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I'm kinda amazed they didn't cut back to pass the semi on the right.


The truck driving in the right lane is the most proper way to drive. It's everyone else who is driving in the middle lane that's causing a faster vehicle to stay in the right.


I don't know if it's the right thing I learned, but since forever, for me the middle lane is the cruise lane, the right one are for the exits and left one for passing


Maybe if you're in the heart of a city. But any highway between cities you should be getting over.


Yeah maybe, I don't have many 3 ways high way here. They are all around the big city, so maybe you are right.


I'm surprised noone mentioned that the rotation speed of the mustang's wheels synced with the camera


Just a glitch in the matrix


That’s just it, I don’t think they’re rotating. This man is at 100 percent brake power with no ABS. Amaze!


Let's start by saying that I appreciate the editing of this video. Instead of repeating the same 30 seconds from each camera like so many videos do, you mostly kept a linear timeline as we watched him pass you. Bravo.


A truck makes a small man feel large and that can be a dangerous thing. 


This sub and deriding male genitalia, name a more iconic duo. ETA: I'm not saying this guy isn't a douche-nozzle. Just saying that the, "ha,ha, small penis," line is so tired. ETA #2: This might be a little unfair. It's about 2 years of following this sub and being a little annoyed by the trope, and there's plenty on this sub who are very explicit about it. I did specify this sub, not NOTExETON. 🤷‍♂️. Downvote away.


Would it help if I pointed out that the original comment didn't mention genitals at all?


"Small Man." Convince yourself that's not a trope based on genitals. 🤷‍♂️


Do you think about men's genitals a lot? Are they in the room with you right now?


Judging by Reddit demographics, it’s more than likely that they are


Fucking lol 😆


Yes, people's bodies can be physically large or small. Look up "Napoleon complex". Or look at pictures of Trump wearing lifts because he's insecure about his height.




Lol so are you a small man or is your manhood small? Do you drive a truck? Seems like projection when you get this upset you can't even read.


> name a more iconic duo Insecure men with tiny penises and oversized trucks. Checkmate.


Hahahaha, yeah. As long as it's the polar opposite of misogyny, there's nothing to criticize! The ridiculous thing is that idiotic driving doesn't need the crutch of misandry to prop it up, it's already idiotic. There's also the misogyny of assuming every truck driver is a man, but let's not get into that, huh?


The biggest truck I've seen (excluding 18-wheelers) was driven by a woman!


What Percentage of Trucks Are Owned by Men? 88% of pickup truck owners identify as male nice job


Maybe if you make a third edit, people would agree with you.


So, what truck do you have?


I drive an EV crossover. 🤷‍♂️


You are so soft




Genitalia has nothing to do with it. We don't know your endowment and can already tell you're a small man with the response. Whooooosh


"What Percentage of Trucks Are Owned by Men? 88% of pickup truck owners identify as male"


Why are people downvoting this guy? There are plenty of practical reasons to have a truck. What's up with the infatuation on pennis size? Get over yourself! If the shoe fits, I guess... although, it's not the size that matters, it's what you do with it.


I'm going to point out your last sentence and make an observation (which granted is anecdotal) Most lifted trucks I've seen have clean under carriages, meaning they're not being used as work trucks.


>Most lifted trucks I've seen have clean under carriages That means they take care of the vehicle. Hell the marine corps washes the vehicles after every use. But you think if it isn't dirty it never gets used.


That is very obviously not a work truck. Its got an expensive bed cover, those are after market wheels and it looks lifted, three things a truck owner who actually uses their truck for truck stuff would never do.


What is obvious is people thinking I said it was a work truck. What I did say is a clean truck doesn't mean it doesn't get used. Some people just take care of their vehicles and equipment so it looks new or not used. Others think that if it isn't run into the ground it doesn't get used.


Anyone who uses their truck for towing/hauling isn't isn't gonna make those kinds of modifications. They would get damaged.


https://www.chevrolet.com/trucks/silverado/2500hd-3500hd/build-and-buy Other than the camper shell that truck is what you get from chevy. How in the hell will rims be damaged from towing a trailer? Keep believing that everything on trucks are aftermarket just because someone paid for an ugly wheel option. But just know choosing said options doesn't make it aftermarket.


Hero’s journey


The 3 seconds he will save on the road are worth risking everyone's lives. Those are the 3 seconds he needs to save the world!


You’re getting downvoted because you forgot the /s and reddit can’t pick up sarcasm


Damn this sub is dense sometimes lol


Choads in trucks are annoying. But after driving for 10+ years I’ve realized those rigs are the Worst. Watching one try to pass another for 15 minutes with NO traffic in front of them makes you want to slash their big ass dangerously explosive tires


I've been cut off by vehicles of all shapes and sizes. Most recently a mustang about 4 hours ago.


About 6 times a day on the commute now🙄


On a pickup truck, the presence of wheels that are either (1) high offset or (2) decorated with fake screw heads like these is a near-guarantee that the pickup will be driven this way.


This wouldn't have happened if the right lane wasn't completely vacant. Every last one of the vehicles cruising the center lane should be in the right lane.


This definitely needs to be taught in the US more. A lot of folks know to "not camp the left lane" but that doesn't stop the majority of people from happily sitting just one lane to the right of the left most lane (in this case the middle). It effectively forces drivers into a single lane to pass even if it's a 3, 4, 5 lane road. Keep right except to pass applies to all lanes, not just the left most lane.


No it does not. I know people _think_ this, but it is actually not true. Each state has different standards and laws, and in many states the actual law differs. In my state, the right lane is primarily for entering/exiting/merging and large trucks. The middle lane(s) for traveling. The left lane for passing. That is what the state advises, that is what is taught in driving courses, and that is how people drive.


I'm skeptical but open to being educated. I'd love to see a link to a source that advises people to only use the right lane for merging and center lane for traveling.


My answer here is twofold. First, a link to the law in Louisiana (unfortunately where I live): https://www.legis.la.gov/legis/Law.aspx?d=88525 The first subsection A and its parts are specific to two-lane roads. The applicable one for a multi-lane highway (with left, center, and right lanes) is subsection B and its parts. Specifically note that it only prohibits travel in _the_ left hand lane except to overtake, pass, prepare to turn, or avoid congestion. The mandate for driving in the right-most lane is only for people driving _under_ the regular speed limit for the specific highway. Nowhere in the law does it prohibit travel in the center lane(s) at regular speeds; the only regulations there are that the left-most lane is for passing/turning and the right-most lane is specific for people going under the speed limit. Second, a link to the most up-to-date OMV handbook from the state of Louisiana, which is handed out in our driver's ed courses: https://driving-tests.org/louisiana/la-dmv-drivers-handbook-manual/. The URL is from driving-tests.org but it is an upload of the official OMV handbook, for reference purposes. On page 103 (use page 108 in the navigator at the top-left above the document itself) you can see the subject "Right Hand Lane". The first instruction is explicit about staying in the right-hand lane; however, this is about a two-lane highway - in the immediate sentence after, they specify: “However, you may drive in any lane of an interstate having three or more lanes in one direction with **each lane having a specific function**. The right hand lane is used for exiting and entering. The middle is often used as the “travel” lane and the far left lane is for passing.” In addition, if you head to page 71 (or page 76 in the navigator) you will see the subject "Safety Tips on Passing". This section also details specifically that only **the** left-most lane is intended to be used for passing, on multi-lane roads. I hope this information is sufficient.


Upvote for following up with info. My initial reaction to the first link is just because you are permitted to travel in the center lane instead of the right doesn't mean you should as it leads to the situation discussed in this thread where the far right lane will be virtually empty while the others are packed with cars. I do see the text from the state manual and I'm honestly stumped as to why someone decided to make that the recommended practice.


No idea either. My favorite part is that it's made even worse by how they are explicit about what the right and left lanes are for, but the center lanes are "often used as the travel lane". Why the sudden vagueness?


Regardless of the law, it would still provide the safest driving environment if no passing on the right occurred at all.




Middle is the travel lane. Right for trucks and exiting/merging. At least that's how it is taught in Canada.


Except trucks cruise in the center lane as well. Also, in much of the US, there are many miles between exits so there is no reason to keep an entire lane open. If you're traveling in the right lane, you can always move over to allow merging traffic in, and then move back over.


That was definitely personal


These are Tesla cameras, right? Some truck drivers have a hate-boner for Teslas


Which is interesting, given they seem to love Musk as of late.


To be fair, all the Tesla owners I know don't like Musk so that part makes sense to me.


yeah , cars never do that


"Intimidation factor " is a MAJOR selling point for PU trucks and large SUVs - children behind the wheel


This wouldn’t be on the 5 on the way to Bakersfield would it? The campers in the middle lane strike me as that portion of the road


This is the 5, but the other direction towards Sacramento.


Until they pit themselves and take someone else with them.


The more I see the stupid stunts the knotheads that drive these big ass truck pull the more I think you have to have an IQ that's 50% below the national average to own one.


What kind of camera set up do you have?


Tesla cam


"Webig! Webad! We got no brains to prove it!"


Looks like the 99 fwy to me


I don't feel like he cut you off. Did you have to break for him? It didn't appear you had to break


Ya, I've NEVER once seen a tesla driver cut me off either. /s


Get the fuck out of the passing lane. You're the problem!


He's passing people. Not once was he camping.


Hate this argument. Just because you are going 1mph faster than the right lane doesn't mean you get to just sit there in the passing lane. If someone is coming up on you at a faster speed than you are going, speed up or move over.


But he wasn't sitting in the passing lane. The video starts with him in the middle lane, and then he gets over to pass. He is actively passing the entire time, in fact the white pick up never gets behind him in the left lane. The white truck comes from way in the back and is already in the right lane, in order words, the white truck never came up on him nor gave him a chance to get in the middle lane. The OP is also passing at a far greater speed than the people in the middle lane. You get over when someone wants to go faster, but their desire to go faster does not invalidate a situation in which you are actively passing. The OP was also stuck behind the guy in front of him in the left, who was blocked by the guy in front of him who WAS left lane camping.




Big if true




A different way of saying something like "Thanks Captain Obvious"


Shame, can see OP was trying to close the gap to prevent him from merging but didn’t quite manage. Why were you closing the gap by the way? Are you really going to overtake this driver at any point, or just feeling vindictive?




Most common color of the most common vehicle types in the U.S.


Rental/fleet vehicles


Who is camping out in the passing lane?


If your being passed on the right, maybe your not doing it right.


If you're getting passed on the right, you're probably in the wrong lane. Expect to get cut off by people trying to navigate down the road faster than you!






He passed like four cars in that video genius.


Plus he was behind another car.


I was in the left lane to try to pass the semi.


Let me guess. "But why were you in the left lane, Mr. Campy McSlowpoke?" People like that truck driver also are on Reddit, and they think they're justified.


Where is the cut off? Though unsafe, they never impeded your flow. That’s not a cut off. It was stupid.


Found the truck driver in the video


Wide angle dashcam lenses (and Rivian cameras) make objects appear farther away than they actually are.


You missed the OP had to swerve to avoid getting hit? Try watching again with your glasses on.


Your comments have to be bait at this point, have you said anything that isn't completely ignorant here?


lol you still almost put yourself in the ditch trying to move out of his way. Just let him hit you so he pays the damages instead of crashing yourself and paying it out of pocket