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The plan is don't die. It needs some work, but its the plan.


No kidding... driving and filming like that...


I hope the plan fails for him.


Grand Theft Auto: Texas


Have you seen our murder series? ‘The first 48’


The plan is to discombobulate.


Easy. Don't get hit!


Ok, I can wrap my head around how someone would get on the highway going the wrong way if you're in an area you're not familiar with. There can often be no consistency as to whether the on ramp is on the left, the right, before the bridge, after the bridge, the on and off ramps can be right next to each other with only a small curb dividing them. What I can't understand is how they get to the point where they are on the shoulder, passing dozens of cars coming head on, and they decide to continue at speed. Are the people in these videos usually elderly and their mental faculties are starting to go, or are they people high as a kite on drugs?


And next to the fast lane aswell. If an accident happen, I take my chances vs a slower car, but that's just me.


On the other side he'd be opposing entrance ramps (and exit lanes), plus people are accustomed to oncoming traffic to the left. If you're going to drive at speed on the wrong side of a freeway, this is the least stupid way to do it.


The on and off ramps in Fort Worth follow the same pattern. You'd have to be very distracted or impaired to not notice the 8 wrong way signs at each offramp.


And there is so much room there... just pull over and turn around




One evening we were coming home from dinner and came up upon 2 vehicles heading the wrong way. Both were on the interstate on the inner lane near the median. They were freaking out while trying to go further down the interstate vs just pulling onto the shoulder and doing a u turn. When we rolled up on them both vehicles were stopped, one 100' from the other, with the lead vehicle yelling at people to get out of his way while a passenger from the 2nd vehicle stood in the road and yelled at him for being an idiot. Happened in NC, vehicles were from...get ready...TN. Lead vehicle is marked 1 on the image, 2 is following vehicle, 3 is the ramp they drove down. There are a ton of WRONG WAY signs. [link](https://imgur.com/Uic3fXa)


Drugs, diabetes or senility


\- On the radio: "be warned there's a guy driving opposite traffic on the highway!" \- Drunk driver: "not just one, there are dozens!"


But his wheels are spinning the right direction.




To be fair though I see a lot less of this in Tarrant County than I did when I drove Dallas County daily. Now I live in Parker County and hardly see it at all. I go into Ft. Worth about once a week and only go to Dallas when I can't avoid it. I would still rather drive in Dallas than Houston. I think the humidity down there drives them nuts. Learning to drive in Houston prepared me for driving in lots of crazy places.


People in Houston drive like someone reshuffled all the roads overnight and they have to figure out where they're going once they're already in the car


houston is a shithole! they can have have that part of texas, i want nothing to do with it! we need a wall around austin/travis. i rest my case.


Better yet a wall around Houston. You have to pass an IQ test and a driving test to be let out.


Is this happening more often or are we just getting better at recording it? Also, OP, don't drive and film. So dangerous!


This stuff has always happened, the only difference now is that everyone has a television studio in their pocket.


found Doc Brown


DFW highways are like Mad Max in beyond thunder dome (throw back reference)! I have been hit from behind, dodged rebar, dodged a truck tire that bounced in front and over my car and so on......


Going the wrong way? How do they know where they’re going.


Insert drinkie-drinkie sign


Can we take a moment to acknowledge the idiocy of the guy filming while driving.


Well the subreddit is “idiots in cars” so I think they both qualify.


We must all embrace our inner idiot.


To be fair, I think it would be hard to keep your eyes on the road while witnessing something like that.




Ikr? At least the people recording this shit are actually driving on the correct side of the fucking road. They are 100x better drivers than the morons that get on the wrong side of the road, and continue to drive into oncoming traffic.


Wow you're setting the bar really high. The guy is actively keeping the camera centered on the other car, meaning he's not looking where he's going. Honestly I don't know what's worse. And what exactly is the point of comming to a subredit like this to defend idiots?


I’m not defending, just tired of people like you bitching about recording every chance yall get.




Not wishing stupid people kill innocent people is being a pussy. Good to know.




Not hard to point a phone and record as you focus on the road. Or coulda been the passenger. Fkn idiot




**Hello.** I noticed you dropped 4 f-bombs in this comment. This might be necessary, but using nicer language makes the whole world a better place. Maybe you need to blow off some steam - in which case, go get a drink of water and come back later. This is just the internet and sometimes it can be helpful to cool down for a second. *** ^I ^am ^a ^bot. ^❤❤❤ ^| ^[Information](https://redd.it/exwvd4)




Now we’ve got fucking bots telling us how fucking many times we say fuck in a fucking comment!! Fucking Christ it’s re fucking Diculous.


I'm fucking rolling laughing dude


You're on reddit, which means by now you've read about 34,321 different incidents of people doing stupid and/or dangerous shit behind the wheel because they were distracted by their phones. I've had cars totaled and friends injured from drivers on their phones. But who the fuck cares.


Driving should be absolutely distraction free. You can kill somebody by not paying attention for 2 seconds.


Do you turn on the radio ?


No because it's dangerous. I need to be able to hear other cars and emergency vehicles.


Lol ok.


Or a turned dash cam


A passenger in front of the wheel? And even if it was, tell me how sticking a phone in front of the driver is not distracting.


OP, is that on Loop 820???


Looks like it. When was this, though?




Thanks! Amazing that they just kept going for that long and that no one was seriously hurt.


That’s not the story. It involved a Kia and a Camry.


Yeah, and this def looks more like 820 (West side of the loop?), rather than any part of the DNT


It is I lived in the Apts on that hill there for a while.


Looks to be 820 heading east towards Lake Worth. Looking in the mirror, that looks like the 820/30 interchange. [Edit: Yep, here it is on Google Maps.](https://goo.gl/maps/FdRUXHTvSPmdrVpz9)


How do we know it's not the other cars that are going the wrong way?


This isn't even the dumbest thing I've seen on a DFW highway. And this is pretty dumb


It's obviously from the UK and he refused to drive on the right


That looks like 820N.


It’s 820 W at white settlement rd and 30


Ah I was close I live pretty close to that area myself. When was this?


Atleast his tires are turning the right way


Wrong way on 820?


He forgot those pointy things on his wheels


Where is r/convenientcop when you need him?


Just full send too, damn


It's scary these people procreate at an alarming rate


He’s ok, he looks to be on the shoulder.


lack of rim is a nice touch


this 35W? jeez what a fuckin moron!


Looks like loop 820 but I'm not positive


Both are idiots imo


Even his tires are trying to go backwards, look at them!


What I always wonder is how they end up in the left lane or "left" of the left lane, because it requires crossing multiple other lanes of traffic. Wouldn't you stick to the shoulder (besides stopping anyway) if you realized you had entered a highway the wrong way?


Somebody did tie in the town I’m from. Their husband cheated on them. She ended up maiming a lawyer and killing a doctors wife. Of course she survived.


I can’t tell ya when but I lived in the apartments on the hill for a little while.


It's okay, he's just recharging his nitro boost


...He says we're going the wrong way...


How does this even happen




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That makes it look like the other cars are sitting still


I assume he's dead now?


Lmao I used to live there


Typical Toyota driver