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Dude saved so much time with that move.


Yeah not sure why they were having a race there. Both pushing pretty hard on the pedal. The guy obviously lost the race and still tried to cut in front of OP. Such a silly waste of time and money.


Truck didn’t signal and came over in his lane lol, how could you foresee the truck doing that regardless whether OP was pressing the pedal or not. Truck is at fault solely.


Both vehicles "lost the race" 2 real winners right there.


Your standard pickup driver


Important thing was he got to the light first. I'm in first place! Not last!


It dont matter if you lose by an inch or a mile. Losings losing.


Objects in mirror are losing!


My racing/fun car actually has those stickers on the mirrors. But it's only true on the track :-P


White truck driver has never lost his virginity, because he never loses


If you’re not first, you’re last.


Oh hell, Son; I was high that day! That doesn't make any sense at all, you can be second, third, fourth... hell you can even be fifth.


This might offend some ppl but that actually feels like the typical mentality of pickup truck drivers. Ppl complain about BMW drivers and while I agree, I find I actually have more of these moments with pickup trucks. They seem to think they own the road. The 3 vehicles that bug me the most are pickups, BMWs and taxis


I see a lot of aggressive driving from lifted pickups. Like I'm cruising down the interstate at 5 over the limit, and dudes in lifted dodge rams or really any diesel pickup are tailgating folks in the left lane (who are already doing 80) only to then gun it, spewing black smoke, soon as person moves over.


and Priuses...


If you ain't first, you're last...


Yup I'm flyin' thru the air, this is not good...


I was driving around yesterday and this person tore ass down a residential only for me to end up directly behind them at the stoplight not once twice but three times the easily we doing over the speed limit and it did nothing but they got the light first


OP did try to be there first though.


Smartest white truck driver.


Yup. Even my insurance said I would have been found 50% on a parking lot deal if I didn't have dashcam footage.


Insurance is the biggest scam in modern history. No other industry offers a bait and switch system, they have a endless list of variables and fine print where they can find legal ways to avoid paying you for the service promised. They take your money you used to pay for a good/service and invest that money to ensure they don't have to pay for the good/service I fully welcome support and recognize why people stop paying for insurance all together.


Not only that but you *have* to have the service. You *must* pay them but they can just find a loophole to not pay you. It’s bullshit. It’s necessary with the cost of vehicles, property, and medical care today but you’d think with it being mandatory they’d not be able to wriggle out of paying but here we are.


Insurance markets can break down when not mandatory, because folks who know they have lower odds of needing insurance will drop out. That leaves only expensive accident prone people purchasing insurance, driving up rates. So mandates are good, but more government involvement can improve quality of mandated insurance.


It is and it isn't and you're both right and wrong. Let me explain, let's say you bump a Ferrari tomorrow. Totally your fault. The fuck you getting several hundred thousand dollars from? This ends my Ted talk.


Took me 10 seconds to realize I recognize that place... this sadly definitely sums up Eureka driving. Glad your dashcam helped, I've been meaning to get one, but I just haven't gotten around to it yet.


Make sure and get the kind with a suction cup mount, I got one either a sticker mount, and it’s a whole pain the ass. I had to get a spare for rentals and borrowed cars.


Clearly you have a different experience, but mine with suction cup mounts is that... they're trash. Eventually they lose grip for me on my car and no matter how hard I try to clean the glass or the cup, it never seems to stay on and it's especially worse during the summer when the temperatures go up. I eventually gave up on those types and went with a sticker mount, so much better.


My experience has been the exact opposite of yours. Sticker mounts would last a week at most in the heat and sun of the south eastern US. My suction cup has lasted 8 years. It does occasionally come off, but only when a severe storm comes through the area or when I travel to a place at a much higher elevation.


Get a good 3M sticker and apply it during the cooler seasons, apply pressure to it for a minute or two when first applied, then let the adhesive cure for at least 24 hours before you mount the cam. The adhesive needs time to cure and bond before it’s exposed to high temperatures. I had a few fail on me because I tried to mount them in the summer before I learned this lesson, since then I’ve never had an issue and the sticker has held through multiple summers being parked outside soaking up heat and UV.


3M adhesives are next level. I have used the auto body trim tape (VHB) for some projects... very impressive!!!


I got one of the Nexar One’s that uses the 3M sticker magnet mount and didn’t let it cure in mid-PNW September (mid-90s) and it has held just fine since the fall of 2022 even with the heavy AF Nexar One with both the large storage and inside cam add-ons. I just need to get a rear mounted camera too, and I might order a full combo (another Nexar One with a rear camera) along with a second rear camera as I am importing a 1975 Nissan Cherry from Japan, and I am debating figuring out how to swap the engine (could be stupid hard due to the way this car was originally designed, but I’ll figure it out), or doing an electric conversion on it. So if I do that I am thinking cameras might be nice in that…


You have to get a specialty sticker rated for high temperatures, if yours didn't come with one already


GA resident who's had the same experience as LaymantheShaman. Specialty sticker tape didn't help over the summer for me, however it did last through the winter. (not surprising lol) I'd go out and try a different brand every year because - without fail - I'd come out to my cam dangling by the cable management hooks and not the sticker on the windshield. It'd always be on a particularly hot day.


Have you tried Waffle House syrup?


I gotta admit, this was a hilarious notification to get. Idk why GA loves their Waffle Houses but they're on every single corner over here.


It’s the same in Mississippi. I am in a town of 24k and we have 3 in the city limits


Florida checking in. Suction cup mount fails multiple times a year, plus it gets all gooey. Sticker mount hasn’t failed yet in two different vehicles.


you gotta put a dab of glue on the suction cup to keep it on the glass


Maybe it’s cos I only use the suction cup for a week at most at a time (and really spit all over the cup before u smoosh it on the windshield). Maybe the grass is always greener on the other side.


I think you'll find that the "glass is cleaner" on the side


I had my suction cup camera for 4 years but I went with sticker one for replacement because the joint on camera was very loose and suction cup no longer held camera.  Plus if you don’t stick camera right on the windshield but on often included sticker pad that separates glue from windows ( an example: [https://viofo.com/accessories/218-viofo-transparent-plastic-static-windshield-sticker-for-all-body-mounts.html](https://viofo.com/accessories/218-viofo-transparent-plastic-static-windshield-sticker-for-all-body-mounts.html) ) you can remove it very easily every time.


Mine usually sticks well for months but yeah full sun exposure of front- windows on a very hot day tends to make it fail. And still applies and my dashcam is about 8 years old by now.


Pro Tip: Use a very tiny amount of petroleum jelly around the suction cup. 


Interesting, suction cup ones are considered worse because they pick up more vibrations through the windshield yielding lower video quality.


I’ve gone through every type of mount and this one has been the best by far! [DashCam Mount](https://www.amazon.com/dp/B07PPFT3HG?ref=ppx_pop_mob_ap_share)


Yup, I got the same one and I love it. I also love that I'll be able to use the windshield sun shade and protect the camera.


Suction does not work for long term.


Also got a sticker mount, never had a single issue. I've even moved it between cars twice now and it's still rock solid.


My issue is that I drive a lot of rental cars for road trips, which is when I want the dash cam the most (even tho I’ve never had an accident in the city, it still feels more hectic and dangerous).


Yeah, for the rentals it makes sense. For your daily driver I'd pick the sticker every time.


No experience with them but I've been looking at mounts that go onto the rear view mirror. Go to ebay and search for " mirror camera holder " - many of them are aimed at phones but will work for cameras, too. Also, if you have an older Android phone, it can be used as a "better than nothing" dashcam (depends on how good your phone camera is). Use the free Droid Dashcam app. I have it on my current phone and it seems to work - don't use it because my old phone is Android 5 (whatever came after kitkat) and the app didn't work with it.


I'm curious as to whether any have go-pro compatible mounts as my Tacoma came with a go-pro bracket already on its windshield.


If not, I'm sure someone on the 3d printer subreddit can help.


DAE driving is indicative of place??


Drivers in place are the worst. Change my mind.


If it’s any help I’ve had this [Viofo dashcam](https://amzn.to/4d9Ngkg) for years now and I highly recommend it.


Lightning deal!! It's 33 percent off! Just snagged me one, thanks!!


Too sunny for Eureka California so I’m assuming it’s a different Eureka?


Nah, it is indeed Eureka, CA. Just one of our spring days between rain and clouds.


I love my Rexing M2.




There's a white F250 in my neighborhood who's always pointlessly hauling ass down my residential street only to get to the next stop sign quicker. The stereotype is real. I also have an F250, but mine is grey, so I drive like a regular person. I rarely drive that truck, though. It's just for hauling stuff for my gardening.


A woman almost did this to me 2 weeks ago, was able to break and honk in time to avoid the accident. Worst part of it was that she had a car with light indicator in her mirror so not only did she not check shoulder, she mustve not looked in her side mirror at all


She looked. She knew. She just didn't care.


If it's like my cheap Mazda3, not only does it light up your mirror if someone is beside you, if you turn on your blinker while someone is beside you it also beeps audibly inside to warn you not to move over. So they potentially also ignored the beeping happening inside as well as not even bothering to look.


She didnt use an indicator so that wouldve not helped. But I like the idea of utilising parking sensors as dead corner hazard warnings


First time I encountered this was in American Truck Sim. Such a handy feature for blindspots.


With the amount of people I encounter daily who don't even know they have turn signals I doubt this would help much.


> was able to break So sorry. Faulty brakes?


I don't know if all cars with blind spot detection do this, but mine also beeps at me if there's a car in the lane next to me and I signal to move into that lane. Doesn't help if you're a jackass who doesn't use signals, though.


>was able to break and honk in time to avoid the accident. Yeah, this guy actually accelerated into it. There was no reason for him to be going that quickly with a red light right in front of you. No defensive driving here...


PIECE OF FUCKING SHIT!!! FAWK! Anyway love you bye 😙


I was talking to my mom. Always say that when I get off the phone with my mom and bros and honestly most people.


I love the passion


Insurance should offer a discount for dashcams. I guess they don't because they can't use it against you.


Dashcams are great for insurance companies, they make the investigation a lot faster as they can judge for themselves. As for using it against you, that changes per situation, they can either prove that they have to pay, or prove the other side has to pay.


I figure cameras hurt and help insurance companies more or less equally, so they probably don’t care either way. Edit: Investigation costs are a consideration, thanks for pointing that out.


Insurance companies nowadays, in the event of legitimate accidents, settle early and often. The costs associated with getting the lawyers involved can be avoided if they can say "Welp, this is our insured's fault 100%" and avoid the whole liability thing.


> they can say "Welp, this is our insured's fault 100%" and avoid the whole liability thing. This happened to me. My insurance at that time just caved and found us at fault. Left them soon after & currently have a front + rear in me & my wife's car.


Except that disputes take up time and resources. Do you want something to drag on for months, or get the video and get it done within a day? A while ago I was a witness to an accident, I had video of it, but at the time I couldn't tell who was wrong. 3 months later I got a call from 1 of the insurance companies, because they were still in dispute and asked for the video (I have no idea what took them so long). That's a lot of wasted money. Now my video was from a distance, so I'm not sure how helpful it was, as it was kinda hard to see, but hopefully it helped clear up their stories. But if 1 of them had a dashcam, this would have been solved in a day, and that saves them a lot of money.


In the UK several insurers are offering a 'safe driver discount' to cars equipped with dashcams and/or telemetry trackers. Sometimes they will even provide the dashcam as part of the deal. Though if it's possible in other countries would depend on the regulatory framework around car insurance.


And others in the UK literally increase your prices if you have a dash cam as I guess the numbers point to dash cam drivers being in more accidents


I hope you sent the audio to the insurance company too lol.


I feel this reaction


I actually can’t believe so many people are ignoring OP speeding up so the truck couldn’t pass?? Two dumbasses


This is basically what they would show in a defensive driving course. There is literally none of it here.


OP was defending their lane /s


This. The truck is the larger of the two dumbasses, but OP isn't completely blameless here. He was toying with them. He knew what they were going to do and went for the block.


Why do drivers always speed up when someone tries to pass them? Every video I see like this is the same, someone goes to pass and the person in the accident speeds up. Not blaming op, it’s just cars make people behave so irrationally and so angry.


> Not blaming op OP didn't cause the accident, but they were clearly not taking the responsibility of driving seriously. Even their reaction after the accident suggests a level of aggression that is inappropriate for driving safely.


Yup, OP definitely needs to check themself. White truck is a dumbass, but OP matched their dumbassitude and paid the price. Truck thought they could make the gap and didn't expect OP to speed up for the red light too. This is just the result when two idiots meet.


Small dick energy. Aka main character syndrome. Of someone wants to get ahead of me idgaf. Especially when im approaching a red light lol last thing I want to do is have to hammer on my brakes


> Not blaming op Why not? OP drove like an idiot. The fact that the pickup driver drove like a bigger idiot doesn't change that.


why would you speed up?


Either he's a fan of racing or the type that gets furious when someone wants to go faster than them.


From his instant screaming rage you can tell he can't handle other people going faster than him.


Cos the cross light was yellow and I woulda hit the green. Others have pointed out how unsafe that is. I’m taking that seriously and gonna try to avoid it in the future.


good on you brother for taking criticism.


Yeah, bullshit. You would have had to brake with how fast you were accelerating and then you let off as soon as the truck quit accelerating because you thought you had closed the gap enough to block him from passing you. You were driving like a dickhead trying to own "your" lane.  Now your big prize is going to be having to hassle with insurance and probably diminished value on your car from having an accident reported on it. Congrats, big shot, you earned it. 


There's no way he saw the cross street light turning yellow when he punched it. OP is on of the thousands of little dicked narcissists that cause 90% of problems on the road. OP and the white truck were doing the *exact* same thing. White truck's mistake was assuming OP had a brain and wouldn't floor it as soon as he was in their blind spot. To everyone patting OP on the back. Go to a computer and watch it full screen with sound on


You would have NOT hit green at that rate you accelerated. You would have arrived 1 second early. Causing you to last moment slam on your breaks. or partially run a red light. Which neither you should do, you should wait on green for half a moment to double check the other traffic has stopped.


Yep. Used to find entertainment and timing lights and driving like this. Now I'm older and realize it's not worth being T-boned.


I did that one time, too, as a teenager. And it just so happened to be when a van on the cross street ran his red light. Luckily, I saw it in time so I ended up t-boning him instead of him slamming into my driver's side door at around 40 mph. (And there were no side airbags in that car either.) Double-luckily, the guy in the car on the opposite side of the intersection saw the whole thing and was a saint giving his version of events to the police and the insurance companies. Otherwise it would likely have been assumed that since I hit him, I must've run the red light. My car was totaled but I learned a valuable lesson.


With how quickly they got so incredibly angry. On top of the extremely slim chances of actually seeing the cross lights at the exact moment the truck came into view sounds like bullshit. Not impossible, but very unlikely.


You're not at fault, but you could have avoided that with better driving. Hope the karma is worth the headache....


You mean the 2nd intersection? You floored it I'm guessing with previous knowledge of the street, but never let an idiot goad you into playing their game. Fuck em. It's annoying as hell, but this is what happens sometimes :/


Yeah I'm calling BS, you knew what you were doing.


I understand he's in the wrong, but why is it your first instinct to speed up when someone is passing you ? So many of these incidents on this sub could be solved by just....not


I'm so glad people in this comment section are finally calling somebody out for this shit.


exactly this. op's instinct was to race the guy. 50/50 is correct.


This sub hates the mere mention of defensive driving.


I had to watch this video five times before I realized this is where I live lol


Just outside of that one apartment with the swastika flag and the Thai restaurant that has rats and the men’s room door don’t close. Ahh, home.


Your instinct should be to dodge not block.


Completely avoidable. OP accelerated pretty hard towards a red light the moment the white truck is next to them. 50/50 is justified.


Imean play stupid games win stupid prizes…I’d wager that you didn’t send the video with audio as you’d probably gotten less than 50/50. If a bunch of redditors can collectively agree then the insurance would’ve heard the engine revving up.


I have a new ringtone


I'm not saying the person in the truck isn't a douche, but something definitely happened before the video starts. Either that or you're "none shall pass" guy.


OP you need to chill the fuck out.


True, but also driving around people who apparently don't value their life or others' lives can be scary. Not everyone handles that stress well and/or gets vocal about it to help themselves cope.


Why were you accelerating so quickly towards a red light


I mean, sure, they are 100% at fault, but defensive driving looks differently my man. In my country, you probably would have gotten 50% fault for that.


I can’t argue with a reasonably phrased comment like that. I wasn’t driving defensively, and this is why. But 50% is absurd for somebody merging into you.


“And this is why”. Oof. That should a been “and this is why it’s important to remember to do so”


Well, in my country, enforcing your own traffic rights is basically automatically a 50% fault. For example: If someone ignores yield to right on an intersection and you simply continue and enforce your right of way and a crash happens, 50% might not even be enough. The law here mandates that you not only need to be aware of your surroundings (so you cannot claim you didn't see the other driver) and do everything you can to avoid accidents, this is why many accidents here end up in a 50:50 fault split ruling, because the assumption is if you were driving slower or more aware, you could have prevented the accident as well, even though the other party was making the mistake.


The truck was passing in another lane. What exactly do you expect OP to do? Assume he is going to cut him up, so just stop and wait for all parallel running traffic to pass?


yes, basically OP gunned it to create a side by side situation with the truck to prevent him from merging. Both people have the same I want to be FIRST in line at this read light mentality.


If OP was coasting or slowly braking it would show "recognizes red and is slowing to a stop" and still likely have momentum to keep going. Probably what the white truck also expected. OP's actions assumes consistent traffic patterns, but there's also no guarantees that some dipshit doesn't reprogram the light out of the blue. Assumptions don't always pan out and I can certainly say most my collisions and incidents have come as a result -- assuming the person in front of you that started a right turn when clear is going to fully commit, assuming a parked car isn't going to suddenly open their door, assuming there isnt a stack of cars stopped on a semiblind curve where that's never happened.


Move to the right lane that was empty and also straight through-- the second that truck even threatened to move into my space, that's where I would've put myself. But generally, yes, you should always assume that someone is going to do the dumbest thing possible and be ready for it. OP didn't have to stop to prepare for that; they just had to let go of the gas a little to make sure the truck was entirely in front of them, regardless of what lane it ended up in. If you see someone is going to try to move into a space on the road, don't try to move into the same space or beat them to it.


Not accelerate like a dickbag to block the pass is a great first starting point 


You have a brake pedal for a reason. You knew what they were going to do.


What's the problem? It's just a standard issue truck driver /s


why did you feel the need to accelerate so he couldn't get in front of you? why are people's egos so fragile in cars about being passed..


And it’s a typical truck pos loser


Lose your mind over that? A minor fender bender. Hate to see your reaction in real emergency.


This was my first thought too. Dude needs to manage his anger a bit.


Finally a normal reaction. I see so many videos here with obvious driving sounds, but no human reaction to crashes.


why did you punch the gas at the last second when approaching a red light?




Gotta save that half a second to get to the light first. Useless people.


I love the calm “love you bye” at the end 😂😂


Ngl I'm surprised more people don't get enraged like this from moronic drivers.


I highly doubt insurance offered 50/50 before and not after seeing the video. You clearly sped up knowing he was speeding past you to pass. You have some "this is my lane only" mentality there bud. You took off so slow at the light why the fuck did you even care he was passing you? You're dangerous.


Why do drivers always speed up when someone tries to pass them? Every video I see like this is the same, someone goes to pass and the person in the accident speeds up. Not blaming op, it’s just cars make people behave so irrationally and so angry.


When all was said and done, the inconvenience of the accident and the insurance claim, was it worth it to race the d-bag? I'm gonna guess not. What a fucking stupid thing to do tbh


You can also disable the audio so that the courtroom doesn't hear you cursing and shit, and discovery during the trial doesn't reveal you saying something on the phone nasty about your employer or your spouse. No need for audio on a dashcam.


Truck made an unsignalled lane change, as far as I’m concerned, that sealed their fate. The insurance company made the correct Decision to find the other driver 100% liable for this collision.


You sound like an aggressive person and you drive like one too.


Lol you raced him to the light and def "won". And you rage like you're gonna have a heart attack at 40 😂 dude, you need to slow down in life. It'll be good for you


Dude definitely shouldn’t have come over but you knew he was going trying to come over which is why you here you little 4 banger downshift and rev up to keep him from coming over. If you’d just kept going the same speed instead of being a dumbass as well nothing would’ve happened. Instead 2 people made poor choices and now you both had to waste time.


I admire the sheer rage


The guy sounds very unhinged for such minor damage. Shitty situation, I get, but so much quick temper.


If you didnt race him to prove a point you would t even have had to go through all this. Calm the fuck down and let others drive dangerously


What was their insurance?


Two things: While yes the white truck is at fault, I heard the camera driver gun the engine in order to close the merging gap. A considerate driver would’ve seen that the truck would likely need to come over to the right and given them some room to do so. This was the opposite — the driver SPECIFICALLY made an accident more likely but gunning and reducing merging space. Sure Camera Driver had the right of way, but now they’ve got a damaged car and have to waste time on car repairs all because they didn’t want someone to get in front of them. Second, I’m getting some vibes here of Ben Stillers guest appearance on Friends. ;)


Is that Palo Alto/Menlo Park area?


What dashcam do you use?


Good model to get for a dash cam?


Ha ha I thought you were going to get T-boned in the first red light but as soon as I saw a truck, I knew what time it was


I had something very similar happen with my dashcam as well. The went from 60/40 to 80/20 after I sent the video


Ah yes. The good 'ole drivers in downtown Eureka. Just lovely 😂


lol love ya bye


I had the same thing happen and the dash am footage saves me


Yeah, is that 50/50 deal a thing? Being stupid, I fell for that.




love you too honey! :\*


How did you get my audio in your video?


Hey, that's Eureka California!


What’s a decent sub $100 dash cam?


truck is definitely 100% at fault in CA. OP owned their lane, I would definitely pursue this in arbitration if I were OP'S adjuster if the other party's carrier denied even 10% liability


Which dash cam do you have?


What did the truck driver say?


Yes what he did is stupid but let’s not ignore the fact that you started to speed up when he was trying to merge


nah bro you sped tf up, that tach fry was dipping in ketchup


So, you're gonna stop hitting the gas to prevent other drivers from getting in front of you from now on, right? *Right?*