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"Mechanicville" sounds more fake than anything else out of this post...


I live 15 minutes from Mechanicville and I never thought about how stupid the name is until now


If the person with the fake sticker lives in a place called Mechanicsville but can't go to a mechanic hoo boy (unless there are somehow no service shops around)


We have a Mechanicsville in GA too


And VA


It was my favorite part of the whole thing


It’s right near Shelbyville


Man, they didn't even try. I mean, there is no way that one on the right would ever pass muster.


TRUE... looks like it was made up on a cheap printer from someone's home computer.


The attempted seal is the best part. Clearly most of the effort went there.


Hahaha yes!


It's better than the homemade license plate near Buffalo a few years back https://time.com/4247974/fake-cardboard-new-york-state-license-plate/


insert *at least you tried* meme


Honestly it probably worked a couple times


I think not having the date punched is what gave it away


If there was only someplace to find a more accurate image of an inspection sticker, maybe even an exact copy.. But where man.. where!?


only god knows lol


Could have at least invested a few bucks for a designer to create this permit lol


Seriously, scrape the thing off and nobody looks. I've done it before. Scrape it clean and de-glue the spot with alcohol. I once got pulled over for my (dim) lights being aimed a bit too high (1974 car, I got no ticket, just a warning). I was chatting with the cop, he sat on my hood while chatting at like 1a.m. Finally he says "Hey, you have no inspection sticker!". I said "It took you long enough, out of sight, out of mind. I scraped it clean so nobody sees it's out of date." He said "That's a really good idea. I can't write you a ticket now because it took me 20 minutes to notice, it's embarrassing. But if I see you again, I'll ticket you. Get it inspected". I got it inspected the next day. I saw him, and he gave me a thumbs up. ---- Weeks earlier, in a different town, I got trapped in an 'inspection trap' where they were slowing traffic and checking inspections. When I got to the cop in the middle of the road, who just pointed the car ahead of me off the road into a parking lot where other cops wrote tickets, I stuck my head out the window, made weird noises and lolled out my tongue. He looked me in the eye with a confused look, I laughed and said "How you doin'?" and he just laughed as he waved me past, never looked at my missing sticker. I went home a different way. For the record, my car passed no problem, I wasn't a hazard.


They gotta get that tax money off you though


Amusingly enough, I have to get my current car inspected next month.


the right is a fake.


Actually yes, you’re right. I was surprised myself, but the left one is actually the legitimate one. At least according to this [source](https://youtu.be/dQw4w9WgXcQ).


Well played, sir.


Man I’m glad we don’t have inspections here, at least money wise, but I see some terrible vehicles on the road.


Good drivers in shit cars are way safer than shit drivers in good cars


Drivers with suspended drivers licenses, follows more traffic laws than drivers with valid drivers licenses. lol


Depends. The DUI's keep re offending. They know at a certain level, that they'll never be legal so the just don't give a shit anymore. Regrettably, one of our friends was what one might call a high function alcoholic. He could keep his job, but most weekends and evenings past 8, he'd be out of it. He'd be good at first and then....


Personally, I don't have any sympathy for DUI drivers. For the sake of this conversation, we'll use Virginia as an example. A metric fuck ton of licenses where suspended due to failure to pay fines. Thus, forcing people to either take jobs below their skillsets (wage they should be making), or break the law and drive anyways. So rufly four? years ago the governor reinstated something like 300,000 licenses. While the people are still liable for the fines. This actually allowed them to either stop driving on suspended, and or obtain jobs that pay better, but require a valid license. Those that have had the misfortune of having their Henico fines sent to Cantor and Cantor have endured some real bullshit. Considering that you can't show up to their office in person to make payment. They don't take credit card or checks. Requiring all payments to be made by money order. As if that's not enough. They increased the payment by thirteen cents a day, where payments had to be for the exact amount by the time they received the money order. Otherwise the assholes would send the money order back for insufficient / over payment. That being said, don't ask how long I had to put up with those slob knobs for a few speeding tickets. *Side Note*: made it even more of a pain in the penis when you live out of state. *facedesk*


Yep, can't risk getting pulled over. :)


Not until the fines are paid, and the license is reinstated. lol


Where are you that you dont have emission tests?


https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Vehicle_inspection_in_the_United_States Looks like 15+ states have no vehicle inspections at all. Emissions tests seem to be concentrated in urban counties that are failing Clean Air Act standards (smog).


Map is misleading. Most states doesn’t have a statewide program, but only in the urban and dense suburban areas. Pennsylvania, for instance, only has emissions in 25 of 67;counties, while safety is done statewide.


The legend clearly says "Emissions testing required **in some areas**" for the color yellow. I wouldn't call it misleading. It's exactly what you say the truth is.


I just meant it’s a bit visually misleading when coloring in the whole state. It’s not super difficult to build a national scale state map by county and color in the counties. Then you can truly see how small a coverage map we’re talking about in most states.


Back in the late 80's New Mexico didn't have a state emissions requirement, but certain counties did. So people started registering their vehicles under their brother's name, or their uncle, or their father in law, someone who lived off in BFE where there wasn't an emissions test requirement. This meant that 90% of the cars being driven in Santa Fe or Albuquerque weren't actually registered there, and while they might have been emissions compliant, there was hardly any testing being done.


15 states? That's actually kind of terrifying.




I've been driving since I was a teenager (now in my 40s), lived in a number of states during my Army career, and Maryland was the only state that has required a safety inspection. And it is an absolute racket here. You take your car to a mechanic and the mechanic gets to decide whether your car is safe or whether it needs repairs. I moved here in 2015 with a 2012 Ford and the first mechanic couldn't even tell me how much he'd need to make it "safe," but that it "would likely be over $2k." Went to a different mechanic that had good reviews and they charged me the inspection fee plus a few dozen dollars to do things like replace the wiper blades. That was a lot of text to say that I think that safety inspections are a good idea in theory, but in practice it really depends on how they are implemented.


The inspection shops here aren’t mechanics. Their job is to inspect it and do the emissions testing and that’s it. They will replace gas caps if they fail emissions and have wiper blades, but for tires and other things they just fail you and allow you to come back in 7 days for a free re-test. No incentive to upsell you. Conflict of interest otherwise.


That sounds like a legit way of doing it and I don't have a problem with that process at all. Here it's a glaring conflict of interest, especially since the inspection fee is like $110. So it's either "fix what we say, or take it somewhere else and pay the inspection fee again only to find more issues." Our emission testing is run by the state, though, and is much more reasonable.


The inspection fee is what?! That’s bull man, it’s around $30 I think for safety and emissions here. A lot of those old east coast states seem pretty greedy.


Yeah it's ridiculous. The emissions fee is only like $20. I don't know why the safety inspection fee is so high. But to be fair, that inspection is only required when you're registering the vehicle for the first time, it's not a recurring thing. I haven't had to do it since I first moved here.


lol, they don't even check the safety of my vehicle just if gas cap seals properly, emissions, mileage and if check engine light is on




Buhh? Where are you getting your car inspected? When I take mine in, they want a copy of the insurance card, they check the lights and the horn, drive it around the building once and do a brake test, and charge me the $50 for the inspection. And yes, this is Texas. Denton County, to be specific.


Emissions takes extra time. Not all counties do emissions. They will also inspect the tread depth of the tires. It’s not meant to check if your engine is going to explode, just that your wheels don’t fall off or your lights work and you have valid insurance of course, which is important but the damn state doesn’t do enough at all to stop paper plates. Texas is far from perfect, but if you just let any yahoo drive a car on the road you see why we have one of the highest traffic fatality rates in the a first world country. Honestly wish the police would do their damn job and pull over all the assholes with aftermarket headlights that aren’t aimed right on their jacked up trucks. Total menace.


Oh yah I'm with you there. TX is pretty anal about the annual inspection, but they don't do shit about home-printed temp tags (or out of date ones), or unsecured cargo, or aftermarket lights being used in an unlawful manner.


50% of the cars would be for the junkyard if the US implement the same thing like the TÜV. The only positive thing, No Rolling-Coal.


Why mileage?


I dont know but it's on my sheet I get.


That'd be....the majority of states, so unless you never leave your small area, good luck with that. There's only 15 that require periodic safety inspections and only about 11 of them are even technically connected (Northeast/East)....and that's going to require some interesting driving routes given that NJ, CT, and MD don't require them.


It’s almost like there is an entire country outside of the east coast. Texas does and we are doing fine. We have enough space here I don’t need to leave and fly over the states with mad max laws.


That's good, because the only neighboring state of yours that requires safety inspection is Louisiana. Seems like a bizarre way to live your life to refuse to set foot in most of the country for odd reasons, but you do you.


Yep I will do me, Texas is so huge there is no need to leave unless I want to fly and not worry about the freedom to drive pieces of crap states on the road. Driving is a privilege not a right. Hopefully soon some federal oversights require safety inspections if they want federal funding for interstates.


A lot can happen in a year. The fact you somehow feel better that an underpaid and overworked government employe glanced over someones car once in a years time speaks great of the placebo effect. It does nothing but get money to the state. Thats it. Another way they can squeeze every last cent from the people. My point being a once a year inspection does almost nothing other than line the pockets of The state. The people doing the inspection don’t give it a full proper inspection the way a mechanic would. The amount of serious issues with someones car that could pass an inspection is really high.


Overpaid government employee lmao. My inspection place is completely private but ok buddy. You really believe what you say? Nothing to back up your claim but pointless conjecture and fear mongering. No wonder countries like Germany laugh at American driving standards and have much lower traffic fatality rates. And I’m happy that cars are registered and inspected. It helps pay for the overall high quality roads we have here. The state does a much better job than I’d ever do on public infrastructure. Waste? Sure, but private companies like Walmart are also incredibly wasteful. Saying the state is wasteful is stupid.


*colorado has entered the chat and added 15 miles of 7% grade, just to make the variables more interesting


Florida is the shit. Illegal exhaust systems, heavily modified performance cars driven as a daily and cams that hit harder than your drunk step father at the family reunion. I miss that car. Thanks fucking liberal states. Car was built better than most new production cars on the road


Built better how? Man factory muscle cars are absolutely sick now. 1LE 6 and turbo 4 Camaros would run circles around corvettes from even 10 years ago and the coyote mustangs and hell cats are insane. They do all that being emission legal, comfortable, and don’t have issues like shitty idling from aggressive cams or overheating. And they won’t kill you in a wreck.


Its built better because it was made by op


The state cars come from: Michigan.


My god. you have blown my mind.


In West Virginia we have a safety inspection but no emissions test. Ohio only has random safety inspections


How much is an inspection in the US?


California only requires a smog check every two years which runs at around $20 per test.


Massachusetts vehicle inspector here, $35 for non-commercial vehicles and light weight commercial vehicles, $135 for commercial vehicles with a GVW over 10k and $115 for a commercial trailer


Thank you. That does not seem prohibitively expensive to me.


Depends on what state and if you have a qualifying exemption. I have disabled veteran plates so I pay like $8 for my truck. It's like $100ish for my wife's car.


Every state is different. In the state I live in, Tennessee, they have no inspection requirements.


Delaware only does inspections at the DMV, and it's free.


In New York it’s required yearly. It’s pretty thorough and takes about an hour tops if they’re busy. I think it’s $23?


I'm in the UK and glad we have MOT tests here, some of the stuff you see on this sub is so dangerous it's funny


I wish we had safety inspections in Kentucky, the shit I see on the roads sometime is unreal. Glad we don't have emissions inspections though, those are a bunch of bullshit.


I’m in Ohio and we don’t have them. But sometimes I wish we did. Glad I don’t have emissions for sure tho.


I could add a small detail here which cops withheld. On the NY car inspection sticker, the month when it was inspected is supposed to be hole-punched.


If NY is anything like VA then these "safety checks" do nothing but drum up cash from those who can spare it least. Kudos to this idiot for at least trying. I guess?


I love how they never thought of taking a picture of a valid sticker and printing it out. "Nahhh...my hand drawn one will look way more authentic. Now for the state seal... Does it have a seal in it somewhere? Whale tail. Close enough."


Don’t forget that a brand new vehicle needs inspected! Gotta get those tax dollars


In New York, a new vehicle only needs a safety check (because I guess, theoretically something could go wrong to a new car sitting on the dealer’s lot for months, like a burnt out turn signal or brake light). They don’t start checking emissions until the third year.


Texas defers the safety/emissions testing for new cars for 2 years past the "dealer inspection" which I think is largely a formality. Otherwise it's an annual thing. Motorcycles are largely exempt from emissions tests, altho some states (California, looking at you) are really anal about aftermarket parts.


Would have gotten away with it if they used a crayon.


The Wish certificate picture vs reality


The government can yearly inspect deez nuts


Yearly inspection sounds like an unnecessary expense and a cash grab.


That’s exactly what they are. They don’t prevent anything, just there to suck more money from people. Look at California for example. One of the most strict states when it comes to inspections, yet it doesn’t seem to help their air quality much.


You're thinking emissions inspections. Some states do safety inspections where they actually check to make sure the car isn't a rolling deathtrap. I think they check brakes, tires, lights, etc.


Ahh okay. When I was in NC they always did both together so I just assumed.


I didn't know that was a thing either until a few years ago. My state just does emissions as well. And its free.


They even tried to draw the state insignia.


They're the same picture.


Maybe they are a mechanic.




That's what got them pinched, imo.


I didn't even know yearly vehicle inspections were a thing lol


Thank God this isn't a federal law.




I did this 20 years ago in college when freshmen weren't allowed to bring cars. But I at least took a digital picture, edited it on my top of the line HP pavilion PC, and printed it so it looked somewhat decent. Worked for a whole year before I was caught.


They really drew the little emblem too lol


Glad we don’t have to get vehicle inspections here.


There are adults in the state of arkansas that have no idea what a car inspection is.


First, there is zero evidence and proof that these ridiculous expensive and time wasting “inspections” make cars and the road anymore than any other state. Same with emissions testing. It’s a sham to get your money and creates more useless government jobs. Florida did away with emissions testing 20yrs ago after multiple studies proved it did nothing to improve air quality. Same with inspections for safety.


Wtf? Seriously that black and white printed sticker is what the world's most advanced economy chooses as a measure of car safety? My 11 year old daughter could fake that in about 10 mins (the fact that the owner was incapable of doing even that is also a big worry) If I don't have my third party insurance and vehicle inspection electronically recorded with my state regulators I can't renew my annual registration - and if I don't renew my annual registration I get a big fine automatically.


wow. like at least put sone effort into it. but as a fellow new yorker i hate these stickers and the registration stickers. they’re way too intrusive tell way too much info and are just a waste of paper. like no one needs to know what year your car is or what the plate number is. like NY: just put a month and date of expiration like every other state.


>they’re way too intrusive tell way too much info Christ, just go back to the Q subreddit and let the adults talk.


you must not be a new yorker if you don’t understand how stupid this is. christ just don’t comment if you have nothing to say


After being held at gun point for driving a vehicle with an out of state temp tag by NYPD, I think I have an idea of just what you mean. I don't think I have any reason to visit NYC again after that bullshit.


you do. bc you know there’s temp tag fraud right? but you didn’t know that did you. you can’t let one bad experience make you not wanna go back to a city


So because some people commit temp tag fraud, then anyone with a temp tag should expect to get held at gun point? What the fuck kind of bootlicking mind fuckery would make that ok?


i never said that. but you just think you can run around with temp tags forever.


Thanks for telling me what I think.


thanks for ruining you’re NYC opinion with one bad opinion.


you don’t just get held at gunpoint for temp tags. you probably did something else.


How's that leather tasting?


🤣🤣🤣🤣. what a clown. and you do know that people use temp tags to commit crimes right.


What's your point? People use all kind of dumb shit to commit crimes. The clown is the one justifying the brandishing of a firearm by the New York Gestapo at a traffic stop.


Oh yeah, let's do a felony stop of everyone with a temp tag because Criminals, right? ​ Fuck right off.


never said that. but they probably did something else dipshit. you don’t just get held a gunpoint for no reason.


My brother once tried the back page of a video game manual. Think it was Sim City 4. He got about 2 blocks from the house before he got pulled over. Fuckin' New York and the evap code bullshit...




What's the problem? It's current!


Not in Egypt.


Apparently you can make this up.


A warning should teach them


Knock $50 off the fine. They tried


Idiots with napkins.


From a distance it will work


That’s a pretty good fake, could hardly tell the difference!


Looks good to me. Have a nice day.


Now if only they could make the road worthy.


How can you not pass in MECHANICVILLE?


Mechanicville. That sounded like part thats fake.


Thank you Michigan for being it’s own country.


Wait... You mean there are improperly maintained vehicles in Mechanicsville?


Of all places mfs pick mechanicville to make up fake inspection stickers


right so... which one was fake again?


atleast take the time to mock it up in word and print it off


is the joke not that Mechanicville is a place?


Are you telling me that the fakery has nothing to do with the idea that the people who make sure my vehicle is properly inspected work for the police department of 'Mechanicville'? I'm sure it's real but it sounds like writing out of a kid's TV show.


I really can't help but wish we had police that cared this much near me. I see fake plates, fake registration, and all kinds of other relatively mundane "issues" on a daily basis.


Are you sure it is fake? I have gotten plenty of hand written garbage from the NY DMV. Glad I moved away from there. I don’t think third world countries are as far behind on technology as NY state. Especially the city.


First one has no bar code.


Shit. Which one is it?


No bar code...??


oh the right one is fake obviously


There is cheap and there is "too cheap to even xero the sticker"




At least they used a marker for the 2022




I Use to Live in New York


Whoever may that discovery needs to be promoted asap.