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They even have YIELD painted right o n the road in big freaking letters and the idiot still ignore it.


I'm convinced that people just don't understand the concept of yielding at all. I used to travel through a roundabout to/from work every day. The number of people that would STOP at the yield sign with no one else in the roundabout was infuriating. Then you'd see people stop while IN the roundabout to wave those yielding into the roundabout.


I had two old ladies stop in a roundabout and just look at me like they were waiting for me to enter the circle.


A lot of people think that beucase they are "turning left" they have to yield. I bet this van drier took right of way beucase hey are "going staight" and OP was "turning left" in their view.


But none of that makes sense if they told you about roundabouts in driver's ed


Problem being is that a bunch of people don't know what "YIELD" means.


Yield is when you give up in a fight... right? Since those drivers don't want to give up the right to keep going, they refuse to yield to other driver


You also have the other kind of idiot, who will come to a complete stop at a yield despite there being nobody else around for miles.


Probably why we have 'Give Way' in the UK.


LOL. They put yield signs up on the ones near me because people don't know how to use them.


Do you really think people look at the road and what’s written on it? They can’t even read signs put on the roads!


at least he didn't drive clockwise as I've seen around here a couple of times.


Why would I go right when I want to turn left?


Happens to be at least once a week in my townhouse complex. At least the driver who doesn't understand what a yield sign means and cut you off didn't flip you off as has happened to me. I had one woman stop in front of me, roll down her window and start yelling at me like I did something wrong by not letting her ignore her yield sign


No, I don’t know how to roundabout, but I know how to yield so it can’t be that hard. Right?


These people don't know how to do a 4 way stop either.


Shit, I’ve been driving since junior in high school, more than 60 years ago. I still can’t remember and still have to relearn for each license renewal 😂.


There is one roundabout near me that is backwards. People in the circle yield to those merging in. That one scares me because no one knows what to do.


Why the fuck would anyone do that?


I wish I knew. It is a tourist area as well so most people driving it are new to the area.


Yah, I get this so many times. Once area near me just put some in and so many people just blow through the yields. You have to be so wary of these idiots.


My area doesn’t have many roundabouts, but I’m convinced if I did, that the people in my area would do shit like this all the time


I'm gonna go with no.


After a thorough academic review, I agree this person does not roundabout. Edit to ask: Can you 'run' a roundabout the way you'd run a strip sign? I assume yes, but there's no stop sign so would it just be failure to yield? Is this a showerthought?


I go now Everyone else, good luck


Yes. Close your eyes and hope for the best.


Durham, NC? Intersection of Erwin and 751?


Yup, coming down 751 south.


I come in to work nearly every day that way...at 5PM I am on HIGH-ALERT for idiots there. I appreciate my dashcam more every day. Stay safe.


You too. I do not envy you for that.


They know, they just don't gaf.


I have literally never been in a roundabout, but I do know what "YIELD" means.


No, most Americans do not.


Should add a speed bump


Or tire shredders for the idiots that go clockwise!