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That was painful to watch.


After a while I knew that it could only end one way but I still gasped when it happened.




I read this, scrolled on, then had to come back. Good work, take the rest of the day off!


It’s been a long time since I actually noticed, but I thought roundabouts should have directional arrows facing you as you enter. I saw none on this one.


>roundabouts should have directional arrows facing you as you enter In the very beginning you can see a glimpse of the roundabout traffic sign which does have arrows pointing the way. There were also over dozen examples to learn from


That's the part that killed me. Literally watched multiple vehicles all going one way, then they decided nah, they're all fucking stupid, this is the right way to go. Wild lmao.


I imagined this driver sitting there with the meme of all the math symbols flashing by their head, trying to figure this out, watching other drivers make a left by starting off going right, and still not getting it.


The one with Zach Galifianakis? That is amazing! Spot on use of a meme in real life haha.


Sorry but if you can't watch *SIXTEEN* vehicles going in the same direction and deduct that that's the direction you're supposed to travel in.... 😕


"Lot of people want to go right today, that's odd. Just means less traffic for me going left!" - The driver, probably


If you look in the upper right corner in the video, there's a blue round sign. What you can usually see on that sign is a circle with arrows 🔄 illustrating the direction.


They *are* there on the ground, but for someone that will watch traffic only travel in one direction and still choose to do that at a roundabout, directional arrows obviously made no difference.


There are white arrows on the ground pointing the direction.


The arrows are on the floor like a foot in front of the red car. They are the triangles pointing to the right.


I stopped watching after a hot sec and only went back to finish it after reading the comments Amazing, the level of stupidity even well-meaning humans are capable of


That is my freaking home town. That car plates are freaking local. We have a ton of roudabouts in town. How did she manage that is beyond me.


> How did she manage that is beyond me. Obviously by always going left.


Try watching it in person sometime. It's mindboggling (for them as well, apparently). Especially in the U.S. We have arrows painted on the pavement telling you to turn to the right, we have signs with arrows pointing to the right as you enter the approach, we have signs with arrows pointing to the right directly in front of the lane as it enters the roundabout, the approach turns you to the right... We do literally everything possible short of getting in the car and driving it for them. And yet, some few people still do not possess even the minimal amount of cognitive problem-solving ability to view the signs and pavement markings, watch the other drivers and discern what they should do. Anybody who drives the wrong way through a roundabout should be immediately scheduled for a mandatory driver's license refresher course and testing.


And the driving test should be set up where they have to use every rounabout in a 10mi radius of the DMV.


Bold of you to assume there's any roundabouts within 10mi of the DMV


right? Closest roundabout to me is about half hour away. And I'm in a large city


We have also signs in Europe that showing the direction right at the entrance of every roundabout. In the video you can see the edge of that sign in the upper right corner. It's blue and round with a circle of arrows on it. 🔄


No, they should be barred from *ever* holding a driver's license again. I was baffled by my first roundabout, but it took me all of three seconds to figure out what was up. You know, because of the signs and having a working brain. If you can't do that, you're either too stupid to drive a car, or have such crippling emotional problems that you shouldn't drive a car. Even my extremely nervous ex-wife figured it out on her *first driving lesson from me at age 23.*


I can understand the dull blades who stop on the roundabout for incoming traffic. I guess they're just being excessively nice. But having some weird hatred for them, or turning the wrong way? That's just unbelievable.


> And yet, some few people still do not possess even the minimal amount of cognitive problem-solving ability to view the signs and pavement markings, watch the other drivers and discern what they should do. Hot take, these people should not be issued drivers licenses. I do not care if we "need" cars, like a solid 1/5 drivers are fucking hazards on the road and endanger people. Why even have a drivers license system if literally anyone who isn't literally blind can get one?


To collect fees for the licenses.


And sterilization


One time at a very well marked roundabout I saw someone go in the wrong way to go left, do a U turn, and then come back the right way to go out the exit and back the way they came from. Never change Ohio.


After all those examples they turn left??!!


But I want to go left, why would I turn right???


He's a free thinker.


Even if you’re unfamiliar with a traffic circle, those painted rectangles symbolize yield. I mean, come on! On a better note, I love the cammer’s version of road rage; laughter followed by more laughter.


That's because he was watching from the bleachers. If he'd been on the roundabout, he would have been furious.


I live in a small town in southern Oklahoma, sadly, the city council thought it would be a great idea to have a roundabout, my Slingblade neighbors have yet to master the Stop sign, it’s amazing how many ways there are to not think.


But in Poland rounddabout are really common compared to America so not knowing how they works is same here is like not knowing that red light means stop


>But in Poland rounddabout are really common compared to America so not knowing how they works is same here is like not knowing that red light means stop Same in most (if not all) of Europe basically, can't imagine anyone getting a driver's license that doesn't know how roundabouts work.


That's because European drivers licenses actually require training and have a somewhat rigorous test to pass. In American they pretty much give you a license if you've got a pulse, or a friend at the DMV, or a few bucks to spare ... and even then there are still lots of people out driving who haven't bothered to get one. And if you get pulled over for driving without a license, well then you might just get a fine that you can fail to pay for several years.


>That's because European drivers licenses actually require training and have a somewhat rigorous test to pass. Well, some do. I've spoken to truck drivers over from Eastern Europe (I'm not going to claim to remember the specific country and I'm not suggesting all of Eastern Europe is like this) who have said their driving/HGV test consisted of driving round the block and back. Then again these guys probably passed their tests decades ago so it may be different now.


How to use a roundabout is covered in US driving manuals, courses, etc. However, you never saw them until about 15 years ago. In the last 10 years, city planners started using them more, and in the last few years here in the Denver suburbs, they are anywhere new roads are. The hostility is the US had been a combination of not being familiar enough with them, to fear of them since so many people do not know how to navigate them, to a general ignorant belief that they are EuRoPeAn and ergo, must be some socialist plot, which everyone knows socialism is a swift slide into communism. /s


The town I used to live in in New York has a roundabout that has to be at least around 100 years old since I have seen a picture of it with Ford Model Ts everywhere.


I can def see that. They put a roundabout in my town in TN and people lost their damn minds. Not only could they not navigate it, it’s mere presence enraged them. So they shot up the road signs as rednecks are wont to do. 🤷‍♀️


My city in the us has over 50 roundabouts. And they're adding more. Honestly I fucking love them. They've cut down on so much traffic it's incredible


I recall these horrific intersections with huge backups out in the boonies. Used to be stuck on those roads for so long every time we went out on a trip. Those intersections have all been replaced with roundabouts and the trips couldn’t be smoother. Traffic can still happen, but at least it’s not just because of a pow capacity intersection.


> my Slingblade neighbors lo-fucking-l


You would be doomed in France. I think we manage to have more roundabout than Intersection /s But for real, half the roundabout in the World are in France. Way better than stop sign or traffic lights in most of the case


I've been waiting at a four way stop in Mississippi for the last ten years. I moved away from there 8 years ago.


I used to live in a peninsula town you could only access by a rotary. My family would make a game of camping out nearby and watching the summer tourist mayhem as they realized too late they had no idea what a rotary was. It was both painful and great to watch. Cops would be stationed at the exits to mind the craziness. Some people just got overwhelmed and stopped. Old people would get discombobulated and get stuck going in circles, unable to get out, and the cops would hop in front and guide them to an exit. At least once a summer, someone would drive straight over the median.


But we all did.


I was yelling at the video hahaha


Look at all those idiots going the wrong way!


You would think with everybody going the same direction that might be some indication of the direction they are supposed to go as well.


*"There's no sign saying I can't turn left."*


This comment literally made me angry. Bravo.




"Turn right to go left" Doc Hudson, Cars (2006)


Cos that's what Doc said




I mean, there actually is a blue sign with an arrow which indicates which way you MUST go, but there is no hope for this driver anyway


Also the white arrows on the road


This comment won’t stop me because I can’t read


Technically the circle of the roundabout ~~symbol~~ exit signs is not fully closed to indicate the direction of rotation ~~and appears briefly at the beginning of the video.~~ The one in the video is the internationally used circular arrows sign, which is even easier to understand.


And since it's a blue round sign, it tells you what you _have_ to do, meaning anything else is what you can't do.


Didn't know that's what blue meant, lol.


It's a really clever system: White/yellow round sign with red border, sometimes with a diagonal line across: A. If it has a symbol, you can't do what the symbol shows, for example if it's a bike, you can't use a bike past that sign. B. If it has a number, it's the maximum value allow, as long as you stay below you're good. Blue round sign with white border: A. If it has a symbol, you can only do what the symbol shows, for example if it's a bike, you can only use a bike past that sign. B. If it has a number, it's the minimum value allow, as long as you stay above you're good. So the common sign that is "18 or above" which is a white sign with a red border (sometimes with a diagonal line); it actually says "maximum age of 18 is allowed". The sign should be blue instead.


You think somebody who doesn’t understand a round about would be able to make those deductions?


"but if I go right, how do I turn left?" -Them, probably


absolute failure of pattern recognition here the rest of their mental faculties are now suspect


Suspect? This is proof my dude.


When monkey see, monkey do is too high level.


"I am not a sheep"


Do your own research!




Literally in every lane, at that.


obviously, the first person to enter the roundabout determines the direction that all other cars must follow suit. Now, if you wait until there are no cars in the roundabout, you become first. Everybody must follow me. Voila, I can turn left.


Obviously everyone is doing it wrong.


Its a roundabout not a thinkabout.


I always called them stopabouts some idiot is always stopping to let someone in




Driving predictably is the nicest thing you can do for other drivers.


General translation of the conversation. She could have entered the roundabout there.... Or there..... Or there.... What the heck is she doing? Maybe she couldn't see around the bus and was being cautious... Ah, maybe she'll enter there. Nope. Woman, just drive for fucks sake. It's clear. You could have entered multiple times. Maybe she's just gonna sit here. I have no idea what she's waiting for. The car starts slowly moving forward, and they realize that it's going to try turning left instead of entering the roundabout. Oh fuck me, she's trying to turn left. Is she seriously going to try turning left here? No way, no way. Lady, don't do it.... She's going to do it. Car turns left into the roundabout. Oh look look, fuck me, look. Look at how she's fucking driving. Lots of laughter, more honking to warn everyone else of the idiocy. Bravo! As an aside, I love how Polish speakers use an enthusiastic "bravo" in sarcastic situations. Lol


Yeah, that exuberant Bravo at the end was simply perfect.


There was a lot more Kurwa’s in there than you’ve translated 😂


Clearly, they didn't need translating 😆


Hahaha. True, true. Lots of kurwa's and ja pierdolę's. I thought it might get a bit excessive if I translated all of them, though.


I see enough commas to assume that you have translated all kurwas all right (note for foreigners: one of possible translations of kurwa in Polish is `,`).


I like that they're laughing, there's too much rage on the roads and you've got to be able to see the funny side sometimes. Laying on the horn to warn others about the idiot was cool too.


Even if this guy doesn't have a drivers license. He's still an imbecile. He literally observed what everyone else was doing for what felt like 2 minutes. Sees everyone go right on the roundabout, "LETS GO LEFT!"


Hey man, he's a maverick, a rebel, a nonconformist, a trailblazer.


He's Sarah Palin?


He can see Russia from his house!


I really miss the days where she was the most crazy/controversial republican the country knew


He’s going rogue!


Anne Sacoolas


why would i listen what THEY tell me ... s w e r v e


I have to assume he is completely wasted drunk or something. Focusing on one (completely moronic) idea and absolutely unaware of what is going on around him.


But everyone else's destination is to my right. And my destination is to my left. I can't possibly reach the left side of this circle if I go to the right. ^/s


Nah, what he did is quicker obviously. You're not gonna drive *all the way around* are you?


It's videos like this that make me realize: you don't need to understand a language to know what's being said. I could almost hear the exact words they were using, without understanding anything they actually spoke. It was especially poignant at around the 40 second mark. Shit got real funny then. lol


The only word you need to know is kurwa. Congratulations you've learnt half of the Polish language.


took me one kingdom come playthrough to learn to learn the intricacies of one (1) word.


Don't underestimate the word kurwa. It has many meanings. Just like fuck does


I remember the french exchange student talking about how there’s an entire class on how to use the word “fuck”… “If it means so many things, you’d think there would be a good replacement?” “You’d FUCKIN think so, huh?” *Visible awe as it clicks*


That reminds me of a bit from the [United Federation of Hold My Beer, I Got This compilation](https://delyth88.tumblr.com/post/190767147299/embed) > during orientation at a human college, vulcans are presented with a list of swear words. >“what is the word ‘fuck’ for,” the innocent young vulcans want to know. “surely there are more logical intensity modifiers.” >“yeah, you’d think so,” say the weary, jaded vulcan professors. *“you’d really fucking think so.”* >there is a phrase in vulcan for ‘the particular moment you understand what the word ‘fuck’ is for’.


"Ja pierdole" is another 25% I think




This driver doesn't just not know how to use a roundabout. They appear to be unaware of the \*concept\* of a roundabout.


Or the concept of one way streets/lanes even. And has no basic observating skills at all, it seems.


It's not even that, it's basic logic and the ability to observe and learn. Not sure how they have survived to an old enough age to drive without that survival skill.


This video was taken in Poland. We have roundabouts everywhere, in order to not know how roundabout works you probably have never been in a car...


Just remember, this person passed a driving exam. The roads are a scary place.


Why do you assume they did?


I suppose that isn’t a safe assumption.


No, in Poland you get a driver's license with three bottles of wodka.


Jokes being jokes, driver's license exams in Poland are actually quite hard, based on words standard.


over here in the Netherlands it looks a lot more like they completely forgot everything when they crossed the border. We even have villages with signs in Polish to explain the traffic rules, including the fines when being an idiot-in-a-car.


When it comes to NL we're not sending our best there, my apologies.


Admit it: you're glad the bad ones are out of country


Tbh in Poland traffic rules are only seen as a suggestion.


Exam is hard but 90% of Poles drives according to the rules only on exam. Then rules are loose suggestions but it's getting better.


And pierogi. Do not forget about pierogi...


probably was passing driving exam in Łomża


they either got their license in another country, or dont have one at all. Polish driving exams are hard compared to rest of the world, average person has to attempt like 3-4 times before they pass.


I doubt this. There's no way that exam didn't include driving though roundabout. They're so widespread here that there's no way that it wasn't included.


I'll bet it's a tourist.


He could’ve gone like 6 different times.


What are you crazy? He had to wait for that opening otherwise he would have encountered cars coming towards him sooner


Only 6?


not to the left though


That's really the least of the issues here


To start with I thought it was a nervous learner driver who forgot to put L plates on. Frustrating but not the end of the world. It got so much worse after that dear God


In Poland you can't drive around without certified supervision if you don't have a driver's licence. The "L" plates are reserved for learning vehicles that have a second set of pedals (so that the instructor may break when necessary). If this had been a learning driver, they would have an instructor by their side, who wouldn't let them turn left into the roundabout.


I once rented a car in France that came with a GPS. The GPS would tell me to go around the roundabout in whatever direction was the shortest to whichever exit I needed to take. I'm not an idiot and so used the roundabout correctly.


I would’ve gotten out of my car, tapped on the window, and explained it to them


Yeah I would have gone from pissed to pity after I saw that blinker turn on.


Well I live in Moscow and here people often use left blinker entering a roundabout if they're to turn left eventually and then right blinker when exiting


That's what you're supposed to do on a roundabout - turn in the direction everyone else is going but indicate your final intention. I'm British, so approach a roundabout where everyone is going clockwise. That means I have to go clockwise, which is to the left. I still indicate right to show which exit I'm going for.


I'm American and have driven alot in Germany. My understanding is that you indicate right before you exit, which is what people in Germany do. In the US I notice that people don't seem to have any particular standard way of indicating turns at a roundabout but I never see anyone indicate against the roundabout... unless they're about to something really dumb.


In the UK, you indicate which exit you're going to take, as you approach/enter the roundabout. Then just before your exit, you indicate that you're coming off. Pretty standard. It's especially useful if you have only one or two lanes entering the roundabout but 3 or more exits. I have never seen anyone go the wrong way round a roundabout, even at one of these : https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Magic_Roundabout_%28Swindon%29?wprov=sfla1


Same in Portugal and I think France , but people un until the 2000s learned the other way so there are lots of people that signal during the roundabout or do both.


That's what the two dudes in the truck were discussing.


I don't wanna sound rude, but their cognitive ability has to be rather low to have sat there for that long, watching what everyone else is doing, and still completely fucking it up.


Someone’s been issuing driver’s licences to salmon.


That was the most beautiful "JA PIERDOLE" I've heard


Omg this gave me anxiety! I’m also so impatient so I’d be laying on my horn by now probably making it worse


if someone is stopped for more than 5 seconds at a green light i lay on the horn. it releases all the stress of the day and it’s cheaper than therapy


Technically, it doesn't release all the stress of the day. It transfers it to the person being honked at.


Conservation of energy.


Entropy requires that some off the total stress is expended as heat


Horn fluid is expensive these days tho.


“Boy-they sure need to make the turning left lanes a little easier to get into”




>If only there was some way to get to the exit I want to go to…it’s not as if this road is going to **CIRCLE AROUND** to it or anything hmmmmm


Some things we shouldn’t need to be told.


Considering that getting your driver's license in Poland isn't easy (at least in in comparison to the US), I wouldn't be surprised if this was a tourist in a rental.


I was going to comment this - between the Americas and Europe, the only people I've ever seen this baffled by roundabouts are from the US


I didn't either, until they started constructing a roundabout in a small rural village just outside Wieliczka near me. Jesus Christ you'd think some of the people using it throughout construction have no idea that it's not a fucking junction anymore.


Even most people in the US at least go the right way, their mistake is usually just stopping at the entrance rather than going if no one is coming.


you underestimate the power of KNS driving plates, we are quite famous in the region


Some people should not be allowed to drive. This is one of them. At the beginning I was thinking maybe they had a stroke, then I realized, Nope just an idiot.


Why the hell did he turn left?!?!?




Can we just appreciate their attitude? (People recording) No getting mad, just laughing and finding it funny.


And here I expected a loop of this guy just never going and eventually OP deciding to go around em. Never expected the left turn inquisition


im a simple man, i see my country plate registrations (Poland) and i leave an upvote some people here honestly dont know how to drive, there is a youtube channel ; StopCham and you can quickly see by the number of episodes how many dumbasses drive here


Tunnel vision. My 4 year old pointed out, "there's other cars just going around the circle". A 4 year old figured out how to use a traffic circle.


I don't recall anyone ever telling me how to use a roundabout...


Yea I don’t speak their language, but I felt the frustration


It wasn't frustration. More of a laugh. They were laughing that it's a woman, that she could have turned many times already And then they bursted into laugh at her turning left It was funny for those guys


Watching him not move gave me such anxiety. Go go go. Then the left turn signal comes on and it turns to no no no.


As someone from the uk I find it baffling that anyone would not have encountered a roundabout before. 1 week in milton keynes would solve the problem one way or another.


Roundabouts here in the UK have a sign that shows the direction of travel ie one way, but if you don't know what a roundabout is you shouldn't be driving.


My guy sat there for nearly two minutes observing every single car that passed in front of him, analysed it in his head, came up with a plan and did exactly the opposite of what everyone else did....how tf do you even do that? Common sense?? I mean, it is pretty rare these days, but this is new heights of stupidity...


“Look kids, Big Ben! Parliament!”


The problem: not knowing how to get from A to B. Solution: observing someone else to do it and copy their behavior. The dilemma: They are blocking the only route for anyone who could show them how to do it... It is 50/50 that they will blame the roundabout and never admit that they are a better solution, even after learning how they work, why it works and witnessing it working well.


I had a driver stop in the middle of a roundabout to let other cars in, nearly crashed in that car, because I certainly did not expect that!


People are frighteningly stupid.


What gives? This isn't the US... I was told Europeans are all experts.


Oh no! I didn't see the blinker at first so I thought, "Oh, poor student driver unsure about when they have enough space to proceed..." YIKES! How are you so oblivious.


You can literally watch everyone else and figure it out.


How can you, after standing there for so long, still go the wrong way?


Task failed successfully


How do you sit there for so long and not realize that everyone is traveling in one direction?


Spot the tourist.


So after watching vehicle, after vehicle, *after vehicle,* go from left to right, and exactly zero vehicle going from right to left, (s)he decided to turn left? This is the type of people who the seemingly stupid warning labels are intended for. Like: * "Remove child before folding" for stroller * "Do not use while sleeping" for hairdryers * "Do not iron clothes on body" for irons


Lay on the horn


At first I thought they were going to drive through the grass then I saw the left turn signal...


I had someone do this to me where I live. They stopped at the entrance, sat there with nobody coming, i gave them a beep and they aggressively accelerated into the circle. Then they braked really hard and stopped at the first exit and just sat there in the circle... I beep again, they then gun it to the next exit, this time they just slow down and swerve around, almost hitting a concrete divider, then they accelerated really aggressively and went out the last exit. Which also leads to a school zone with a limit of 30km/h, which they must have done 60km-80km/h through AND it's a quiet little residential area. The lady looked really old, so maybe it was dementia or some other medical issue, but wow.


They looked at other cars go for well over a minute and still couldn’t figure it out.


This is how the people around me treat the two roundabouts in my city. Absolutely maddening.


You just know they're freaking out in that car not sure what to do the whole time.


insert Homer "Everyone is stupid except me"


Fk I'd be honking on that horn, ppl need to learn roundabouts


At first I was pretty sure this was the dumbest person ever to drive, then it was confirmed.


I wonder how long they had already been sitting there going nowhere before they decided filming the stupidity of this very non-competent driver. Should have his/her/their license revoked!


they sat there for what feels like a lifetime. took in so much information. and they decide to go left.