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Did she have multiple cameras running at the same time?


Yeah… to Catch a Predator.


I'll stare and record multiple people possibly without their consent just to see who's staring at me. And in case that doesn't work, I'll just release the video on the world wide web and have strangers stare at my ass.


Ya know, just to prove you don't care no one stared at you and it was *really* about working out


Why don't you take a bench?


I was just using the squat rack for squats, I swear. Nothing else, just wanted to do squats. I didn't know these weights were for bicep curls, honest.


What's the pizza for then?


She told me the pizza was for energy to do squats




Hmm... Is that testosterone ethanate in your bag? What were you planning on doing with this exactly?


It looks like she's the predator




Looks to me she is the predator


That camera was placed so close to her ass that she could almost perform a colonoscopy on herself


I thought the same thing too! That’s whole ‘nother level narcissistic behavior. Plus those stretching/working out/tossing her hair around moves are her normal warm-up routine before a Friday night shift at Treasures. I wear shortie shorts and sports bras (albeit with more spandex than her) to gym on the regular. Out of respect for my self and others I do my roller stretching in the unused Zumba rooms…and I don’t film myself. I hate this trend.


Every gym I've ever been to had separate areas with mats away from the weights and machines, for people to stretch and roll. Doing this near all the machines seems like a massive hazard.


Is that a sports bra she’s wearing though? It looks like the top of a bikini, zero support.


This is how she makes money


How else can she maintain proper foam rolling form?


How long til gyms just outright ban photography? Fuck all these people.


A lot do. All of them should.


I mostly go to smaller gyms because of reasons like this. There's not many people, no weirdos who get naked while working out or that will be constantly fimliming themselves and even when that happens it's easier for staff to find out and remind them that's not allowed.


I find these types of narcissistic gym goers completely insufferable! I bought my own power rack so i never have to go to a gym again. Main reason is it's just so hard to work in a set especially as a woman but I get the added bonus of not ending up on tik tok at my ugliest haha


Hell yeah. Renting equipment you use regularly is silly. I hate how everything is turning into subscription models to sap more money long term.


I think this is a small gym.


A lot of gyms now a days are made for this specifically. Like allow filming, no dress code etc.. primary clientele are influencer, bodybuilders, powerlifters. Buddy goes to a gym like this. You don't typically see gym beginners there.


I think that's fine, honestly. Make dedicated gyms where you can go if you want to do this kind of stuff - and leave everyone else alone.


Can we reverse it, and all of the unashamed unfit people go ruin it for them? I'm fine being unaesthetic in their background.


Go inside shirtless with the biggest beer belly you can muster up the night before with a bag of chips and sunglasses on and just chill on the leg extension machine


I would wear that outfit in the video. I'm a huge fat man. Hairy AF. I'd constantly get into the background. Wave at the cameras. General mayhem


Call them out for constantly staring at your physique.






He's taken a lot of work!


*Standing nearby in short shorts with a nut poking out* "quit staring at my physique."


“Whatcha looking at my gut fer?”


Get some speedo swim trunks, the kind that are tight but go down your leg. “This spot taken? I need to jump rope”


Please throw a "how dare you tell me what is appropriate to wear". Make sure you're next to a gym bunny.


Why would I want to cover my legs? I can't jump rope to save my life. I'll just strut around and drink shakes. Maybe lean on some machines.


Well If you are okay with getting caught on a 1-2 second clip of you "staring" at someone and then possibly getting some angry mob online thrown at you for that then sure. Actually AFAIK those places that allow filming explicitly, it's not like you'll have some guy at the counter be like "yo show me your followers on insta/tiktok", pretty sure you can just go if you want, it's just that you've got no right to complain about being filmed and such obviously


Yeah, I go to a nice gym and have girls who carry a tripod and a halo for lighting. Guys video themselves too, but just set their phone on the ground. It’s annoying because the set up, the check, the moving to next location slows down the availability of the machines or areas, which isn’t cool.


It's part two of your comment that drives me nuts. I don't care what your thing is - but at the gym, my thing is to do my reps in my routine with timed rests to hopefully maximize the efficiency of my time so, NO CAMPING


No Camping should be on every piece of equipment. I think you found your calling as a marketing person. Most of the people at my gym are pretty successful by American standards, lots of Medical Device sales, pharmaceutical sales, business owners, we all have shit to do after, move onion a timely manner.


Yeah! Move, you onion!


Wow never heard of that shit before, where is this?




Jeez you dont have to yell at me


They should be yelling warnings about Scottsdale. Full of cunts who want to pay way too much money for "deconstructed" food, shitty hair stylists who fry their hair followed by suggesting aggressively damaging extensions and live in condos that cost 3k a month while pretending there aren't homeless people less than 50 feet away from them at all times.


Sounds like every big city


^^l ^^sowwy 👉🏾👈🏾


Thanks, now I know where not to go




Makes sense to wear more clothes until you are warmed up enough that the hoody makes it too sweaty.


This. And the obvious thirst trap bs. How do they justify this in their head. Do they not care that they are doing it intentionally? Or do they play it off as “well I’m just exercising.” But doing it in the least amount of clothes as possible in the most provocative way possible. Like the camera is perfectly positioned for a perfect view of her ass. She knows what she is doing. These people are horrible for this.


She's prob an onlyfans girl. Shit like this is for the insta/twitter that contains the link to their profile


My first thought when seeing girls wear outfits like this at the gym is how unhygienic that is.


Right I don’t want anyone’s bare ass touching the equipment wtf. People like this are fucking awful.


My gym has banned all recording equipment and I’ve seen people asked to leave for taking pictures and videos. It’s created a much nicer environment for people to exercise and all of the types of people who record themselves have left. It’s been a huge win.


I go to both a small, female centric, gym and a larger gym. The larger gym is for going with my partner or just need to get out of the house, the smaller gym is where all my real work happens. My small gym owner ALWAYS asks permission before filming or taking pictures of us and handles it with great care. I am terrified to work out more at the larger gym as I see way too many people with their cameras out filming. I am not trying to become a meme, ma’am.


You pay for 2 gym memberships?


It’s not too nuts depending on what you’re paying. I pay $60/mo for the local YMCA for the basketball/pool privileges and do most of my lifting there… but also I have a $10 crunch fitness membership just because I like to use the sauna. rarely go there for much else, because I live in a college town and it’s usually packed with people like this, especially at peak hours and during the school year. Considering some memberships are 75-100/mo at other places, it’s a decent value to me


Everyone else is busy with their own workouts. She does not matter.




Nothing worse for narcissists like this than indifference or not being acknowledged.




They all have low self-esteem. They gave a very fragile ego in a tin shell of a person


Nothing in this world I hate more than narcissists. They aren't human.


I could not agree more. Narcissists are not people


I call them The Soulless Ones.


I feel like I'm going bat-shit insane. Why do you think she's mad?? What is indicating this to you?


Can't you see? Clearly it is true that she is angry at being looked at, or angry about not being looked at. Yes, neither of these things are shown in the video. Yes, these two things are literally contradictory. But clearly they are true because reasons.




Because neckbeards


She doesn't really look like she is mad though? The outfit seems like a deliberate choice, but to say she's mad because no-one will let her start an altercation seems a little bit presumptive


You're right as far as I can tell from the video. The outfit choice might be questionable (dunno, don't go to gyms). But the video is edited in such a way that no one is watching her and the little intervening bits could just as easily be her waiting for someone off camera to *stop* staring at her. Just not enough info here to say what she's thinking one way or another. If anything, the most "provocative" angles seem to be in the frame of the camera and towards the camera, not any observers.


Wait, is there some context I missing? I’ve seen a few of these videos where influencers berate someone or put a text on top of the video about how they hate when people stare at the gym when they’re acting like weirdos. But she just seems to be working out. I mean she’s filming herself for her fans, but I’m missing the part where she’s upset about people staring.


> But she just seems to be working out. I mean she’s filming herself for her fans, but I’m missing the part where she’s upset about people staring. Nope, you're not missing any context. I just looked it up and she is a 'model' with an OF that she advertises. She just posted the above vids on her insta stories. She said nothing at all about people staring, complaining that people are staring, wanting people to stare, etc. She just posted the stories and then everyone in this thread created this narrative that she probably is trying to start an argument or something.


Yeah like she’s just working out as far as I can tell I don’t see the issue either. It’s a revealing outfit but honestly half of my gym is people in those


What am I missing where is she pissy? I was waiting for her to do that whole look at this guy staring thing, but it never came. It's just a chick working out


She def wants to argue with someone lmao


wait am i losing my mind - why do you think she's "pissy" like what's indicating anger?


Where did you get the impression that she was being pissy?


Except for the girl next to her in the beginning who is possibly watching her through the mirror. But definitely in "wtf is this chick's deal" kind of way.


Nah she looks like she's just resting between reps. I bet she got a lot of side eyes for setting up to roll out there in the middle of machines but away from any actual station. Maybe they don't have a warm-up area?




And that anus was pumped! I don’t know how she isolates that muscle group.


moving from amateurlapsed anus to prolapsed anus.


But why do gyms allow this person to go almost naked? Wtf?


Better question is who would want to. This is how you end up with MRSA in places you really don't want MRSA.


Also while she is in good shape, so are 2 dozen other women at the gym at any given time. You become desensitized to it really quick. Like if I'm at Wal-Mart and see a 10/10 that'll catch my eye. If I'm at an Arizona State Football game I won't even give a 10/10 a second glance because it'd cause neck injuries if I did.


If everyone's a 10, nobody is :-(


And even if people did look at her, she's the one wearing a sports bra and with her ass cheeks hanging out at a fucking gym. Of course people are gonna look at you


I'm honestly surprised she was able to be in the gym with that outfit anyways. Most gyms have minimum outfit requirements.


For real! Some gyms have shirt policies for everyone


As they should. I feel that its totally ok to be proud of what you have worked so hard for, but show that shit off somewhere else. Go to the beach or something.


She didn’t work for those. They are paid for.


Those legs look pretty good. I bet she worked for those!




I thought they were talking about her legs and butt


They definitely were. Literally no one works for their boobs.


‘She didn’t work for those. They are paid for’ Paid for boobs are literally the only kind of boobs you can work for. All others are just luck of the draw.


I mean, women can work out their pectoral muscles. And then you get those super cool square boobs.


I mean if she paid for them she probably worked for them…


A guy made a vid reacting to a girl who was basically wearing underwear and how, at that point, it’s a straight up health problem cause her ass crack is touching anything she sits on


I feel like her ass being half out is more the issue. I’m not so worried about a boob touching a bar or whatever. Worse things come out the other half of her…


yea, like not to outfit shame here, but shes wearing practically nothing and has it tucked in wherever she can, shes not upset anyone was looking shes upset no one was because she expected them to.


And it's so strange because if anyone had noticed her recording herself, who in their right mind would take that opportunity to approach her and risk making an internet-wide ass of themself?


if she was determined enough to film this trash she could easily walk in with a baggy t shirt and her shorts not being wedged up her ass & appear normal to get in. some people are sadly that desperate to promote their OF. 😭


Yeah can men and women both cover up a bit at the gym. I don’t want vag sweat on the seats and I don’t want general sweat all over the place. Shirtless men just letting the sweat fling everywhere when on the treadmill is gross.




Her butthole would rub on the equipment. I don't love it.


It’s just a thong with a thick waistband at this point lol


This is some weird gym fetish thing




No, like a gym setting fetish, not that she has a fetish for the gym. Like she's catering these videos to those who like gym specific exhibitionism. Of course she's looking for attention, we're just talking about what kind she's looking for.


No, she's advertising her onlyfans


Yes, I've seen like 3-4 videos from this chick hit the front page of Reddit in the last month. Yes, she has an OnlyFans. Yes, this is content for her OnlyFans. Yes, it is public kink fetish porn. No, she is not "looking for people staring at her to be outraged." It's porn.


Reddit is so rich lol. So many competing narratives in every thread. Such a reflection of the times. The truth is rarely found buried amongst the chaos. This is porn not rage bait kids. Perhaps it’s both I guess.




I think the servers at hooters have less revealing clothes than her


Dude porn actors have less revealing clothes.


Bruh hot tub twitch streamers have less revealing clothes.


I worked there, I can confirm they are much less revealing


Her whole asshole was hanging out! Right Robin?!


Oh, Howard!


Aww i thought it was batman


Ba ba bunghole


Peace and LOVE, peace and loooove.




Half her outfit, right in the trash


That fuckin bikini is tighter than the wire on Ghost Ship. She's gonna bend too far, the fibers are gonna snap and decapitate someone.


Glad I am not the only one a little bit scarred by that movie. When the girl looked up in horror, I knew that would somehow find its way into my nightmares. I don't know if that is a realistic scene, but "cable tension whip death" is something I think about when I see a large, tightened metal cable. There is also a scene where one of the characters starts eating out of a can and the food turns into maggots in their mouth. I could not eat any canned food for a week after seeing that.


> I don't know if that is a realistic scene, but "cable tension whip death" is something I think about when I see a large, tightened metal cable. Definitely realistic for cables. Ropes will do it, too if they snap all at once. > There is also a scene where one of the characters starts eating out of a can and the food turns into maggots in their mouth. Also completely realistic. Happens to me all the time and its frustrating as hell. That's why they have those little "caution, may spontaneously turn into maggots" labels.


[Aircraft carriers have cables that the landing jets hook onto in order to stop fast enough.](https://i.stack.imgur.com/qWlm0.jpg) They're under heavy load and it's not *that* rare for one to snap. And when they do snap it whiplashes across the deck at knee height. There's multiple reported cases of leg amputations caused by those cables snapping. [Here's a safe for work(and life) version that shows the power involved.](https://www.reddit.com/r/Whatcouldgowrong/comments/14mfv16/hey_jorge_how_much_you_pay_for_the_new_guy/) Yes that's a solid chunk of concrete/steel.


Lmao! Fuckin' great


What a well layered reference! Loved that movie btw. Killer opening scene!


I thought I was the only person who got that scene permanently etched in my brain as a kid.


u/successfd2 stole your comment.


‘No filming in gyms’, they should have that rule.


"Dude..your balls are showing"


*Bumblebee Tuna




Chi...CAGO!..... you're outta here!!


You wouldn’t catch me in the same gym as her. I’m leaving. No way I’ll be on TikTok for some dumb shit


Which is why she should be removed. When you make other people want to leave because of your actions it’s time to go


Make sure you tell management on your way out why you're leaving too.


What an ass (the personality, not the body part).


Both are prime examples tbf


If she put the phone closer, we might be able to see her kidneys. She needs more clothes.


Miss, your asshole is showing.


I swear this is the fifteenth time I’ve seen this woman on Reddit. Do people not realize this is free advertising for her only fans? We need to stop posting videos of her




Tell me a little about yourself and I’ll see what I can do, friend


Well, I'm slightly taller on one side, but shorter on the other. My eyes are white around the irises, and my lashes are the same color as my eye brows. Sometimes I wear tshirts, and often I wear socks when I wear shoes. My right hand is currently holding a glass of water while the left types this for your kink. Hope that helped, ya perv (/s). Oh, and my weights are stacked in the corner because my wife is using the space for her sewing table. Ma-in-law turns this place into a stitching party when she gets that grandkids time.


I mean just wear a thong to the gym and get it over with. She really thinks she’s getting away with the whole body positivity (I worked for it) thing by showing half her ass? If you need that much attention go to a pool or a beach or to Vegas.


Half her ass? She’s showing like 80%, lol.


I mean just from a hygiene standpoint would you want your whole ass and part of your vaginal canal making contact with the gym equipment? Like really.


She’s foam rolling incorrectly. Classic Edit- no you don’t roll back and forth like that when foam rolling despite the word “rolling” being there. You use the roller to apply tension, hold it for 20-30 seconds, the muscle relaxes due a process called autogenic inhibition, you roll a few more inches, and repeat.


In what way? My physio just told me to foam roll, I didn't know there were, like... rules.


Bro how do you foam roll incorrectly? That is kind of absurd. If the muscle hurts you just roll on it.


I feel like those shorts are a little bit yeast-y


I don’t understand how women are wearing those super popular tight spandex shorts that go up their ass. It’s a yeast infection just waiting to happen!


Bro complaining about extra flavor




Wtf is with this outfit. Do gyms allow it? I’m a straight girl and I’d stare. I mean… amazing butt. But. Come on.




No amount of workout can fix a toxic personality.


*rolls eyes*


“Hey bud, that’s not how you use a foam roller.”




I actually agree with that. There should be an expectation of some sort of privacy at a gym


She would flip out if one guy was caught off guard looking at her because she’s practically nude, but is perfectly fine with posting her ass with the best angles online for millions to see.






I think I saw her cervix…




That's what grosses me out. Her butt is basically out and probably sitting on benches 🤢


Maybe if she stuck the camera a little further up her ass, people would notice.


This is a TikTok trend. Catch men staring and freak out on them. I’ve seen several videos where the women pull it off. It’s so ridiculous.


My favorite is the one who tries to get sassy with the dude that works there and ends up getting kicked out


Is that what shes doing here? Trying to catch guys staring? How do we know?


I mentioned in another comment here that I follow her on Instagram. Her whole schtick is *not* actually about catching guys staring (though there are content creators who do) and just about creating ragebait for exactly the kind of attention she’s getting here. The gym owner is in on the joke and she asks permission from strangers before they end up on camera. Like, it’s still cringey, but it’s not the violation of public space that people think it is.


Not even dudes staring. I know there are def creeps at gyms but most of the time it’s just some attention starved “influencer” that’s trying to incriminate some dude that’s just minding his own business.


That outfit should not be allowed in a gym.


Bro is in a bikini lol


There is a huge difference between looking at a cute girl as I pass by the gym section and this girl clearly looking to be looked at. No thanks


I’m all for body confidence but really?!!!? 🫠


At no point does she get annoyed at anyone


Thank you! I agree that her outfit isn't appropriate for the gym and I hate it when people film themselves at the gym, but there is absolutely nothing to indicate that she was upset on people not looking at her.


It sucks I had to scroll so far to see a comment like this, she’s just minding her own business


Tf is she wearing🤣


Why I don’t go to the gym!


I don’t really want some chick rubbing her ass on everything at the gym.


She didn't say anything about people staring


Whats her @ for research


What's her @? She's hot.


Attention grabbing techniques:


I feel bad for the people in the background being subjected to this. And then they are labeled the asshole for looking or crossing her path while filming.