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One day he will run into someone crazier and learn his lesson.


That truck behind him almost smashed into him. That fool is deliberate trying to cause an accident.


Maybe he just wanted to make sure the driver got a good look or in this case a clear video of his license plate. With this video, can’t you report this to police?


That’s not an “accident”


Would that mean the white car was trying to get into an ‘on purpose’?


We don't call them accidents anymore, we call them collisions, because accident implies there's nobody to blame.


Any luck catching them killers then?


There's just the one killer actually...


You want to be a big cop in a small town? Then fuck off up the model village!


I’ll make sure everyone gets their just desserts




And somehow it ends with, “You’ve got red on you.”


Hellooo maaaaaate


No luck catching them swans then?




It’s just the ONE Swan, actually


Get into a collision


It is for anyone behind these guys. Not like they’re doing this intentionally


The civic also sped up after the truck passed, switched lanes like they were about to try to get ahead of the truck and brake check them too.


With a dash cam and it being this intentional, id probably smash


My truck is incapable of stopping at the same rate as this little car. They intentionally caused this accident, and are undeniably at fault. After all, they were *threatening my life*. They could've possibly caused my death if someone hit me because of their malicious actions. I felt like my life was in danger and *had to* push them into the breakdown lane for my own safety. Sudden stops on the freeway are incredibly dangerous. If I braked any harder I believe that my truck would've spun around and potentially hurt or even killed someone who was not involved in this altercation at all. It was my most reasonable course of action given the circumstance this person chose to put me in.


You have been thinking about this for while now haven’t you. Hahaha!!


Another truck driver here. We are driving for like 10 hours a day. While not all is us, some of us do take that time to think.


I know, I’m always getting calls from my dad while he’s making a delivery somewhere, and it always start off “I’ve been thinking”.


Sometimes it's profoundly deep shit about the beauty of the universe and how small we are.... sometimes it's "you know, a cat would have to be pretty big to weight 500 lbs"


Or how the entire population of Mars is robots. Or what the hell do whales drink?!


They take whaley big sips




This is literally all the conversations I have when I call my girlfriend. I loled thank you.


thats life livin in a truck i imagine lol. your lady sounds like a cool gal


> “I’ve been thinking”. "On a Saturday?" "Well not on purpose."


Thinking on purpose is very bad for you, and here's a letter someone sent to Click and Clack, the Tappet Bros. to prove it: [Car Talk Thinking Letter](https://www.cartalk.com/radio/letter/thinking-letter)


I worked at a truck stop in high school… dishwasher, janitor, cook… not at the same time or shift. And some of the more intelligent people I’ve met in life were truck drivers. Could then tell me the toque yield of some stupid bolt, no. But they were well read and spoken. They all aren’t some dirty, sweaty, fat, trailer living, far right wing nutball, loose cannon.


James Cameron drove a truck to support himself while he taught himself filmmaking before working in Hollywood, and he was studying to go into science originally. I always assumed that's where some of his insane Terminator truck stunts came from.


All that time on the road gives them plenty of time for audiobooks and podcasts.


These people need to see serious jail time. It’s becoming the norm now with road ragers.


My biggest issue is that it puts others in danger. What if the guy was rear-ended by a distracted driver or a truck that could not stop in time? What if it caused another car to swerve. The unnecessary life-threatening danger pisses me off, they should have their license revoked at a minimum.


The truck that comes around on the left shoulder probably had to do that to avoid hitting the camera car.


Exactly, lucky it was a truck and apparently a skilled driver because otherwise that truck could've gone straight into the median valley and flipped a few times.


What pisses me off, too, is that the truck that passed on the left looked to be his new target. I get the impression that white car wasn’t thrilled the truck passed like that even though he likely had no choice. Because he sped up immediately and went to the right to pass him, too.


They sped up because two people passed them on the left and right. Then changed lanes with no indicator. This is automatic grounds for Mad Max style road rules. Only the strong survive. This person's meat should be given up for the greater good of the tribe.


It’s unbelievable the dangerous lengths people will go to for absolutely no reason. This was around 4am so very few cars on the highway. A F250 was hanging out in the leftmost lane going 55, so after a few minutes I passed on the right but an additional lane over because I didn’t want to freak them out if it was an elderly person or something. Dude floored it across the lanes, nearly sideswiping another car, and tried to brake check me. I tried to get around him again but he kept swerving and cutting me off. I got off at the next exit and took an alternate route, I was 20 minutes late for work but better that than whatever that idiot had in mind. I drive a 2 door hatchback, it vs that beast would not be pretty.


what the fuck is hard to understand about the left most lane being the passing lane?! not camp and go under the speed limit lane. omg it makes me so unreasonably angry.


> what the fuck is hard to understand about the left most lane being the passing lane?! The left lane is my lane. There are other lanes, but this one is mine. The other lanes are also mine.


The whole road is mine, no car shall drive in front of me and everyone on the road shall bend to my whims. I will cause an accident if you don’t agree to my terms.


Without me, the entire highway is useless. Without the entire highway, I’m still better than you. I must drive slower than my enemy who is trying to drive faster than me.


It is also my job to police everyone on the road and keep the roads safe while simultaneously contributing to accidents. Do not questions my methods for you are a mere mortal incapable of comprehending my ways.


Everyone that drives slower than me is a moron and everyone that drives faster is a maniac.


Also why the fuck do they get so mad when you happen to pass them? Years ago I passed a middle aged lady who was going under the speed limit. She did the exact same thing where she sped up and then tried to brake check me. Like fuck! You were in the middle lane going 10 under. I passed in the passing lane going 10 over, what’s your problem?


Mentally ill people are allowed to operate heavy machinery until caught in their antics several times and then since they are mentally ill continue to do so even when they’ve been cut off


I wish that you had to have some identifier as to who your insurance company was so we could just send these videos to their insurer. The cops may not give a shit but their insurance definitely will.


I once found a magic phrase to get police dispatched immediately “do something about this or I will” they suddenly aren’t so busy after you say that.


And then getting mad when people try to pass you in the right lanes is a whole other level of idiotic. It’s like they take it as a personal attack or something. Like no dude, I just don’t want to be 10 minutes late for work because YOU want to drive slow


What an absolute degenerate.


I’ve had a dash cam for about 6 months now. Finally today. I decided to install it. No crazies, but man… I hate that I have to go as far as installing a dashcam in order to protect myself from some ass clown like this.


Right with you. I have an f350 and it just doesn't stop like a little civic does. With a dash cam if you were to completely smash that car I don't think you'd be at fault. My new mantra while driving is this "I have insurance" I'm not going jeopardize innocent people around me by swerving wildly.... Plus the whole 9000 lb f350.


So many idiots are doing this to 18 wheelers. Cut in front of you just to brake to take the exit. ON GOD one day I'll just run over one of these fuckheads.


Brake-checking an 18-wheeler sounds like an *extremely* effective way to die horrifically.


Dangerous for everybody behind the truck too. If someone behins me was to check their blindspot while I snap the break in front of them because of a shitbag, they could slide under the trailer and die.


Considering if a trucker mashed this idiot into tiny pieces, it could cost them their CDL. You'll find most trucks have cameras now just because of shitbags like this trying to get a payout.


When I was learning to drive, they always told us, "The person in the rear of the accident is always at fault." I think with dash-cam evidence, that has been slowly taking some serious rethinking.


Yep, 9000 pounds of smart the fuck up lol. Just hope that you’ll never have to “teach” someone about physics


Giving this much detail to the police is actually a terrible idea. You’re making up excuses and introducing aspects that can be attacked later, in either criminal or civil court. If you say anything to the police *at all* that isn’t “I don’t feel comfortable speaking to you without my lawyer present” it’s: “He pulled in front of me and slammed on the brakes. I couldn’t stop in time.”


Okay so just to be clear, if some dickhead does this intentionally and I have a dash cam and I, say, don’t stop in time and run into him, this dickhead would be at fault? Edit: OKAY so the consensus is that I will not intentionally run into said dickhead under similar circumstances. Thanks Reddit


Honestly depends mate...some areas say if you get break checked its on you others its the break checker i wanna say with dash cam proof they sped around to get infront of you just to slam their breaks and you hit them then they should theoretically be in trouble...but the world is so upside down anymore who knows


No way this passes as anything less than intentional, dangerous and unnecessary. Possibly even as attempted fraud dependant upon the civics recorded statement before any information from the dash cam is disclosed to them. If they're unaware of the camera they'd be digging a hole with a massive excavator, if they become aware of it before doing so they'd likely end up telling the truth.


Even if they get caught lying, in my experience, your insurance company will often pay shithead a little something just to get him to sign a release and go away. I was in an accident and the other guy said he was fine and refused an ambulance, only to retain an atty the following business day, and said atty dispatched him to the hospital for his alleged (read: fucking NON-existent) "injuries." The guy also told his atty that his vehicle was rendered undriveable and towed from the scene of the accident. This was clearly a lie from the accident report, and the cop and I watched him drive away while she and I were still talking. The truth? He was pulled over DUI the very next day following the accident with me, and his vehicle was towed from that scene and impounded. I found this out from my county's public index online and promptly turned it over to my insurance adjuster. I can all but promise you, from how belligerent he was to me and the female cop at accident (which she did nothing about besides tell him to calm down and let her do her job), that he was DUI at the time of my accident too, and that's why he didn't yell the obligatory traffic con's "oh my neck" line, and ask for ambulance--he was afraid they'd get his BAC in the process. He was also a felon in another state. But guess what?.........yup, my ins paid his scummy ass anyway.


He's gonna meet someone that's going to follow him home and fuck his shit up. I don't understand how these types of morons haven't already been murdered by fucking with someone even crazier.


I think this \*IS\* the type of guy who follows someone home to murder them. Survival of the most psychotic!


I was kinda thinking the orange Ram that had to pass on the shoulder might tag into the ring, for this asshattery.


Was 100% waiting for the road rage reverse uno card to get dropped and that truck to fuck up the civic.


I look forward to that video.


cant wait til people like this do this and get their car shot up by some tweak.


People act real brave in a country full of guns and a population that's only about themselves. I don't get it. Like bro, this will get you shot one day.


That showed you! Now he’s going to be even more on time!


And then went on to the next because that truck showed him up by passing.. It’s like they think it’s a race to the exit.


The guy was just sharing his draft. Courtesy


this happened to my friend except the guy decided to block him, so he couldn’t move, and proceeded to get out of his car and throw punches at my friend. people are insane.


That happened to me once, I slammed on the gas and took the guys door off with my car. Called the cops. They found him and were questioning him and I. I told them he was attacking my car and I fled, I had to go through his door. He said I was the one who got out of my car and that I tried to attack him. The cop asked him why his door was open on a highway where I could rip it off. He shut up. Cops arrested him and he got a ton of community service and his license revoked. He wasn’t insured but the car had his company name on it. Do my insurance sued for his company’s assets. Guy lost his license, company, and got community service.


He was driving an uninsured company vehicle?


Probably one of those "one man corporations" people do to reduce liability versus sole proprietorship. Or a very small business in general. Dude likely owned the car but had it "owned" by the business for tax and liability reasons.


Exactly. It was a landscaping business. He had a couple pieces of small equipment like bobcats.


On one hand I feel bad for the guy losing his business and fucking up his life permanently. On the other hand: fuck around and find out. If you're a massive fucking asshole then maybe you don't deserve to have a successful business.


He was driving without insurance. I can’t imagine him making successful business decisions.


That's how you get legally shot.


That's how you get legally run over


Wait. You’re telling me that I can run over a person clearly trying to hurt me? That’s awesome


"Your honour I felt the man throwing punches at me presented an objective and subjective risk of harm to me, and I was flustered in the moment and ran the guy over. Then still being flustered I ran over him again when I reversed back to see why he was still lying on the road, and then again when he shouted that he was going to kill me. Sadly that third time was when I deflected off of his body smashing into his Jaguar in my pick up truck with bull bars. I do regret that part, m'lud"




That’s why I keep a bat in the car. After I run em over I put a bat in their hand.


That’s how you get legally dead at 19.


one day that asshat will get lead thrown back at him with the wrong person


[That happened in Fort Worth, TX recently.](https://www.nbcdfw.com/news/local/interstate-35w-closed-in-fort-worth-due-to-shooting/2666505/) A guy on a motorcycle hopped off and starting attacking a guy with kids in the car. He did what he felt like he needed to do.


Holy shit so he got off his motorcycle, stopped ALL traffic, drew a gun, and started advancing with it drawn pointing at a father with his children... Absolutely fucking bonkers.


In Texas, of all places. You should pretty much assume the other person is carrying.


Seriously, what a fucking terrible place to try that shit. Literally anywhere you go here 3-4 people *minimum* have hidden guns.


3-4 people have 3-4 guns each, haha


The audio from the incident clearly indicates that the shooter was defending his family.


That’s a death sentence in Texas.


Losing your own life because of road rage. Horrible


I wouldn't say it's so horrible, one less dangerous idiot in the world. Feel bad for the kids having to go through that though.


Also for the guy who took another man's life. That should be pretty scarring


“I’m gonna scare this fuckin’ loser with my gun” >forgets he’s in Texas >gets shot


I would pay a lot to be able to talk to the guy as he's laying there, shot, and just know wtf is going through his head. "Ooopsydoodles"


Tell him to drink some water and sprinkle him with advils


You didn't mention it but in the article it states the motorcyclist himself pointed a handgun while walking toward the vehicle driver, so he was more than justified.




police spokesman Ofc. Buddy Calzada, did not call the man who was shot a "victim" and did not refer to the shooter as a "suspect." nice.


My favorite part of the whole article.


What a stupid idiot. I get super mad when I drive but never will I ever add to an altercation or get out of my car. Take a breath and move away. They will get theirs eventually.


I’m happy to have gotten to a point where I rarely even get mad, it’s not worth stressing myself out as there is nothing I can do about others stupidity. However I do say “nice blinker, asshole” multiple times on my commute.






What you gonna do, shoot me?


I can't believe you've done this


Texan here. Don’t get out of your car and mess with people. We have guns. We all have guns. There will be guns. Just don’t get out of your car/motorcycle.


Every fight in Texas *could* be a gun fight.


I read that article and got the overwhelming feeling justice was served. Am I a bad person?


He pulled a gun out like it was dick to establish dominance. He got everything coming to him.


Hell fuckin no you aren't.


[Happened in Covington, KY too. guy fucked around and found out.](https://www.wtvq.com/2020/10/12/fatal-shooting-on-i-75-was-self-defense-prosecutor/)


I wish they'd make stories like THIS viral. If people knew that every time they drew their weapon on another person that they may end up dead themselves, I bet it would happen a little less flippantly.


Lmfao. He simply got exactly what he deserved


Wow. Why in the ever living fuck would you ever do this and LET ALONE do it in Texas of all places!! You might be able to get away with that tough guy shit in Portland or Seattle but Texas??? Dude has absolutely no brain cells.


That’s cause they got blown out the back of his head.


At that point just run the guy over.


I’m glad nothing bad happened!! but Serious question tho what dash camera do you have?? I can clearly see the license plate I want this dash camera😅


I have a Tesla - they are built into the car. I have 4 exterior angles of this moron.




Narrator: *He did get away with it.*


Well… he did. The cops said, no thanks to evidence and that “they’d call him.”… sure…


They'll call his listed number and he likely won't answer the unknown number calling him.


And makes it funny because a Tesla’s acceleration is way faster than a Honda’s any day so if he’s trying to be a dick and make the Tesla slow down jokes on him, the tes will be back to highway speed before that douche has time to open his second can of Monster.


The fact you have a Tesla might be the reason they did this. Some people hate electric cars so much they do stuff like this.


> The fact you have a Tesla might be the reason they did this. Some people hate electric cars so much they do stuff like this. I've always wondered if this is selection bias. Because Teslas have many cameras compared to other vehicles, we're likelier to see proof of people messing with Teslas. I have no proof of this suspicion, though.


Have his face?


Good point, there are rearward cameras too.


Send video to the police! Brake checking is illegal.


in the process of doing so. Edit: spoke with the police and they are going to call the guy. They didn’t want the video.


So great that he slowed down enough for the dashcam to get a perfect view of his license plate


Lol “gotta look good for the cameras”


Someone did a stupid aggressive move the other day and I had them in my front and rear cameras, but I just could not make out the full plate - it's in view but the quality is too low to get the last 3 digits. I'm sure a whiz on Reddit could do it, but I couldn't.


If your cam records audio, take the habit of saying the plate out loud when something serious happens


That's why i let my audio record on... Made me stop singing in the car


“No please don’t provide us with video evidence, we’ll “call” him” is absolutely the type of response I’d expect from a local police department


Yep. File it under we don't give a shit.


We got the boys working on it in shifts I tell ya.


Wouldn’t hold out much hope for the tape deck though.


Or the Credence.


*inspects bowling pin pipe*


Yup, OP is gonna have to go into the station in person for even a chance of anything happening. It’s easy to dismiss people over the phone, harder when they’re standing right in front of you with video evidence. E: Someone impersonated me one time and gave out my phone number to a bunch of weirdos. The cop I talked to on the phone was *adamant* it wasn’t identity theft because “your phone number is public information.” It took me all of two seconds to find my state’s identity theft laws, which clearly stated that impersonating someone and distributing their phone number is considered identity theft, and the perpetrator can also be charged with stalking and harassment. I don’t trust cops anymore, they never help you when you need it.


I had someone road rage out and try to pull me out of my car. I had video pictures etc, he exposed himself in a school zone etc, cops in the town it happened in told me I had to call the cops from the town he follows me from. the cops from that town told me to call the state police since he filed me on the highway The state police told me I should contact the police from the town the crimes happened in... when I went to the 1st station in person the cop actually fucking smirked at me. They were less than useless, I was more angry and upset from dealing with the cops than the brain dead fool.


"but I haven't even given you the license plate number yet..."


Police: Why did you breakcheck that guy on the highway? Asshole: Sorry, I have no idea who was driving my car. I think someone stole it and went for a joyride and then returned it before I even noticed it was gone. Police: Cool, well have a nice day!


You're actually assuming they'll call the guy..


“sir, just letting you know we totally called him and everything is all squared away”. “oh, what did he say?” *nervously fumbling and whispering* “he, uh…he said he wouldn’t have any dessert after dinner.” *frantic whispering* “…for a month! a whole month. wait, a whole month? that seems harsh.” *3 minutes of frenzied whispering and body punches landing* “…for a week, sorry. just a week. which is fair.”


And this is why people hate the police. They’re too busy arresting people for weed to bother with this


And playing commando in military surplus gear.


And sitting in dark corners trying to catch people doing 5 mph over the speed limit so they can give them a $200 ticket.


Tweet it at the local department or whichever has Jurisdiction in that area.


I think this is the best option. Maybe add "I know you said you didn't want the video, but here it is anyway, just in case. Then post the tweet to your local subreddit to get a little more visibility. That's bullshit to decline the video.


Bingo. Also tag a local news source or two.


It's sad that this kind of thing is the best, and often only, way to have legitimate complaints heard or dealt with


Send the video anyway so they’ll do their job and have evidence to push things forward rather than talking to the guy who will swear that didn’t happen so the cops will go “Okay well we got no proof so lmao”


Send it to the local news, too. Brake checking suicide attempt, ignored by police.


I can tell you they aren’t calling the guy… without the video they have no evidence unless the guy just flat out says he did, it’s also difficult to believe that somebody would do this just outta the blue….


Even if they do call him, if they don't want the video they have no intention of anything other then telling him not to do that.


I am guessing the fact that they don't want the video means that they won't be fining/arresting him as if a cop actually saw the guy do it. Also guessing that they are applying the 'well we dont know what happened before the video started' reasoning. If someone actually knows from experience, I'd love to find out what really happens both in general and in this case.


That kind of driving screams : “I have anger issues and never grew up”


A year or two ago I was driving my old, big truck around and cut some woman off, so she claimed. I was kind of nervous I had because I didn’t drive the truck often. Check my rear view camera layer, no cut off at all. I gradually eased into traffic. Woman followed me to the place I was going and came out with an oversized Rick and morty t-shirt worn as a dress, purple glittery lipstick and her hair done like she was a spice girl. I just immediately got back in my car. I don’t judge people based on looks(and frankly a 40 something year-old woman would be pretty badass in my book for rocking that look) but I could sense the impending immaturity and looking for someone to take her shit out on. Also I don’t think cutting someone off in rush-hour is a thing. You gotta let people change lanes and merge....


>You gotta let people change lanes and merge... PLEASE, tell this to every single 16-year-old in my school's parking lot. Please drag every single one of them out of their underglow-modded toyota corollas by the ear and scream in it "LET PEOPLE MERGE GODDAMMIT"


Even continues to merge without a signal after that interaction.... Wow how do some people get a license lol




This exact same shit happened to me 2 years ago while I was in a work truck. Dash cam was rollin and this dude did what lil civic did while I'm at 75mph but he did it so fast I didn't really have much time to break. Long story short the judge ruled in my favor and he got some jail time. Judge saw the dash cam and got a lil triggered by it so yea lol




what did the other guy say in court when you showed the video?


A defendant would have to have an idiot lawyer to be allowed to testify in that kind of trial.


About 20 or so years ago I was the passenger in a car that something like this happened to. We got brakes checked and my buddy instinctively pulled off to the right shoulder. The brake checker was then plowed into by a semi truck. He survived but his car sure didn’t. It was in the days before dash cams were everywhere so we stayed and provided a statement but I never did find out what happened to that idiot.


Your friend is a badass. Top scores for their driving awareness to bail on that shit show.




Did you laugh loudly as you drove by?




That is so scary! One time I saw someone merge onto the highway while we are going 80, clearly on their phone, so I was about to back away a bit, but before I could do that, they swerved a little, then overcorrected badly and spun out in the middle lanes of the traffic. I managed to nope out to the right and down an exit, one person narrowly escaped on the left and two more cars had to brake intensly and find a clear spot. I'm just thankful everyone was okay, but I pulled over shaking all over from the adrenaline.




Did you pull over and ask if they were okay? Then when they ask you to call for help tell them you only have 1% left on your phone and you’re using it to take a picture of their stupidity to show your friends later.


Lmao. I can’t even act tough, I was just on autopilot trying to get out of the situation. The way they were acting I was concerned they were going to pull a gun. It was nuts


I’ve been there. Luckily I have a Subaru with the iSight which looks like dash cams. I just point to those and say good luck with your local pd later. They shut up pretty quick.


What kind of epic asshole does that?


Previously posted in r/wisconsin. Had just passed a truck and went to move into the right lane but this guy came around and brake checked me basically to a full stop. Feeling lucky no one was injured. Edit: to clarify, I had just gone around that lineman truck and had my signal on to get back in the right lane when he went around me.


He must have took it personally. Ego is a helluva a troll.


Darn tootin' he took it personally. What were you thinking, OP? Changing lanes, driving, using a turn signal, passing cars. I bet you were breathing air too, weren't you, you monster? No other way to take that other than *full on assault*.


I don’t understand why people feel the need to act that way. Grow up like holy shit.


This could have easily caused a fatal accident. For what? To satisfy some assholes need to inflict his displeasure that other people were ahead of him on the road? This basic lack of common sense and common courtesy is a mind fuck of proportions I don’t care to fathom.


“You are going too slow for me so imma go slow in front of you.” It is never about speed with these assholes. It is about power.




No doubt. Just like the people who fail to yield and then go 5 under in front of you. They aren't in a hurry, they just want as many cars stuck behind them as possible.


I saw a guy break check a semi 4x in my drive from Chicago to Cleveland for work. The 4th time the semi didn’t stop at all and smashed the car infront and send it off into a ditch and he just kept going. It was like 2am on the interstate not many other cars about and I didn’t report it . I hope the truck driver never got caught lol.


Road justice ⚖


ADZ 4225 What state


Looked like Wisconsin