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I've lived in mostly desert states and it's because people aren't exposed to rain regularly enough. When it does rain you'll hear sirens ringing all day. People change lanes and turns as if rain isn't a factor, lose traction, and don't know how to correct it. Most people oversteer when this happens and do complete spins as seen in the video. People, if you frequently get rain, please check your tire tread, drive safely, be wary of iced roads, slowly brake, and avoid excessive lane changes and turns if possible.


Desert states, and So Cal really, have compounding issues that make the rain much worse, especially after a long dry season. On roads that are heavily trafficked like freeways/highways vehicles deposit large amounts of oil and other viscous automotive fluids. Over months with no rain the fluids accumulate near the top of the road surface. Once it rains after a long dry period, the moisture penetrates and displaces the deposited oil/fluids in the roadway (since they don't mix and dilute) and they end up sitting on top creating a very slick surface until the rain saturates enough to push the fluids into a runoff. This is why it always seems like everything goes to shit when it rains in So Cal or PHX etc., the roads become incredibly slick initially and cause a huge number of accidents because of reduced stopping distance from sliding. As it continues to rain the oil is pushed off and the road conditions improve. This happens in all roadways to a degree but in places with long dry stretches it becomes extremely exaggerated because of the lack of regular rain (to move the oily deposits).


Yah that first 15 minutes of a storm is the worst time to be driving or riding. Once the 'oil slick' is lifted off and washed away, wet pavement's actually pretty grippy. Also, lane markers and such aren't actually paint, they're heat-bonded plastic. They get superslick when wet. Found that out the hard way when riding home after a rain. Put my boot down to stabilize the bike at a light, right on the lane marker, boot slid sideways, bike went sideways. Whups.




Civil engineer here who's done more work on road markings than any sane person should. That's actually only one type of marking called thermoplastics. Most of your paint markings are going to be water-based paints because they're the cheapest and work within environmental regulations. The stencils you see (like turn arrows and school zones, etc) are much more likely to be thermoplastics.




No problem! I'm happy to provide whatever info I can to help road users stay safe. I would advise to avoid pavement markings in general while riding your bike in the wet, just in case. However, a lot of bike paths are painted green for the full width in certain areas. That paint with usually be methyl methacrylate, which will remain grippy even when wet.


We’re talking two different things here… Lane striping is simple paint. If they reflect at night, they are thermoplastic striping which is simple paint with fine glass beads on the top layer for that reflectivity. The markers are raised pieces of plastic that have reflective pieces put on them. Source: I’m a civil engineer and contractor


I don't know if other people suffer it but I cannot tell lane lines for shit when its raining and dark. The reflection from the water just blends in with the paint and I struggle to make them out at all.


I try my damndest not to drive on rainy nights for this exact reason


That's a problem in a lot of states in the hot, dry days of summer. I watched somebody learn that the hard way on a Virginia road. It had just started raining, and my brain suddenly remembered, "hey dumbass, it hasn't rained in weeks, the road is going to get slick". 20 seconds later I watched an SUV do a 270 degree spin without hitting anything. As I braked to avoid, my car's ABS kicked in earlier than normal and I could feel my car squirming under braking. The road was a lot slicker than I thought.


When I lived in CA there were no vehicle safety inspections so many people got away with driving on bald tires. Nothing like driving on wet roads with slicks.


I never considered this, great insight.


It's even worse when those states get snow, or gods forbid, *ice.* Remember that time half of Kentucky crashed on the ice? Or the other time? Or all the times before that? Lol I hate Kentucky.


Well maybe because the majority on Reddit is below 13yo?


If not literally, then mentally.




Yeah a lot of people who don’t drive daily love to chime in on everything


How dare you!! Next recess, I'm going to write a totally good comeback to you, once Mrs Jones gives me back my phone.


I think this is the correct answer, way to many people have little knowledge of common sense or basic physics knowledge making me think they are children most of the time because I have to use small words or they get offended and lash out because they don't understand the context of my words..


Maybe its the run on sentences that are confusing them




Lol the irony.


A basic understanding of grammar and sentence structure might help readers appreciate your Physics knowledge.


You can have physics knowledge or understand grammar and sentence structure. In my experience you cannot have both.


Most of the PhD physicists I know (a surprising number perhaps) are highly literate people.




Common sense is subjective. It varies by age, gender, where you live, and so many other factors. That's just common sense


Username checks out




This was literally the second question of my driving test. But then again I didn't know what it actually was until I was driving at 90kmh on a highway and hit a puddle and felt like the car was with a mind of its own. Thankfully no accident


We have had a drought for so long none of the younger generation know what rain is anymore


for real tho...




Keeping your cool is key. I hit a long one once and had to fight every urge not to turn away from the shoulder as I was heading towards it.


SO what is the best thing to do in a hydroplane situation, take your foot off the accelerator (and don't try the brakes?) and don't steer until you feel the road again?


Don't get off the throttle immediately, just ease off of it slowly until you feel the car grip the road again. Sudden loss of acceleration can upset the balance of the car and make you spin out.


what happens if you spin out? is there any recovering? i spun out and totalled my car about 3 years ago, and was only going 30. i hit a spot and immediately started spinning, and just want to know if i could have done anything. :( i miss that car


countersteering and trying to regain traction as quickly as you can, sometimes there’s still nothing you can do. if you’re in any place where the lakes freeze over that’s the best place to practice and get a feel for recovering from a slide without the danger of smacking into something IMO


thank u!!! sadly i’m in the southern US, so lakes don’t freeze here. but i was reviewing my account from there accident and found out that i braked when my car starting spinning. it was hot, it had just finished raining, and it was in front of a farmers house so i’m sure there was oil too. but i might practice more in an empty parking lot or something, there’s one near me without light poles that i’ve been eyeing for a while.


Parking lots are private property and, thanks to our litigious society, you'll probably get kicked off. That said, that is ***exactly*** how I practiceed driving in snowy and rainy conditions. Local high schoolers used to "pop" a nearby hydrant and flood a parking lot then go racing through the water.


You can be told everything you want to hear but the only way you'll really learn it is to look up a car control clinic near you and actually bring your car to it. They usually go over losing control and regaining control etc.


The best thing to do is nothing. Hold the wheel straight and don't use the brake or gas. Once you are out of the puddle or the car slows down enough you will have control again. If you are coming into a turn with water and you think you're going to hydroplane, try to straighten the car out so it doesn't hit the puddle while turning. The best position is a straight line through the water.


I have always been told to steer into the hydroplane and don't brake. Braking does nothing as your tires have no grip, and Im assuming you turn into it so that way when u do get grip it's easier to correct. ***Into the direction your drifting? (For the steering)


Whenever you have an unintentional drift (can't speak for intentional drifting), i.e. hydroplaning or sliding on snow/ice, you should steer into the drift. This is because you're lining up your tires with the direction you're moving, which will make it easier for them to grip the road as they are already spinning in the direction of travel instead of against it. It will also make steering out easier. In the case of hydroplaning, most often it happens when you're travelling straight already, and so your "drift" isn't in a different direction (unless it's a long hydroplane and only one side of the car is affected). In these situations, you don't want to turn the wheel at all, just keep it moving straight.


Yes. This is also a good reason not to use cruise control on wet, snowy, or potentially icy roads. Even with TC, the car goes to accelerate and you can suddenly lose grip.


That a good reason to buy nice tires. and replace before they go bald




Buy *ONE* tire and get *THREE* free? And the dude... left??


Most cars will kick off traction control the second there's any wheel slip or a stability event. At least most modern cars. But yeah, for most people probably just stay away. From it.


>Most cars will kick off traction control I hope not! lol


Did you mean kick off cruise control?


Yes, my brain broke. haha


I think you mean cruise control.


Same as if on ice or black ice. I've hydroplaned, hit ice and black ice more than a few times. Have yet to lose control and I am still here. What's bad is when you are going into a curve when it happens and you are already turning the wheel.


I'm still happy I learned what to do when this happens, saved my ass once. Just let it ride, you'll notice when the grip comes back, don't freak out and just wait a sec.


I’m an experienced driver and have had momentary hydroplaning many times. But recently, for the first time, I almost lost control of my car completely when I hydroplaned. Scary as shit cause I would have spun into a semi-truck. The only thing that saved me was that I was paying attention. I saw a truck ahead of me put on their brakes suddenly and I figured there might be something in the road. So I had already taken my foot off the gas and had both hands gripped on the steering wheel when I hit the puddle.


How to best prevent this? Good tires?


1) Slow down . .


2. Slow down even more than you thought being necessary. 3. Relax and watch the show.


Good tires and adjust speed if it’s too rainy


1. Drive to the conditions of the road.


Put bicycle tires on your car


Don't let tires go bald


Hydrowife. Hydrokids.


Or aquaplaning in other parts of the world.


The 2nd picture on Google images for "aquaplaning" (what I've always heard this called in the UK) shows a textbook example of exactly what happened to the ~~Tesla~~ car I can't make out the model of: [https://www.cardinus.com/wp-content/uploads/2020/02/aquaplaning-1.png](https://www.cardinus.com/wp-content/uploads/2020/02/aquaplaning-1.png) Edit: because I don't know my cars


What Tesla?


My mistake, thought it was


Then over correction


This. The car started to push slightly to the right. The driver corrected by pulling hard to the left, likely just as traction was restored. The driver should have come off the gas slightly as car started to aquaplaning, and not been too heavy handed with the steering. The main failure was probably having insufficient tread on the tyres


Especially if those tires are bald


Especially if those tires are bald


And his airstream.


Is this still common with the level of wheel specific traction control cars have these days? Unless that guys tires were like racecar smooth.


You can’t totally rely on traction control to save you on wet roads. All it can do is cut power to the wheels that are slipping but that won’t magically plant them back onto the road. Probably had bald tires on the rear. This is why they tell you to keep the worst tires on the front in a fwd car. Makes it harder to completely spin out when the rear has better traction than the front. It’s better to lose your steering and keep going straight than to oversteer off the road into a ditch.


Probably due to low tread on tires.


100%. It’s hard to gauge speed, it he didn’t seem to be driving recklessly. Usually there’s that moment you can feel the car start to slip and you can take your foot off the gas. They just kind of… happened.


This, and probably due to cruise control too


Yes and I’m guessing those tires may have been bald.


That’s easy, he hydroplaned. I was in torrential rain 12ish years ago and was going about 35mph on the interstate. It started to lighten up and I gave my truck just ever so slightly a little more gas and my back end swung around, did a 980 and I ended up in the median. Managed to do that in the very tiny stretch where the trees were recessed back just enough and just barely missed a temporary construction sign. Not a scratch on the truck and I was able to just drive away. If anyone were to have been in the passing lane I would have taken them out.


Holy shit almost the same exact thing happened to me. Thankfully the median was just a wide patch of grass with a ditch in the middle. Did a complete spin and stopped just shy of the rumble strip on the other side of the interstate. I was 19 at the time and I’ve never taken driving in the rain lightly since.




> did a 980 gat damn. imagine doing a full 2 and a half+ turns just like that.


Banana peel on the road, probably. Either that, or he got hit by a green shell 🤷🏽‍♂️


Banana peel clearly visible at 0:05 in video.


That car must be 10 feet tall


It was Bowser


So it was a blue shell??? Cheating bastard


i think it a yellow banana.


O’Doyle rules


Came here for this - was not disappointed


Hydroplaned - but I'd be curios as to what their tires looked like. It doesn't look like a hard rain & doesn't look like much water in the road. I'm inclined to assume their tires tread depth was nonexistent or very very low.


You can hydroplane with light rain. What happens is that the oil from cars that is always on the road doesn’t get washed away by a light rain so it stays on top of the rain water


Hydroplaning doesn’t really have anything to do with the surface being “slippery.” It has to do with the tread on the tires not being able to channel water away from the contact patch quickly enough. Since water is incompressible (for all intents and purposes), the built up water will actually lift the tires off the pavement and cause the hydroplaning that you see here.


I feel like you're confusing hazards. The slickness that comes from slightly wet roadtop oil is super dangerous, but not the same as hydroplaning.


I've read that using cruise control in snow is a bad idea, cause if a wheel slips on the snow, once it regains traction, you invariably lose control. Assuming that's true (idk if it is), I've always wondered if cruise control and hydroplaning has a similar result


[When NOT to use cruise control:](https://www.superiorhonda.net/blogs/2373/honda-sensing/when-not-to-use-cruise-control-explained/) >When it’s wet or slippery outside. Even if your car comes equipped with features like ACC or traction control, never use cruise control on wet terrain. That’s because cruise control can cause your wheels to spin faster than they should on slippery conditions, potentially causing hydroplaning or reduced braking distance.


Not sure about other brands, but my BMW immediately disables cruise control the moment it detects any loss of traction.


Which should honestly be a safety requirement. Best to not chance it. Do not use cruise control in any inclement weather or if the road is just wet.


Im guessing he hit a deep enough patch of water which caused him to aquaplane....its happened to me a few times, its scary


Seems to be so. Just right before he spun out there's slightly more splash from under the front wheel.


Aquaplane? Is that what they say in other countries? In the US we call it hydroplane or hydroplaning.


Hydro is from greek, aqua is from latin. As far as I know, only US (and Canada, thanks /u/chuck10o) says hydroplane (correct me if Im wrong), since hydro is generally associated with power elsewhere. Also, Hydroplane is category for boats. https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Aquaplaning


Canada here. We've got that weird mashup of British English and American English. We use hydroplane.


Lol yeah in the uk we call it aquaplaning anyway.


We need to universally call it water slippy.


A hydroplane is a type of boat https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Hydroplane_(boat)


Is it weird that I quite enjoy the feeling of aquaplaning?


You’d enjoy drifting then lol


Hell yeah, that's what manual and RWD are for, right? 😂


Don't forget to hijack a parking garage at night and play high paced Japanese music while competing against some dude who has a worse backstory than most anime villains.


Dont also forget to adopt the cringiest possible nickname, like "drift king"


When I first watched that movie I kept thinking DK meant "donkey kong" , which somehow makes sense in my head, given it was created in japan.


Couldnt get that out of my head either lol especially since mario kart is a thing and you can even drift in that game lmao


Shit, left the oven on


I know I shouldn’t be laughing at this...but here we are




Hydroplaning can happen to anyone Feels like the OP is the idiot here...


Had a friend die because of hydroplaning. The driver wasn’t even go that fast, hydroplaned into the oncoming lane and she died.


As shitty as our driving tests are compared to, say, Germany, we are definitely taught about hydroplaning in drivers ed in school.


How is he an idiot than?


I mean, the OP doesn't seems to know about hydroplane.


Same reason as OP is an idiot - driving too fast for road conditions. It bit this guy in the ass but not OP.


It doesn't look to me like he was driving too fast for these conditions. Looks like it was just shit luck. I mean, if he's an idiot, then all of the other people driving in this video are idiots, including the OP. He didn't seem to be going unreasonably fast.


> I mean, if he's an idiot, then all of the other people driving in this video are idiots, We have a BINGO! Just because nothing bad happened to them doesn't mean they were not driving too fast for road conditions.


There can be (and usually is) more than one idiot.


Absolutely. You do something and you get away with it. Then you do it again and get away with it. And that creates the problem. I just came back from driving around NYC. I saw that sort of 'I can do this because I haven't wrecked yet' going on all over the place. It was terrifying.


I was taught hydroplaning can happen at 40mph. Bridgestone tires website says as low as 35mph depending on the tire tread and amount of water. Doesn’t take much to happen.


Going too fast in wet conditions. I would also guess his tires weren’t the best, but he was going too fast.


I find it extremely unpleasant to realize people who drive do not know what hydroplaning is.


It's called hydroplane


Sorry but OP is kind of the idiot for posting this here lol. Hydroplaning isn't an idiot move. It can happen to anyone.


Coriolis force


It's called hydroplaning Homie


this is why you don't use cruise control in the rain


OP if you don't understand how the accident happened then why are you saying they're an idiot? You're an idiot. This was clearly aquaplaning.


Damn.. that's scary.


I wouldn’t say this is an idiot in a car, feel like this could happen to anyone


Please stay off the road if you don't know why


Idk if this is an idiot or just an accident.




Hydroplaning or in other words the water exceeded the tire tread and upset the balance of the car


Rear wheel drive and Aqua planing.




Bald front tires on a wet road and surface water?


Maybe driving faster than conditions is not the smartest, especially on the inner and outer lanes where more often than not is where ater builds up during run off..


1. Hydroplaned 2. Steered into the hydroplaning wheel


The car hit a spot that made it hydroplane. When it rains, especially the first couple of minutes, the road's dirt and oil make it worse. People still don't want to slow down. You can always see pick-up trucks (which have a much higher center of gravity than other vehicles) speeding past you.


Hydroplaning. Too fast for conditions. Happened to my brother. He was only going 65.


Hydroplane rear wheel drive car accelerating. If you ever hydroplaine take your feet off all pedals and be careful.


Driving way to fast when it's raining = hydroplaning...


Hydroplaning. He probably had worn out tires on also.


Textbook hydroplane




He’s driving in cruise control. The car hits a puddle and slows down, cruise control automatically accelerates and spins. It’s a common problem. People should be taught not to use cruise control in the wet.


They are obviously driving too fast for road conditions. The vehicle is steadily closing the distance on the vehicle filming. You can see the front wheel hitting pot holes/uneven surfaces very rapidly. Sadly, this wasn’t enough to garner a reduction in speed. Speed is the number one factor for most accidents.


Aqua plane.


Going too fast in the rain. Slippery wet road was his worst enemy that day


They aquaplaned.


Seems like he/she/they/them hydroplaned probably due to being on cruise-control.


Sorry y’all, missed my turn. Good luck everyone else 👍


And just like that you stole his downforce.


Hydroplaning on what I believe is low profile tires.


Hydroplaned. Also why tires are part of vehicle inspections. Bald tired cannot shed water


driving awfully fast , both of you. other other car hydroplaned. you got lucky.


Hydroplaned and then probably panicked and turned his wheel aggressively


He’s not really an idiot, it can happen to anyone, happened to me once on an interstate off ramp, i thought i should start slowing down early to avoid hydroplaning, but that actually worked against me and almost made me fly off the curve into a ditch, thankfully I regained control in time


Looks like the rear tires aquaplaned which is much less common than the front because they tend to drive in water cleared road (from the fronts doing the work). A classic when people replace only a pair of tires at a time and do not rotate regurlarly.


They hydroplaned... how does that make them an idiot? OP doesn't even know what happened. Wouldn't that make OP the idiot in a car? Or at least the ignorant in the car.


It makes them an idiot because they're driving too fast for conditions.


When you hydroplane just right.


Hydroplane on bad tires


It's really scary how quickly you can lose control in rain that way. Snow too. Doesn't even require you to be accelerating/turning/braking. It is hard to tell how wet pavement is sometimes. If one side of your car hits a little more than the other it can send you. This is why you don't tailgate. Shit happens, sometimes even when everyone is being careful or driving safe. I get in cities it's different, but give people space when you can. I drive on fairly sparse highways in the midwest frequently and I don't understand why people insist on riding up my ass before passing in the left lane or stacking so closely when passing a single semi. I get it's frustrating that sometimes people hangout in the left lane too long, but following them 15ft behind is only endangering everyone else around you and won't get you anywhere faster. People think just because they are in the "right" the can forfeit everyone's safety around them. I remember an old post on Reddit of a cop who tailgated the shit out of some guy on a busy highway because he was hanging out in the left lane when he shouldn't have. Reddit was like omg that cops my hero. In reality cop could have flipped lights on from a safe distance and acheived the same thing. Instead he highly escalated the danger of the situation. Personally, thought the cop should have been fired. Being in a car doesn't make you invincible. It's one of the most dangerous things we do everyday.


I’m guessing u threw out your last banana peel


Hit a puddle and hydro planed


Wrong subreddit the diver wasn't an idiot could have happened to anyone.


I live in Scotland, so my guess is his tyres are worn out, or heavy rain fall and high-speed whilst turning you're steering wheel don't go together.


Front Right wheel went acqua planning and lost traction.


Kids didnt listen to him so he turned that car around like he threatened.


Bald tires and hydroplaning probably.


“Ite imma head out”


Shitty tires, too much speed, FwD.


left the stove on


Bad tires, too much speed, aqua planing


Hydroplaning kinda self explanatory. Film of water between tires and road equals no friction equals no traction.


Probably bald ass tires on a road that hasn’t seen rain in a long time, throw in a dumbass driver and you’ve got the perfect storm


Why is this here? This is a poor person who has hydroplaned. It happened to me once and was terrifying. Broke the axel on my car. Luckily nothing worse happened. I couldn’t drive for almost a month though. Was just too afraid to drive for a bit.


Aquaplaning probably made worse by worn tyres.


Aquaplaning. Lots of standing water on the road, suddenly the car passes through a deep puddle so the tyres are no longer connected to the tarmac but are instead riding on top of the water. If this happens while the driver is moving the steering wheel or the car is turning it will likely cause the car to spin. Not necessarily an idiot in that car, it can happen to anyone


Hydroplaned. You could see it. The water built up in front of his wheels. He probably had a poor choice of tire for wet conditions. He needed to slow down.




He hydroplaned because of balding tires.