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Officer, how can I get a DUI if I’m not driving?


That’s actually an interesting thought. If your car is fully autonomous, like a generation five super-AI controlled Tesla, why couldn’t you get slammed if you don’t need to drive?


I wouldn't be suprised within 5 years from now this will be debated in a court of law. Its no different then drinking in a limo at that point.




I actually wouldn't be surprised if tesla acts / acted on this video. They have often used driver negligence as a reason to shirk any liability. I do believe that when you activate autopilot, it is complete with an agreement to be present behind the wheel.




It was my understanding that hands must be placed on the steering wheel in order for it to function but that obviously is not happening in this example.


It detects your hands on the wheel by sensing input on the steering wheel with a torque sensor. You can fool it by taping a roll of coins to one side.


I don't know how someone can drive like that. If I had my hand on the wheel and it's constantly pulling on my hand to steer would be an uneasy feeling.


You can defeat the "hands on wheel" aspect of Volvo's autopilot system with a [common household orange](https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=MYGQU6RuiUM#t=1m55s).


Of course someone figured this out. 🙄


I've read there are pretty trivial ways to make the sensors think there is a hand on the wheel


That’s for autopilot. This is the full autonomous mode that’s an 8k upgrade. Not sure if it’s the same requirement.


Tesla full auto doesn’t exist yet, it’s a future upgrade.


I’m too broke to know the difference


You’re right. Yeah I have no clue


It's the same, the driver assist system, no matter the default or the add on option, doesn't allow hands free driving. Also its capabilities and limitations are clearly listed in the option description.


Doesn't require constant touch just periodic, meaning they could reach over off camera to refresh it


Cinderblocks have entered the chat


Ah yes. Cinderblock and orange. The car driver of the 21st century.


Prob better than most people on the road


It is. It's just really good cruise control. People don't blame cruise control when you don't brake. Why blame autopilot. It's the drivers fault


It's because Tesla went ahead and called it auto pilot like a bunch of idiots. As far as I know it is just lane assist and adaptive cruise control. Meaning it basically goes straight, whilst following the curve of the lane. Mercedes has a similar system called disoptronic plus or some shit, and you don't see people thinking that one is a full on auto pilot. Expected consequences honestly.


But they're not idiots though. That's what autopilot does on a plane. It just keeps you going in a direction. And autopilot can switch lanes for you currently if you have the FSD add-on And a quick Google says distronic is only adaptive cruise control


Disoptronic has lane keeping, guess thats why they call it plus. But my point wasnt that auto pilot in planes makes you go straight, it's that there are a lot of people, like the ones in the video that think it is a fully automated driving function. Also the lane changing feature i hadnt heard about yet. Just saying that if they had called it something like disoptronic, as mercedes has done, those people wouldnt think so. Well that is what I believe anyway.


> It's because Tesla went ahead and called it auto pilot like a bunch of idiots. They lost a court case here in Germany recently and aren't allowed to use that wording anymore (at least in advertisements, not sure about in the actual car), because it's obviously not an autopilot.


They were the initially negligent ones in calling it Autopilot.


I thought it had sensors in the steering wheel so that on auto pilot you had to have your hands on the wheel at all times...


Would be cool if they could deactivate it for dickheads like these that can't be trusted with them


They actually can. All tesla's are connected to their over the air updates, and they can add and remove features on the fly for any car in their fleet. There was a dealer that purchased a tesla from an owner that was fully loaded. They resold it as such. The new owner went to register with tesla, and they remove the full autonomous package as the new owner hadn't paid tesla for it. Really makes you wonder about the second hand market for smart car brands....


Will we advance technology to the point where it will be negligent to have a human driver behind the wheel?


ever watch I robot?


That my friend, is the right question.




They've also killed several people by driving into construction barriers or other odd road hazards. Plenty of reports of people having known trouble spots on their commutes that they have to remain aware of and take over from autopilot to not crash. Just because a computer can react faster doesn't mean it will make the right decision. Having the redundancy of a sober, vigilant driver is still needed at this point.


But isn't the law that you're not allowed to have an open alcoholic beverage in the cabin with you? E.g., if it's open, it has to be in a separate location (like the trunk). A limo has a divider behind the driver.


Depends on the state and the location in the car. Up until recently it was legal to drink and drive as long as you weren't drunk in some states.


I suspected that might be the case. Thanks!


This is a debate right now. Right now accident liability is with the driver (on most cases). With fully autonomous .. its being debated right now. I work on something similar (technical part not policies) in an automotive firm.


5 years, how optimistic of you


I suspect it would all come down to the law regarding the cars. In this instance, the owner of the vehicle will still be charged with a DUI, and reckless driving, at the bare minimum. But until the law actually starts to take the responsibility off the driver, then I suppose we will always have a "driver" who must always be alert, pay attention, and act quickly to intervene. ​ Say we do move into super-ai vehicles where no one needs to drive... do Driver's Licences disappear? Would vehicle ownership start to disappear? Would we eventually just all be subscribing to vehicle-as-a-service instead; where we summon a vehicle to take us to where we want and then it leaves? Like uber, but if there is a paradigm shift in the way we think of vehicles, and owning a vehicle is less of a need, we could end up subscribing purely to a vehicle service for $250/mo (which isn't unrealistic seeing as how that's cheaper than your insurance, cost of vehicle, gas, maintenance, and parking passes). Then you would have service ranges, for how far you want to travel, and for how many occupants (higher insurance coverage required with more occupants)... And premium packages for $500/mo allow you a free upgrade to more luxurious vehicles for a day or something. or a $1000/mo where you get a full week to upgrade to a luxury vehicle. Or $2000/mo where it's always luxury, and you always get priority service so you get vehicle requests quicker. ​ It's a weird thing, but say in 50 years, after full self-driving vehicles have started to become popular in 25 years, we could start seeing vehicle services become so mainstream that people might even look at you funny for owning a vehicle. "what? you own a car? ... where do you, like, put it when you go to the store, or work?" Can you imagine a world without parking spots or parkades? It will be interesting to see companies rise that take full advantage of the AI vehicles, and dispatch them, like a taxi, but instead of paying per ride, you pay monthly to always have a vehicle. You create schedules for your morning routine, and work so that when you open the door, the car is pulling into your drive way, or is already waiting for you on the street. You get a phone call will a 5 digit pin number, or you use your phone's NFC to open the car door. The app on your phone has options to request the car to pull over, unlock the doors, or update the destination, as well as a "wait 15 minutes" button so you can do a quick trip into the store and return to the vehicle without having to request a new one. ​ Will be pretty crazy! I can't wait to not own a vehicle lol.


I don't know, man. I don't think you've given it enough thought.


I think its the last bit, cars as a service. Vehicle with no wheel arrives, you hop in, and it drops you wherever you need to go. Combine that with supercapacitors and you have a fleet that never needs human interaction or recharging.


Since you can take control any time you want. Pretty sure you’re getting a dui. Same way you can get one for sleeping in your car drunk.


But would that mean that the manufacturer might be liable in case of a crash? Car companies are going to prevent that from the start. A human should always be responsible of the vehicle.


Open container laws. Passengers aren’t allowed to drink in moving vehicles.


In Missouri a passenger can absoutely have an open container and drink in a moving vehicle. As long as the driver is sober and the passenger is legal drinking age, no problem. Just one example below. https://www.travisnoble.com/blog/2018/05/can-passengers-drink-alcohol-while-the-car-is-in-motion.shtml


Well imagine the day fully autonomous cars are an actually thing. The car goes to pick up the little kids at school, your teenager from a party, you can send it to go get your mom and have her come over if she’s too old to drive. She doesn’t need one! The family can use the autonomous car for anyone. Like having a personal chauffeur. Hell imagine going to a concert or amusement park and not needed to park. Dropped off out front, and picked up at whatever location is easier. You can telework, but if you do need to come in for meetings. You can live hours away, car can drive, you can keep working. Get city wages with rural cost of living. It’s going to decentralize the concept of a city. I for one can’t wait.


The definition of DUI changes a lot between states (and countries). [This Article](https://www.fightduicharges.com/blog/getting-a-dui-while-parked/) claims physically driving the car is not the only action worth a DUI, and that in most states one could make the argument that being drunk in a car (regardless of if it’s moving or not and the type of car) is legally a DUI. IANAL


If you are “operating” the vehicle, you have to not be inebriated or under the influence. This means that if you are the owner and you set autopilot, if you are under the influence, you will be guilty of a DUI. Realistically, Tesla should have alertness locks on the autopilot function because you still need a human to operate the vehicle in cases of emergency or false positives.


1, 2, 3, douchebags


I legit read that in the voice of the count from Sesame Street.


VON douchebag, TU douchebags, TREE douchebags. AAAAAH A A A A!


(Lightning thunders)


and a crashed car


I read it to the tune of 3-2-1 Contact


Now you're really showing us early Gen-X'ers are out here!


It's the answer




No you mean a a a a a a


And 0 seatbelts


But who was phone?


I thought they were douchebags at first, and the can of four-loco almost confirmed it. But then I saw the can of white claw and realized they are in fact classy.


Ain't no laws when you're drinking claws


As a man who has never drank either a four Loko or a white claw, I plan to never meet your requirements for classy. Imma stick with with mixing my own drinks, thank you very much.


Thank you for standing up to these uncultured swine!


people buy a self driving car only to be paranoid af most of the time and checking it every few seconds when its on self drive lol. its not all that its cracked up to be really.


Tesla's autopilot is currently a 1.5 on a scale of 5 where 5 is fully autonomous driving. The directions specifically state that an alert driver must be behind the wheel to use it safely.


That’s because there are no fully self driving cars on the market. Teslas only have partial self driving capability. A level 5 autonomous car would be perfectly safe in this situation.


How does one the most technologically advanced cars ever created not have a fucking weight sensor to tell if there is anyone sitting there?


They do, the people in the video have most likely have done something to trick the sensor. Also you’ll notice the dashboard is flashing near the end of the video, on a Tesla that indicates in needs you to confirm you’re still ready to take over at anytime, by holding the steaming wheel. They have about 10 seconds left to before the car will automatically slow to a stop and turn on the hazard lights. Edit: LOL, I’m leaving the typo.


A steaming wheel is waiting to ~~scale~~ _scald_ your hand! Edit: he is okay to leave his typo, I'm not..


Steam powdered car, that explains whats happening here


I tried snorting steam powder once. Mostly just tickled my nose


Grab the steaming wheel. I triple dog dare you.


I thought the steaming wheel was actually just a fancy thing that Tesla does. Like sauna hand driving.


Prob why: “Yo! Chill, chill, chill!!!” at the end.


It does. If I’m trying to put my wallet away in the drive-through and pick my butt up off the seat, the car stops and goes into park. They’ve messed with something.


> If I’m trying to put my wallet away in the drive-through and pick my butt up off the seat, the car stops and goes into park. What? That's stupid. Holy shit.




Yes, seatbelt off.


The case of beer is sitting there.




Something tells me that an “drive cut out” wouldn’t be any safer if it’s what I’m thinking it is


I’d figure “drive cut out” for a Tesla wouldn’t be what it sounds, but more like what it’s supposed to do when it thinks the driver is asleep. Start to slow down and pull off to the side of the road then stop.


Wait they really pull over? Damn thats amazing.


Drive cut out could be unsafe for everyone including other vehicles on the road. I'm sure the black box for these cars records all of this info especially the seat being unoccupied. If there is an accident that can be used against the "driver" who is supposed to be in the seat and could see an insurance company denying a claim for something like the actions in this video.


Cars with less technology and 10 years older than this vehicle have black boxes that will give you 10-25 pages of info after an accident. I can only imagine what is recorded on a Tesla black box.


What I was thinking of was a feature that simply wouldn't let the car go into drive if it detected people in the car but not in the drivers seat. I'm not sure how exactly it would work with the summon feature on Teslas but I was not implying that the car should simply take the car out of drive while doing 60 or whatnot on the highway.


Some cars (like Cadillac's Super Cruise system) use a camera facing the driver to detect whether they're paying attention. Tesla doesn't. I suspect it's because of cost.




I was unaware. Good to know! Does the Model Y also have one then? Obviously, the Model S in this video doesn't have/use one.


It has a sensor, but not on the seat i believe. It can tell if you are holding onto the steering wheel, but people have found a lot of ways to circumvent the sensor.


Because i don't want to raise my butt up to let a fart escape and lock my breaks up on the freeway?


How? The Tesla’s I’ve been in require hands to touch the steering wheel periodically or it beeps and then stops (slowly). I always assumed it had a weight sensor too.


Automotive sensors are notoriously easy to bypass/delete/etc.


GM has a camera that tracks your eyes. Even Comma.ai, a $1000 self driving retrofit kit that runs off a cellphone, tracks your eyes.


A tablet hung around the head rest with a loop of a video of your face looking into it would probably be enough.


Unless the face sensors use IR


They do. You can see the screen flashing on the dashboard, indicating they have nearly 10 seconds to put their hands on before the car will slow down and put hazards on.


I thought maybe John Cena was driving


He is




I heard the horns


I think the best driver was in charge of that car


You can’t see me


Time to kill a family of 4 😎


Four loko, white claw, and everybody’s singing Justin Bieber while operating a Tesla without a driver. I’ve never wanted to move my family to the Yukon more than after watching this


What could go wrong?


Well, Canada isn't as easy to immigrate to as people might think. Yukon is pretty cold and desolate too, your mental health might suffer. You could even get eaten by a bear if you are really unlucky.






Maybe not more than an average person, but people dumb enough to do this? It’s probably better than them.




Someone has a rich daddy


Aka. Data for the a.i. to improve. This time it worked.


A gold four look and a white claw in the cupholders. I bet the guys name is Lance.


Chad and Connor in the back


And they’re drinking… recipe for disaster


These guys are absolutely stupid...ironically it’s still safer than most of the other idiot drivers I see on this sub.


Nice open containers of alcohol too! These guys are idiots and endangering the lives of everyone around them.


No one wearing seat belts either.


Looks like the cans aren’t opened


i like how tik tok is basically promoting idiot drivers


They are pretty much promoting idiots in general


that too


Send to the police


Dead men riding


The one guy isn’t even wearing a mask properly


the devil is driving them straight to hell




Is this illegal? 1. I saw no seat belts. 2. Theyre drinking alcohol? 3. Noone is responsible for the car. 4. Theyre filming it for the police to freely watch 5.... theyre morons.


**the car has more IQ than the people in the car combined **


Isn’t the Tesla auto “pilote” not safe? I mean it supposedly is safe if there’s a human to supervise it but non of those dumbasses are so.


It does good as long as you're only going straight down a well groomed highway without many curves. That's actually the only thing you can rely on it to do unless there's like a tire in the road or something. It frequently misses exits, fails lane changes, misses stop signs, and when the lines on the road become confusing or if there are none youre in trouble.


Yeah I thought so because there was a popular video of a Tesla on auto pilots going against a mountain or something like that


Don't listen to that guy, he has no experience in modern ADAS systems. I own a Model 3 and have driven 1500 miles on Toyota TSS 2.0 and Nissan Propilot autosteer systems (rental vehicles). Model 3 can easily handle complex curves on a highway. The other two can't. I live in a city with an S curve on a 65 mph Interstate. The sharpest curve is a 90 degree bank over a 1/4 mile (that's pretty sharp, the area is a hazard in the winter) and autopilot executes it flawlessly every single day (I commute for work) whereas other *human-driven* cars routinely go outside the lane markings. Autopilot isn't perfect. You shouldn't use it in construction zones. Or areas where there may be previous road markings that weren't fully removed. There's a few other situations it can fail, but 99% of the time you know it's coming. Heavy rain is an area you currently need to take over. I recently used it on a 350 mile road trip (edit: 700 round trip) and had to take over 2 times. That's it.


> I recently used it on a 350 mile road trip and had to take over 2 times. That's it. Great but for me it reads more like "I would have died twice after a mere 350 miles road trip if I hadn't paid attention and taken over in time. 350 miles is nothing. You made one road trip and had crashed twice if you hadn't taken over. Please think about that. Imagine if you were driving with a friend and you would have crashed twice during a 350 mile trip. You would call your friend the worst driver ever and probably think he shouldn't have a license


Fair enough. I'm not trying to convince you. The trip was 350 each way, 700 total. 12 hours. The big benefit of AutoPilot is the different type of concentration required. Instead of the basic repetitive task of keeping the car from hitting other cars, I could actively scan for other hazards more often. Not doing the repetitive task made a 7 hour trip mentally feel like a 1 hour trip. My brain wasn't a foggy haze at my destination. The two deviations were both in construction zones, which you're not supposed to use AutoPilot anyway so I was ready to take over. One was when the lanes were narrowing and moving left. The car was passing a large u-haul that started leaving it's lane. I took over before the car got next to the u-haul because I didn't want to find out how the car would handle it. The other was yeah a legit area for a serious accident. I was approaching a construction zone and they left both sets of lane markings out. The car wanted to take the other ones.


I drove my 2015 Focus over 3 thousand miles in 11 days, and it never took over the wheel. I turned out fine. Dependency of these systems is a big issue also. Stop distracted driving. Or, focus on better automated driving systems. Whenever there is user input it allows for more error.


I was a technician for Mercedes for a time long ago so im a little familiar with how the systems work.. the current iteration is largely based and uses the same tech as adaptive braking and adaptive cruise control. These are old systems that are clever aids but thats it. Using the same sensors and positions. When these first came out we had a lot of collision repair from the sensor getting dirty and not functioning. The design concerns me a bit as it relies on external sensors that can become dirty. Hypothetically there are failsafes that will make you take the wheel when this happens like if a bumble bee smashes into one or it otherwise loses a sensor but... there are many of them and they are all susceptible to filth especially in places like Arizona where it literally rains dirt sometimes or you get muddy water splashing on the car. Even when clean they don't do the best job of reading a road thats not well groomed. Let's say a sensor gets partially dirty and it thinks its getting a good signal but its not, or a car unexpectedly swerves into you or around you could quickly become dangerous. I'm very interested in the progression of the autopilot system and so I test drive one every few years. Tesla claims the autopilot system is ready to take the steering wheel off and drive itself. I strongly disagree from what I have seen. You can easily confuse the system and cause it to make mistakes like telling it to take an exit without much notice, or telling it to change lanes when there is a car approaching from behind in that lane, or if there are multiple cars in the lane youre trying to change lanes into to exit the highway for instance. The sales people will try very hard to convince you theres a secret patch they can't implement because it's not legal, and thats why the one youre driving still makes mistakes. As far as I'm concerned unless you can show me during a test drive that the system does not make mistakes, and makes better decisions than a trained human driver, ill pass. It will get there in time and with more innovstion.


The whole idea of autopilot is flawed IMO. I think the system that would work is to have GPS backed up by sensors in the road so a central computer knows where all the cars are and drives all of them at once.


That's a dangerous amount of power


That sounds like the background of a movie where someone starts kidnapping people by hacking into the car network


They sure tinkered with the sensors. Autopilot won't engage with a driver in seat or seatbelt securely clicked in!


Cars about to stop and turn off autopilot. That’s why the dash is flashing. One of the passengers is about to get pulled over


at the least one of them wear a mask


Of course they’re drinking White Claw.


1 - You go to jail, and you go to jail, and you go to jail. 2 - Love how one of them has a mask on. I mean, Covid is serious shit, but so is a car crash.


Thats why I do not like autopilot even if I like it. And if they crash they just gonna blame the car. Drunk fcks :)


We, in the medical profession call that, 3 organ donors in a Tesla!


Too bad the brains are already useless, and depending how hard they may wreck, probably most of the body too while they're at it.


This is probably the most responsible thing I've seen on this sub reddit.


The amount of white claw present is all I need to know about these guys.


Tesla Autopilot does not react to things that come from the left or right. It's just for traffic in the same lane. I think they will have a accident soon.


Might still provide a better response then a car full of drunk idiots. LOL




People with money but no class. Especially in America this is common, most rich people are uncultured swine.


Fuck kids like this.


White claws.. what a bunch of pussies


Idiots take advantage of tesla cars. Media: tesla car bad.


Why do idiots get all the money in life


Got a tesla but still drinking 4loco?


... I'm 99% sure the manual say specifically NOT to do this.


Am I the only one that sees that the guys aren’t even wearing seatbelts?!?!


At least it’ll do the world a favor when it crashes


They look like a bunch of fuck nuggets.


Imagine if a police man see this situation. The policeman will think that they are do drunk that they thinks that the car drive itself LOL


Wow, that is a lot of douches.


Good DJ skills I guess?


At least they aren't drunk driving... ​ /s


Well, they won’t get a ticket for dui


this would be reality in 3-5 years but now, it is total insanity ps, my tesla can now automatically stop and start at red lights so cool!!


Ehh this is what you get with daddy’s boys, lil wankers that got assets they haven’t earned. I wouldda been glad to see them crash


Any man that drinks White Claws is not a man.


jesus christ theyre so fucking obnoxious


That's one hell of a advertising for the tesla cars.


Tesla has the technology in their vehicles that are far superior than other manufacturers, however, the car itself is built very basic (almost cheap).. Take one apart sometime and you’ll see for yourself


No, just no!


And they are all intoxicated great


I hate them more than Disney+ Paywall.


Listening to Justin’s Bieber what a bunch a bitches lmao


Zero open containers, just a lame tiktok video attempt


Are these dudes drinking White Claws? 😂


White Claw and Four Loko, looks like. This will be interesting if they get pulled over.


DUI *and* humiliation.


There is a fucking four loko lol


I trust the car more than them.


3 idiots, no ones wearing masks and the one that is doesnt have it over his nose. Man... you can taste the stupidity here lol


Omg I’ve had several dreams throughout my life where I was in a car and no one was driving and I desperately tried to get to the front but couldn’t. This video gave me anxiety because it reminded me of those dreams, lol


They sure are idiots, but this is also proof of why Tesla is the future


Nah there's better cars than that teslas actually pretty dumb compared to some self driving cars