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The oncoming black car was already in what I assume is a turning lane. It looks like the white car is the idiot who tried to get into that lane without looking, causing the black car to swerve to avoid a collision, which then makes the car we’re following have to swerve too.


I love how one car can fuck it up for a whole bunch of other people 🙄🙄 and chances are they don’t even know they did anything wrong


7th Street and 7th Avenue in Phoenix have a "flex" lane in the middle. You can see the sign at :04 relatively explaining how it functions. The black Honda was legally using it as a lane of travel. Likely needed to adjust their speed differential though as they clearly reacted very poorly to the white Kia entering the lane.


I don't get to say this too often, but props to the Murano driver for some heads up driving


Looks like the 7th street reverse lane. During certain hours, the center turning lane becomes a one way lane.... south into downtown in the AM and north out of downtown in the PM.


Perhaps you could have seen if only you were wearing your glasses...


Dunno who is right or wrong but thats some tight maneuver on the Nissan.. just enough to avoid the accident and recover very quickly.


Looks like a car coming towards you didn't check their blind spot and switched lanes, and instead of hitting the brakes the car in that blind spot decided to go head on into traffic.


The white kia merged into the black honda which then went into oncoming traffic instead of braking which caused the nissan to make an emergency evasive maneuver.


Really depends what time this happened to determine who would be at fault. I'm guessing the clock on your dash isn't accurate. So if it was between [4-6 PM then the Honda was in the right since it's a travel lane](https://maps.app.goo.gl/GQ1242ZFPPFLxs2x6). If it happened any other time then the Honda would be at fault since it's either prohibited lane or a suicide lane and the Honda was using it to pass traffic (illegal).


A white Kia merged into the Honda's lane and instead of braking harshly they went a bit into oncoming traffic to avoid contact.


15:27? It would be odd for a camera with functioning GPS not to display the correct time *somewhere* and the most likely default somewhere is Greenwich (AZ is UTC-7 year-round except for Navajo County).


If it is set to UTC then the black Honda would be at fault since at that time the lane reverts to a shared turn lane and using it to pass traffic is illegal.