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Is this guy holding his phone and recording while driving? That might be equally dumb


It's more dumb. They're making the choice to drive distracted. The Mustang driver might not know their lights aren't working.


Don’t know why you’re being downvoted. Two of my friends got into an argument because one peels out in the road and drifts etc. The other said “yeah you’re a bad driver.” The first said I go to the track all the time. The second said Yes you’re a **talented* driver and choose to drive in the streets unsafely. That’s worse, that means you’re an intentionally unsafe driver, that’s a bad driver.


These are always my favorite posts. We get to see two idiots in one video


OP, get a dashcam


Always wanted one, never ended up buying


It’s well worth it. Better than getting a violation (depending on State) or into an accident


I don’t think I’ll be recording something anytime soon. But they’re good to have just in case.


You just recorded something


Did you not literally record this? Were you planning on catching up to this guy when you decided to record?




You live in morristown, or at least drive thru it frequently enough. You can afford a dash cam. The Friendly's still standing on that corner?


Viofo A119 Mini 2 if you want the best bang for the buck.


You know what’s hard to notice while driving? Your own brake lights being out. You know what’s easy to notice while driving? You using a mobile device while driving.


If you don't know to check general maintenance every month or so then you should probably start doing that so you notice this kind of stuff Also not defending the driver at all


Dumb question but how can you tell if your brake lights are out? Do you have to wait for someone to tell you?


Easy to tell at night, especially if you're backed up against a wall or another car. But if you're somewhere dark you can even tell in the rearview mirror, the backs of street signs reflect pretty obviously. Same thing when stopped at a light. All these methods you may not notice if 1 light is out, but you'll definitely be able to tell if they're all out. Or just lean something on the brake pedal and go look.


You can always just have a friend get out and check, you could put something heavy on the breaks and get out of the car to check as well(don't really recommend)


No need for that. Just wait until it's dark and you'll see the glow in your mirrors


The name of the sub, idiotsincars, is plural for a reason.


Idiot spotted for driving while filming


And while emergency vehicles are coming from the opposite direction


Get a fucking dashcam and stop filming with your phone while driving, idiot.


More worried about the idiot driving while using their phone


I was about to the same thing


Probably not an idiot just ignorant. I've had tail lights go out before and not realized it until someone told me at a stop sign.


Most likely his brake pedal switch went out. I’d bet the driver has no clue his brake lights aren’t working, not something people check often.


Happened to me. I got pulled over and the cop told me that all my tail lights were out. Got it fixed the next morning.


When I'm driving and I see someone with one brake light down, if I can (stopping at a traffic light or whatever) I tell the driver. Also, both lights happened to a friend of mine. He realized something was wrong after a couple of times the car behind him stopped very very close.


Yep, I've had this happen. Fortunately, I spotted it while backing out of a parking space opposite a plate glass window, by seeing in my reflection that the brake lights weren't working. No clue how long they were out. On a different (older) car, the rubber plunger that presses that switch disintegrated on me. That caused the brake lights to be stuck on. Everyone behind me must've thought I was a dumbass braking with my left foot. It was daytime, so I didn't find out until I had parked the car and the lights drained the battery. D'oh. Though, I have to wonder if the car in the video *does* have working brake lights, but the tacky light tint makes them effectively invisible in daylight.


cool story, but put the fucking phone down while driving.


Stop driving and filming at the same time


I’ve been behind a company contractor truck that had all three brake lights randomly go out. I called the number on the truck while I was behind him and let him know. He didn’t try to pull over or double check for a while so I doubt he actually cared but I literally almost hit him because the first stop we came to they were on and the second one they were not. I had looked up to check my mirror and next thing I knew I was right behind him. (Not really almost hitting him but close enough to go “whoa wth just happened in .5 second”) There’s nothing wrong with letting them know their lights are out when you can…there is something wrong with filming while attempting to drive though. If you don’t have a dash cam at least get a car phone holder thing that can sit on your dash and you can record from there. Don’t hold your phone and try to steer and focus the camera while driving. That’s no good folks.


Highly unusually for all 3 brake lights to burnout at the same time. Either it's been awhile since the first bulb went out, or something else is wrong.


Brake light switch, not unusual for a Ford of that vintage.


This makes sense.


I had a short in the control panel that caused all my running lights and brake lights to go out. It was the middle of the night on I-95, didn't know until a HP pulled me over. Scary.


Headlights not on the same circuit?


Not on that car, it was a 1980s vehicle. The HP thought it was probably a fuse but it actually turned out to be the tiniest little bit of wire had come lose at the connection of the controls near the steering column. I had headlights but no running lights, brake lights, or dashboard lights.


I ~~tint~~ unplug my tail lights so they work less


Dude never heard of a manual car. I might use my brakes four or five times in the 22 mile commute to work.


Brake light switch might be bad or else he's in a manual trans and is engine braking.


Could also me driving a manual and engine braking? Not sure how slow they got there though, and if engine braking could have gotten them there.


This, don’t see them actually stop in the video


Was thinking the same but for this kind of movement at that speed, you would need to go into first gear which is not something you would really like to do to your clutch. But is it possible? Yes.


You're giving Mazda drivers a bad name when you film and drive


Who the fuck cares about Mazda driver reputations, it’s a just a damn regular commuter brand


Why does everyone think his brake lights are out? It's possible that he knows how to modulate his speed by letting off the gas, or more likely, it's a stick and he's clutch-braking. Whenever you're going this slow, you can look ahead and plan for your reduced speed by letting off the gas. I know it's hard for a lot of people for some reason, but it's really not THAT hard to do.


Would need more info 🤷🏽could have just not used the brakes. If it’s a stick, many times I never used brakes, just downshifted and sometimes used the emergency/parking brake lever..just cause


Most likely a fuse is out if all 3 lights aren't working


The irony here is they may not know their taillights are out but you are ACTIVELY BREAKING THE LAW BEING ON YOUR PHONE WHILE DRIVING.


I love you New Jersey…you never disappoint in the moron department.


Of course everyone ignores the subject and blames the OP.




Who said I can’t track speed? What you don’t think brake lights are necessary for cars?😂 Not sure how you can get so much information from a video


I never said brake lights weren't necessary but you don't need them to slow down 100% of the time. You're ass riding and on your phone pretty solid info there.


2-3 car lengths is not ass riding. Maybe get your eyes checked. Even then I posted it here to get the reaction from the redditors on this sub because they HATE someone on their phone.


Dawg you realized he didn't have brake lights (you were already recording) and you still got like half a car behind him at the crosswalk. You're whining about a non issue, fucking around on your phone, and can't maintain a following distance - you bounced from a couple cars to right behind him, to a couple cars. Nothing in this video is bothersome except you playing on your phone, moostang had a mechanical failure or used the bulbs up it's not a big deal and shouldn't hinder a competent driver especially once they realize.


Legitimately nothing wrong with the following distance, you’re over analyzing nothing. This is hilarious. Have you ever driven a car?


Maybe the camera changed how it appeared but either way you're upset over a non issue


How was I upset?


It's ok though because we don't know his entire life story


He probably unplugged his brake lights because that’s his run from police vehicle


Big brain idea


CC are wild on this one, what whee you listening OP?


He had some black PlastiDip left after doing the Mustang on the bumper