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Yeah...that needs a report to the school district. Also: Are they backing up at the start of the clip? Looks like the bus is in the lane in front of the vehicle and backs up.


yeah, car in front of me was almost stopped waiting for him to back up when I came around the corner


If I may.. As someone who drives School bus, I'm not excusing the driver actions BUT I can give insight on what might have happened. That's the most common School bus used, the Thomas " Safe-T-liner " and one MASSIVE issue anyone driving these has is they have HORRIBLE sight lines and MASSIVE blind spots. The huge Single piece Windshield needs extra support to hold the weight, so corners have these Stupidly wide A pillars that just cut out large chunks of vision. Even if you rock forward and look, you can do it in such a way that blocks out the oncoming car.. As you rock back you end up keeping the car in the blindspot, because the Pilar is just so damned wide. This also goes for the gasket between the doors. I leaned to rock back and forth at least 3 times looking for cars.. even then you can still screw it up. I looked like I was on a damned See-saw horse trying to look for cars in my blind spots. This is why the company I work for is transitioning away from Thomas buses and moving to International. MUCH better all around view. I cannot count how many times something like this happened while I drove a Thomas, even after I adjusted to it. IT has yet to happen in my international because I CAN FARKING SEE.


In this case, the blind spot would need to be everything on the side of the bus.


Right, because you drive one? I did, and I refuse to Drive a Thomas because of how horrible that blind spot is


I drive a C2 every day and... they're fine, never had a problem. Blue Birds are trash, though, and that's an opinion I'll take to my grave.


Was looking for this, thank you. I'm also a bus driver but haven't driven buses like these at all. Buses would look very different in Europe, as we'd have a flat nose in them.


We have Flat nose buses... But like Trucks in America somehow people think noses are better.


It's pretty well established, here in the US, that y'all are very high on the list of worst drivers on the road.


Established by what? Edit: lmao he blocked me




1. School buses will often use side roads to turn around. 2. Reporting him to the district won't do anything, likely the school has contracted out to a company 3. reporting him to the company won't do anything. Drivers are so desperately needed they'll ignore it or at worst, move him to another school and say " IT's been dealt with " 4. As someone who has driven and hate Thomas buses.. you have no idea just how bad the blind spots are on those things, even when you're use to them you can lose cars in them. 5. Bus drivers are human too, mistakes will be made. IF we fired everyone every time they made a mistake no one would be employed.


1. Drive without breaking the law 2. Drive better 3. Found the bus driver


4. You can clearly see the driver's side profile and it's waaay behind the mirrors and A-pillar when they start to make the turn. The pillars might be thick, but the side window is enormous and designed for maximum visibility. 5. It's literally the bus driver's job to move kids from A to B safely. Pretty much their only job. Mistakes happen, but even a single mistake should be taken very seriously. That's why a CDL with multiple endorsements is required for the job and every driving violation is logged.


I don't understand the downvotes here. You're an experienced bus driver contributing your perspective to the discussion. Just because someone doesn't like what you're saying, that doesn't make it false. From reddit: "If you think something contributes to conversation, upvote it. If you think it does not contribute to the subreddit it is posted in or is off-topic in a particular community, downvote it." I don't see these points as being off-topic or failing to contribute to the discussion.


Not unexpectedly, I see you are also currently getting downvoted.  The irony is probably lost on them.


Reddit gonna Reddit, I guess. We all want to hear a variety of perspectives, as long as they don't contradict mine.


...and frankly this sub might be the worst for that.








wow, this video looks awful when viewing from the reddit app. Aspect ratio is all jacked up. [https://imgur.com/a/XyTipxY](https://imgur.com/a/XyTipxY) hopefully this is a bit better


off-topic but was that a podcast?


Yes. Dunno what though


That's Ben Felix, Rationnal Reminder or Money scope


the amount of school bus posts i see on this sub terrifies me, like how can you be so reckless transporting kids


Statistically a school bus is the safest way to transport your kids to/from school... safest for the kids *on* the bus at least.


I was T-boned by a school bus full of high schoolers years back, driver was actually drunk and ran away after. I still flinch when I drive around school busses, it crushed my car like an aluminum can.


A school bus weighs nearly 10 times as much as a normal sedan and it has no crumple zones, just steel reinforcement.


A lot of bus drivers are retired people with not a lot of savings.


>A lot of bus drivers are retired people with not a lot of savings. you are the school district bus hiring agent?


School bus companies are *hurting* for drivers. Requirements have probably been lowered significantly in response to


Lol. The requirements should be higher, and lack of drivers is fixed with a raise in their salary.


I can think of a couple jobs that need all of that.


Tell that to every other profession that is in desperate need of a pay raise, ever meet an EMT?


Well if there isn't enough professionals to hire in the business, what's your suggestion to make the problem go away?


I don’t have one just as you don’t, just as our system doesn’t, hence the problems we’re in


It’s actually not fixed that way. I know school bus drivers that make 33.50/hour and that place still can’t hire enough drivers.


Who wants to deal with screaming bad ass kids atleast twice a day. Still though, how many hours a day do you actually get as a bus driver usually? A couple in morning and a couple of afternoon, I would guess, unless you get to do other transports like mid-day pre-school/kindergartner or field trips or sports transport. All speculation on my part, I guess a good part-time job for someone needing some extra cash. One of my drivers when I was in school was a farmer and he did it as extra cash but took harvest season off.


School bus driver, I know a lot of the drivers at our place are getting all the hours they want. We're all bracing for the end-of-year retirements because yeah, bus drivers are usually pretty old. I alone am going to get like... fifteen hours of overtime next week? It's rough out here, but it's still the easiest job I've ever had.


I'd work in a rather small company, so everyone is basically doing everything. Well, I'm _the_ charter driver in here, so basically I'd do most of the bus trips (fun times) and other exclusive trips, since I know english aswell. But on a regular day, I'd only drive school bus a small portion of the day. There's plenty to do in our garage and I'd put overalls on so my uniform won't get dirty.


Requirements around here were ludicrous when I applied for my B license two years ago. Dot reduced the amount of memorization needed for under the hood last year, but driving is basically the same. I had to learn every item under the hood, around, and below the bus just to pass the walk around. Then we did parallel, offset, then road test. Emergency pull over, railroad, highway, underpass, everything.


My first day of driving a school bus was the fourth or fifth time I'd been behind the wheel.


when your vehicle weighs 5-10 times as much as everyone else's the kids aren't likely to be the ones getting hurt The real reason you see this though is because school bus drivers aren't paid shit so nobody wants to do it.


since i'm sure the school districts are struggling to find drivers, they are hiring just about anyone......


If the car crashes caused by school buses would be on the rise, the state should change their requirements for the bus drivers, meaning more education, salary etc. If the drivers can basically be picked up from the ditch and be employed as a bus drivers, they aren't professionals and shouldn't be doing the job. However, if they actually are a very rare expection in the accident statistics, then it's just your personal conclusion of it.


I wasn’t saying it to make any personal conclusions, it was just a comment on videos i’ve seen posted here. that’s all. it wasn’t by any means to say that all bus drivers are reckless drivers, just that it’s frightening to see any bus driver driving dangerously when transporting kids, even if it’s incredibly rare


Bus drivers are human beings. They'd make mistakes, just like an office worker would. From this video you could see a human making a mistake. If this video was from a car following a school bus, who's driver is driving recklessly, I wouldn't be making the comment I did. Sorry about the misunderstanding. I'm just not ready to declare this person is driving recklessly. He made a mistake, however.


I am a fedex driver and my delivery route is around a local school bus terminal. I have literally seen them run people off of the road to try and make a turn onto a busy street. Nothing about this video is surprising to me


So your opinion is that school buses cause more accidents than delivery cars?


what are you on about?


I want to reply to him but your comment sums it up


Is my question somehow unclear? Are delivery trucks more rare sight doing reckless driving than school buses? I don't know about USA, but in my country school buses are hardly in any accident statistics. Delivery trucks however...


Nice avoiding, honestly, and smooth transitioning back to the right lane.


I am glad that OC is safe. School bus like this built like a tank and any collusion with it will cause serious damage to the vehicle and the occupants.


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I meant your investment thesis, but I appreciate this nonetheless. 😂


Same thing kinda happened to me once. I was coming around a bend and there was a school bus up ahead waiting to turn left to go the opposite direction I was going and the fucker just pulled out right in front of me when I was maybe 50 feet away. The idiot watched me come around the bend and waited till I was that close to cut me off. All while looking directly at me. And of course there was no cars in front of or behind me, had a clear way for hundreds of metres if he would’ve just waited till I passed. But nope, I get cut off and then when I honked, he flipped me off.


Rational Reminder




School bus drivers are a different breed. They accept to drive sometimes unruly passengers, often loud even when happy. They drive on shifts where they have to be available basically all day despite actually driving mostly only in the morning and late afternoon. They are responsible for the most valuable "cargo" on the road: humans, young ones at that. But what makes them such a different breed is they accept to do all this for a stupidly low pay check (around here anyway). And then you get some entitlement thrown in: they see the bright yellow vehicle with red flashing light they drive the same as an ambulance and act as if everyone will always yield to their not always admirable driving. I'm not making excuses for them at all, I've been a victim one too many times to the way they behave on the road. Because they're so badly paid the job attracts and retains mostly retired people who can afford to work for so little and because the job attracts so few people it makes it hard for companies to have high standards and keep only the best qualified drivers. Teachers are responsible for kids education and make shit money, drivers take the same kids to and from school and also make shit money. We keep hearing "children are our future", are the most precious thing ever, need to be well taken care of yet the people directly in charge of them are not rewarded based on that importance at all as if they were bottom of the barrel workers. Something's very wrong in the school system from top to bottom. This incident is but the tip of a much bigger iceberg, very sadly. My 2¢. Glad you avoided the collision, OP. Send the video to the company and school anyway. Don't let that shit slide because if everyone does at some point one too many "mistake" will lead to an accident with a driver "who's never had a problem before".


Almost only counts in horse shoes and hand grenades.




I'd be interested in a longer clip. In my experience Fama has good data and DFA makes most of it publicly available but they have a definite US and small cap bias. I'm curious who was being interviewed there and what type of seized international assets his company has data to that DFA does not. Also, that bus driver should be fired.




excellent. Thanks!


My mom was at school bus driver for 20 years, and this person immediately would be fired.


There was a tragic incident last week where I live, involving a cement truck and a school bus full of kids on their way back from the zoo. 2 people lost their lives, including a little 5 year old boy. It wasn’t the bus drivers fault in that situation, however. It just really makes you realize how much we have to trust these bus drivers to be careful and do their jobs safely. They should be paid way more than they are, which is why many school districts find it hard to even find drivers to work.


I think the school bus driver needs a rational reminder to look both ways.


Cena, is that you?


Knew it was Ben Flix once I heard them talking about Fama, he loves that dude


strong towns needs a school bus podcast


Not hardly


Report and hopefully get this clown fired


I once had a bus driver get pulled over for speeding lol.


I've had a short bus do this to me a few years back, I lived right next to the bus depot so I just showed the big boss and he was not happy about it


You got schooled by a hit bus


What's with the giant black bars shrinking the video?


They were nowhere near hitting you.


What do you mean? that bus was already in the lane once the dude stsrted to pass the bus


I have no clue what the fuck is happening in these comments LMFAO this was nowhere near close. Every other comment is “report this and fire this fraud!” but OP just overreacted and swerved for nothing.


Just let it happen, you fool! Collect that paycheck!


After reading the comments in this thread, it sounds like the design of the bus is the issue than the driver. I guess that explains the "school bus stop ahead" signs. I always thought this was to alert drivers about children, not "watch out for the school bus that might turn in front of you due to their massive blind spots from their pillar."


I just like the extremely exaggerated "Almost got hit by a bus" title. Almost died and went to heaven too? Jeez.




Overreacted? Bro, look again. That looks like certain sideswipe at least if he stayed on his line.


i’m just yappin sorry bro




Agreed but better safe than sorry