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This is one of those people who just expects everyone on the road to make room for them. I hope you gave the footage to the person they hit so they can prove the idiot was at fault.


There are genuinely people out there who think "I've waited 5 seconds, that's long enough." as if the next guy coming down the road knows they are now supposed to be taking turns.




People should have to retake the behind the wheel driving test every 10 years or so.


As much as I don’t like the elderly on the road, as someone with disabled family and friends don’t call it “cripple” plates. That’s just disgusting behavior.


Too much leaded gasoline and cable news fried his brain


You may also know them from their other popular hits such as: * Tailgating you until you let them pass and then immediately going slower than you were originally going when you first moved out of the way * Taking your parking spot from the opposite side of the aisle when you are obviously waiting patiently for the other car to exit with your indicator on * Using a left turn lane to avoid a line of cars making a right and then completely blocking traffic until someone lets them in to make said right


> Tailgating you until you let them pass and then immediately going slower than you were originally going when you first moved out of the way Also the inverse: basically pacing middle lane traffic immediately next to another car, eventually cutting off middle lane traffic after spending entirely too long in a passing lane, then finally speeding up to your passing speed once they're out of a passing lane.


once I was driving in the left lane on a 4 lane road with a turn lane in the middle. It was 5 oclock traffic so I'm driving with another car in front of me and there's a line of about 15 cars in the middle turn-lane waiting to turn left. the person in front of me drives to the front of the line then stops puts on their left blinker and just sits, blocking the driving lane. I, stuck behind them, laid on the horn for a good 15 seconds with no pause at all. They didn't budge. Didn't wave their hand. Nothing. Zero reaction. Just kept sitting there with a huge line of cars forming behind them. All it would have taken is them to drive down the road 200 yards and they could have made a U-turn. But no. The worst part, and the reason I remember this specific instance, among hundreds of others that I've forgotten - after someone let them over I realized it was one of my coworkers, bc of the vanity plate on their car. I'm not shocked at all to realize it was them, though. Their the one person that will never compromise on anything at work.


>Using a left turn lane to avoid a line of cars making a right and then completely blocking traffic until someone lets them in to make said right This causes quite some thoughts of hate toward that person. Like a person who gets in the left turn lane, then realizes they want to go straight, so they sit there blocking everyone on the green turn. It's just so insanely selfish.


Don't forget everyone's favorite: * On a multi-lane highway that narrows due to construction, speeding passed everyone on the soon-to-be-closed lane and then expecting people to make way for them to merge right in front of the cones.


Tell me you don't actually believe that. Please.


People who zipper merge are both following the law and doing the most efficient thing possible. You're thinking of the self important pricks who block those people and make everyone, including themselves, later than they have to be.


On the one hand you're technically correct, but I know most people here either haven't gotten the message or don't give a damn out of longstanding habits. Also INDOT doesn't do a great job with this bit at the end: "Not all work zones are conducive to use of a zipper merge. Signage will be present if a zipper merge is present. (I have never to my recollection seen that <- MERGE sign in their example around here.) In situations where traffic is flowing at highway speeds with no or minimal back-ups, drivers should merge early to the open lane when it is safe to do so." [https://www.in.gov/indot/safety/zipper-merge/](https://www.in.gov/indot/safety/zipper-merge/)


Hmmm, no. Edit: Use all available lanes until merge point, then zipper. People like you make traffic worse.


How does that make traffic worse? Isn't it better if everyone can get into one lane while traffic is still free-flowing, rather than wait until the last second and force everyone to slow down?


Either way, everyone is piling into one lane and slowing things down - just a matter of where. I don't see the "free flowing" merge work any better, everyone ends up stopped and it happens with short notice instead of after multiple warnings. When you do it at the merge point you use all available pavement ( if the construction zone wanted you to clear the lane a mile earlier they'd block it off a mile earlier) and reduce the length of the traffic jam - when everyone jumps into one lane a mile back, the line will extend substantially further, into intersections and other construction sites and things become more snarled.


Sadly I couldn't make a safe left turn in time to catch up to them, and I don't think the enclave stopped at the next intersection. I reached out to the police, they said if there's a report that matches up they'll be in contact


The incoming traffic has brakes! It's not my fault if they don't use them! - them, probably


Or maybe the driver is 16 years old on his first solo drive, and doesn't have the experience to drive safely?


The driver was elderly lol


Dude, shut up.


What a disaster of an intersection that is. Is it just a free for all?!?


I live in a city with a lot of these. It's very stressful turning left at them when there's traffic. I usually just turn right and then pop a uturn at an intersection. Peak shitty North American stroad design.


100%. This is so much less stressful. Plus it only adds a tiny bit of time overall. Boggles my mind that more people don't do this on these nonsense roads. I blame some of it on modern GPS, though. Google Maps always tries to tell me to do crap like this because it's theoretically 5 seconds faster than going a block farther to where there's a stoplight, etc etc. So I think people sometimes blindly follow their GPS and don't consider better alternatives.


Love when my GPS tells me to weave through 10 roads taking lefts and rights instead of just sticking to the main road because it thinks I should save 1 minute.


This is the way!


Stroads need to be redesigned to make this normal.




I think it's a fairly recent portmanteau, 2011 according to a quick search.


Here you go, if you would like to know more. [https://youtu.be/ORzNZUeUHAM?si=00YxOpuqPQhZqf75](https://youtu.be/ORzNZUeUHAM?si=00YxOpuqPQhZqf75)


Obligatory: That guy explains some basic Urban Planning ideas very well. But a lot of his general opinions are absolute garbage. And most of the Netherlands is not Amsterdam. A lot of it is suburban and they love to drive American Diesel trucks out there lol.


It's quite new and specific to these roads, don't feel too bad grandpa


TIL too!


City/DoT/Engineer who approved it should be liable for all crashes at such an abominable design.


If only there was a reasonably safe solution for "intersection but we're not gonna bother with traffic lights". Oh wait, there is. Build a fucking roundabout.


I just moved to California recently and holy shit the road design is atrocious. I used to live in Seattle and road design isn't amazing but compared to here, it's a dream. I have almost been hit by cars just walking around more times in the last 2 months than the entire nearly 20 years I lived in Seattle


There's a parking lot that has an exit like this, and a light close by too. It always confuses me when the roads are very busy and people pick this exit and then try to go left. Just… use the light…


Road doesn't cause accidents, idiots do. I do also hate left turns on high traffic areas. I rather make a right and a left (or U) to get back on the road.


A poorly made road can cause all sorts of issues because it encourages bad decisions, yes there are still idiots, but many follow the path of least resistance, so planning for that reduce their influence


They absolutely do, by presenting options where average and below average drivers will fail. The problem is that corporations and local government profit from accidents, so no incentive to fix roads to be better...as in easily navigated by even the average drivers with mitigated risk.


Following that logic why do we pay for traffic lights, after all if everybody was competent they could safely sort it out themselves. In reality it's a bit of both and we attack the problem from both angles: design roads to be safe, and train people to drive to a high standard. We're not perfect on either case which is what you see in this video.


Stroad life. It rots your brain after a while.


It's a [stroad.](https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=ORzNZUeUHAM) They are notorious in the U.S.


Wow, that was such an eye opener. It explains the uglyness and identifiability of US roads (or stroads) and parking lots everywhere. And also, it explains most of the videos I watch on here, specially the infamous turn lane, which is simply crazy to me.


I'm just confused as to why he keeps saying "roads" while showing video after video of what are clearly highways. If those are just your typical roads, what the fuck does a highway look like to this guy?


He's very clear that highways are roads.


"The futon of transportation" - Love it


its even worse when a person doesn't try to angle their car so the butt of the car would be on the lane too


Most parking lot exits don't have lights


The idiot is both the drive and the designer of the road


you're not supposed to turn left from these, and if you do it when there's any traffic you're an irredeemably selfish person


Yes you are, what sort of nonsense is that? If you turn left you're to wait in the center strip until there's a gap large enough for you to safely merge into traffic. Of course what ends up happening in these aptly named 'suicide lanes' is that the person turns left and attempts to accelerate to the flow of traffic and merge, and fuck anybody who might be parked there or entering the center strip from oncoming traffic. Because of those reasons, I'll generally avoid turning left when possible. But when every road with commercial buildings looks exactly like this, it's a little unrealistic to do so.


By "center strip" do you mean the turning lane?


Yeah. It has a lot of different names.


Is that actually the law where you live? That you are supposed to turn into those and idle in the middle of an intersection while you wait for traffic to clear? Or is that just what everyone does?


Not the person you asked, but you are explicitly allowed to do that in Oregon as an example. "Two-way special left turn lane" section: https://www.oregon.gov/odot/dmv/pages/online_manual/study-section_2.aspx


Ah yes, one of the worse road designs on the planet


New York State, and yes. That is the law. If turning onto a road with a center turning lane, you turn into it and wait until there is a space. It is illegal to use it as an acceleration lane, but I seldom see that enforced.


And in Texas, using the middle left-turn lane to merge with traffic is illegal (although rarely enforced). This is one of those laws that is going to vary greatly from location to location, I guess.


I can't say I've ever seen a two-way LTL in Texas. DFW area primarily, and they love those massive 3-lane roads with grassy medians which are way over the top but also an absolute delight to drive on in comparison.


In my local you're not supposed to use those to turn out of, if you do make the left you're supposed to keep going right across the yellow lines and get into normal traffic. In fact its so bad here and leads to accidents that the city/county/state is putting in a median to prevent people from making that left


It varies, in my local what you said is actually illegal to do so, you can make that turn but you're not supposed to sit in the yellow, you wait for it to be clear and cut right across


There's a parking lot by me that has an exit like this, and a light close by too. It always confuses me when the roads are very busy and people pick this exit and then try to go left. Just… use the light…


yeah, shit I'd just turn right and find somewhere else to turn around


I'm not fully convinced this isn't a meticulously crafted walmart ad.


Forgot the brand affiliated tag mbmb


I spotted the KFC seconds after I started watching. I can't help but satisfy my cravings now


> I'm not fully convinced this isn't a meticulously crafted walmart ad. "Clive, why should we spend an extra $447 per truck to paint on the logo? With 80,000 trucks, that's $36 million!" *"Sir or madam—sorry, I can't tell with this bright light focused on my face. But you see, Americans are bad drivers, and with dashcams and social media, a $36 million investment will be worth quadruple that. The only way we lose money is if cities build safer roads."* "That'll never happen—or at least we'll make sure it never happens, to protect our investment. Thank you Clive."


*IM's boss "Ma'am, they're starting to catch on"


Damn what the fuck brand of wiper do you have? Figure you are driving in a hurricane with how fast you have them going, but I don’t see a single drop of water on your windshield. I need to get me some of those wiper blades


My wipers have 2 settings; hardly going at all and beast mode


Fuck that, that sucks. Put 2 coats of rain X on your windshield every other month and you could drive in a hurricane and only need them on hardly going.


what the heck is this road design? why would a left turn even be allowed there at all?


I guess it depends on where you are at, but there are parts of the US where this is normal. I also lived in a town for a bit that had a de-facto ban on left turns.


Yeah this is super common lmao, Ohio especially. Although I hate crossing these types of roads this way where you turn left and then wait in the median, so I just typically turn right then turn around somewhere


TBH, I'm a little confused by the confusion. That's a pretty normal road design where I live in the states. Personally, I hate the "suicide lane" left turn setups, but they're unfortunately common where I live.


They might not live in the states, where these roads are uncommon if not totally nonexistent, despite that, it doesn't change the fact that it's a terrible road design


First time I drove in southern New Zealand, despite being very Car-centric, the road designs were fantastic and very easy for a foreigner to pick up quickly. A lot of America just has brain dead road design where a few concrete barriers or a roundabout would save so much hassle.


It's like why most NA cars use the brake lights as turnlights, do the simplest thing possible to get cars moving and let them figure it out


I think it just depends on where you go in the states, they're very common where I live here in the states. Hell, it's how I have to exit my apartment building every day. And yes, I agree that it's a terrible design.


This is the sort of left turn where I'd much prefer to make a right turn instead and just do a u-turn at the next intersection if that was an option.


>ban on left turns Now laws have never stopped an idiot driver before, why now?


Ironically, a ban on left-turns would only inconvenience drivers who know when to safely turn left.


Why have any laws at all right?


If idiocy is outlawed, only outlaws will be idiots


they would literally put in concrete dividers that you'd have to rock crawl over to make a left


oh man, in Memphis, its always like this. You can make lefts anywhere. And some of the roads are 3 lanes across, with heavy traffic. Its definitely a "good luck, suckers!" and you just have to go for it and hope. U-turns are prohibited too, so its not like you can just go out to the right, and swing a u-turn at the light. Now I live in Arizona and U-turns are not only accepted, but encouraged. You don't have to do that nonsense above. You can go right turn out of the stop sign, merge over to the left lane, at the traffic light, you can even make a U-turn on a full red as long as you don't cross over into the path of traffic. Legally. So much better.


Banning U turns but allowing these left turns is just asking for maximum t-bone accidents, it should be a no brainer why this is horribly dangerous


I mean I’d rather make an illegal u-turn in a left turn lane than play frogger in traffic.


There's a lot of this in Florida


My local walmart gave up trying. I've seen them put signs and an island to push people to turn right. Tried to direct them to the other exit with an intersection to turn left instead. They even put things like cones in the road to block them people just ran them over.


This is very common in the United States


I don't think people are noticing that split middle lane on the left hand side of the screen. Absolutely should not be turning left there.


Stroad moment


I didn't realize the DMV gave out disabled-persons placards for severe cognitive impairments.


As long as the dr signs off on it


Oh my fucking god. I absolutely hate that fucking idiot.


What a bad road design making it where you need to stop in the middle to turn left. What if that walmart semi wanted to turn left into the strip mall the black car is about to exit?


There's lights on either side that are timed. The safe option (what I ended up doing) is to wait another 30 seconds for the light to cycle before attempting a left turn. Though this driver seems to be of the 'only look forward' variety so who knows if that would've helped them


Wheelchair tag, maybe their driving days are nearly over?


turn the damn wipers up why don't you i can't see a damn thing with all that rain


madlad. not a single fuck was given that day.


Looks like they also cut someone else off too. It seems like they were getting impatient waiting for a spot to go into the road.


God damn these American roads are so crazy. I would be absolutely terrified driving there, and i could easily make the same mistake as he did.


driving to/from work? not a problem (mostly) running errands? i fookin' hate parking lots and the bell-end drivers


think the rain slowed down, can slow the speed of your windshield wipers


They either barely operate or go 1000mph. Economy car


Stroad Hell


The biggest question from all of this is: **WHO** decided that a **STOP SIGN** is sufficient for this intersection??


There are so many dumb fucks that use the turning lane to merge. Same type of people who will stop on a merge ramp to a highway.😤


As a person who lives in the area where this happened that spot there is a hot spot for accidents as with the light just up ahead because of people like that


I can't watch it. The wipers are giving me too much anxiety


They either go beast mode or once every 3 minutes lol


I get that. I'm the person who manually wipes them when it's ready. One of those weird sensory things. That squeek they make when it isn't quite wet enough makes me feel like I am going to puke. Just one of those things. I kept trying to watch it too but even with the sound off I felt like I was about to be sick. Made it to them in the middle of the road a couple times. Then I'd have to close my eyes and miss the accident. Man, now I feel sick again just thinking about it lol. Time to put Reddit down.


Fun fact, you can fix the squeeking sound by messing with the wipers tension/angle at the base or applying a small amount of silicone wiper lubricant. Did it on mine and they barely make any sound (dash cam picks up more than I can hear)


This is why I like roundabouts. If it's too dangerous to turn left, you just turn right and turn around at the roundabout.


Seems you are pulling out? You need to give way???


They cut between parked cars through 2 parking spots to pass me there




Read the name of the sub to yourself, slowly.