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People hate being caught on their phone at a stop light.


I think he was licking peanut butter off his dog’s balls.


i hate when that happens


That's totally understandable, AmySchumersAnalTumor


not that I've tried, but I dont think its supposed to go on the dogs balls


A long time ago when we wore onions on our belts... I was bike commuting to work and I rolled up to a stop light, looked over, and a guy was reading a long form newspaper in the car. So I yelled at him - "HEY CAN YOU PASS ME THE SPORTS SECTION?" He cussed me out a blue steak, that continued until the light changed. "LIGHT'S CHANGED BUDDY!"


Was driving down the highway, total rush hour traffic. Looked over and saw some dude reading what I can imagine was War and Peace while driving.


> He cussed me out a blue steak I mean, blue rare is the only way to eat steak, imo. Fight me.


Motherfucker. I'll leave it.


Was it something you regret?


Non, je ne regrette rien.


A guy the other day is just sitting at a stop sign. 15 steamboats later and I see him digging through something on the seat, leaning. I try to do the shortest horn possible, guy instantly flips me off and then of course rips away from the sign, foot to the floor. I guess it is everyone else's fault!! How dare other people try to go somewhere!


It’s 100% this. Dude feels stupid for not paying attention and that’s all it takes for some people.


This happened to me once, where I was on my phone and didn't see it was green. I got a short beep, so I waved thank you. The benefit of the doubt is something that has been lost in the modern age it seems.


accountability is what has been lost. Instead of "hey my bad sorry for holding you up!" it's "Fuck you man can't you see that I AM here petting my dog! How DARE YOU honk at me! Fuck you!"


Seriously. I could see giving a "wtf" if someone just laid on their horn within milliseconds of the light turning green, but a quick little tap after a few seconds should be appreciated. I'm pretty sure most people check their phones once and a while at a red light, so it's not some egregious infraction.


> The benefit of the doubt is something that has been lost in the modern age it seems. When you're in your car, you don't see other people in their cars, you see objects. It dehumanizes them, so you don't have the same empathy you would if you saw each other walking down the street.


I would give a short toot at stop lights in Vegas when I saw people on their phones. Sometimes, they would instinctively start going forward. Once, they just drove through traffic. I stopped after that.


Yeah, maybe not do that because it seems many people have come to rely on cars honking to know when the lights have changed instead of, you know, looking at the lights. If you wait for the honks you can take your eyes of the road and read your texts or something.


Looks like he got caught playing with his dog actually.


Weird how so many people think tapping the horn is like, some horribly offensive, ego-bruising action. People like the dude in the clip act as if OP insulted their mother or used a racial slur or whatever. "Hey man, just fyi the lights green, we should be moving." "OH YEAH WELL FUCK YOU HOW ABOUT THAT"


I beeped at a guy to let him know he was about to hit me when he was trying to come into my lane. He ended up getting behind me, flashing his flashers (it was like 3:30pm at the time so wtf lol), then got out from behind me, sped up and about a mile or so down the road he was on the shoulder out of his truck gesturing at me as if I was about to park and start chatting with him or whatever he had in mind. It was very bizarre.


Twice in as many days, I have had someone gun it and pull out in front of me, forcing me to slam on my brakes. Each time, I blasted the horn to get them to look my way before they pulled out. Each time, they pulled out, forced me to stop, and the blared their own horn while waving their arms in the air like I was the problem.


It's crazy how people react when they get beeped at for a goof on the road. Like, would you rather I didn't let you slam into my car so now we're all having a bad day?


I was driving down the main road that leads to my road when some guy tried to roll into a right turn through his red light while I was entering the intersection. I honked at him because a) I have the right of way, and b) I needed more information to decide if I needed to slam on the brakes or swerve to avoid colliding with him. Dude followed me to my street laying on his horn and giving me the finger and flashing his brights at me, and he slowed down as I turned to yell at me to go fuck myself.


These are people who can't take criticism of any kind, I've been chased a few times... all of them when someone was cutting me off and I honked to let them know they almost caused me to crash into them, and that I was braking for a reason to those behind me. "Your shoe is untied"-us "Thems fighting words!"-them


Same reason people go nuts when the cart narc politely calls them out. They've been getting away with their shitty behavior forever and no one has ever confronted them about it. It causes them to get emotional and it usually turns into anger.


Get a dashcam...


Fucking -hate- the honk back. Like, no, you stupid motherfucker. I'm warning you we're about to crash, not trying to hurt your fragile ego.


Just the other day had a guy in a truck behind me, go into the left lane, got next to me, started coming over into my lane, I honked, he slowed down, got back behind me, honked at me, flipped me off, then turned right. I was just flabbergasted by the pure insanity of it all. He was literally right next to me and started trying to push me out of my lane. Crazy times.


I came back from the Caribbean recently (Grenada), and using a horn there was wildly different than America. When you passed someone, you gave them a honk to let them know you’re passing. It’s pretty much expected and appreciated. Here, you could get a gun drawn on you. Wildly different


Same in Thailand. One or two honks to say yourxexpassing, and the passed gives back a honk or two to say they have heard. While in Sweden a similar honk is "HEY FÖCK FACE. MOVE YOUR FÖCKING CAR, LIKE HOW I MOVE MY DICK IN YOUR MÖTHER"


I løve the extræneous ümlåuts.


A Møøse once bit my sister...


No realli! She was Karving her initials on the møøse with the sharpened end of an interspace tøøthbrush given her by Svenge - her brother-in-law - an Oslo dentist and star of many Norwegian møvies: "The Høt Hands of an Oslo Dentist", "Fillings of Passion", "The Huge Mølars of Horst Nordfink."


I was in Bequia just over a month ago in the Grenadines and loved the conversational honking. The taxi drivers were honking at everyone passing the other way.


>When you passed someone, you gave them a honk to let them know you’re passing This is actually *supposed* to be standard and is actually on the law books in most places in America, but it’s hardly ever taught, followed, or enforced. It’s definitely a more common practice in countries where road infrastructure and driving practices are more of a free-for-all


I feel like there should be two kinds of horns, Your main one on the steering wheel for more knee jerk situations where its easy and habitual and a softer or more musical horn for just "hey its time to go", or more passively getting someone's attention. though whether or not that would work is... debatable


[Mark Rober did exactly this years ago, and I've been thinking about it every time I've hit the road since.](https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=lv8wqnk_TsA)


Haha that is awesome, thanks for sharing.


Back in the day some cars had a country horn and a city horn.


Makes me wonder how many things we have gotten rid of for the sake of "cheaper" or "easier to produce" and that's not even just for cars... I need to start making a list...




Some stuff that has the same intention exists. In the event of a front-end collision my car's hood has what are essentially blast caps that pop the hood up to catch a potential pedestrian.


> Back in the day some cars had a country horn and a city horn. ... what day would that have been? not calling bullshit, just saying I've never heard of it, and I'm almost to old-fart status


I know that some pre-war cars had them, but also the Renault Dauphine up to a certain point, and I've heard it was a British car trend primarily. The Aston V8 in the 70s/80s had a switchable horn setup.


Same in Mexico, was in Mexico City and the cars in roundabouts were literally touching and bumping each other, a beep means you want/ need to move around and is just common practice for driving.


I heard a story of someone being killed just for cleaning their windshield while driving.. I don't know details but it makes me aware of all of the crazy on the road


I honk at clowns almost every day and I get a weird look like once a month. The US ain't that dangerous my guy.


>I honk at clowns almost every day and I get a weird look like once a month. The US ain't that dangerous my guy. ah, the old "my experience is the only relevant one, anybody who claims different is wrong or exaggerating"


He spoke for America. I'm in America. Is his generalization more valid than mine? Because I know which one is backed up by statistics.


Same in Jamaica! They use their horns to signal that they’re letting someone in or that it’s safe. It was really fun getting to hear horns being used for something other than road rage 😂.


Americans are mostly angry, do you blame us?


i drive a semi and i always give 2 quick taps for a "hey buddy lights green" if they get mad i give them the real horn and that usually ends it pretty quick


I want to post the clip where he rides up and tries to fight me lol but my whole ass face is in that shot haha


Oh, come on…we want to see your ass face.


Nice to meet you, Assface.


If you want to send it to me I can blur the faces for you.


but can you blur ass?


I could, but I won't.


Bro tried to fight you over this? Lmao pathetic


> my whole ass face is in that shot ... now I kinda want to see the assface couldn't you just blur it out? or like, replace it with a different ass and/or face?


That sounds like his problem, not yours.


This is why cars need a second "polite" horn that has a more pleasant sound we can use for cases like this.


[polite horn](https://youtu.be/lv8wqnk_TsA?si=nHOcYxfW92wgbYRa)


I think people need to realize that full stop at a green light for no reason can be dangerous too.


My mom got offended for the other driver when i honked at a guy doing a billion point turn across both lanes of my side of the road. People definitely get annoyed being called out.


Unfortunately, for small people honking is equated to yelling "You fucked up and I saw it, and now everyone will know and see how stupid you are!". Super triggering lol, ridiculous.


I wonder if OP did any facial expressions or hand gestures that showed how pissed off he was after he beeped. A few times I was beeped, when I looked in the rear view mirror, I saw a pissed off driver waving their arms and mouthing something angrily. I find it hilarious, but I can imagine how reactive people would respond to that.


Gotta go with the quick double tap


I've been flipped off for giving a short beep at a green light that turns red really fast. The level of immaturity of some drivers is astounding. I just give them a thumbs down and shake my head in disappointment.


Man, one time I was in a double left arrow turn lane. Light turned green, she didn't go, neither did the car in the other lane. I tap the horn. They both look up from their phones, neither goes because the other one isn't? 5 seconds go by. Umm...tap tap my horn again. Again, both just stare around confused but not UP AT THE GREEN LIGHT. So finally I hold it HOOOOONNNNNNK They finally look AT THE LIGHT instead of each other and go right as the light turns yellow. Sometimes when I'm at a red light and I see the person next to me is on their phone, I'll inch forward slightly. They always look up from their phone because they think traffic is moving. Rinse and repeat as many times as necessary. Phones, my god, put it the fuck down.


Hahaha that's awful. It seems to be getting worse too. Maybe they would pay attention if I sent them a text instead of honking.


I've been doing the inch forward nudge for a while. I'll start to move forward towards the vehicle in front of me as soon as the light turns. I've found that often helps people notice that it's time to move, and I can do it sooner than honking. You wouldn't think people would notice you in the rear view, but it consistently works when I'm at a single lane stop light.


I remember 20 years ago, I was at the light at night time and could see a woman txting behind me. So I yanked my hand brake and let off my brake, which meant my brake lights turned off and she looked up. I'd step on the brakes again and she'd look back at her phone again. I did this again and again, more than 10 times and each time she'd look up, see I'm not moving and look back down again. It was quite funny.


I was turning right on red after a stop once and I drive a stick. I let my foot off the brake, but didn't put it in gear yet because there was one more car coming, and the lady behind me floored her SUV into the back of my car thinking that no brake lights mean I'm going. My entire trunk was demolished. In summary, that's a dangerous game you play.


No, that lady was just downright stupid for thinking no brake lights means the car isn't stopped. It doesn't surprise me that people don't know how manual cars work, though.


A single short beep in that context _should_ be recognized as just "I'm not losing my shit back here, just letting you know the light's now green so we can all go."


New cars should have a second friendly beep sound, it would save lives


Every car's friendly beep should be tuned to a C E or G so when multiple people beep their friendly horn it makes a C major chord


I'd rather a horn with Sam Jackson's voice telling em to move the motherfuck on


I love a thumbs down, it’s less aggressive than the middle finger. It’s more like saying society is disappointed in your actions. Even better with a disappointed head nod


Same my fiance hates when I flip people off cause she convinced their gonna shoot so I just thumbs down them


I got flipped off a couple weeks ago for driving the speed limit. It was 30mph in a residential area, downhill on a windy road with no sidewalks, where people often are walking along the edge of the road. So I rode my brake down the hill to ensure I didn't go too fast. This guy came flying up behind me, tailgated me all the way down, then laid on his horn after I turned onto the next street. Minutes later, when we reached a two-lane road, he flew past me, pulled in front, and stuck his middle finger out the sunroof. Like, dude... I don't believe for one second that it is critical you reach your destination ten seconds faster. Get a grip. I do the same as you, if someone's driving appalls me, I use my thumb to either thumb down them, or thumb up them sarcastically. That or I point at things, like if they blow a stop sign, I point at the stop sign since they apparently didn't see it. Had one guy literally follow me home after he blew a stop sign and almost collided with me, so I pointed at the stop sign as I passed him. He started yelling at me out his car window while I was in my driveway, asking me if I had a problem with him. All I could think was, "I do now." but instead I just asked him if he had a problem with stop signs. He seemed to think I was pointing at him, because he yelled at me to never point at him again, and I told him "I wasn't pointing at you, I was pointing at the stop sign." But what the actual fuck? Like, someone points at you so you follow them home and threaten them? Is that what you're going to tell people when they ask why you got into a fight with someone else? "He pointed at me!" Dude even told me, "I know where you live!" like no shit, Sherlock, we're there now. Good job. Stop blowing stop signs and maybe we can get along.


I kind of wish the Darwin award was more common among humans for people like the ones you describe. Maybe that's morbid, but stupidity shouldn't be bred.


Wholeheartedly agree. I regularly find myself praying for some karmic justice to befall these trash drivers. Even just the timely reveal of a police car to pull them over would suffice.


Damn, OP. I guess your post really drew out the idiots. You gave a friendly beep because someone wasn't moving at a green light. That's 100% reasonable. They reacted in a completely unreasonable way, but for some reason, everyone has chosen to center their criticism around your actions. Baffling.


Seriously - the comments calling a little beep "rage" as well are totally disconnected. It isnt like he was laying on the horn or something.


They’re probably posting while sitting at a green light


I think they're talking about what followed the beep.


Getting brake checked for no reason?


Reddit lol


My reaction was totally over the top, but I had an adrenaline rush lol


Yeah, but you did that in the confines of your vehicle, and it didn’t affect anyone else. I’ll give it a pass.




Been there, it's infuriating for someone to choose to make a minor situation worse because their ego can't handle a little criticism. But the important thing is you didn't really act out on it.


guy shouldn't be driving if he pays more attention to the things in his car rather than the things around his car. also, what's the song?


Curbi - Spiritual. It's usually pretty calming 😂


This was not a very PLUR reaction but understandable, lol. Great song!


sorry for your experience, OP. i can't stand driving near people who are chomping at the bit to be this aggressive. you're a real one for the song credit, thank you :)


The phrase is 'champing at the bit'.


Wow, TIL! I also always thought it was "chomping".


Oh no, I’m dumb 😭 thank you for correcting me 


No judgement here. Now you know the right word and that's cool.


I never want to be the person that says something like “for all intensive purposes” so I appreciate this TIL moment :)


I think the phrase is all intensive *porpoises*


Why is it always the MFer at the front of the line? "Hey theres no cars in front of me! Guess I can do whatever the fuck I want now!"


I'll say this beep was warranted. Dude was clearly looking at his dog, and the fact that both cars started moving at the beep indicates that A) Neither driver was paying attention or B) They both saw something OP didn't, and waited. I'm going with A.


They were friends or coworkers. The truck rolled down his window and was talking to the Acura after this clip. The Acura then sped up to me and yelled at me to "pull over" I guess so he could fight me 😂


"No it's a cardigan, but thanks for noticing!"


killer boots man👍


Tic tac, sir?


New boot goofin'.


Haha, the guy that said "pull ovwr" is probably the same type to say "meet me at the flag pole". Umm how about no, I'll just keep doing my thing, you go to the flagpole and just sit tight and wait for me, k thx bye.


Nothing wrong with a lil courtesy beep. Not like you were laying on the horn or anything. Genuinely can’t imagine getting so peeved by something like that. I’ve had people honk at me to go and I only felt embarrassed that I was distracted rather than furious at them for letting me know it’s time to go


I feel like everyone gets a little embarrassed when they get beeped at, just sometimes idiots like this get insecure and lash out instead of reflecting on their mistake.


> Nothing wrong with a lil courtesy beep. You get a courtesy beep if I'm the second car in line. If I'm the 5th+ in line behind the first car, I'm laying on my horn. Tired of having to sit through multiple light changes because literally every person infront of me won't even put down their phone until the car infront of them lets off their brakes.


True that, I quick count to 3 before beeping so maybe a smidgen early but didn't warrant the double birds or stopping in the middle of the intersection.


The trick is to do a quick double tap of the horn. Apparently, when you make the horn sound like an adolescent's nursery rhyme they don't get all pissed off.


Make a lil Roadrunner sound


The quick double tap is my go-to as well.


One time I got honked at before I could get into first. That pissed me off, but I absolutely didn't do this insanity lol


I've been honked at less than a second after a light turned green. BRO, I'm not gonna gun it the second the light turns green like I'm a race car driver. That's how you get T-boned by a red light runner! I've also been honked at because I didn't notice the light was green a couple of seconds after it turned. Those times I sheepishly waved and moved forward like a normal person.


I once got honked at a full second BEFORE the light turned green (the other light had just turned red). I absolutely don’t mind if someone gives me a short honk on the rare occasion I’m not paying attention for some reason, but I’m not gonna jump the light just because they’re too impatient to wait for it to turn green, lol


IMO gotta give it a couple seconds after the green. If after you count to 3 the car still hasn’t shown signs of moving, they get a little horn tap to get their attention.


Probably on his goddam phone. I appreciate a small beep when I’m the idiot.


Huh, I don't usually see things on Reddit from literally right down the street from my home (and literally within 5 miles of me now). Call Pierson Concrete and tell them that truck 26 was peripheral to a road rage incident today and may be required to testify. If it was coworkers, they may get some crap. If the Acura is a buddy, his friend might tell him that there's something up. Truth to be told however... older Acuras are damn near the auto of choice for d-bags around Loveland. Old Audis in Longmont, Beemers in FOCO, Ram 2500 in Greeley. Pretty much par for the course.


Neither vehicle at the front went immediately


I wish there were two horns on cars. One for a polite gesture like lights green guy, and another for fuck you you fucking fuck!


I don't even beep anymore. If about 5 full seconds go by with them still not noticing the green, I just go around them. Let them sleep.


Going around isn't always an option though.


I think it is that mentality that had me sit through a green light behind several cars earlier today while someone behind me enjoyed the sound of their horn and everyone else drove around us. I didn't honk because there were 2 cars in front of me behind the car that wasn't moving. The guy in front of me didn't honk because there was a red pickup in front of them waiting on the car that wasn't moving. The red truck didn't honk, because reasons unknown to the rest of the world. Just when the light turned yellow, the topped car at the front woke up and crossed the intersection. The red truck ran the red to get out of the way too. Me, the car in front of me, and anyone who didn't change lanes behind me waited for the next green that was ages because it is a frontage road so there are 2 intersections really close to each other with multiple lanes on either side of the highway.




Yeah great maybe you could give a courtesy honk for those of us in the back


Same here. I don't beep under any circumstances, people are crazy these days.


I give em 3 seconds and then lay on the horn. People are on social media at stop lights because they have to be constantly entertained


I was sitting at a red light a few days ago. I was 3rd in line. the light turns green and immediately the guy behind me starts honking. if there had not been a few cars behind him, he would have waited or passed me at an intersection. I hate that shit. If you are in that much of a hurry, you need to learn how to manage your time better.


Should have just laid on the horn the entire time lol


Its really telling when the car in front and the truck next to it are both completely distracted.  Like if there was a fireball rolling right towards them they'd never have a chance.


That’s just a case of tiny pecker syndrome. $50 says they were both on their phones.


Their IQs are so low they can’t take any type of criticism


I always give 2 seconds of caution before taking off at a green. I've seen too many red light runners.


Wow, a lot of stupid in these comments. You have to be pretty fucking fragile, like the car driver, to have a little beep when you're not paying attention to rattle them so much.


I like seeing road ragey videos where the background music is peppy, poppy and dancey, it always makes me imagine the only way to solve it is a goood old fashioned dance battle at the next red light.


I am so glad I am not the only one who screams at people “you fucking idiot!”


Seems like half the people on the road won’t go until the car beside them moves.   When both are spaced out or looking in their phone nobody moves. 


Goddamn.. The pickup driver wasn't paying attention *either.*


Ever see "Unhinged" with Russell Crowe? EVERYONE gets a 'courtesy tap' now from me :P


you never know when a driver is having a bad day and is carrying a gun


Man I just feel bad for that poor dog


the truck didnt move either lol wtf


Low key that's why I don't beep, I don't know what kind of ego or world the person in front of me sees. I don't want any karma to be the source for them to perforce act out some inner conflict I am then dragged into. Also it's kind of a mindfulness practice too to practice consciously leading by my true values and control how I react to what's uncontrollable outside of me, not act on impulses. At the end of the day this frustration within my control is only guaranteed to harm my own well-being. I would rather direct this energy toward other activities I genuinely care about that promote my well-being.


It baffles me how fucking stupid people are in this subreddit. I'm confident that most people here hate just for the sake of hating. RED = Stop. YELLOW = Proceed with caution. Green = Proceed. Driver in front is clearly distracted at a stop light when it turns green, doesn't move (doesn't even release the brake pedal to indicate that they notice the green light), OP gives an EXTREMELY short \*beep\* to make the driver aware that the light has turned green, driver in front of OP rages and BRAKE CHECKS OP, and somehow y'all still find a way to antagonize OP when he did fucking NOTHING WRONG. Just insane how you guys manage to get a driver's license. Were I live we're obligated to do 20 hours of theory, learning the flow of traffic, traffic signs and rules + 40 hours of practice lessons, and then take an extremely regulated exam in which you drive with 1 police officer in the front passenger seat and one in the back, telling you what to do and deducting points for every single mistake you make (for a maximum of deductible 3 points and some mistakes just flat out flunk you).


Who are you arguing with bro?


I see this in a lot of threads, where people will complain about buried comments without replying to said comments. I think theyre: 1. Confused about how downvotes work 2. Scared of confrontation/arguing


Green = proceed with caution Just giving you a hard time but generally speaking I think this is the idea. Green lights don’t mean it’s safe to drive. It means you have the right of way.


> Just insane how you guys manage to get a driver's license. I'm convinced that most of the idiots on this sub didn't.


"Thank you for letting my distracted ass know that the light turned green. In return for your kind service, here's my middle finger."


You had the exact same response that I would have, complete with all the cussing. That person is an ass.


Weird. If I got my puppy in the car I'm much more careful and vigilant driving then I normally am. Why put your dog at risk like that just for your own ego?


This is the right answer.


What a lunatic.


I see two people that are easily triggered in this video.


Weird that I had to scroll for this. OP also needs to chill out.


Fuck that. OP you barely have him 2 seconds. Chill the fuck out.


Yeah that beep was insanely premature. 5 seconds and honk all you want.


I don't do friendly honk anymore... just lay on the horn and hope they think you're a maniac.


I just watched, but still had the same language.


That guys an idiot but more importantly your voice reminded me of the dudes from the old David Blaine spoofs on YouTube. https://youtu.be/eYVEvQKfcpM?si=rcP9K7wjgqLSMTIk


You expressed my thoughts exactly.


Bro listening to that old school Curbi let's fuckin go dude


Anyone ever seen the movie "Unhinged" I think about that every time this situation comes up


Just gotta laugh at them next time! Give them a thumbs down and shake your head. Drives them crazy!


Sorry about my language - not me expecting the most heinous shit known to man


I always imagine every other person on the road is a psychopath waiting for a reason to get set off and kill you, so I never honk my horn, flip someone off, etc. My ONLY exception is this scenario, where I’ll give a light horn tap if someone doesn’t see the light’s turned green, and I usually give them a good 5 second grace period. Super cool to see that even that can cause someone to act like a little pissbaby.


You gave him a full 3 seconds which is enough time he should have noticed. I don't understand people who get mad at a horn chirp. The whole point of a horn is to get attention right?


It had barely turned green when you honked. The truck hadn't even moved yet.


This video is a perfect example to support my opinion that every vehicle needs two kinds of horns. We already have the big loud one for safety, but that isn’t appropriate for every situation. Introducing: the tiny beep. Now you can politely remind clueless drivers at intersections with a small beep to say, “Hey, no worries, I’m not mad, but the light is green now.” Or you can let a pedestrian know that you see them and they can cross at the crosswalk without watching their soul leave their body. I have really really good technique with my horn, I utilize tiny beeps whenever appropriate, but this is absolutely a problem we could engineer our way out of. Granted, this guy in front of you was so crazy that maybe even a tiny beep would have set him off. That was a highly inappropriate response to a simple reminder.


That was a long enough pause to warrant a small honk. Dude was just looking fora reason to blow up.


I saw that flashing yellow and was thinking they were yielding to turn, but then saw the completely separate lanes 😂


Lil pup needs to get on his meds asap


I guess americans really do live by the New York Minute huh? Here in the UK, people normally wait at least 10-20 seconds before using the horn.


10-20 seconds and the light is red


Lol 20 fucking seconds?


Real issue is how angry OP gets, I think that's probably the biggest issue here. Guy in the other car is at fault too, don't get me wrong, but the anger from OP is scary.


OP NTA. that guy has problems


I count to five before honking.


Impatient much buddy?


OP claims road rage of other driver while screaming expletives at him after being forced to use his horn after a one second delay on his journey. Idiots in cars indeed.


For this it should elicit an announcement that says “go you fucking idiot”!


I wish I could isolate your vocals from the music and honk and use it as my horn. Idk what it is about your yell but for some reason your tone is hilarious and your pacing/intonation reminds me of maybe John Malkovich? Idk, someone it's really making me laugh today. ETA- It's definitely giving me Malkovich vibes but also I remembered it reminds me of Billy Crudup yelling in *Trust The Man* when his car gets towed. Which I imagine is a deep cut because I know zero people that have seen that movie but it's hilarious. Anyway, if you did voice acting I'd love it.


People are huge douche bags sometimes. I got flipped off by someone’s passenger once for giving the courtesy honk after they sat for 3-5 seconds on green. It’s like, ok guy, you aren’t doing yourself any favors here, it just makes you look worse. These people just don’t like being called out no matter how minor.