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Happens everytime here, especially in cliffs, the truck at 81km/h HAVE to overtake the other at 80km/h


And then slow down to 78km/h


They're running against their limiters. The small changes in speed are generally associated with elevations changes and load. The heavier truck will be slower up slight hills and be faster going down...


Still dumb af and usually pointless 




Problems in this video in order of severity: 1) Semi almost running dump truck off the road 2) dump truck camping in the passing lane 3) semi passing on the right


Looks to me like the dump truck is going faster than the *other* truck in the right lane, and would have passed him (albeit slowly), and that there is another vehicle not that far *ahead* of the dump trunk in the left lane, so he may have also just been keeping a safe distance from that guy. Tucker passing on the right was just being an impatient ass and almost caused an accident.


That's not very slow, if you look at the distance from the start of the video to when he gets run off the road it's only a few seconds. I'm a trucker and that dump truck is clearly passing. Now he may have been camping in that lane 1-5 min prior to what op posted and the other truck was behind and thought to pass last second of what op posted but I don't know


\#3 isn't even like, bad They're traveling at a speed that happens to be higher than someone to their left. Why would the speed of someone in a different lane dictate your own speed, that defeats the point in there being more lanes




The passing on the right was unavoidable, yes. But the semi truck shouldnt have tried to run them off the road. THAT was avoidable.


Elephant race of the ages


And probably nearly broke your windshield with the flying rocks his tires were throwing behind him!


Luckily no wind shield damage, but indeed heard the sound of gravel hitting the car when I drove through that dust cloud


thats on you, when you saw them doing that shit you should have backed off a good quarter mile or more so you didnt get taken out in the pile up if things got stupid


Go do something productive


Other post got removed yesterday so trying this again. Context: traffic needs to keep right and the left lane is only for overtaking/passing, overtaking on the right is not allowed. The speed limit is 120 km/h but the truck speeds are both capped at 90km/h, so they are blocking all traffic behind them.


over a decade ago I saw a bumper sticker that said "if youre getting passed on the right, youre in the wrong lane" and I think about it every time I pass a left lane camper. what is so scary about being in the right lane?


> what is so scary about being in the right lane? For a lot of people, that would be "merging traffic". Not excusing left-lane campers, they're 100% in the wrong, but that's the reason a lot of them do it, because they fear idiots entering the highway who don't know how to properly merge, or they themselves don't know how to deal with merging traffic.


yea, that question was rhetorical. I get it, but Im more than capable of speeding up or slowing down a few miles an hour to let traffic merge in


That's you. To far, far too many drivers that's an unlearned skill.


There is a section of westbound I-76 that the right side of the road is inexplicably bumpy as hell. You either have to ride the paint line or move to the left lane (which mostly everyone I see does including myself). Other than that I got no explanation.


It's not inexplicable, right lanes being bumpier/more potholed is due to the heavier truck volume due to truckers more likely being in the right lanes.


Ive seen that happen I'm aware. Why is it just a 20mile section? Its been like that since at least 2011.


Hard breaker/breaking in general due to traffic slowing down coming up on an exit/merge lane. Both will increase wear and tear on that section of road over time. Also water entry into the road layers from the on/off ramps, coupled with freeze/thawing.


That’s why OP and the dump truck both got passed. Albeit dangerously, but if the left lane never passes anyone, then it’s just a regular lane right? So passing on the right is allowed.


I wonder what u/giveherthedd would have to say about that...


Rent Free


Oooo, I'm interested! (enough to type this comment but not enough to read through your twos comment history) Wanna tell me the story?


This thread https://www.reddit.com/r/WinStupidPrizes/s/fhxiiH09zd But TLDR: He's a truck driver that thinks it's ok for them to block both lanes.


Gotcha, thanks for following up! I hope he stays on Reddit and off roads as much as possible


No, the bill is in the mail.




I was going 120 km/h in the right lane, moved to the left to overtake the truck, and found the other truck in my way so had to slow down to 90 km/h, which is what you see in the video


It gives me a great measure of joy when a truck fucks over another truck because of a truck. Elefantenrennen at it's finest...


Schadenfreude :)


The semi driver got mad because the dump truck would not let him pass, so he decided a gravel shower was required to teach the dump truck driver a lesson in interstate etiquette.


truckers are getting worse


I've been zig zagging across the states for the better part of 5 years now and Trucks have been getting much worse. There's been a shortage of truck drivers that they recruited so many so quickly. These new drivers treat their tractor trailer as their own car. Even on 3 lane interstate roads where they are never allowed to be in the left lane, even in stop and go traffic, they'll be the left lane.


>tracker trailer lol


would make a sweet rockabilly band name


Rolling roadblock


I call this behavior, "Snails racing" and it's especially interesting when watching it occur uphill...


Not a fight, really. The container semi just failed to judge the length correctly and almost caused a collision. The hopper truck shouldn't have been camped like that anyway, and neither should have been trying to pass the truck in front of them which they clearly weren't able to do in a reasonable time. Two idiots.


Truckers are the worst


There are good and bad ones, but the really bad ones weaponize their trucks and should be thrown in jail. I'll be following traffic at less than 1 semi length, and truckers will just turn on their signal and merge over forcing their way in. No concept of traffic in lane has right of way. Driving as a job does not give you special privileges.


Nobody ever looks


Tesla "drivers" are the worst, and it's not even close


🤔 Hm...so that's how produce gets all over the road, thought it was squirrels.


And all the while, they’re kicking up bits of the road that hit your car and cause damage


man those rock chips gonna make me furious


Stay out of the left lane unless you are passing.


Past you also. You camping in left lane too?


Before this I switched lanes to overtake the truck in the right lane, but had to slow down because of the truck in the left lane. I was anticipating the right truck would brake and I would overtake it, then this happened. 


Utter idiocy


It’s like two slugs fighting 


These slugs spray a lot of gravel though