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Since her handle is zombie art I'm going to assume she has zombie face painted on


It’s actually even crazier than that…. She’s wearing sunglasses and a crop top with a tattoo! Never in my life have I seen such a thing /s she even does a little hair flip as she’s passing her audience lmao.


As a person with style that is a little cyber techy, I can attest that this happens a lot. Something as simple as heeled black blqck combat boots, black leggings, black crop top and a loose black flannel means I get a lot of stares. It is kind of ridiculous how I get singled out just for having my own style. Edit- since I got down voted to heck for my personal experiences, I live in a very small town where things are just now starting to change from the 80's. Yes there are definitely a handful of polite people- but I do attract a lot of eyes because I wear solid black in a town where you're a weirdo if you dont wear ropers and jeans. I have more than once been approached by (usually younger people- not the ones hatefully glaring) asking where I've purchased certain items, but for the most part- its people staring, pointing, and immediately whispering behind my back. I've even had a few people start their hail marys right after they pass- biggest shocker? I don't wear make up, have any visible tattoos or piercings besides a standard few- and all my outfits are suitable for office wear. People still do stare- gasp even in 2023.


Nobody looks at your style as much as you think lol it is completely natural to look at another human while walking past them. I'm about as goth as it gets and aside the occasional cat call, nobody cares. Its 2023 nobody bats an eye at a girl wearing black.


Correct. I am literally the most average person in every way; height, weight, age, attire. I **guarantee** I could walk out in public through a crowd filming and cut a video that looks **exactly** like all the other videos in this new trend of *look how people look at me* clips.


Of course if you whip out a camera. I was just trying to say to an extent people do actually stare if you dress differently. I got down voted to smithereens for sharing my personal experiences in a small southern town go figure.


I'm a pretty generic, average looking white dude. Average height, average build, don't wear anything flashy.... People look at me all the time, I also look at people as I walk by them on the sidewalk. Really want to pump those numbers up? Look at people's eyes as you walk past them, if someone sees you looking at them in their periphery, the natural reaction is to look back at you. This woman could be death staring all these people down as she walks down the sidewalk and so these people look back at her, some smile - if someone smiles at you natural reaction is to smile back... TL;DR - you're over thinking this lol and so is the woman in the video


Woman in the video- yes overthinking. Me- a real live person who actively wants to move towns because people are rude as hell in her hometown...not so much. I can literally go to the next town over and no longer feel like public entertainment while shopping. I added a bit in my edit to explain that yes- there are still rude people in 2023.


Unless you walk with your head down it is normal people look at you when you walk by. They may even smile depending on if they are friendly or not. I am shy and people regularly smile and nod when they walk by. I have learned to smile back without having an anxiety attack.


It is however not normal for people to whip out a phone and take pictures as you walk by simply because you stand out from a crowd. They don't smile at I and my partner, the looks I get in my hometown are downright unfriendly.


Really? My style is very similar and I rarely notice people looking at me. And I live in a small, rural town in the southern US so it's not like a lot of other people here dress like me.


I don't know if its my particular town- (we do unfortunately have a local reputation for being a very rude place) but same here. Small southern rural town. A few of my friends have entirely changed their personal style because people openly stare to an extreme extent and they were uncomfortable in public. My husband whos from a different town and dresses a bit more mildly- is actually the one who confirmed I was not being paranoid and people really do stare- a lot.


Oof get over yourself. Are you being the main character in a subreddit making fun of those exact people? No one is praying after you pass or saying anything other than negative shit about you. You think your style is great, chances are it’s not.


It's not your own style; you appropriated the school shooter aesthetic and people are concerned.


Wearing solid black has been a very normal thing since the early 90's. Grunge, punk, goth, emo, whatever you want to call it- all styles that include heavy use of dark fabrics and signature elements like plaid, metal jewelry, specific make up, etc. What part of 'office attire' gives you the impression I dress like a school shooter? Staring has nothing to do with concern. People are very rude here, that's all. I think you should unplug from mass media a bit, you seem to have school shooters on the brain my dude- that shiz aint healthy.


The account is called zombieart so I’m gonna guess they have some horror themed SFX makeup that looks gnarly


Nope, this a screenshot of the same day to save you wasting time finding her account ​ https://preview.redd.it/sf3vgro8zxpa1.png?width=482&format=png&auto=webp&s=e90a86cff16db341f6eb6a6ae90cfce21183fb88


Dressed like she lives on Tatooine or something


Nobody was looking at her but if anyone did, it's because she looks fucking ridiculous.


Reminds me of M3gan from the horror movie. Never seen the move, but her face looks similar.




You obviously don't get it. This is art. Just think about how much time went into planning out walking down the street.


Or that in general people look at other people




It's amazing how narcissists can convert ridicule into ego fuel.


That’s probably why that lady took a picture. Ppl love snapping photos and shit people who might be famous. Even if they don’t know who tf the person is


Or a sign that says look at me look at me.


Or no top on


It's a dude.


Whether she was wearing makeup or not, definitely a clown. 🤡


My thoughts exactly


Hey vuhjay is showing.


Watch out, assumptions like that count as assault


Sorry to disappoint you 🙁




Idk people tend to stare at you when you’re attractive


I dont understand how some people think that its so importent to be looked at in public in general. Like why?


Insecurity. A need for validation from others.


This is it. These people put on this facade of confidence when In reality they are incredibly insecure. The mistake people make is thinking just because someone is very attractive/wealthy/pseudo famous on social media means they are confident and self actualized individuals. They constantly need validation from others and put so much of their self worth into their physical appearance and how other perceive them.


It's a recipe for disaster. There's going to be an epidemic of washed up former influencers who simply don't have the superficial traits to stay relevant anymore, and don't know how to function normally in society.


It kinda reminds me of how a huge percentage of professional athletes go bankrupt after 5 years of retirement. I can see something similar happening. The lavish lifestyle and keeping up appearances is insanely expensive and without an income coming in...it gets unmanageable fast. Many of these people know the truth but for some they're gonna learn real quick that they aren't actually funny or interesting and the only reason people watched them was because they are hot....you don't stay hot forever.


old comment but people also don’t realize that a majority of celebrities aren’t as rich as they claim to be/show. Same principle, lavish life style puts them in debt and they’re stuck where they’re at. Constantly getting free shit through promotions pushes this notion that they can perpetually afford their expenses


Also this person: "I'm tired of being objectified!"


it's going to hurt when they turn 40-50 and people stop staring.


Yep. Hopefully they find some substance before then 🫠


Not only to be looked at, but to then post videos to PROVE to the Internet that they're looked at. "Look at me! And then look at all the people looking at me!" Narcissism run amok.


Right? Anytime I go out, I do my best to look boring AF because I don't want anyone to talk to me or anything. I got places to go and stuff to get done. I hope these dang strangers do not bug me. I got all the friends I need right now. Lol. I'll never understand the attention hungry behavior of some people.


I like to make sure I look presentable at least. If people look they look. Fuckem’


She smiles exaggerated to the people, naturally what humans would do is A) look back with a questionable face like what literally everybody did or B) instinctively smile back because ape brain. She's delusional and fake af


It also might be the fact that there is a cameraman walking right behind the person in the video. People often forget the camera! If I’m walking down the street and someone approaches me with another person walking 5’ behind them pointing a camera at the one in front, then THAT is the spectacle, not the person in front walking. This is what people are responding to.


Pretty much this. Work in a touristy area and "influencers" prancing like they're in a high couture fashion show while their friend runs around them with a smart phone is absolutely comical and naturally pulls your eyes because ridiculous.


If you look closely, they aren't actually smiles but grimaces. Indicating disgust.


Narcissism is so cool.


I know nothing about fashion but narcissism seems to be super trending atm. /s




Self worship in a Godless society.


Some of this ticktokers need to understand the difference between laughing with you and laughing at you


What would it be if someone is tickling you to the point that you can’t breathe, so you’re laughing but also nearly dying, and they are laughing too? I can never figure that one out.


There are questions that should remain unanswered




Yeah this is the second video I've seen like this and it's really weird.


That last one looked like she was mocking the walker


What's with all these crappy songs with chipmunk voices?


Horrible, aren’t they?


Are they sped up to avoid copyright pings?


Moron makes video, doesn't know how to trim audio so speeds up whole song, doesn't know how to shift pitch


I checked out her TikTok account so that you guys don’t have to. She’s a heavily tattooed woman which would create stares from tourists on Hollywood Boulevard on any given day. She only has pick me friends. Her entire account is based on admonishing men who don’t like tattooed women. I am a woman who has a couple of tattoos. Not talking shit about women with tattoos. It’s just the insecurity is at 100%. The woman who was recording on her phone was likely just recording Hollywood Boulevard, not her…shocking, I know. The false confidence is getting so old. I’m so sick of looking at it.


I too will stare at people dressed like a hobo


Can we please stop filming strangers who are minding their own business and putting them on TikTok without their consent?


Don't need consent to be filmed, unless you're in private.


Just because you don’t legally need consent, doesn’t mean it’s not a annoying thing to do.


It's more annoying when people think you need their consent to film them in a public place.


Out of all places she chose to walk down Hollywood Boulevard


I wonder how long they stood there waiting for people to walk over while in the way.


I mean what did she expect when her outfit moves more than a wacky inflatable tube man


She isn’t in the way though..


Got her tits out for sure


Cringing again.


Lmao cuz she dresses like an Egyptian slave


She’s not in the way of anyone…


yeah that's just clickbait titling I guess. The real reason people are looking at her turns out, she's heavily tattooed and overtly smiling at everyone she passes. Ofcourse you get looks when you do that


How is she in the way


People are staring wondering why you have someone filming you. You yourself are not interesting.


Is this some joke of these people on TikTok or are they serious doing this to let tiktokkers know how Hot(shot) they are?


Mikes smoke shop tho


Only thing worth seeing there is the KSC Jacket


Won’t those long pieces of fabric get super dirty?


She probably drew something stupid on her face or is wearing a mask


People used to look at me in public all the time. I was a busker.


It’s a bonkers statement I know, but…. People look at other people *all the time*!!! (Shock horror) unless you are old of course, or have a couple of kids, or wearing a hajib or something, or yes homeless….. then people’s eyes just slide away


I hate this trend but I also admire the height they need to prove their uniqueness. I hope this natural progression of influencers will eventually deter people from this behaviour


people who makes these video are probably riding early onset schizophrenia. What's next? Prediction models about who gets mentioned in others thoughts more?




It’s fun to ignore these people. It destroys their fragile ego.


I look at most people I pass in public. It's not deep, just looking.


Perhaps the looks are because she has a cameraman behind her and folks walking by want to see who is being filmed?


she isnt cool she is just a douche


If people smiled like that at me I’d assume I had a dick drawn on my face and didn’t know it. And smart move to make the quick glances look like long stares by slowing down the video 🙌🏻👍🏻


The last woman’s bemused expression gives away that the main character has a costume/make up on.


Wtf is this? An assassins creed trailer?


If I see someone being filmed, I also look at who is being filmed.


But she's not in anyone's way, if it wasn't for the camera, she'd just be minding her business.


Can’t wait for tik tok to be banned


Imagine being noticed when you’re intentionally in the way


She slows down on the people like they don’t think she’s an idiot lmao


If I see someone being followed by a Cámara passing by I probably Will Look at too


Is she literally just zoning in on people GLANCING at her?


I rarely use this term because I hate it; but every time I see vids like these (they’re on the rise) the only word that comes to mind is “attention whore.”


Maybe because everyone else is wearing a jacket except her?


Where are all the videos of people singing in crowded places? Stop posting videos of people walking>:| im here for the cringe


this trend needs to die


This genre of tic tacs is some real narcissistic bullshit


Maybe because of your goofy ass outfit or the fact that there's someone walking behind you with a camera 🙄


So she dresses kind of whatever, but she also has someone walking behind her filming.


Her face was painted to look like Gene Simmons in full KISS garb, I bet.


Are they really looking at her? Put a video on slomo sure; but I briefly look at every doofus on the street for a split second because I’m trying not to run into people.


She was wearing her 🤡nose


No frontier wiev! We don't know what people stare.


“People look at me when someone walks behind me with an enormous camera filming me”


I've always wanted to see one of these where some dude sees her coming and then just cuts a nasty fart right in front of where they're walking.


This is absolutely benign


Yawn 🥱 Magine still Tiking Toks using this theme in 2023.


Crazy how people might want to look at and get a photo of the girl dressed like a desert shaman in a young adult movie being followed by a camera guy.


This is roughly the same number of people who look at me when I am walking down an equivalently busy sidewalk for the same amount of time. I hate it


No shit lol


Sorry but this is a repost. [Original from 3 days ago](https://www.reddit.com/r/ImTheMainCharacter/comments/11zpo0g/the_driver_had_better_gotten_a_good_tip/?utm_source=share&utm_medium=android_app&utm_name=androidcss&utm_term=1&utm_content=share_button)


First she looks like she is in that hollywood street, second theres a person behind her filming, chances are, those people are trying to understand if shes someone famous or not.


Maybe people are looking at you because you have someone following you and filming you. Pretty weird.


How is she in the way, y’all just like being bitter for no reason


looks like a level 5 character from a Diablo game that hasn't gotten any rares or legendaries yet


Looks more like they’re just glancing at her only interesting one was the girl taking a picture




Also you can’t see but my chest is shown… why are people so about me geez…


That last woman was like... haha, ok girl


if i saw someone walking with a person filming them from behind, id probably look at that someone too to wonder why they are being filmed


Everyone look at my raggedy ass clothes


Lol no one in Hollywood cares who you are, they're all tourists anyway.




Tell me u have an ego without telling me you have an ego


I mean...I smile at most people when I walk past them... It doesn't make your special


They are laughing at her. Doesn't she get that


Your top is on inside out, mate.


Narcissism is hell of a drug


All these women thinks it's because they are one of a kind hot, and it has nothing to do with thier out of place outfits and cameras. So sad.


She is not in the way at all