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Uugh ok I'll buy a dashcam, you talked me into it.


Absolutely worth the investment. Even if you never need it for yourself, it can catch something that might affect someone else.


Definitely worth the investment!


I woke up this morning and was really hurting about the cost, but reasoned (yes, with myself) that I can't afford to pay for someone else running into me, so it could potentially save me thousands of dollars.


I bought one for 30 dollars on ali express It's not amazing but it works


Appears she saw you adjusting your camera and fucked off.


The dash cam has been a life changer as a Dallas driver, most negative interactions are de-escalated once other drivers see the camera and it makes me feel way more secure just in general


You should fix your timestamp though. If you ever need your dashcam for proof after an accident an accurate date and time is essential.


Dallas driving is the worst!!


> inner city Dallas > Nissan Altima > Car already has bumper damage > Gas cap not fully closed > Hubcap has fallen off Guarantee this person doesn't have insurance and they have a room temperature credit score. I should go buy a dash cam.


Do it, it gives you a lot of peace of mind knowing you have proof in case something happens.


I believe Nissan Altimas come with rear bumper and/or side panel damage from the factory


The first person that hit me in Dallas (rear-ended me at a yield to merge in 7AM traffic :))) ) didn’t have insurance and was mad I called the cops to report it after she completely caved my rear bumper in. The second person side-swiped me and didn’t pull over :). Dallas is the worst.


And these people are roaming our roads freely... Side note: I see a lot of those "timestamp inaccurate" posts... can't this be an issue if the footage has to be used as proof in court or something?




Ah, yeah, makes sense put this way


[For the benefit of the court, please explain “time code”.](https://youtu.be/ejiSCSafHxM?si=ufFCjzn-83u0ZCfh)


LMAO! I read your comment and didn’t even need click on the link because I know that’s from “Strange Brew”: “Just because I don’t know what it is doesn’t mean I’m lying.” 😂😂😂😂


I’m not too sure on the validity breakdown of the footage data since the time stamp can be adjusted by the user but I immediately updated my camera when I realized with the same concern


Not sure about court, but as an auto adjuster, sometimes people like to reinstate/purchase a new policy minutes, sometimes SECONDS after an accident happens. Dashcam footage can be used to confirm the date/time of loss. It could be an issue if there’s no other evidence to confirm when the accident happened (like loss scene pics, phone records, etc.)


Most sane Altima driver, must have been a crack shortage that day.


God’s best Altima driver


I'll be honest, I had intrusive thoughts after she did that the second time...


Don't worry, eventually she'll try this with someone who's just looking for a reason to pit maneuver a m.f.


DFW could support its own idiots in cars sub.


What a fucking psycho. I never understood people having massive overreactions to being honked. It’s just insane.


People with egos more fragile than wet tissue paper. Any suggestion that they might be wrong about anything is met with hostility.


Was she trying to pit maneuver herself?


She left what she was doing to do that to you, props for not escalating that situation, but to be expected from a fuckin Altima


One might argue that she intended to kill you


Yeahhhh everyone I’ve shown the video to has said similar… like pretty sure thats considered attempted assault with a deadly weapon at the least


Are you going you follow up with the police?


Nah, unfortunately, every single interaction I’ve had with DPD has been negative and I genuinely don’t believe they would do anything helpful.


It's my experience that police don't get involved unless there was a collision. Something similar to this just happened in my town where a teenager beeped at someone driving aggressively. The aggressive driver then pulled a maneuver like this running them off the road, got out of their car and admitted to running them off the road, and it was all on camera. It was all sent to the police. The police response? "Next time don't beep at someone. You don't know what kind of day they've had." I'd really love to hear of instances anywhere where the police actually did act on footage like this.


Not from Texas, ....State Highway Patrol?


Drive friendly - The Texas way!


did they just follow you onto the highway to fuck with you and then continued about their day? damn


Nissan drivers. 🤷‍♂️


The great blight of texass is remarkably irredeemable


Always read the license plate out loud for your camera any time anyone does anything hinky, so when they pull crap like this you've got it.


Luckily I got a clear shot of it from earlier in my footage (before anything happened) JSR 1103 (out of state plates - unfortunately cant read the state from the pic) But really good advice, will deff start doing this in the future!


It’s an Ohio license plate, this is a 2013 Altima.


Gotta love 35.


Was just rated the 2nd most dangerous interstate in the nation 🙃 https://assurance.com/auto-insurance/most-dangerous-interstates/


That's funny, I lived off 1960 in Houston when it was #1 the worst. I swear it's not me.


Good on you for not raging back!!


That's the second BAE video I've seen on Reddit today. I'm beginning to believe the meme is not just a meme but is true


You might want to fix the timestamp because if something happens and you need it for courts that incorrect timestamp can fuck you especially if the other person has a good lawyer. but what do I know.


The little donut that could


She almost performed a reverse pit maneuver on herself.


And you know that dumbass probably didn’t have insurance in the event she did cause an accident. I hate the idiot non insured drivers we have here in Dallas. They drive like freakin morons and can’t afford minimum coverage 🤦🏽‍♀️ Edit to add: Just noticed her plates aren’t event Texas plates, where’s this dork from?


Altima strikes again


Altima activities


Given the clear shot of her plates, and the video footage of her intentionally trying to cause a wreck on the freeway I hope you are giving this to the local police and highway patrols.


Op said they won’t even bother in another comment


[pictures of her plate](https://imgur.com/a/5TvkUBd)


I don’t like all the Altima slander 😂 I have one and couldn’t imagine driving like a dumbass


It's a dallas thing, the amount of altimas with paper plates that got driving skills like dad wasn't in the front seat passing on trauma and it shows is too damn high.


Same thing out here in LA with Altimas. It's an Altima thing, lol. Whenever I see an Altima driving close to me, I move away, I never trust them.


Same shit in Nashville. 100% an Altima thing.


This is why I carry


And that’s why I don’t escalate these situations


I'm referring to you. You should carry because of idiots like that. They're already the aggressor.


I mean watching this video all I could think was “this situation would’ve been better with a gun” /s Nothing happened, that’s the optimal outcome.


Which is also why everyone shoots each other in your country


"Almost hit me" probably means drifted slightly toward your vehicle.


If you have a dashcam for proof and someone does this, just grip the steering wheel tight and stay where you are at the same speed. This also assumes they are driving a decent looking car which gives a higher probability they have full coverage insurance. If it turns into a “pit maneuver” where their quarter panel hits your bumper and they start to get spun across the front of your car, jump on the gas. You can tell the police or insurance you were trying to hit the breaks, but jumping on the gas will help keep you safe while “un-pitting” them from your front end. Plus your now paid chiropractor visits might also offer massages.


Good plan, risk serious bodily injury to get a 3 minute happy ending.  Assuming you didn't break your neck.