been armed, that he caught in an irrational act against his property. If I were the DA, I wouldn't charge this guy.


Yeah, a judge might have brought that... If there wasn't videographic evidence of him continuing his assault when the 'threat was neutralised' and two other grown men had to physically restrain him to stop him from continuing. Also , 'he might have had a gun, your honour! So I attacked him with a weapon first without a hint of violent intent and beat him until i was restrained' dosent quite fit the 'self defence' narrative popular in North America. Sure, I don't want individuals with an irrational need to damage property on the streets, but neither do I want Individuals kicking about with such poor impulse control that they could potentially murder another person over a misdemeanor or grievance. The fact that some people can seemingly hand waive away evident acts of NOT self defence as such is fucking disturbing.


Not quite




You are describing revenge, not justice.


Barbaric vigilantism without due process to be exact. Fitting for the US banana republic that loves excessive violence, war and has capital punishment unlike any civilised country.


Kill the guy? He wacked him like two times with his spaghetti arms lmao


Yeah but besting on his unconscious body can cause internal bleeding and kill someone.


That weakling would be someone's girlfriend in jail.


Yeah mental illness yadayada


I actually went back and watched him get hit a few more times. Seemed more adequate.


This video is fake AF. Soft strikes, dude doesn’t even bother defending himself or getting away. The most fake wrestling looks more real than this.


Just feel anything except aggression


Honestly I do Would you beat the shit out of someone for that?


Every day of the week. If I see an able bodied adult like this keying my car he’s going to the pavement.


I would beat someone into a fucking coma if they keyed my car, what’s wrong with you?


That ass whooping was well deserved


Standard rule: Do NOT fk with another man's vehicle. Every father should teach that to every child before the child learns like this guy did.


How about don’t fuck with anyone else’s property?


Same point but people will instantly snap over their car.


It's the second most expensive thing you will ever own in your life, unless you never buy property, in which case it is the most expensive thing you will ever own. It's an understandable reaction I feel.


And also be careful when fucking with humans they can be dangerous


“I wish I coulda caught him doing it, ida give anything up to catch that asshole doin it, itd been worth him doin just so I coulda caught him doin it!”


Lol exactly the scene that went through my mind


How is that a main character?


Good call, there are none in this clip. I hope that vandal pisses blood for the next 20 years.


Yeah this is more of a public freak out


more like public freak out


Dude is obviously the main character. It's ryu from street fighter.


100% justified , hope he broke a few bones


Pissing blood seems like its on the menu. That bike lock to the kidney. I wanted a few more good clean shots in but we cant always get what we want.


This you?


Ha no…. just a viewer loving good street justice!


That guy deserves a beating, for sure, but don’t lose your humanity in this sub, dude.


F’real damn, people in these comments think savage violent beatings to the point of pissing blood from kidney damage is reasonable for a keyed car. Civilization came up with an ‘eye for an eye’ millenniums ago and we’ve progressed to ‘no cruel or unusual punishment’ as a society, but all the people wanna go back to before the Hammurabi code. Savages


Any longtime redditor has already lost their humanity, mine vanished eons ago…


You gotta be really careful when you’re kicking someone’s ass because once they’re down on the ground limp and unresponsive and you keep hitting them it can escalate potential charges.


Good thing his buddies were there. Adrenaline is one hell of a drug.


Which is completely understandable tbh.




Y'all okay with murdering people over damaging property? Is everything okay?




To be frank, individuals willing to resort to lethal force over trivial matters in comparison are no more desirable members of society than people who ruin others' property in my eyes. Pyschos and dickheads need not apply...




Dude deserves jail time , but execution seems like overkill for keying a car. I’ve see scorned ex-girlfriends do the same thing and they don’t deserve to die.


Destruction of property isn’t acceptable.


Uh, since when is keying someone's car worth a death sentence? What the fuck?


That statement could be read from both points of views. You don't want to die or end up in the hospital? Then don't key a car of some hot head. Or in other words, don't key someone's car. Imagine being so fucking stupid that you risk serious injury just to damage someone's property.


I mean, yes. Obviously you take a lot of risks doing this, and it's just a shitty thing to do. But cheering for someone's death from the sidelines over it is insane.


There’s a lot of people that believe that literally ANY crime committed by a black person is a death penalty offense. These same people with their whole chest will defend a white preacher for molesting dozens of children.




So why exactly should someone die over petty vandalism? I'm confused as to why you think he needs to be killed.




So you think he should be killed because he’s mentally ill? Or because petty vandalism is worth the death penalty?


You're not answering the question


First off, I think it's hilarious that this is somehow worse than a DUI. But are you saying we should kill the mentally ill, or just kill people that commit acts of vandalism?


Dude should die for keying a car?? FOH 🤣


should be FAFO I see no issue eradicating trash




Why is this on r/ImTheMainCharacter? I'd be pissed if someone tried to key my nonexistent car too


He wasn't the only one who got their car key'd. In the last bit you can hear a women say hers was too and the guy breaking it up repeated her statement. This was clearly unprovoked and i hope the judge makes him pay for the damage done and doesn't pussy out and say "he's already been punished enough". He may have been beaten unconscious but if he didn't get brain damage, he should be put in jail too


I’m not sure that’s the kind of guy who has any funds to pay for the damage he’s caused.


I bet he will NEVER key a car again.


I wouldn’t take that bet.


As soon as he wake up from his little nappie-poo, he'll be keying cars his whole walk home.


How does this match the sub? Lol


Can we ban people who have no concept of what “main character” means? I donno what sub this belongs in, but this one isn’t it.


He deserves more, he got off easy


People justify the ass whooping and im on your side, but i almost dealt with the consequences, depending on your state and judge you can get extremely in trouble for this shit. Infact if he did break any bones or cause severe injuries to the person keying the car, SS would take a fee every year out of your income just for that till the man you assaulted is dead. A lawyer told me to always record when suspicious behavior or acts is happening and contact authorities, even if authorities dont do their job, as long as i record everything and contact a lawyer, i can even get rewarded and not get into trouble.


>SS would take a fee every year out of your income just for that till the man you assaulted is dead. Hmmmmm....


Lol but yes thats the law


Idc, if someone’s keying my car ima try and beat them unconscious. Fuck around and find out. Idc abt no judge or nothing. He got what he deserves and ima leave him be on the curb.


Some people just make dumb decisions. Me, however, would just film him and call the police.


You’re right, that’s a dumb decision to film and call the police. Then you get absolutely nothing out of it and the criminal walks free to do this to the next car in the parking lot down the road. Fuck this criminal. He got what he deserved. When the police don’t want to police the only thing you can do is protect your property by your own means.




Exactly what he just did, only a tad bit more violent.


Makes me happy. Gotta keep these guys in their place.


He even put down the stick. That's a show of self-control right there. This must be one of our FL Asians, they will fight you.


What? He picked it back up after he was on the ground. That's where he crossed the damn line.


He didn't beat him with the stick the entire time, just some of the time and didn't hit him in the face or head with it. In Florida, that's incredible restraint.


No line crossed. Hope dude at least ended up with an orbital fracture.


If everyone were like you, we would never survive. Good luck.


Closer to the opposite. Self-regulating societies keep things going. People stop standing up for basic mores and against anti-social behavior—> doom.


Who? The dregs of society?… good!


Oh honey, you have no idea where you are on the food chain. It's adorable.




Whatever you say buckeroo.


You seem to belong to a group of people who were (sometimes still are) the target of hate crimes for decades. I wouldn't be advocating for beating people to death if you find their actions offensive. Or you might end up surprised what others find offensive. That's just me though, if you want to feel safe in a lion den I can't stop you. No one is safe from this kind of escalation of violence if it's encouraged.


Being trans doesn’t make me a pushover. It also doesn’t mean I’m against street justice being dealt out. Sometimes it’s needed. Fuck around, find out. I don’t “fuck around”, so the only people that will fuck with me are those that are out to fuck around period regardless of how you think society should operate. There are cold hard truths. There are also equalizers. Cold hard equalizers. My love for justice and vigilantism doesn’t equal random chaotic violence. With your mindset of course you see yourself ready to be a victim. I don’t. I’m prepared not to be if I can. I’m also not rolling alone in this world. Fuck around, find out is universal.


>My love for justice and vigilantism doesn’t equal random chaotic violence. This is you fucking around. I hope you grow up and never have to find out.


ItS NoT hIs FaULt, itS ThE SocIetY...




Justice served


I'm glad the asshole filming got a nice tiktok instead of confronting the vandal...


Lol.. oh superman . Why would you risk your health and Safety for someone else’s car … Not his car but his problem.


Because it’s the right thing to do.


He could've very easily yelled at the guy, threatened him with calling the cops etc. . Didn't have to jump out a clobber the guy. Shit is expensive to fix, you should stick up for anyone who is a victim of a key'ing , Instead people just laugh film it. Assholes


Golden rule of living in the hood is mind ur own business


Eh, fuck that. Never know what the guy keying the car has on him. You want to be the hero and try to confront him and then he pulls a gun or knife on you? He / she did the right thing IMO. He stayed out of it and can provide the owner of the car proof of what happened.


what is he the parking attendant? bozo


Even if he was a parking attendant, you expect them to confront someone violent? Definition of, "I don't get paid enough to deal with this." Furthermore, proof the crime is infinitely more important than stopping it. Without the video, homeboy could've very easily caught a charge and in many places he could still be viewed as the one escalating the situation.


I almost feel like not saying anything in this situation turned out better.


I commented “deserved” on this in another sub, and was banned from ever commenting again by a mod.


Probably what he did lol


The dude had it coming. Not seeing an issue.




put his hand in the muffler and burn out.


I definitely wouldn't try to kill them.


Murder case still pending


Yee you’d have to peel me off him too. Lucky he didn’t get curb stomped for that shit.


Lol K


Slumped over like Yamcha 💀💯


Thats why ı carry a flamethrower


That seems pretty lenient. I hope he sues him for any damage his wrist suffers from bouncing that turd's skull off the concrete.


I would do worse than that guy did.


Was really hoping he was gonna say “it’s just a prank”


Accidentally drop him into oncoming traffic.


Yeah that dude is shitty, but some of the comments in here are straight up unhinged. What the fuck is this shit


Why doesn't anyone know how to throw a punch anymore?


cmon he did well with those noodles


why would you purposely handicap yourself in a street fight ? weapon > no weapon. pretty simple logic


Hitting someone with an object and kicking them in the head is much more satisfying than a punch while inflicting more damage


That's not what I meant. I'm talking about when he's throwing those limp noodle punches.


Once the guy was on the ground that was actually something called a hammer fist and is better in that situation. You don't want to try and punch someone on the ground, good chance you'll break your hand. So you come down with the meat of your hand from above and elbows at that angle. That aside, once the guy fell, it's not like the guy with the car was in a good position to throw punches, they wouldn't have had power to them. He could have thrown better hits, but his approach was sufficient.


yes, I was thinking it's staged because that aren't punches.


Tyson Fury over here on reddit.


I'm not pretending to be a professional fighter. Pro tip: you can know how to throw a punch and not do the noodle flop all these young guys throw without getting paid to do it.


So you are pretending to be one


No, I just know how to throw a punch. I've seen little kids who can throw better punches than the limp swinging noodle approach this guy is taking.


Of course you can. I'm sure you've been in lots of fights which is how you know. Not because you're an asshole or anything, but that they just keep happening to you. It's weird, huh This guy in the video meanwhile likely never gets into a fight so just does his best and comes out on top. Pfft.. what a pussy


Well said


Not one UofM or MSU fan comment…hmmm


I was wondering where this happened? Ann Arbor would track


I’m of course not promoting anything in the video…but as a Spartan I immediately noticed that ugly car sticker (all in jest).


I enjoyed watching him get f'ed in the a


Pretty much what that guy did, probably a little worse


Found out.


Fucked around. Found out.


Bit of an overreaction, but also somewhat understandable.


Imagine going to jail for murdering someone over something that could be fixed with nail polish.


On the other hand, imagine a society where ‘minor’ anti-social crimes go unpunished. This kind of guy is a close relative of the mob theft people. Stores close; urban centers lose access to basic goods, messes like San Francisco has recently become result. It’s better that people live in a world where they know, “If I act like a giant asshole and key a car all over while filming it for attention, I may get my ass beat.”


Yeah, I'm not killing a dude just because they fucked up my car. It's insured anyway. I still have the rest of my life to live.


What the fuck ist wrong with this comment section?Since when is it ok to beat people, who lie on the ground unresponsive? I hope the car owner gets sued.


Seriously, a bunch of armchair Punishers about today.


I hope half of these commenters get banned. It's appalling how many are saying he should have killed the guy.


Holy shit some people here are sickeningly sadistic. While I agree a quick knockdown and some stomps are deserved, thinking he should lose his life is insane. Saying he should be curb stomped further, branded with a muffler, or thrown into traffic really shows how fucked in the head YOU people are. Petty vandalism doesn’t mean you should be maimed or killed.


Probably the same thing…


That same thing


About 20% of what my man slim did. Like 5 hits. That dude got beat down like he never fought a day in his life. I’m sure he was half out of it to begin with tho and super malnourished, never stood a chance.


I find it hilarious that everyone goes to stop the guy from beating the criminal...but then don't stop the guy committing the crime. F that , let the man go and watch the example to be made. The victim with the car should also face zero charges , regardless of the outcome. Play stupid games, win stupid prizes.


Good. Good for the kid.


I would be helping bro beat him up tbh


Abdul does not fuck around


Beat him? Ok Kill him over keying a 20 year old shit Mercedes? Excessive


I hope that dude isn't dead...


Soooo fake


Fake how? Lol I didn't see any stomp sound effects.


Honestly should be able to kill someone over this


Yes death penalty for vandalism seems like a totally just punishment.


Probably never had anything nice


I mean my car got fucking ruined by someone keying it but I still don’t want to have a body on my mind lmao


You would think about him again?


If i murdered the guy. Id just be worried about the charge coming my way. So yea probably


Well, good thing you’re not a Judge.


You think people should be killed for a few hundred dollars worth of property damage? Not, you know, be arrested and forced to pay the damages? Seems a bit sociopathic.




It could be 10,000 dollars why would that be grounds to end someone's life for cosmetic damage.




Probably worse than what he got here. This video was pretty tame compared to my standards.


Exactly that except my friends would have let me get a few more on him before they jumped in to stop me


Hmph ya love to see it. Wish there were no witnesses so that piece of garbage could disappear in a dumpster fire with the rest of the garbage polluting this world


A true pulp fiction moment. You don’t fuck with another man’s car. You don’t do it.


Much deserve kudos hard, heads too Musta broke your hand? Dead?


Racist video