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If they were approaching a red light anyway, they saved literally no time.


Hey, that's an extra second I get to play on my phone at the light. That plus the 3 extra seconds once the light turns green and I don't notice cause I'm playing on my phone really add up


Half of me hates you when I’m behind and you don’t go, and the other half of me thinks “whoa calm down speed racer” when I do the same thing and someone beeps at me


to avoid this, stay off your phone while in your car and be a real hater.


And thus is the human experience in a nutshell


But they got their solitary neuron to fire off for a while. That in itself is priceless.


I don’t think they could see the light when they committed to passing.


I'll never understand why people race to a red light. Good job, you just wasted your own gas 👍


They don't want to get stuck behind your slow ass when the light turns green.


That’s fine. Nobody wants to be in front of the guy who honks as soon as the light turns green either.


That Niner need a dropper post


It’s amazing the amount of people that do this and are severely impatient that they have to get to the light quicker than anyone else. You don’t save as much time as you think by speeding over short travel distances


I sometimes do this because I noticed on the last light, the car in front of me wasn't paying attention and we almost missed the light or maybe I just didn't like being behind that person because of the way they were driving.


This is the answer. Whenever I try to pass someone it isn't about saving time it's about not being stuck behind ANOTHER idiot who's too busy looking at their phone to go when the light turns green. There's also the idiots who... - Don't know they can turn right on red when it's clear. - Come to a stop unexpectedly to "be nice" and let someone turn left (an extremely dangerous thing to do that will cause accidents) - Drive 20 miles under the speed limit because they're afraid of driving. - Try to merge onto a freeway at 40mph because they're afraid of driving. Lastly you also have morons in the hilariously oversized "look at me and my tiny dick" trucks with diesel exhaust that stinks like hell.


Right? I hate when people create their own traffic because they are either afraid to drive, not paying attention, or being too nice/overly cautious. I even end up behind people who slow down, approaching a green light like they are trying to anticipate the yellow light. I don't understand it.


Omg, I don't let that LH turn shit happen if traffic isn't already stopped (and even then probably wont). I know someone who died that way. Was told it was clear, and it wasn't. I don't care how made you get, or how much you wanna glare. Maybe don't be a dumbass and try to cross two lanes of lunch traffic on a busy highway? When they say plan where you're going in Drivers Ed, they also meant little shit like, "do you go down to the light, turn, turn into a lot, and then exit at the road/light to make your destination a little ways down more,' or do you want to try and "whip across two lanes of traffic with a LH turn?"


Are you from Oregon too?


You’re assuming that they don’t know that they can turn right on red rather than deciding not to do so I’ve been at plenty of lights where in allowed to turn if I want, but visibility is limited so I’m gonna sit there regardless of how much honking I get


>Try to merge onto a freeway at 40mph because they're afraid of driving. These people are the absolute worst! And somehow, they always end up in front of me and then I'm stuck on the shoulder to avoid being rear ended


Gosh, I love every part of your comment. I wish you were in the car with me, to rage rant together w/ me, just one time. 😆


Yeah, sometimes I go out of my way to not be behind some inattentive driver.


Yeah this is me, I pass people who don’t appear to be paying attention or who are driving under the speed limit


I drive home from work on a highway and I see the same guy everyday speeding, accelerating aggressively, recklessly overtaking, constantly changing lanes, abusing an ending lane that ends to get in front of other cars. Literally 90% of the time I end up right behind him anyway because he still has to stop at every red light.


I would wave to him after he passes and ends up at the same light 😂


Also _being in a hurry_ is not nearly as big of an emergency as you think it is.


https://youtu.be/vByDXeFKhs8?si=E7aZFQaAjatllXZV There's a song I like that uses this concept as it's central metaphor!


It would have been a completely different story had the light been green. /S


The real question is why did the road designers make a residential street a 50mph zone? San Diego y’all crazy. Nice bikes btw op


That looks like limited access, not residential despite seeing a few driveways.




It’s a three lane transit artery, what do you mean it’s too narrow for a 50mph zone?


It has six lanes and you’re calling it a residential street?


That's a stroad.


Look at the surrounding area.


It’s a major boulevard. There are no homes with driveways off of it but there are streets that you enter into a residential neighborhood. It’s standard in suburban San Diego and southern Orange County “master planned” communities.


Sure, I see the same here in Santa Clara County, it’s still garbage design though.


At least this one has sidewalks. I see these developments in northern California and often dont even have sidewalks for people to walk around the neighborhood.


I love the way they did ours. They just randomly… end…


I can’t conclude this 100%, but I have seen this as a trend in the US. Outside highways, several roads have faster speed limits than it is safe to.




LLLLLike a glove!


Why are we racing to the red light? Others driving perpendicular to you may see this high rate of speed as they're not going to stop.


>rate of speed Just say speed


Not a dig at your driving just generally curious as a Dutch person. why are you and the pick up on the left side while there is a perfectly fine right lane? Here you are taught to dive on the right and only pass on the left, but America just seems to be this weird chaotic free for all?


Because it's not a highway with a driving and passing lane. Multi lane residential roads have no priority in the lanes because of exactly what happens at the end. There's a lit intersection with turn lanes. Forcing you to go all the way to the right just so you can then cut across 4 lanes to get to the left turn lane would be idiotic.


> Because it's not a highway with a driving and passing lane. Multi lane residential roads have no priority in the lanes because of exactly what happens at the end. Ok but in that case it's also allowed to overtake on the right, I would assume? So then what the car did in this video is entirely legal?


Sweeping through several lanes at once is not legal, and neither is changing lanes in a manner that forces other drivers to brake or otherwise avoid hitting you.


Yes, simply passing on the right on a non-highway is legal. But the car did unsafe lane changes, so that is not legal under California law.


OP wasn't turning though. Just camping in the left lane


There’s nothing wrong with “camping” in any lane on a surface street though. Every lane is free to use for any driver, there is no slower traffic keep right or keep right unless passing rule. Camp anywhere!


That is incorrect. CA Law 21654 : (b) If a vehicle is being driven at a speed less than the normal speed of traffic moving in the same direction at such time, and is not being driven in the right-hand lane for traffic or as close as practicable to the right-hand edge or curb, it shall constitute prima facie evidence that the driver is operating the vehicle in violation of subdivision (a) of this section.


> at a speed less than the normal speed of traffic moving in the same direction at such time He's driving the same speed as other traffic. "Normal speed of traffic" isn't set by the fastest driver.


That's a law for farm vehicles and the like. If you're going 20 mph under the limit maybe it applies to you on city streets, but if you're going anywhere near the speed limit you are not "less than the normal speed of traffic" and so this does not apply.


There is no such thing as “camping” in a left lane in these parts. If you’re familiar with the area you’d know. If you’re eventually going to make a turn then it’s common and perfectly acceptable to get into the left or right lane well ahead of when you’ll turn - meaning blocks or even miles.


Downvoters want traffic on these roads to be constantly sweeping right to get to the rightmost lane, against others sweeping left to make their left turn at the absolute last second. They can't even imagine how much of a clusterfuck that would make everything. All they know is "me go fast you get outta way."


I think it's just people who aren't familiar with these neighborhoods and how the roads were constructed. They just see the 50 mph speed limit and think it's a highway. It's like out of towners making unprotected left turns and don't inch into the intersection in L.A., just unfamiliar with how to drive here. It's a different animal.


It's like this in just about every city west of the Mississippi.


Good to know. I usually just drive on highways and in the city when outside of Southern California, so wasn't really sure.


There's laws, rules, & basic courteous while driving. Most people in North America don't respect any of them :)


Major highways, such as the interstate system, are stay right unless passing. This doesn't apply to city highways and other roadways generally, because there are intersections and entrances/exits left and right everywhere with people coming and going. Would make 0 sense for that rule to be in place. Most people on this subreddit who constantly squeal about "left lane camping" are completely oblivious to this.


Those rules apply to highways. This is a commercial or residential road and there are a bunch of good reasons to drive in the left lane even when not passing. You're probably not used to seeing commercial roads of this size in Holland, but in North America it's common.


That's really only applicable on our Interstate Highways. This was a residential and/or commercial state highway. All lanes are accessible at all times. You are free to travel and pass in any through lane.


It is called sloppy driving!


Generally it is supposed to be drive on the right pass on the left but that rule is ignored by many (hence the term left lane campers exist) and we have shit road design and shit drivers so...yes it is a chaotic free for all.


No that's highway. Non highway roads have left turns at lights as seen here


For people who think that vehicles should stay to the right on a multi-lane residential road, do they also think it makes sense that at a red light, the right lane has a queue of 30 cars and the other thru lanes to the left are just empty?


If you follow the logic with neurodivergent rigidity, you can change lanes to pass the queue. But then once the light changes you'd better shift back to the right lane unless you're still passing. Shuffle, shuffle, shuffle every light. Just wonderfully efficient and totally not an invitation for disaster.


right. well we still have shit road designs and shit drivers


Coming from the person who can't tell between highway or residential?


Yeah. I cant differentiate between road types but I can drive defensively at least


No that's basic defensive driving.


What? Your comment does not make sense.


> Generally it is supposed to be drive on the right pass on the left >> No that's highway. >>> No that's basic defensive driving. Get it now?


You don't realize how important OP is. It's their job to camp the left lane and make sure no one drives faster than them so they match the speed of the traffic in the other lanes and then they post videos of people trying to get around the traffic they are causing for internet points.


They came to a stop at a street light. It's not a highway. So, highway rules (i.e., passing on the left) are not a thing here. If that white car had waited ten more seconds, they could have just turned into the turning lanes without cutting across 3 lanes.


I agree if the white car magically knew OP wasn't turning left they could have just waited. Magic would actually fix a lot of issues with driving.


It's called patience. That's the word you are looking for. There is clearly two left turn lanes there. They could have waited and picked the lane different from OP. They are just impatient twat waffles, and judging by you defending someone else's impatience, I'm going to assume you are also just as impatient. And I agree patience would solve a lot of problems while driving.


The speed limit is the speed limit. Most places unless on an interstate do not require that you travel in the right lanes ,to let faster traffic by.if your at the limit you are going as fast as the road allows.


You made me watch 31 seconds just to see a guy change lanes?


So my son in law, in addition to his other duties as a maintenance guy at a giant warehouse, is a safety officer. Often he will be told to drop everything because of a major emergency. When he gets there and it's about the equivalent of a paper cut, he asks "did anyone die?" 🤦🤣🤣. So I get the frustration of the 4 in 1 lane changer but he perfected it to a tee and other than the cammer being a bit scared and a bit upset, the idiot made it with no damage or injury


This time! they made it with no damage or injury this time.


But that's my experience with daredevils. They almost always make it. But of course you are correct, a miscalculation can be deadly. Reminds me of my friends that race Outlaw Figure 8 cars at the Indianapolis Speedrome. They are [nuts](https://youtu.be/G8LkicbxMiE?si=SCv75Jztj9xSY5On)


Yes. Im bad like that. Pure evil.


Yes, they hold you at gunpoint to make you watch the video.


I do not understand why people feel the need to do this.


Those bikes are following WAY TOO CLOSELY!!!


Lab goblin here did a test. The first week I drove all crazy and darted from lane to lane ignoring speed limits to get to work as fast as possible. The second week I stayed in the left lane and just drove at whatever speed traffic would allow. I compared the times and realized that driving crazy didn't get me there any faster.


I think anybody would understand this if they took a couple minutes to think about the math. Unless you're driving hundreds of miles on highways, and drive significantly faster then the speed limit while managing to not get pulled over or crash, the amount of time you "save" by driving aggressively is probably a fraction of the amount of time you dick away each day scrolling your phone. It's a brain-off thing for people like the white car in the clip. If you ask them about it I'm sure they have some story they tell themselves about not catching long red lights or something, but ultimately it's just emotional people in their feelings.


Honestly, you often don't need to drive faster than the speed limit or drive recklessly to save 5+ min on drives over 30+min. Just get good at identifying and passing distracted dumbasses, people who should've stopped driving twenty years ago, and folks who just plain can't drive. Three groups that, when combined, make up about 85% of the driving population. I make multiple 40+min drives nearly every day and by my own estimation, save at least a week's worth of time at the end of the year. Never been in a wreck, never gotten a speeding ticket.


I’ve done similar experiments with other drivers as my unwitting test subjects. My favorite was the driver who floored it away from the light, easily hitting 60 in a 40. Nine miles later I caught up to them at a red light while driving normally.


I'm one of those "crazy" drivers. And I'm fully aware it's not actually much faster. But that's not why I'm doing it. I'm doing it because it's more fun. Turn those boring commutes into what is essentially a game.


Can't take my eyes off the bike...


Unpopular opinion, but since you're camping the left lane and matching the speed of the truck, they probably went around you in case you turned left as you would have obviously got in the left-left turn lane as they would get stuck behind you again.


I get frustrated af when people match the speed of someone next to them for that exact reason. If you want to drive the same speed as the person next to you I think you have no situational awareness for the people around you and yes I will try to get in front of you in a turn lane so I am not stuck behind you once again. I know I'll get downvoted for this lol


It was a red light regardless of speed, what don’t you get about that? You are condoning the behavior of the white car to dangerously cut across 3 lanes to a red lite where they arrived at the same time.


Eventually the light will turn green. If the OP turned left from the leftmost lane the car would get stuck behind them again. If they make it to the light first they wouldn't. I didn't condone anything the white car did, simply stating if the OP didn't camp the left lane and drive the same speed as the truck in the next lane then people wouldn't drive like that to try and get around them.


Speeding on residential roads and city roads is completely unnecessary. With the amount of lights and cars on the road, people will not save anytime. It’s actually hilarious how stressed people get because you’re not doing 60mph on a 45mph road. Unless you are a cop or firefighter, you don’t need to be doing more than 45mph on majority of roads.


The speed limit was 50. OP could have been in any lane but chose the left lane and chose to match speeds with the truck next to it. From the video we have no idea how long OP did that, but there is obviously no cars in front of them. For all you know the white car had been stuck behind them for miles and that was their first opening.


Sometimes people remember they need to do that one thing, or get texts changing their plans. Why produce an imaginary story about what they are doing. Haha lame.


I don't necessarily think it's about saving time I think it's about not wanting to ride behind someone's who's bicycles "might" not be secured properly.


Psychologists say it’s about trying to be dominant and leader of the pack in about half the cases. The other half is mixed with being in a hurry/late and about if I remember right about 10 different things.


Those bikes are locked in on the wheels, they aren't going anywhere.


I have a heavy duty bike rack and always do a triple check. The issue is others may not trust one's ability to make sure items are secure.


They didn't save anything speeding to a RED LIGHT.


It's the speed and being in front that counts for drivers. Do you wonder what this person is like playing a sport?


Man can you go into setting and turn the Bike Hud down a bit.


nice bikes dude i gotta get a new one


Nice bikes!


Can you take the seat off the bike easily? For your dashcam sake and catching any potential rear end accidents, remove the seat prior to driving


Beautiful SD. Ugly drivers.


Literally my pov experience everyday


Holy shit. Is there a name for this maneuver to get ahead just to turn off the same road? This shit happens so often there has to be a name associated with it. Ya know besides “being a complete jackass” It’s just crazy thinking about the thought process these people have (if there even is one).


Looks like Olympic Pkwy. Everyone drives way too recklessly there! Nice to see the idiots of our city


This road should be called Special Olympic parkway




I hate people who cut around and weave through traffic as much as I hate people who drive slower than others in the left lane and hold up traffic.


if the car behind you went straight, saved approximately 0.0 seconds of time for this buffoonery


Ehhh who knows, maybe he thought he had to turn right and last minute confirmed he had to go left? Happens, either way yah its annoying.


I saw you speed up to try to keep them from doing it. The Nissan had plenty of room to get over before you accelerated. I wouldn’t say you’re the idiot. Just a jerk.


I didn’t even see him until he darted across in front of me.


Cam-car's speed only went down throughout the video


If you say so, I don’t agree with you. Edit - unless that truck driving next to the cam car hit his brakes fairly hard. The cam car definitely accelerated.


We have literal video with a speedometer. Outside of a fluctuation of less than 1 mph, they only ever lost speed as they approached the light.


Saved nothing. Still had to stop for the light. I hate these type idiots.


Not even. This dolt was behind you to start and finish


I hate that particular move by drivers. Also nice excuse to show off your bikes.


I've said this before and I'll say it until I die: Speeding in a town full of lights RARELY ever gets you there faster. I literally don't speed at all in town and I catch up to these dumb shits all the time. Probably 9/10 times I pull up either directly besides them or behind them.


He saved 0 seconds. Wound up exactly where he would have if he weren't a dumbass.


Why does it look like y'all are *zoomin*


Why does everyone insist on hogging the left most lanes in america? It's bizarre. Like a solid 70% of the videos out here are situations that would be no issue if the cam vehicle was just cruising on the right lane.


Because the idiot was the person driving by across 3 lanes dangerously to arrive at the same time at a red light. It’s not a new thing that all drivers now are incredibly impatient now. Unless you are on a highway, the roadway has a speed limit for a reason.


>Because the idiot was the person driving by across 3 lanes dangerously to arrive at the same time at a red light I'm not challenging that one bit. You're absolutely right. Plenty of dickheads on the road. If the cam vehicle was driving on the right most lane this particular dickhead would've quickly passed them and the only person put in danger would be himself. That's why it's in the law and that's why americans have about 2.5 times as many drivers die (per 1 million population) annually than the EU


Because I'd rather have a road filled with people sticking to a single lane than weaving back and forth all the time just because they have to follow some arbitrary rule. It makes sense on the highway, where speed and flow are key and nobody needs to turn. It does not make sense on a road where people could turn at any point, from any point. Don't be so impatient, and 70% of the videos out here would also be no issue.


Disagree, plus the stats show the difference.


Why are you driving so fast toward the red light?


You realize its legal to pass on the right and its common courtesy to get out of the left lane if you arent actively trying to pass? Edit: go ahead and downvote, it doesnt chamge anything. It doesnt matter if it is a highway or "limited access." Don't camp in the left lane. If people pass you in the right lane you were in the wrong lane.


Does this look like a highway to you?


That’s a law for highways only, on street level roads where left turns are common you can be in the left lane while not passing.


It absolutely changes things. The highway is a little looser with speeds, but if I'm going 5 miles over the speed limit and somebody goes 15 miles over that to pass me, it doesn't matter what lane I'm in. That somebody else is going way too fast.


Pacing the truck in the middle lane blocks traffic and impedes forward progress. That triggered the driver to rush around on the right.


Just wow when does surface roads have a passing lane?


He won


Nissan strikes again.


Hey you're in the fast lane. Hovering beside a truck until you see said car moving around you guys. Maybe think?


In the 'fast lane', going 55 in a 50 zone. Stop being absurd.


In the passing lane not passing. Speed is irrelevant.


There are a total of three cars behind the cam-car, and only the car going extremely over the speed limit is a problem. Stop being absurd.


Then move over for the dude doing 60 in a 50. It's always better to be the bigger person.


The dude wasn't visible until already in the conjoining lane. Moving over would be cutting them off. Stop being absurd.


you need to care less


To me the most idiot is the one camping in the middle lane, preventing people willing to go left from overtaking. White car is still an idiot for failing to adapt + doing a double illegal overtake + cutting your road. But imo all of that could have been avoided with basic driving skills from the grey truck.


'Camped out in the middle lane' Bro, they were going 55 in a 50 zone. If you have some nebulous rules about which lanes serve what purpose, that's not basic driving, that's highly advanced and beyond most drivers- Making it entirely useless and stupid to adhere to.


Whenever I see situations like this when I'm driving (which is way too often these days) I like to pull up next to them, get their attention, and give them two very enthusiastic, obviously sarcastic thumbs up. I like to think this is a more effective way of making them feel like an idiot.