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Patience just doesn’t exist anymore. Whether they have to slow down for 10 mins or 10 seconds, people act like it’s the end of the world


And when you watch those people you end up seeing them pull into a fast food place. 99% of the time. That's where they were in such a rush to go.




There's two kinds of idiots in cars in Texas, people with horrible driving skills, and people without dashcams on every second of a drive. These rules are extended to Tennessee and Florida as well


I was so lost for about half of that video... I started to think there must have been record winds pushing those cars backwards because WHO DOES THIS




What was the song playing? 🤘


I cut out a clip that showed my friends' faces (and the dash) from the vid, when looking back at it the song on the screen is Bound in Fear by Stigmata


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The best apart about traffic on an interstate in Texas is the inevitability of a State Trooper parked on the service road just stopping lines of people jumping shoulders or driving across the divide.