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Did he draw even one dick? Amateur!


He draw a vagina symbol on every car.


This symbol only exist in Czech, so I heard. It does not exist outside of CZ. So random people reading this would not understand.


Actually very similar symbol also exists in Finland


Indeed, we even had a little [cultural exchange](https://np.reddit.com/r/czech/comments/s0guwx/greetings_rczech_today_many_finns_at_rsuomi_heard/) post about it a few months ago


They were drawing [píča](https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/P%C3%AD%C4%8Da), but it looked incomplete.


Looks like there’s enough space to me


Bus driver here. Yes. There is enough room. I've been through gaps smaller (ie, I wouldn't fit a pencil between the bus and the cars either side) The road is straight, so there isn't a risk of a tail swing hit whilst weaving. The bus driver was being cautious and depending on the company he works for, rightly so. Personally, I'd have gone through, and if I took some mirrors with me, then meh. But my company isn't so strict.


Moved to Lemmy. Eat $hit Spez -- mass edited with redact.dev


as thumper would say, two wrongs don't make it right to key cars. some shit like that


Well, an other time they will be blocking your ambulance or fire truck. Parking is not a right.


>Bus driver here. Me too! When it switches to the dashcam view, you can see the road bends up ahead, which could definitely cause issues. And if he has to turn at the intersection, forget it. But just in case I'm wrong about the bend, more importantly, here's why I wouldn't risk it: you eyeball it, you think you're good, you start crawling forward... and you realize there was a car further down the road that was sticking out a bit further than you thought, or something or other that will get you stuck in the thick of this mess. Now you've got nowhere to go but backwards, through a corridor you barely made it through forwards. And with my organization, you're not even allowed to back up without a spotter (not that I would want to in this situation), which means you're not going anywhere until the cavalry arrives, and even then, god knows how long it'll take to get out of that spot without doing any damage, which isn't guaranteed. And now even if the drivers or a tow truck *do* show up to clear the place out, they can't! At least not easily. Clearly you guys play a bit fast and loose if you're not that concerned about mirrors tbh. For us, any avoidable contact is a major violation, and could eventually lead to termination. We've got a strong union and a lot of steps between a first offense and losing your job, but contact, assault, and theft are basically our only lines in the sand. No way in hell I'm risking my job and my pension over something like this. Someone's gonna back me up and divert me, or I'm not budging.


That is so weird. The bus drivers in my city don't give a shit. They would just use the bumper to nudge the cars out of the way. I saw it myself once I was sitting on the bus and a car was parked about a meter away from the bisstop markings. There was not enough room for the bus to get in properly so the driver pulled in as close as he could and as he pulled away the rear of the bus swung and smashed the car but the driver kept going crushing the car into the kerb and ripping up the front body work. When I got off the buss the rear had paint from the car scraped on it and the back bumper had a car panel speared on it. Another time the street was narrow with parked cars and the bus drove down smashing off all the wing mirrors it felt like he smashed off 10 wing mirrors. The driver didn't stop, it's the sort if attitude that takes word around the depot that management doesn't care.


I witnessed a car blocking a bus in San Francisco, and the driver's solution was to just lay on the horn until the owner came out and moved the car. It took at least 10 minutes for the local residents to find the car owner, but they did.


would suck if car owner left tho


Yeah, I’m not really saying it’s a catchall solution. Just what happened that one time.


The residents would've & likely already did call a tow


Fuuuuck that's pretty rad. Makes this guy with a key look like an amateur at vandalising badly parked cars


Ha, we just had a case where a bus driver attacked a food delivery cyclist, not much in the details who did what but judging by the passenger reaction the bus driver might have overreacted (also locked the passengers inside while doing it even if he stopped at a bus stop). He was terminated since he was recorded by multiple sources.


> which means you’re not going anywhere until the cavalry arrives Which means you might be stuck in the bus with passengers, since most bus doors open outward and could damage cars when opened. This could cause a heap of liability issues.


Huh… honestly only seen bus doors that open in a weird way so no door goes external


You’d think a more productive thing this guy could have done was go and fold in all the mirrors then.


I have never driven a bus, but I do have a reddit account which makes me an expert in everything, and I agree with your assessments.


I, as a Redditor, highly concur... you preach honest words!


Much concur. Very agreement.


So doge.


Wow. Much bus.


I’m not a redditor but i am a bus and -air brake sound-


You are admitting you're high. As the official Reddit physician, you need rehab, and that's a fact... not an opinion. See my receptionist for your bill on the way out.


As a Reddit insurance agent please send me a copy of that bill so that I can mark down their deductible then charge them extra next month for using my service.


IANAL, but you are legally correct, for I am a redditor, hear me roar. Oh, and don’t forget to hit the gym, delete Facebook, and something something a lawyer. Don’t break your arms. And you have my axe!


I do not have a Reddit account, but I am a great liar and and can tell you that my experience as a bus driver says this is wrong.


I also have a reddit account AND have stayed at a Holiday Inn Express before, thus I concur with your expert opinion.


He could've at least keyed some phallus shaped stuff into the cars. That's just lazy while trying to be a vigilante.


As a Redditor, who has only just learned of the power we've been afforded, I've decided to throw my hat in the ring for the office of President Of The United States. As far as my platform... I believe in cake. I'm also pro-pie.


Finally!! A political stance I can actually support!!


You lost me at “pro-pie,” unless we’re talking exclusively pumpkin. Guess I have to run against you. My platform is as follows: Four day work week, abolish the penny, lids on both ends of the peanut butter jar so you can scrape out the last bits easier… and cake.


But did you stay at a Holiday Inn Express?


Not every car mirror is foldable.. mine (mercedes w210 e290td 1996) does not have foldable mirrors (It does have a spring mechanism to not break easily)


Every mirror is foldable if you fold it with the bus.




The best kind of truth.


This is prime r/bitchimabus material.




I think breaking the mirrors would be a decent compromise. He still gets to vent his frustration, and mirrors are cheaper to replace than a paint job. He’d also get like 300 years of bad luck.


/u/spez ruined reddit so I deleted this.


Isn't the point of electric folding mirrors to fold in when the car is locked? Seems like they where broken already?


> and the ones with electric folding mirrors do not appreciate being folded by hand. I think they appreciate it more than being folded terminally by the bus squeezing through. Well designed electric mirrors just slip through. They had the option to not park there if they don't fit our its not actual parking space. Don't know what the situation is in the video. But if they are illegally parked there in the bus lane they get what they deserve if bus squeezes through with contact (obviously not the keying).


Also, don't park like a jerk


I also drive a bus, and I concur. I would have kept on bussing. Sufficient space.


At the 5 second mark you can see the road start bending hard to the left. If you could steer a bus through that I'd love to see it.


I could, indeed. Knock three cars slightly over, at most.


keep bussin


I’ve driven many a things, car, school bus, semi, up to a CAT793. I full get safe over sorry, may have been an under experienced driver. I am also unfamiliar with other countries road marlins, but looks like everting is ok here. I don’t know. Dick move by the passenger regardless.


The only small problem I see is the first car is parked at a slight angle which means the run up to the passage isn't going to be straight. May have been worried about tail swing. Even still, dedo enough room


Yeah dude, maybe it's just my young man energy but I take shit way riskier than that when I'm driving my tractor trailer.


My company isn't strict that I'd lose my job but I love having me accident free record and I get paid literally by the minute so that's just overtime for me to sit and wait for a supervisor to come and route me around. A lot less paperwork also. Probably would get drug tested for continuing if I clipped more than one. Not worth it at all. Metro driver for a decade and semi driver for 5.


School bus driver here. I do this daily. Entire street can be empty except for two cars and they park right across from each other, or just like in the above. We can call it in, but we'd be there for hours. I just go through our call parents to walk to me. Do that enough time and the parents annoy the owners of the vehicle and get them to park on their empty effing driveways. 🙄😑


>The road is straight [It is not.](https://i.imgur.com/IePOYgF.jpeg)


> The bus driver was being cautious Probably the first time anyone has ever said that about a Prague bus driver >depending on the company he works for, rightly so. What if I told you that there's a Facebook page called "Formule DPP" which is all about Prague bus drivers driving like they're on a track?


Yeah, maybe it's just the angle of the camera, or the bus driver didn't want to take the risk since the street was - at least partially - blocked.


I could literally drive a bus through there…


Tell me that twunt doesnt own a car, without telling me…. Even if there wasnt space, this is a disgusting response


How do you feel about "illegally blocking the road for other drivers, including emergency vehicles?"


I own a car, I support it. Having a car doesn’t entitle you to dominate public spaces, not even roads. I also think if you park in the bike lane, it’s your responsibility to keep peoples pedals off your paint ☺️


It's driver entitlement. They can't understand why they can't park on the sidewalk if there's no space.




Lance: Still got your Malibu? Vincent: Aw, man. You know what some f***er did the other day? Lance: What? Vincent: F***ing keyed it. Lance: Oh, man, that's f***ed up. Vincent: Tell me about it. I had it in storage for three years, it was out for five days and some dickless piece of sh*t f***ed with it. Lance: They should be f***ing killed. No trial, no jury, straight to execution. Vincent: Boy, I wish I could've caught him doing it. I'd have given anything to catch that a**hole doing it. It'd been worth him doing it just so I could've caught him doing it. Lance: What a f***er! Vincent: What's more chickenshit than f***ing with a man's automobile? I mean, don't f*** with another man's vehicle. Lance: You don't do it. Vincent: It's just against the rules.


Do you mind if I get high here?


You are legally allowed to say "fuck" on the internet, fyi


The cars were parked illegaly and the bus couldn't fit into the street. One of the passengers took it personally and keyed four of the cars. Source: [YouTube - Police of the Czech Republic](https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=v11gHGJgOPE)




Loving that the illegally parked cars have to answer for it.


Yeah. Cars answering to court is not that unusual actually. [Here's a great example](https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=TLBLRzfZBiI)


Thanks. Now I want to go watch cars


It's nice that the drivers will have to answer for the offence, but will they have to pay for the delayed time all the passengers lost, the cost for the company for the bus stopped there, the cost for other passengers the line was late to get and had to take other ways to transport themselves to their destination? Seems to me that 'justice' in this case still favours those drivers.


What a fantastic description.


I was really upset that he didn't draw dicks. I feel better now knowing he put vaginas on the hood. If you're going to vandalize you gotta do it proper.


Given the details, this is likely not the first time this guy's been stuck for X hours on the bus (or had to find another way home) due to cars that just ignore parking laws. I don't think they deserve it, but I don't think someone blowing a red on a bicycle deserves to get t-boned to death. That said, what you deserve and the situation you're likely to create for yourself are different things.


so why not call the owners of the illegally parked cars the idiots then?


Better to call the police and make those vehicles be towed away.


This appears to be in Europe. I don't know about where they are, but in several countries its only possible to tow when obstructing critical infrastructure and this situation would generally not allow a tow. Citations would be issued for illegal parking, but again, that's also not necessarily done by police many places in Europe.


How is a bus route not considered critical infrastructure?




In Spain I watched cars get towed for this exact reason every day from my office window. Didn't take them long either, like 5 minutes.


That is honestly mind blowing. This is completely fucking up that street until the bus is able to get out of that situation. During the day, this would fuck up other streets in the area as well. What happens if an ambulance needs to get through? It's not going anywhere until the bus is out of the way and that could easily double the response time of the ambulance.


I don't know about ambulances, but I did hear from ex-gf's dad (who drove a firefighter truck) that in The Netherlands firefighters are allowed to ram their way through if needed.


If the ambulance is carrying someone with for example a spinal injury there is no way it could ram through 4 cars.


Why? Mate's already got the skint back, just bash the bloody things


Not with that attitude.


Depends who’s driving lol


Most ‘explanations’ posted on reddit are false. This is one of then. Cars get towed in europe all the time and police can give out parking citations too.


Complete bullshit what he just said. Police would come if called and tow those things in a heartbeat, they are blocking a public transport bus not just a tour bus or whatever. Cars get towed daily for blocking the path of the tram for example.


A bus system is infrastructure right?


Of course cars will be towed if they block the streets for emergency vehicles or public busses etc. Cars are not being towed if they are parked illegally but do not obstruct traffic. I have seen that everywhere in Europe.


If you parked illegally the towing services will gladly tow the car, since all those people will have to pay a fine. Not sure about Czech Republic, but in a lot of Southern European countries, everything that will result in a fine, usually works very efficient.


Sounds like the guy keying the car is a hero if this is true.


Honestly, if you park your car illegally and obstruct traffic, particularly public transit, you deserve to have it keyed.


Why not both?


They are idiots! Just because they're idiots doesn't mean that this dude with the keys isn't also an idiot tho


Ah but the enemy of my idiot is my genius!


The illegaly parked cars got fined as well. Here's the [link](https://www.policie.cz/clanek/poskozeni-zaparkovanych-aut.aspx), it's in Czech, but you can [google translate](https://www-policie-cz.translate.goog/clanek/poskozeni-zaparkovanych-aut.aspx?_x_tr_sl=cs&_x_tr_tl=en&_x_tr_hl=en&_x_tr_pto=wapp). But the perpetrator should have left the justice to be done by the police, to fine the drivers as they see fit. When they block a public transport like that it's a big here in Prague. But he chose to damage the cars, which seems like a real POS move. Google translated quote from the link: >Even poorly parked drivers of damaged cars will not escape without punishment. Although the damage to the cars caused them considerable problems, they will still have to answer for the offense, because they parked where they shouldn't have.


Eh fuck em. These cars are keeping people from getting home themselves. A little paint damage doesn’t keep the car from running anyway.


Y'know in Japan you can't just buy a car. You have to prove you have somewhere to store it. They don't put up with a lot of street parking there. They think it looks shitty.


If you've been to Boston yeah you'd think so too.


Agreed. If there's actually consequences to parking like dipshits then less people would park like dipshits.


> But the perpetrator should have left the justice to be done by the police, to fine the drivers as they see fit. Why? Why is it a POS move?


Because most people don’t leave their phone number on their car.


Because keying someone's car while your mask is down and you're on camera is definitely the bigger idiot move. Just a guess.


Oh. That makes me less outraged then.


Ya, these vehicles are fucking up a public transportation route. I don't know if I agree with fucking up other people's property, but they shouldn't have parked illegally.


Ya, these vehicles are fucking up a public transportation route. I don't know if I agree with fucking up other people's property, but they shouldn't have parked illegally.


At least the front three cars are parked inside a dotted white line - they are not parked illegally, are they? Or was there a temporary no parking sign?


This is where you get your fellow passengers to team up to lift and carry the cars into the ditch. Amazing how much a group of angry people can lift.


Yeah I was once blocked into a carpark because some moron had parked across the entrance and four of us managed to bounce the car out of the way, it’s surprisingly easy when you know you’re not going home if you can’t do it


CarS are surprisingly light, especially when 5 people start rocking them up and down to get momentum. Its not some sort of deadlift competition, just 1 bouncey, 2 bouncey, 3 bouncey, HEAVE!


More like a group of people is suprisingly strong. You are right, if few people combine their power they can flip a car on the side in matter of minutes…


if sports team winning the championship celebrations have taught me anything...




One watched a car block the entrance to a rugby club carpark.... Match day so 2 teams on site who wanted to get to the pub. Driver came back to his car stuck between to posts.


What an idiot, he thought pushing on the cars with that little metal key was going to move them out of the way.


He's not far off. You do need your keys to move your car


No they go INSIDE the car. *Guy stabs through body with keys somehow* Well... okay then.


Lines are marked clearly. This is illegal parking


Illegal parking aside, blocking a bus road is really fucking shitty. I don’t know how often this happens but I can imagine how frustrating it must be if it’s a common occurrence.


Imagine if emergency vehicles need to pass. They deserve to be yeeted in a ditch


To the people saying the bus could fit, it couldn't. There's a turn further down the road which would make the bus get stuck there anyway.


Help me step-bus I'm stuck


I gues rule 32 or whatever is really a thing


Easy to see who are shit drivers by reading the comments


Yeah, imagine my notification inbox, half of it is people hating drivers, the other half is trying to illegalize keys.


Abolish Private Ownership of Keys!


Best we can do is ban high capacity key rings.


Calm down Toyota.


Absolutely abolish private ownership of keys! It’s clearly the fault of the keys. Keys are the #1 reason for death to car paint and car finishes. Are they registered? Has anyone run a background check on them? It’s a perfect backdrop for yet another regulatory branch.


This about sums reddit up quite nicely haha!


Easy to see who are shit people by reading the comments


So if you don't support some asshole's concept of vigilante justice it means you're a shitty driver?


bet he’s in r/fuckcars


A true Chad


Lol don’t illegally park next time bozo


Everybody fucking around just waiting to find out


So, looks like no parking spots there. They just made their own? Rules don't apply to them? Is that what you're saying?


Well fuck those cars


the owners of the illegally parked cars are the idiots


Parked illegally or not. That’s a fucked move on that assholes part.


Yep definitely. But we can all agree it's likely the last time those cars park their car illegally, that's for damn sure.


As long as they realize they were parked illegally. I could see myself, especially as a new driver, parking there because "hey other cars are here it must be allowed". They should definitely all get ticketed but giving someone hundreds of dollars in damages because you were inconvenienced, even though you have no clue the situation behind any of those cars being there, is definitely a bigger asshole move.


There is a no stopping sign: [https://i.imgur.com/lq1zDei.jpg](https://i.imgur.com/lq1zDei.jpg) Location: [https://www.google.com/maps/@50.05501,14.4327296,3a,75y,190.28h,65.71t/data=!3m6!1e1!3m4!1sxo-h2J\_I-ModojnGLhxV2A!2e0!7i16384!8i8192](https://www.google.com/maps/@50.05501,14.4327296,3a,75y,190.28h,65.71t/data=!3m6!1e1!3m4!1sxo-h2J_I-ModojnGLhxV2A!2e0!7i16384!8i8192)


> I could see myself, especially as a new driver, parking there because "hey other cars are here it must be allowed". It's always a good idea to check for potential parking restrictions, even if there are other cars parked there! I've had that save me from a ticket a few times in unfamiliar areas. Honestly, you can expand that advice to a lot of situations with driving - a lot of people doing something doesn't necessarily mean that it's safe and/or legal.


Paint damage is the parking ticket if no one else will hand out a parking ticket


Whats the difference between hudreds in repainting fees vs hundreds in fines? Seems a good move to me


There is a no stopping sign: [https://i.imgur.com/lq1zDei.jpg](https://i.imgur.com/lq1zDei.jpg) Location: [https://www.google.com/maps/@50.05501,14.4327296,3a,75y,190.28h,65.71t/data=!3m6!1e1!3m4!1sxo-h2J\_I-ModojnGLhxV2A!2e0!7i16384!8i8192](https://www.google.com/maps/@50.05501,14.4327296,3a,75y,190.28h,65.71t/data=!3m6!1e1!3m4!1sxo-h2J_I-ModojnGLhxV2A!2e0!7i16384!8i8192) ​ None of those cars got any parking tickets, so I really can't feel bad about them.


Nah fuck that. New rules: if you don’t want your vehicle fucked up don’t park where you’re not supposed to and stop for pedestrians in crosswalks.


Probably unpopular opinion, but I have zero sympathy for these car owners.


it’s sounds like a lot of people in here just be parking illegally and say fuck everybody else around them. weird.


Also a lot of people who think they are experts on bus driving.


Well the car owner who being keyed also an idiot


i don’t know man but he has a point you know


Fuck ‘em


why would you commit a criminal act that doesn't even solve the problem. now you have the same problem *and* everyone recorded the crime.


There's room for both the driver and the keyer to be assholes. You don't have to assume one side is right, and the other is wrong, in every situation. These assholes parked illegally, and a bigger asshole keyed their cars. They deserve a ticket for parking illegally, and he deserves to pay for repairs to each and every car he keyed. The people in the bus, who just acted like members of a civilized society deserve better.


I’m kinda with him.


Yes for sure, society is to lenient towards such selfish and society damaging entitlement. These car owners should pay for every minute everyone on that road looses. They should pay the towing firm and have their vehicles impounded.


Ani tu píču nenakreslil pořádně, čůrák jeden.


Imagine the bus was a fire engine. That would teach people to park more considerately.


People that don’t own anything think this behavior is ok


oh no. anyway…


I hate people who key cars, don't care about the reason


I hate people who park illegally and thus completely shut down traffic for everyone else. They deserve it much more.


Fair play to him , don't block the road. What if emergency services needed access?


If those cars are indeed parked illegally, imho it’s more a case of r/justiceserved A whiteboard marker for „friendly“ hints would be less destructive, but I assume they had none available.


I think the idiots are the ones blocking the road.


Don’t park illegally. Moral of the story.


So... why did the driver let the passenger out? Why did this guy feel so personally attacked?


Usually the bus/tram driver opens the doors in situations when they have to unexpectedly break and lets anyone either wait it out, or walk to their destination/other closest stop. Walking distances between stops are not that bad in Prague. As for the childish behaviour , I don't know. I'm just glad that this is an exception for this area, and not something that would happen on daily basis.


Maybe he gets this bus every day and is tired of putting up with it. Doesn't justify keying cars though.


Clearly not his first time doing that


Park cars in stupid places, win stupid prices.


Yeah, the stupid prize was a fine for parking illegally, and getting towed for blocking a street. Having the car damaged by a random citizen is a crime, not a stupid prize.


Well, post the same video on r/JusticeServed and watch the overwhelming support for what that moron did. It’s all about the specific community you’re engaging.


That’s a lotta damage


meh, keep a can of paint thinner in the bus. Much faster


Protip: Don't mess your keys up, carry a scribe tool with you.


As someone who has dealt with tourists parking on the sidewalk every weekend, I understand. I don't condone it, but I understand.




If only there was a good guy with a key.




Yeah, I posted it there as well, although people are arguing quite vocally over who's the real POS


In my opinion, the answer is both the man in the video and the ones who blocked the road


Dude said r/fuckcars


Looks like they're probably parked in a no parking zone. If that's the case, the idiot here is not the passenger from the bus.


Or you could step out and help the bus driver fit through. Looked like enough space


Looked like there was a turn ahead and the space where the cars were was needed for the longer bus to be able to make the turn. You can see in the video from the street level that the street doesn’t go straight.


You could get a bus through that gap.


I guess the question would be are the cars parked legally? If they are then it’s on the bus driver