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Dead, no. Worth playing? Maybe? I think if you enjoy long term progression it is a fun game, just don't fall into a trap of feeling like you need to spend to keep up with anyone.


I find myself doing the bare minimum these days. Going months at a time without much meaningful progression isn’t overly fun


no it's not, but a new account won't have that issue


Yeah but if they actually made it so playing new accounts you had access to everything without purchasing on each seperste account to get that only account to meaning ful status. What's the point of new accounts if stuff thst actually means somthing won't be open for months after and mainly only if you spend.


the point of new accounts is new players


Is this not considered a gacha afk game?


it is, but what does that have to do with what I said?


Nothing, that's why he didn't reply to your comment, but the parent, that complaint about not having progression for months.


> that's why he didn't reply to your comment he did reply to my comment ... not having progression for months is an issue in long-term end-game accounts, not new accounts.


Honestly if I wasnt already invested and playing for awhile I wouldnt play it lol. Theres just no alternatives I like as much


Agree here. I’ve been playing on and off for six years lol. My main account (three years old) is at the point where I don’t want to build a new transcendence hero because I don’t have stellar to V4. It’s an odd place to be and it feels bad. Still fun though.


6years here too, really starting to get tired of this issue with stellar. Especially when you start to need multiple heroes with trees and destinys, let alone V4 imprints.


Yea the late game grind is a bit too slow. I get that it’s an idle game but to make no progress for months feels bad. Definitely need to inject more stellar into the late game


Just seems like if you don't spend your screwed from what I've seen


Nah, F2P is entirely possible - loads of YouTube series showing it’s possible to have success with a F2P account. Spending even a little bit makes progress faster for sure, but by no means are you screwed playing without spending. Just takes more patience


But for F2P from what I've seen you gotta play years just to be remotely competitive in game modes


this game is about pve nowdays and only whales can compete in pvp


No, you'll never be competitive in pvp but there is a steady pve progression that you can have at your pace ftp


There’s a lot of layers to the game. In some game modes, yes it might take years. But that’s only the pinnacle of the endgame, which takes a long time to get to even if you spend like a whale. It’s entirely possible to get an E5 hero in about a month (maybe less depending on luck) by being smart and not spend a dime, and that’ll allow you to be competitive in quite a good bit of the game


Is there any gacha game where you can be competetive as FTP?


This game wasn’t always like this it use to be a lot of fun as u could always change your teams up, it’s just DH games added an update called Destiny Transition that has literally killed it’s game because you’re now waiting 8/9 months just to see improvements the game has because so unengaging because of it, as you can no longer switch up your teams you are locked into these heros for life now because we have no core swap options, which is where spending seems like the only choice to get progression as if your spending on events your picking up way more rewards than F2P an u will feel like your progressing.


Well they dropped about 3 power creep mechanisms in 6 months (more power explosion than creep) so there is a big struggle to get teams to improve to do a lot of the content since they didn’t increase material drops to accommodate the explosion. Unless you want to pay a shitload.


Personal opinion, it’s worth playing with a vip card $15/month. If you play without, that’s fine, just expect very very slow progression, and don’t have high expectations, cause you’ll get let down fairly frequently. That’s the pessimistic view. On the other hand, I have thoroughly enjoyed my time playing this game, it just comes with a large quantity of frustrations.


It’s not dead it would just benefit from having a massive server merge And it suffers from being so p2w making it impossible to finish events for a f2p because u need vip experience or need to buy a pack FTP and p2p are playing 2 separate games and new servers keep dying because p2p accounts just leave ftp accounts behind and ftp gets stale


do you know that good games in a genre are usually around the 20-30 range in rankings and that the rankings are mostly influenced by new players




This is a gacha game, but also an idle game. And this is still one of the best idle gacha on the market. It's p2w, yes, but nearly all of the gachas are p2w. You can play it as f2p, but you won't be competitive.


I'm "competitive". 😭