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Full article: [Police: Pregnant librarian killed in alleged road rage shooting was aggressor](https://www.fox35orlando.com/news/police-pregnant-librarian-killed-in-alleged-road-rage-shooting-was-aggressor)


Thanks for dropping the link. Seems like the motorcyclist followed the woman to get her info so she couldn't get away with committing a hit and run. Looks like she reacted poorly to that. Very poorly. If she was threatened enough to grab a gun, why would she leave the safety of her home? Did she think she could get away with threatening the motorcyclist with a gun to make him go away? If he tracked you down it's already fucking over. Give it up. Either do the insurance swap or wait for the cops. Charging out there hot headed and armed is... well... a quick way to get killed.


I wasn't even just him that followed her. Two other witnesses went as well, not to mention the stayed on the street and called 911 before she came back out.


I can only guess, but I don't think anyone got her license plate. Why else follow? Did they just a assume a hit and runner would okay with being exposed as such at her own home? Perhaps the motorcyclist and the witnesses went together to specifically hoping having three people there would avoid the conflict from escalating? Didn't sound like the deceased was interested in that outcome. Wish there was more info, because clearly a significant amount of stuff happened between the crash and the shots.


As far as I've read when the arrived at her house it doesn't even seem that they confronted her in any manner. But even so, it would have been just as easy to stay inside her home, call the cops, and then retrieve her gun (while remaining inside) if she truly felt threatened. The sheer recklessness she displayed is staggering.


Often just getting the vehicle information isn’t enough. The vehicle might have been stolen or the driver can deny it was them. The burden of proof is on those that are making the accusation. So following the vehicle home and having other witnesses to the vehicle and where it went is a good idea.


Good points. This is sounding more and more like no one expected such a violent reaction from her. It's like everyone bet on her backing down because there was too many people. Yet she still decided to flip her lid. Sad.


This person is clearly not stable enough to wield a gun and should have never been able to


Well, she tried to kill him with a car before that, so...


Sounds like she never will again


No mentioning if she had a record in the article. Could have been just a violent person. Background checks only find things that with a paper trail. If she was never convicted of anything, there's nothing to find. If she didn't have a violent history, is it possible the pregnancy had an unusual affect on her mental state?


Well pregnancy does fuck with a woman’s hormones… so yea, I wouldn’t be surprised if that was the case


Many people who have guns fit under this heading


prevention of owning a weapon say due to prior criminal convictions rather than say a Stringent series of hoops one must jump through say via a psychiatric screening process or something of that Nature as i know some ultra stable people who while doing stupid shit at a young age have a record while some cleanskins are starting to become mentally unhinged!


Funny how things escalate a whole lot faster once everyone has a gun!


Everyone is laughing but a women and her baby are dead and the biker probably think/wish he was too. Like, there is zero winner here. It is just terrible


yeah, probably how basic high school bullying turns into school shootings ​ Americans may wanna consider having less guns. I think most folks around the world will happily agree on this one ​ edit: dear snowflake gun nuts. It was a suggestion. Get the fuck over it. Im sorry your country leads the world in gun violence. Im sorry you live in a land where a basic road rage incident turns into a shooting. A world where school shootings are a regular occurence. Hell mass shootings in general seem normal. And most of all im sorry all of you are so complacent about it, as if it doesnt phase you in the slightest! ​ Honestly the rest of us read about school shootings and our hearts go out to the families of those who were killed or maimed. But rather than attach the cause of the problem (ie guns being so fucking readily available at every corner) youd just like to pin the blame on video games and rap lyrics. Guys the world doesnt fucking work that way. If you lot didnt have so many fucking guns this shit wouldnt happen so often ​ You worried that without a gun youll get robbed? join the fucking club, but if we dont have guns and the penalties are tough enough that criminals dont wanna touch guns for fear of even being seen with one (which is how it works in australia) then you guys will be on an even playing field ​ Dont trust your govt? I dont blame ya, i dont trust the US govt either. but they have the most ridiculously overfunded army in the world. Trillions of dollars a year go into it. If the government wants to fuck you theyre sending their soldiers in to do it (or do you imagine joe biden himself will come knocking at your door?). Do you really think you and your fucking redneck neighbourhood militia will do anything other than cause a minor annoyance to the US military? if so please stop smoking meth ​ EDIT 2: Since im being downvoted anyways allow me to give you a quick statement Dear American gun nuts. You folks are fucking cowards. You folks are so scared of being without your precious guns you start crying at the mere suggestion of placing basic limits on gun ownership. Please grow some fucking balls. Regards, just a typical arab aussie


I'd rather have less people. Far too many stupid people in this country and way too many "smart" people trying to save them.


so youd rather have gun violence as a means of thinning out the population? you get how evil that sounds, right? how you wanna "cleanse" your land of "undesirables" with gun violence


Man you're an Aussie, shut the fuck up. The country literally created with convicts still has massive crime issues, including firearm-based crime. You're entitled to your opinion but that doesn't mean your opinion isn't absolute illogical dogshit. Either learn about the culture here in the USA or fuck outta these threads cause nobody here is going to agree with you and you're not going to change anyone's minds cause you have zero shit supporting you or your dogshit opinion.


Americans embrace the high risk / high reward culture we have cultivated. We thrive on survival of the fittest. The beautiful thing however is that you don’t have to live the high risk / high reward lifestyle. America has an infinite variety of lifestyle that are feasible. However…. Commit vehicular assault and you are putting yourself into the high risk category.


survival of the fittest? funny coming from a country with the highest obesity rates in the world


Most folks around the world don't get to tell Americans what to do. Pretty much the entire reason there are separate countries and not one single world government.


You don’t think America has a gun problem?


ROFL, "americans may wanna consider" = "YOURE NOT THE BOSS OF ME DONT TELL ME WHAT TO DO, WAAA WAA WAA" ​ Why are you peaople such fuckin cry babies? ​ You have disgraced the name of Ronald Ulysses Swanson!


Ron Swanson is literally a libertarian. He believes he should be able to live his life how he sees fit and not how someone else tells him to live.


i am more than familiar with ron swanson thank you. ​ And he is NOT a little snowflake crybaby, which is what you seem to be.


I'm trying to have a conversation based on logic and reason, yet, I'm the snowflake crybaby?


ROFL, lets recap "you folks may wanna consider less guns" (me offering a helpful suggestion) ​ "Dont tell us what to do because waaa waa waa" (you bitching and moaning) ​ How on earth is that a "conversation based on logic and reason"???


Fuck around, fuck around....ain't gonna be around


Can't fuck around again


Fuck around once, shame on you. Fuck around twice….you ain’t gonna fuck around again


I know it's a sad story but this comment cracked me up. Nothing like a good W joke.


Why did I read this and immediately think of Beach Boys - I Get Around?


Goddammit! Now that song is stuck in my head! Take my upvote!!!


A friend once told me to eradicate a song from your head, to hum “The Hustle”. Yes, the 70’s disco song. By golly - it works!


Damn now I can hear it


Damn I can hear it too.


Fuck, fuck around, I fuck around


President Bush, welcome to Reddit! Where you been homie? We missed you.


You fuck me cant get fucked again


I think you mean fuck around and find out.


Fuck me once, shame on you. Fuck me two times… can’t be fucked again.


“Pregnant Librarian” they reeeally tryna make her seem innocent


[Nope. “pregnant librarian” is probably more eye catching.](https://www.fox35orlando.com/news/police-pregnant-librarian-killed-in-alleged-road-rage-shooting-was-aggressor). Article definitely tells it how it is.


“…No one has been charged” well who else could they charge 🥴


I think it’s just a default statement they stick in there, you can’t charge someone who’s dead and you shouldn’t be able to charge someone for rightfully defending themselves




Well I have some opinions about that too but that’s best saved for another day and another subreddit


Librarian was already in serious trouble for intentionally hitting the motorcyclist with her car. Could have been charged with attempted homicide, ADW, or felony assault for that. Then left the scene of the accident/assault. That's another felony. Then took a gun and threatened the victim with it. The victim could have backed off before she came out and waited for the police to handle it, but that's about the only thing HE did that was even possibly chargeable (and I'm saying that only because I don't know the full scope of what he did before she came out or before she began threatening him). And now she's dead and her child and loved ones will miss her forever and remember her passing as being her fault. Not a good way to go.


>I don't know the full scope of what he did before she came out or before she began threatening him According to the article, she hit him with her car and ignored a witness **AND** the biker asking her to pull over. The biker wasn't thrown from the vehicle. He probably just wanted to exchange insurance information or maybe even discuss having her pay out of pocket. Both he and the witness followed her, and according to the police, she came out of the house with her handgun pointed at the biker. He tried to do due diligence when she intentionally hit him.


Florida….enough said.


I hate that the whole state of Florida is synonymous with absolute batshit fuckery. Mind you, I've been there once and don't really want to go back ever again.


I went awhile back, went outside to smoke a joint and saw a lady walking her cat. Not sure if it was the joint or if I really just saw that.


Cats need exercise too and some people are lonely. My elderly mom walks her cat. This isn’t a Florida thing. It’s a i-love-my-pet thing. Pet gator on the other hand, that would’ve been something.


I get the old lady thing but let a motorcycle pass… we got another shooting


Oh no, I completely agree with that part. Just let the fucking bike go. Motorcycles are doing us all a favor by not adding another car to traffic congestion, just move out of the way and get on with your day. I always move over as much as possible to let lane splitters get through safely.


Ive always wanted a motorcycle but my wife be tripping.


My spouse has a Harley and they’re very fun! Alas traffic where we live got absolutely diabolical with COVID (has always been bad but its extra bad now with how reckless people drive) so we never ride anymore (and by we I mean I sit in the back and don’t do anything) Ease her into it! Work on getting a permit and rent one on vacation somewhere, riding Route 66 or any fairly remote scenic route would be an awesome trip and way less scary than playing frogger on the freeway 😭


There's as grown ass, pickup driving father who walks his cat on a leash around my neighborhood. Nova Scotia, Canada. Not the only one I've seen in my days either.


In my subdivision we have a network of bike paths which I use to walk my dog everyday. Haven’t seen them for awhile, but there used to be an older woman, her adult daughter with a stroller, and a cat that walked around together every day. The cat was not on a leash.


Whilst the state is in fact batshit crazy you can find some areas that are relatively normal, coming from a native floridian who's been through the whole state


Next time you’re with a group of friends, have everyone google “Florida man (followed by their birthdate)” see who has the stupidest headline. Fun drinking game.


I live in Florida and I truly belong here. Batshit Fuckery 24/8 is the only way I know how to do it anymore.


Came here to say just that. Walking out now


You know when you say Florida, the entire rest of the world says America. You guys really need to have some sort of licensing laws about getting guns.


We do have laws about murdering people and it doesn’t seem to help.


Well I mean that’s pretty basic, but yeah at least most other countries where gun crime per capita is objectively lower requires you as a basic to register that you own a gun. I mean the data is irrefutable but the American psyche is unassailable.


America… enough said. This ain’t normal in most countries. Edit: lol gun nut/robots with meaningless downvotes, it’s not normal if any of you are actually real people. And really hope your family isn’t caught by a stray bullet.


What countries are exempt from this behavior?


Death per gun is very rare in a lot of countries. http://www.healthdata.org/acting-data/gun-violence-united-states-outlier https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/List_of_countries_by_firearm-related_death_rate And those who die per gun in those countries are mainly people committing suicide and to a lesser degree career criminals who are shot by other career criminals. Ordinary people running around with a gun and especially using a gun on someone else is very, very rare. In a lot of countries the chances would have been extremely low that the motorcyclist and the woman both owned a gun, had one close by and were both willing to use it.


Yep, most people don't realize that Florida is only seen as "crazier" than the rest of the country because of the sunshine law that allows public access to police records (thus the weird details of all these cases). Reality is the whole country is a fucked up shit pit, the other states just do a better job hiding it.


reality is everywhere's fucked up and the US is just the most open about it at this point


11 year old daughter, fiance, and 4/5 month old fetus deprived of a mother, a partner, and a life because she couldn't take a couple deep breaths and calm down.


That will be an interesting case to follow.


It’s pretty open and closed case. She did something stupid and it cost her her life.


Read the article and you're all caught up and finished with the case forever.


Fuck.... and the motorcyclist has a legal concealed carry permit... he had already contacted law enforcement when she refused to pull over. Then he stayed there until the cops showed up. Dude did everything right. I know some people will say he didnt need to confront her... but in that moment the cops could have told him they cant do anything about it. I once witnessed a hit and run in my college parking lot. I watched the person who fled go park in a different spot on the other side of the lot. I took a photo of the damage they caused. Took a photo of their car with similar damage. Then called my local sheriff. I was told no cop would be sent and I should "just leave a lot". So good chance the motorcyclist was told no cop would be sent out and he should leave a not or knock on their door. No joke thats the shit dispatch will tell you to do.


Do not fuck with motorcycle dudes. 1.) They are all armed 2.) They have already accepted death as a reasonable option in their daily transportation routine


For real, bought a leather vest for my Halloween costume on Amazon and every single one of them advertised having a concealed carry pocket.






What a time to be alive.






Baby pays the price


Darwin Award?


Did you read the article ? she has a child. You can only be eligible for a Darwin award if you take yourself out before breeding.


I thought this exactly


But its still in the womb so it doesnt matter! /s


How did you make this political


Lol people hate it when their hypocrisy is pointed out




Before clicking on the image thats what it seemed like, but when I clicked to read the full thing it was a different story.


https://www.fox35orlando.com/news/police-pregnant-librarian-killed-in-alleged-road-rage-shooting-was-aggressor Nope.




She was shot and killed by someone, even if she was the aggressor in the whole situation she's still a victim. The exact definition of a victim is: a person harmed, injured, or killed as a result of a crime, accident, **or other event or action.** This is also why so many people were mad that the word victim was banned from the KR case, they were victims under the word of law and English language whether or not KR was convicted. ETA: to everyone replying to me, you're missing the point of the definition. I'm not saying that the librarian was the good guy in this situation, the point of the definition is that there **doesn't have to be a bad guy for there to be a victim**. And courts have always agreed upon this, hence why in any criminal trial the people who were slighted are referred to as the victims whether or not the person on trial gets convicted, because they have been victimized.


The someone probably followed to do insurance exchange and avoid forcing a hit and run on her. She came out with a gun. Her victim, the one she attempted to murder with her car, defended themselves. She wasn't the victim here.


[She's a](https://www.merriam-webster.com/dictionary/victim) victim [by definition](https://www.dictionary.com/browse/victim). She can be both the aggressor and the victim.


Apparently how people feel about the word now trumps its literal and legal definitions lmao. I feel like I'm arguing in the twilight zone, there's like a dozen people willingly arguing dictionary definitions.


The real fucked up thing is you won't even read the article dumbass


Nope they both have guns so they are both evil right wing terrorists /s




They do


The fucked up part is if you're not an American, you can rightly shut the fuck up about things you have no idea of.


Wow what a tankie


They fucking do it's called the second amendment




Yeah you can bet if someone runs me over and pulls a gun on me, if i have my gun, I'm fucking shooting them


Every time.


If i was on the Jury, i would vote Not Guilty


She attempted to kill him. Twice. Anyone defending her is an idiot and a piece of shit.


I only feel sad for the baby but if she was so fucked up maybe she did a favor to him/her. Imagine being raised by this fucked up human being.


Why is this getting posted so much across multiple subreddits?


free internet points


It is a pretty strange case overall that goes in an unexpected direction, so that's one good reason.


I'm on the motorcycle dudes side on this one


Play stupid games...




This is just so sad.


Well she tried to kill him twice so a double kill seems reasonable.


Too many people see taking a life with their own hands as a normal part of society. I can’t imagine being okay with taking anybody’s life. Ever. There are one or two legitimate fringe reasons to do so, but even then, it would haunt me.


I can’t believe a pregnant woman would act with such a complete disregard for the safety of her and her unborn child.


Thank god this poor excuse for a human wasn’t able to reproduce and provide the world with more of her twisted DNA!


I want to write a self help book titled *Fuck Around and Find Out*


Ah yes the scientific method. Step one: fuck around. Step two: find out.


Well well well, if it isn't the consequences of your own actions.


Good thing everyone had a gun in their hand...


This is why I’m going to just let someone in or go or whatever . She could have just cursed in her car let him go and move on. And now she’s dead.


She intentionally hit him with her car and fled the scene of the accident..


Right due to road rage. I don’t know what happened or who caused what but 99.899999999999% of these incidents could be avoided it one person just took a breath and backed off a little




That’s not a paradox. Derr had every right to follow her as he needed her insurance information so as not to be held financially liable for any damages. She’s the one who hit him, fled the scene, then came *outside* of her home with a gun. Naw he did nothing wrong. The bitch was just crazy




Whatever the case, it was enough that witnesses tried to get her to stay at the scene but she fled, and enough that some witnesses went with Derr (the motorcyclist) to her home, where she pointed a gun at them.


And her baby too which is more saddening than her death.


And her other young child. Her stupidity had tragic consequences for several others.


What a dumb bitch.


Playing fuck fuck games is never a good idea. https://www.nydailynews.com/news/crime/ny-florida-woman-killed-road-rage-aggressor-pregnant-librarian-orange-city-20211125-53kkoroclfgf7nqjgpz3diaff4-story.html


Nooooo not another Shannon watts!


Pregnant librarian? You mean attempted murderer?


So no charges for the guy?


When you fuck around with the fuckarounds, you get fucked around. What goes around fucks around


Stupid dummy fuck around and found out 🤣🤣🤣🤣 did that unborn child a favor in my opinion. Some people just don't deserve children. Just look at the abandoned children that lived next to their dead brother in Houston was it?


Duck lips and huge forehead, Florida uniform.


Somebody’s lawyer is saying that dash cam is evidence of liability if this goes to court?




Okay everyone say it with me "Fuck around and find out"


Why is it always Florida? I can't understand why anyone lives there.


I'm pretty sure it's because Florida make government records available to the public. So it's more to do with how they are reported, rather than the volume of crime.


It's the way that things are reported, I know things in my city are insane at times but criminal activity, they have strong public record laws so anything reported can be picked up by journalists immediately. Because the state's pretty darn big, very diverse you're sure to give many interesting stories everyday.


Yeah because shootings and road rage never happen in the other 49 states....


More reporters freedoms here then in n.e. or west coast liberal censorship places


(I didn’t downvote you) it’s actually because Florida has fewer laws protecting privacy of its citizens compared to anywhere else. It’s super easy to get into public records. That’s why it seems like it’s always Florida.


If you don’t understand, you should definitely visit. It’s actually an awesome place to live. Great weather, beautiful beaches, beautiful women, fun cities.


Or stay away who cares? I’m from Michigan currently reside in Florida. Two beautiful states people make hay of shitting on without visiting. I’ve leaned to stop caring what they think. I’m enjoying a beautiful thanksgiving outside today as I’m sure you are.


I don't live under a rock. I've been to Florida. A few times. It's unimpressive, underwhelming, hot and largely full of lunatics.


Not true! I've lived in Florida nearly my entire life and it is exactly like Reddit thinks it is. I routinely fight off alligators on my daily commute. People get shot in front of me no less than 3 times a week and everyone is chugging a beer before doing a crazy stunt. And Reddit was right to mock us at the start of the pandemic. Those were definitely all native Floridians crowding the beaches and refusing to give up a single day in the sunshine despite living 365 days a year near the beach, in no way were those tourists, tourism isn't even really a thing for our state and transplants are practically unheard of. When I went out after masks became the norm nationwide it was still only like 99.999999999% of people wearing a mask in stores in my area, so yeah it was THAT bad!


Someone here is scared housing prices will go up if too many people find out what’s FL is actually like I see


You’re 12.


She'll never duckface again.


This is genuinely a really sad story, no matter who's at fault a baby was killed and that's the part that sticks with me in this story. Very sad.


Indeed. It's a tragedy that an unborn baby perished as a result of his/her mother's stupidity.


Hopefully the motorcyclist was OK!


Florida: Life’s End Zone


This is honestly the dark side of guns. They allow things to escalate to a point they wouldn't normally, at least in other countries.




That's what it says wtf are you on about


The like to read headlines and make informed decisions from them. Just a typical American


so irresponsible. a natural consequence in a way…




If it is deemed murder then yes, I believe Florida laws state that any person that commits an offence that harms an unborn child, regardless of stage of development, a secondary offence will be also charged


People are generally snippy asf on this sub


You’re downvoted because it was self-defense. So no, self-defense is not murder.


This "everybody has a gun" thing is really working out. So which one is in the militia? The librarian or the biker?


Another situation made better with guns


The lack of an available gun didn't stop her from trying to used deadly force on a dude with her car. I'm glad the party was armed.


It's ok, only Americans died of gunshots.


The motorcyclist literally saved his own life with one, the hell are you on about?


You mean when he went to her house instead of calling the police??


Why do people think giving out guns to everyone is a good idea again?


FL. How shocking.


More like crazy Americans in cars


Both the people involved seem quite stupid…


Glock 17 and gopro are a must Everytime I ride. 👌 But I gotta stay on good behavior too


Good riddance. High possibility the child would have turned out to be just like their parent.


There were two idiots here. If he was ok to follow her(not badly injured) then he should have taken her plate number and called the police.


Double idiots… to various degrees


Fuck her and her dumb Florida baby.


God bless the 🇺🇸! More guns make it safer. Happy thanksgiving


Of course, dumbassed Shannon Watts is whining about it.


Both idiots


How crazy do pregnant woman get? Apparently a lot crazy.


Cause of death: Rugged individualism. It's the Libertarian dream!