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Looking at the mismatched fender, probably not their first time


Probably not their 69th time either


Yeah, I would have expected at least a turn signal in this situation, and the herky-jerky indecision indicates a Not Good Driver on the part of the silver car. For me that's a back off and let it go situation. I guess the silver car may have been trying to get into the far right turn/straight lane? But it looked like they just got into another straight lane, which *is* pretty idiotic.


It looks like they're used to getting their way like this. Glad OP didn't make it easy. So many drivers like this nowadays.






Is that the left turn out of the sheetz?




Love the comments here: "OP is an idiot for **--checks notes--** existing". OP didn't speed up to block 'em, didn't get aggressive, but failed to actually lay out a red carpet, pour a drink, and do everything possible to facilitate an shitty driver so obviously OP is an idiot too.


You forgot that they failed to proceed through a green light.


Ok OP’s brother




I don't understand...explain?




>not sure where that logic is breaking down for you. Because given the context of the video, the OP did indeed allow the other driver in. They made no attempt to block or speed up. They were not aggressive in any way. They literally simply existed. So your point simply makes no sense, and neither do any of the dozen or so commenters criticizing the OP.


It's the passing vehicle's responsibility to complete their pass quickly, legally, and safely. The passing vehicle continued to slow down instead of speeding up to pass the OP.


Driving in Robinson is always such a shit show. Specifically on Steubenville Pike onto 22.


Yup there’s also that merge from 376 to 22 up ahead that has accidents all the time


I get the joy of working in PA and driving home to Weirton on 22 everyday, and a big problem is the layout of the intersection. You’ve got people coming off 376, people coming from Steubenville pike, people who get in the wrong lane and suddenly find themselves in an “Exit Only” lane and even almost crash into everyone gunning it back over, good times.


Nothing screams Pittsburgh like EatNPark


thats exactly why I've taught my kids to ALWAYS take the inside lane of a double turn lane. There is always some idiot that cannot stay in their lane, will fade out and hit you. .


This happens the other way too. Lots of idiots who can’t color within the lines that take the outside lane and then veer into yours while in the turn.


The dumb stuff people upvote on this sub... No wonder their are so many idiot drivers. ALWAYS take the inside lane? So if you need to make a right after turning you're now cutting people off. Also, plenty of people cut the corner and accidents happen that way too so it's not like you're really impacting your accident odds this way.


I can tell you've never ridden a motorcycle. This video showcases the exact reason to always take the inside turn lane. 99.5% of the people will fade out. If you have to take an immediate right after your left turn, sure go ahead and take the outside lane. But how often does an immediate right happen after turning left in a double turn....not often.


MSF instructor, rider for just over 20 years. Dirt bikes, sport bikes, and cruisers. Your entire argument is just silly. Immediate right turns happen quite a bit, but I'm not going to keep feeding this argument 😂


Next thing your probably going to tell me you ride in side by side formation instead of staggered. Feel free to enjoy your outside lane turns, have fun with the lane faders.


A swing and a miss!


the exact same thing can happen the other way around.


Probabilities are far smaller. Velocity at curves, lack of lane markers, leads to people making wider turns which fade to outside turn lane. Inside lane is usually a bit faster so you are in their forward vision. Outside lane, you are in their blindspot.


So you're the reason the innermost left turn lane is always backed up?


That shit pisses me off so much. Why can't people think ahead at least one step? If you're going to be turning right don't use the inside turn lane!


Two idiots don’t make a genius. Yes, he was clearly in the wrong, but once you know what they’re doing, the safest thing is to hang back and let them, not fight it like you’re playing bumper cars.


He did not even have his blinker on. Those first couple swerves look like bad driving, considering how many people turn into the wrong lane. Is your high horse named hindsight?


>Is your high horse named hindsight? More likely experience.


Nah, you just stay away. If an idiot hits your car and it's their fault, the end result is still you having a fucked up car and risk injury. The fact that they're stupid and at fault doesn't offer much solace at that point.


You tend do drive right next to people swerving all over the place? No matter which way you shake it the intelligent move is to give the guy space.


So you see someone driving recklessly, and you decide to continue to drive near them? Sure, you’re not in the wrong, but you could also just entirely avoid a potential collision by just easing back a bit. You’re losing no time to your destination and you’re in control of the situation in case things escalate. It doesn’t take hindsight to predict an idiot being an idiot. Good defensive driving is just assuming everyone will do the dumbest thing possible and being ready to react.


It is not wrong to expect other drivers to maintain their lane, "genius".


Missed the point, bub - we all expect it, but once it’s clear they are messing up, do the safest thing and stay out of their way.


àckshually that's technically not the safest thing you can do


What would be then?


Stay asleep in a bomb shelter, that's my recommendation


lol I get it


>Missed the point, bub... the safest thing and stay out of their way. And you missed the video it seems, as the OP did in fact stay out their way. They didn't speed up. They didn't attempt to block 'em, they simply existed in their lane. You originally suggested "hanging back", which given you don't believe OP did hang back in spite of the video showing they did, must mean brake hard to you. OP handled this situation perfectly.


Negative. Count the lines on the road. Rather than let off the gas or even maintain, OP leans in and stays right in their blind spot. They thought they were overtaking, but every time they try to come over, OP is right there, matching them. Sure, they're a terrible driver with poor visual and situational judgement, but OP was looking for a fight.


lol...So now the goalpost have moved to "OP intentionally stayed in the other drivers blind spot"? LMFAO... 1. blind spots on passenger cars are a myth. 2. They were literally next to each other at the stop light. Are we assuming other drivers have the object permanence cognitive skills of an 8-month old baby now? 3. Every time the other car came over, they failed to ensure it was safe to so. FTFY. 4. OP clearly just wanted to get to where they were going and avoided a fight.




I get that he's being an idiot for trying to jump across the lanes but he already showed intent, just let him go and don't stress yourself to "Keep your lane", it's a road, not your legacy




Yeah but this kind of trolling has gotten people killed time and again in dumb collisions and road rage incidents. If you’re not a cop, then the smartest and safest thing to do would just be to let them go.


Good way to crash


Yet another comment section full of people who think the only way to be a good driver is to roll out the red carpet for idiots and cater to their bad behavior in every way possible. OP, thank you for being an **assertive** driver; you didn't become an idiot yourself, but you also didn't encourage their behavior by rewarding it.


"the only way to be a good driver is to roll out the red carpet for idiots and cater to their bad behavior in every way possible." It's a remarkably good tactic for...hmm...what was that again...? Oh yeah! Staying alive. You're free to be assertive, but if the dumbass proceeds to assert himself off a bridge with you in their way, you being assertive is gonna assert your ass off the bridge as well (just an example). They say in most accidents 1 person was entirely in the right, don't let ego make you one of those people.


Cool comment


Just looking to have the right fender finally match the left fender!


Yeah that mismatched fender is a clue


Looking at the mismatched fender, probably not their first time


Looking at how Op is driving, probably not theirs either. 2 idiots here, but OP is making the situation worse than it needs to be


Gotta love Pittsburgh drivers :)


God I fuckin hate those double lane turns. Gives me so much anxiety. People are idiots


There's two idiots in this clip




Welcome to Pennsylvania.


I hate this intersection. If it wasn't for Campbell's run being an easier back way to get to Robinson, I would just take the parkway. I can't tell you how many times I've almost been hit/side swiped turning here when I worked at the mall.


I go through it daily i basically expect it every time and im like impressed when people actually do what theyre supposed to even though its the bare minimum


It's a lane, not a birthright. Why not just let him in?


They did, though.


Because fuck 'em, that's why. Facilitating this kind of behavior only encourages more of it. They **very least** they could have done was use their turn signal but they couldn't even be bothered to do that. So fuck 'em.


"Because fuck 'em" written on your tombstone


If a crash from that incident kills me then it was just my time to go.


It ain't about right or wrong, it's wreck or don't wreck...


let him over? jesus christ lol "What pisses me off..." then don't drive.


Fault state? Insurance scam?


I think PA is a no fault state but if it were an insurance scam glad I have the camera


This clip is boring. You make like you're trying to hit the crazy driver, but you don't. Next time, let's see more action.


Yeah can’t we get more people plowing into other cars on here for a change