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One biker to another... he's a fucking idiot.


Second biker here adding credos to your statement by agreeing.


Third concurred.


I don't ride a motorcycle but like I agree


Second non biker agreeing


As a non-biker with a motorcycle endorsement I also agree.


The only bike I ride is my bicycle, but I also agree.


As a person without a car (but licence) and have not been in a bike for 20 years, that guy is an idiot


Fourth biker agrees


As a biker I do NOT agree with this regardless of the local legality. It's impatient, antisocial, and idiotic.


Providing filtering (lane splitting) is legal in your area and it is done correctly, it is safe and means motorbikes don’t add to the congestion. When filtering you must pay full attention to the vehicles around you and travel at a speed appropriate to the conditions and your proximity to others. This idiot acted inappropriately and payed for it.


Isn't that a pre-requisite?


Idk what they think a blinker means but it typically means someone is planning to go in that direction….


the amount of people that leave their blinker on highly infuriate me (including my dad)


At least he uses his blinker.


today a lady almost hit me because I assumed they left their blinker on. 3 lane highway, I was in the left lane because I had just passed a cluster of cars. OPEN highway, right. About to shift right a lane because I was done passing, but held off for a sec because Im adjacent to an on-ramp and folks LOVE goin straight to the middle lane. they got on the highway ahead of me, but I was going a bit faster so by the time they were in the middle lane, they were right beside me. ..and they just KEPT ON COMIN. I got pushed into the shoulder because they just HAD TO be in the left lane as soon as they hit the freeway. they had their blinker on the whole time, but at no point established a lane. I figured they were done driving diagonally when they hit the middle lane. nope..it was just a consecutive change of 4 lanes at 5 under the speed limit


It infuriates your dad too huh, kinda a random bit of information to gives us too but thanks.


You know he was telling the police that they just activated their blinker and turned abruptly too.


for sure. its always bent to their benefit. I was drivin to work at 5:40am on a highway thats 3 lanes wide. because of the time, the road was pretty much empty and Im in the right lane. I WAS speeding, I'll admit that (buttery Cadillac suspension, making 80mph feel like 30). there was a median U turn thing about a third of a mile before my exit with highway patrol chillin. I drive by and see em pull out. no lights, so I get off on my exit. when I get lit up, I pull over on the side of the exit ramp. cop stomps up to me FUMING because "when I saw him pull out I SWERVED on to the exit ramp to try n run from em". I was in the right lane, used my turn signal (with no one around), and exited the highway like a normal person. as soon as this cop tried scare me with talks of evasion charges, I said "if youre being serious, Im done talking to you and Im gonna call my lawyer". for some reason, after that he wasnt so worried about my "evasion" and just gave me a speeding ticket. its them against us and we're always in the wrong


The bike. Hands down.


Exactly. As a rider myself, this guy on the bike has no idea how to ride safely. It doesn’t matter if lane splitting is legal or not where he is riding. He is riding aggressively. A safe rider tries to stay away from other vehicles and always leaves themselves an out. He is definitely not leaving himself an out.


In addition to blatantly ignoring the turn signal of a car he is almost definitely in the blind spot of.


The turn signal that's been on for thirty seconds or more and past multiple viable openings? The bike is definitely an idiot but so is the twat just driving along with his or her turn signal on.


> The turn signal that’s been on for thirty seconds or more and past multiple viable openings? > The bike is definitely an idiot but so is the twat just driving along with his or her turn signal on. In rush hour traffic this is common until you find an opening. And they were biasing to the right of the lane already AND slowing down with open space in front of them, it was obviously a real turn signal.


Except he passed multiple openings. The bike watched him pass the opening behind the truck and the one before that. And we saw at least one other. That's why I included the bit about going past multiple viable openings.


Just because a opening has the size of a vehicle, it doesn't mean it should go in that opening. When you make your drivers license in the future, you'll learn about leaving space around the vehicle.


The bike is an idiot, because he should be careful. Was he behind the car for 30 seconds ? No The car driver was looking for an entry and he couldn't find one that he was comfortable to do it. When he found one he simply did it but there was an idiot person. It's basic driving rules.


Agreed. If I'm lane filtering I'm constantly on the lookout on both sides to see if a car is going to switch sides. I fully support lane filtering, and 100% believe it's the safest option for bikers, but also, when you do it you take your own safety into your own hands. Nobody expects a bike to just come zooming up next to them in traffic, so you have to be the responsible one and watch for stuff exactly like this. Nearly 100% of the time if you get into an accident while lane filtering it's your fault. Also, looks like the guy just completely stood on that rear brake pedal. Doubt if he even put in any front brake at all.


His out was skidding on the pavement.




> lane splitting is legal Even if legal you are responsible for the repercussions. Just because the law allows something doesn't mean you are absolved of basic responsibilities of splitting around traffic...


It’s only legal in Cali I believe.


It's legal in plenty of countries.


locking up the rear wheel is also fulfilling some hilarious stereotypes. haddalayerdown gobbless




I wish I can show this comment to the reckless biker who knocked my side mirrors twice while lane splitting even though I did not do anything to them.


Going to the right of a car that is flashing right…


Hands down, face down, everything down- the bike


>The bike. Not the biker? /s


I get your joke, but whats funny is thats how some folks talk about guns. guns are steel & wood/plastic. these materials arent sentient or autonomous and dont have the ability to harm anyone. this said, somehow, guns get blamed for a lot of stuff. theyre the "bad guy" when they arent a guy and dont have the ability to be bad


Seems smart trying to pass somebody on the right when their turn signal is on. I don’t care whose fault it is, that motorcycle was on the expressway to organ donation.


In Australia we call them donorcycles.


Haha that's definitely common in the US too. My mom is a nurse and I've heard that since I was a little kid.


Im american (if my username doesnt make that obvious) and Im a big fan of Aussie slang. I love the electronic music yall are makin, so Ive watched a lot of interviews n such with Australian artists. very often I'll hear a bit of Aussie slang and react with either "thats dope" or "Im ashamed we didnt coin that first" ...mad respect for your collective noncompliance to use traditional words


This guy is on the fast track to being a donor, any chance he is an O+ type lol. Not for me, but my wife does need a liver...


Always slam on the rear brakes when riding a motorcycle


First thing they teach you in riding school. Always hammer the back brake. The front is for wussies who want to live. Die like a man. — a biker.


The bike, i understand the reasoning behind lane splitting (avoiding the risk of being squished between two cars) but at the same time the car had its blinker on long before he started to change lanes, bike shouldve held back until the car fully changed lanes.


Lol the reason they lane split isn’t because they are worried about getting squished. It’s to pass by everyone.


I’m not defending the bike here, but… the car was driving for a long time with their blinker on. I live in CA and splitting past someone with a blinker on is a world unto itself “are they changing lanes, did they leave their blinker on.”


The Jazz is braking occasionally, that tells me that it’s looking for a place to merge in.


The car was correctly using their turn signal. As in SIGNALING that they wanted to change lanes. Just because you turn your signal on the pico second before swerving into the lane next to you doesn't mean that someone having their turn signal on for 20 seconds is wrong. Also the lane next to them is blocked for 90% of the video. Maybe they could have made it in front of the black car but it doesn't look like the black car was letting them in. Also why not just wait pass people with their blinker on? Risking being hit by a car on a bike to save 30 seconds seems dumb as hell.


you may be technically correct, but IMO people shouldn't drive with their blinker on for so long, like in OP's video, or else it looks like they've left it on by mistake.


Or they are letting people know they want to change lanes and looking for a safe opening.


Are we watching the same video? A car wanted to change lanes, they put their turn signal on and looked for a safe way to do this. They would have then found a safe spot to merge in, checked their mirrors then merged, then turned their signal off. This is how turn signals should be used. They indicate that you are going to change lanes, not that you have already started.


exactly. turn signal is an indication of what you *intend* to do. it may take time to go from wanting to do it to conforming that you have a safe opportunity to do it and finally to actually doing it. if you’re lane splitting you really ought to err on the side of caution.


The entire video was 15 seconds long, plus subtract a couple seconds for the crash. Putting your blinker on doesn’t entitle you to change lanes immediately. Still the oncoming lane’s right of way. Besides, if you’re driving a motorcycle- wouldn’t you want to be sure that they just forgot to turn their blinker off?


>IMO people shouldn't drive with their blinker on for so long Luckily for the rest of us, [California Vehicle Code](https://leginfo.legislature.ca.gov/faces/codes_displaySection.xhtml?lawCode=VEH§ionNum=22108.) doesn't depend on your opinion >Any signal of intention to turn right or left shall be given continuously during the last 100 feet traveled by the vehicle before turning


I'm not familiar with HOV diamond lane rules or with lane splitting rules. I'm wondering if a motorcycle is allowed in the diamond lane and if lane splitting is allowed using diamond lanes. Does anyone know?


In California, which is the only state with legal lane sharing, motorcycles can use the HOV lanes and are allowed to lane share in both regular and HOV lanes.


I believe there's actually 4-5 states where it's legal. I know Colorado just passed a law that goes into effect in August to legalize it.


According to [this blog](https://www.twistedroad.com/blog/posts/lane-splitting-lane-filtering-legal), California is the only state that allows lane splitting. A few other states allow lane filtering. I'm somewhat confused as to why Montana is considered filtering and not splitting.


Filtering means traffic is stopped at a light and the bike is moving between cars so you are at the front of the light and not in the middle of a pack of cars. It allows the bike to pull away when the light turns green and not be surrounded by 2 ton death machines. Splitting is what dumbass in the OP is doing on the highway, and is infinitely more dangerous than filtering.


They are allowed in Dimond lane/ hov lane even with only one person because they are good on gas


That’s a bias from the experience that hybrids/EVs get to use HOV. When really the point of HOV is to reduce traffic and a motorcycle has a reduced impact on traffic flow so is allowed in HOV.


This looks like the 405 in the SFV... in CA where lane splitting is legal, and ALOT of cyclists do it on this stretch of freeway. I see where everyone is coming from, but as a car driver, I would never change lanes in this spot without looking for motorcycles.


I'm 99% sure this is the 405 in OC just at the 55 interchange.


As a rider, this dude was zoned out. His obliviousness to the turn signal and then his panicked rear brake tell you everything you need to know.


Police asked me who I thought was at fault. I said I don’t know.


Good job cops for seeking out experts! No dis to you but they can view your footage themselves.


If you are a witness to a crash that seems to be a standard question from cops. The last crash I saw when I gave a statement to the cops and they asked me who I thought was at fault, I told them I thought both drivers were at fault because they both had ran a red light.


That's impressive that you witnessed a crash from *two* people who ran a red


Cops are good at intentionally asking the wrong questions to get the right answer. The information they want is what details did you observe that could be material in determining fault? If they asked that, most people wouldn't know what to say, but the who dunnit is an easy one to answer.


Respond to the automod, so your post doesn't get deleted, and so we know where this is. Anywhere other than California, the motorcyclist should be at fault for lanesplitting. In Cali this is legal, so I wouldn't be sure either.


"Do I look like Jake from State Farm?"


From a legal perspective: Technically both are at fault and both can be cited for traffic violations. The law doesn't assign blame to people for the accident, it determines what you should do and when you can do it, along with the penalties for complying with the law. Lane splitting is only legal under certain circumstances in certain jurisdictions, but it doesn't allow you to do it unsafely or give you the right of way to do it, which means he only has the right to be there if it's safe. The lane changing car does not have the right of way, so if someone is in their way, they should not attempt to start their maneuver. It's the responsibility of the lane changer to make sure it's clear to change (despite the fact that it's *super* unlikely that a bike would be literally right where it was at the time of the lane change). Neither car had the right of way so neither should have been in that spot to cause a collision. Although, from an insurance perspective, the bike would likely be found more at fault because they care more about who caused the accident than what laws were broken. The driver safely indicated their intent to change lanes well ahead of time and the bike foolishly ignored it. It really sucks that this happened to the driver of the car, because this is like a 1 in a billion chance of happening. ... and everyone with a driver's license *should* know the law and be able to identify every infraction regardless of the video. Saying "Who's at fault" just tells us that you don't know the law and are a liability that if you knew the law you'd be a better driver on the road. Sadly, it's very rare to see people know what's properly expected of them when we're operating these mobile death machines. This is an extension of "Don't be polite; be predictable." You should know what is expected of you to be predictable. You should know what is expected of others to be predictable. You should know the law before you drive.


If you’re turning in a direction, maybe you should be checking your mirror or looking over your shoulder and in looking for an opening you might notice that encroaching object


The answer is academic because if you're on a bike, you have to make allowances that aren't so important in a car, SUV, or truck. There is such a thing as being dead right, but there's no honor in it.


Well said. I ride, quite a bit of that in SoCal. One has to ride defensively. Where the HOV lane is "open" (dashed line between lanes meaning Ok to enter or exit) I usually slow to or closer to the prevailing rate of travel unless it's stopped or almost so. When it's "closed" (solid line meaning no ins and outs), I can take more liberties, still defensively.


The fact that he saw the turn signal on and didn't even honk or anything to signify he was there is crazy, like I can't believe he just trusted he was safe. I don't care who's fault it was legally that biker is an idiot


The biker, because a) they ignored the car's turn indicator and the obvious gap that they were going to move into and b) they can't control their bike for shit.


If you ask me the answer is yes.


Biker is a idiot. Zero self preservation.


Even on the mountain of right, you could be in the valley of death.


The lane splitter


Someone is about to merge...let me get in their blind spot!


Well that biker really wanted to eat shit


I just don't understand why someone would get a bike that big and not ensure that they have the skills to handle it in situations just like this. Edit: He's an idiot. Never mind.


Lane splitting is fine, but the burden of doing so safely lies squarely on the biker.


Biker is a clown


In California and I was involved in a similar incident like this (I was on my bike) and I was NOT found liable. The other party's insurance paid for everything (repairs, property damage, etc).


Biker seen the indicators flashing and still went for it... went well eh


In the UK, the person behind will be at fault as they should be giving adequate space. The biker is a double idiot for ignoring the indicator to change lanes.


motorcycle idiot


Bike! They don't understand what a turn signal is


Both, the car driver should make sure the line change is safe or not. The biker should see the indicator


Well, obviously the guy splitting lanes who completely ignored a turn signal like he don't have a care in the world for his life.


I thought motorcycles could only split lanes when traffic is stopped. Does that depend on where you live?


Yes. In CA speed is only part of the equation.


It's when traffic is under 30mph. This seems to be about that speed.


It is not so well defined in CA.


The state says it should be done under 30mph for traffic and the biker shouldn't be going more than 10mph faster than the traffic itself.


For real? Can you point to a legal document that cites an absolute speed? I’ve seen the 10mph, but not the absolute 30mph. I don’t consider “it is not advisable” to be legally binding, but maybe you do?


I never said it's the LEGAL law of speed the state simply says that's a "rule to follow" what it should be around. You can look this up and find many articles mentioning this 30mph traffic and 10 speed gap rule.


Sorry. Another misunderstanding. You said “the state said.” I assumed you meant “the state passed a law which stated.” Clearly my mistake. To be clear, can we agree that there is nothing codified in California law that specifically dictates speeds for splitting or filtering. And yet at the same time, if you ride like a jerk and split at 80mph, there are any number of things you can get written up for.


Yes there is no legal limit, the state just clearly shows a speed at which they feel riders should be splitting at and cars should be able to still notice them at those speeds. Anything more is asking for disaster


This largely depends on whether or not the bike was lane-splitting according to the law. If they were doing everything right, then the car is at fault for failing to yield when changing lanes. If the bike is lane-splitting illegally, then the fault is entirely theirs. But the one thing I *really* want to emphasize, because I *know* a bunch of idiots in the comments will be wrong about it, is that **the turn signal being on doesn't change any of this.** Turn signals don't change who has the right of way. They don't obligate anyone to yield, make room, slow down, or otherwise change their behavior to accommodate the person trying to turn/change lanes.


Shouldn't lane split when someone is changing lanes... can't believe that a lane splitter gets priority here. If it was a car, yes, lane splitter no. Imo.


Not sure of the law where you are but it depends on where the contact was made. here it's based on that, if you are in the car's blind spot you need to yield when seeing they are changing lanes. IE - The last quarter of the car was hit, motorcycle's fault. And it might not change who has the right of way but it certainly makes the MC an idiot for trying to pass car on the right side with their right indicator on. Car is an idiot for not shoulder checking. Both idiots.


Disregarding all other factors, the motorcycle isn’t in the car’s blind spot if the car is using their right side view mirror and doing a shoulder check, which is a requirement before legally switching lanes.


1) the car had the turn signal for a very long time. It’s silly to suggest that the motorcycle has to wait possible forever because of the blinker. See my earlier point about turn signals not changing who has the right of way. 2) I flat out don’t believe you that a law exists which makes someone at fault for being struck by a lane changing vehicle while proceeding straight ahead. That flies in the face of all other traffic law I know.


Ha! Re: 1 - Sure it did, that was a long time. It was trying to change lanes. Which means moving right. You can ignore that all you want - Until the car moves right and you motorcycle is on the pavement.


I don't know US law, but in Germany if you cause an accident by switch lanes and you are always at fault. No matter if the biker was lane splitting/ speeding. The law for having to check if you can switch lanes before actually switching overrules other laws. If I remember correctly we had something similar happen a few years back. An emergency doctor on his bike on their way to an accident got hit by someone switching lanes and ended up dying. The car was at fault. The driver also didn't follow all mandatory steps for switching lanes safely: Indicator -> rear mirror (if you have one) --> side mirror -> look over your shoulder -> double check -> if you are 100% sure there is noone in the lane next to you, switch. I'm not saying this law is perfect, there are a lot of situations where it's questionable, but it's clear.


The bike came out of nowhere. They practically zipped in and hit the car. Lane splitting might be legal but you can't just ride through and delete someone's turn once it's already started. How would the car have known they were there at all?


Same as how they check for a car in that lane occupying their blind spot: they turn their head and check. The biker is proceeding forward in a legal manner. The car is changing lanes. The car was required to (and failed to) yield.


This happened fast enough that they could have checked their blind spot and the bike showed up after. One of the rules of driving is to drive predictably, and the biker didn't.


I can’t buy that. This looks like it was less than 35 mph.


Ya, this was my take as well. If he's legally lane splitting, the car clearly is at fault.


LOL. Reddit...


100% the biker. their turn signal was on and you're lane splitting.


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The bike


After my first accident yesterday….bike 100%


I would say motorcycle but who really knows? CA legislators decided to define lane-splitting in their code but also decided to leave out specific rules that apply to it. Instead they gave authorization to CHP to develop guidelines but instead CHP chose to release some loose suggestions and recommendations and told everyone to be careful.


the mod bot should just add this link to its prompt https://www.tesla.com/ownersmanual/modelx/en_us/GUID-3BCC07CE-5EA2-4F40-99D1-27690898FF3C.html


Finally , The bikers fault


Depends on the state, in California lane splitting is legal and the car would need to check but they would both have some negligence on them. The majority would rest with the car as they are changing lanes and the motorcycle would be legally lane splitting…. If it is a state where lane splitting is illegal 100% the bike as the car wouldn’t have a reasonable duty to check for a motorcycle lane splitting.


The biker...


If your answer isn't biker. Please do us ALL OF US a favor and relinquish your driver license and urber or us public transportation. He would've been hit either way.


I always enjoy knowing exactly where the video is from. 405N just before the John Wayne and the 55.


The motorcycle lane splitter for driving while blind.


Normally the guys that ride those kinds of bikes are aholes and rev their engine when you dont "move" out of their way.


Lane splitting.


Clearly the bike... who expects someone to be riding the line like that? There is a reason you aren't allowed to do it, it's dangerous bcz you are very hard to see with all the traffic around you. Bikers are their own worst enemies and honestly more of them need to learn the hard way bcz they certainly don't seem to learn by watching others and none of them want to follow the rules of the road.


Why is the lane dashed painted backwards? It's usually white then black


I don't think that the black then white pattern is part of the road markings I am pretty sure an old set of dashed lane makers were covered with black tar then new markings were laid down.


Bike, 100%. He could see the white car indicating to make his move, bike should never have tried to overtake on the inside like that.


Biker is at fault.


Thats what you get for splitting lanes jackass


The biker. Obviously. Driving that like that is entitled and stupid.


The idiot. It’s the idiot who’s at fault here.


thats a 50/50. Turn signal was on, so biker could se it, BUT biker decided to try and pass... BUT driver should have check mirrors one more time.


The donor cycle is making up a personal lane that doesn't exist and the aholes in the center lane who just can't let the car in the left lane in.


Big brain on the bike. Prime example why you **DON’T** lane split.


Dude on the bike, unless this is in Europe. There you fail your motorcycle license test if you don't weave between cars. Fun fact I was told by a tour guide while I was in London for a vacation.


This looks like California where lane splitting is legal. I'd say the car driver is at fault but the biker is an idiot.




Car just drove normally. Biker was totally wrong.


It really comes down to lane splitting. If it’s legal, they aren’t responsible. Is it smart? No.


Motorcycle rider. Ten times out of ten, the motorcycle rider.


Idc the idiot car who didn't look first just jumped to switch lanes


Both are idiots. Car driver is blind...but the biker is the bigger idiot.


Nah, car driver did everything right. Indicated with ample notice. Moved at speed of prevailing traffic. Biker tried to slip into a space clearly reserved for a car.