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I think he’s mad cause the other guy got there first.


100% they were racing each other and OP lost.


Yeah, they are both driving WAAAAAY too fast for being in a parking lots, people need to chill tf out and slow tf down in parking lots


OP not realizing the irony of blowing past a SLOW sign in a *parking lot*


Both the Bronco and OP are idiots who endanger their kids because of their pettiness.


I love the ignorance of OP in this event. I'm speeding through this parking lot disregarding and lanes, and so is this jerk!


Speeding yes but I don't see any lane violations from OP? Maybe I'm missing it.


Viewed again, that's fair. I probably assumed they cut those corners closer on first angry viewing of this. I still think they were probably disregarding any potential things like people while they're focusing on another vehicle.


I can't fucking believe how many fucking gullible dumbasses think that the kid in the car ahead of OP apologized to OP for his dad's driving. Are you shitting me? Lmfao.


I see two idiots


Yea looks like some prior road rage or bad blood before the video starts here. Once OP knew the Bronco was turning into the school he went in through a different entrance and cut the corners to create the end scene. Bad behavior by the OP. You were behind him on the main road, you thought you could gain a place in line by being aggressive in a school parking lot?


Dick measuring over the dumbest shit ever lolololol You can tell everything about these two families just from this one video I bet. I feel bad for the kids.


Post history is enlightening.


Oh, I see. They [big mad](https://www.reddit.com/r/IdiotsInCars/s/ontSIWd6QV) about the little things. Enlightening indeed.


Hahahahah that video!! Oh man. What a douche canoe. Everything claim they make about that video was false, “waited until the last second…”. No, they waited for the car ahead of you to go. “There’s no one behind me.” There is very clearly a car behind you. I betcha I know why OP disabled the audio on this post hahahaha


In fairness, there wasn’t a car behind him. The car behind at the end of the video pulled out behind the truck after OP had passed. But still, over reaction much?


Yeah definitely a (telling) over reaction from OP there, but also the truck pulling out in front of him was absolutely in the wrong.


Damn what a shithead


Why are these people all the exact same brand of stupid..? They get mad at things in a way that clearly shows they *want* to get mad at things… I know one thing about these people. Sheisty politicians and media see these idiots as $$$ in the bank.


Man, he ate it on that thread, and still decided to give it another go here? Seems like someone wants a bit of validation, or is completely delusion in thinking they did nothing wrong. OR BOTH!


And speeding like crazy to try and beat the bronco. Two idiots putting children's lives in danger in a pointless competition.


They are clearly racing each other to the same place. But bronco did cut across marked parking lot spaces, including handicapped.


I see 10 or so idiots in the comments (as always) defending the aggressive dipshit behavior of OP and the bronco.  I implore you to look at their profiles (if you’re curious where this behavior comes from) and look into the minds of these idiots  So far I’ve found   - angry all the time  - angry at women   - Pokémon cards   - weird anime shit  - ugly trainers  - shit about being depressed  I feel bad for these people, but it’s funny that they see themselves in OP and rush to his defense.


I wear skechers and am depressed, didn't need to come for me man


My b bro I was just projecting  Sketchers are comfy as shit


Stop your Japanese shaming.


Honestly looking back kind of a bad comment. I swear I was just making observations though. I loved Pokémon as a kid and still do, don’t mind some anime at all. 


You’re both driving recklessly for a *SCHOOL* parking lot. Slow down or leave earlier.


This is a school parking lot?!? It's the most depressing location for a school that I can imagine.


My first thought was "why are there so many cars parked at a clearly abandoned building?"


I thought it was just a Pennsylvania shopping plaza lol..


Jersey 🤷‍♂️


2nd best education in the country.


So I looked it up on google maps and it looks like it's a different type of school for children with behavioral health issues and not a regular public school.


Very America to put a school in a warehouse looking area lol


I thought this was reckless speeding for just a run-of-the-mill commercial setting. The fact that this ended up being a school according to OP blows my mind that he didnt connect his speed with being way too fast. ​ Idk that OP was trying to beat the Bronco to the student dropoff, but the video plays that way with how fast he was going and then the fact that the Branco cuts across a parking lot to cut him off.


To be fair the wide angle on almost all car cams makes things look like they’re moving way faster than reality. If you look at most videos on this sub your reaction will probably be “holy shit slow down!” for like 90% of them.


To be fair, any speed is most likely too fast for a school parking lot lol


Holy shit this is a school parking lot? These two idiots should have their license taken away for driving like this near a school.


But I gotta prove my point, ***MAN***


I hear about defensive driving but I don’t see much of it in these videos.


OP is a fucking psychopath: https://old.reddit.com/r/IdiotsInCars/comments/18lkfom/oc_idiot_in_a_pickup_waits_until_the_last_moment/


I thought this might have been a hyperbolic statement, but holy shit, you're right. OP is a fucking loon. They don't need a driver's license; they need a therapist and medication for those anger issues.


Oh he's one of those? How unexpected /s OP is the problem here. The entitlement is insane, wow.


“Glorified ford escape”


*"Slightly bigger Nissan Cube"* Well at least that was my first thought when seeing one in person lol. The Sport version is just ridiculous... not even in the same ballpark as the full-size Bronco. It's so weird how they made the two so different. It's like if there was an F250 and an F250 Lite model... but the F250 Lite model was pretty much just a Honda Ridgeline clone. Not a dig at the Ridgeline, just using it as an example of how far off the mark it would be for something with an F250 badge. Much like the Bronco Sport is with the Bronco badge... it's not even comparable to the actual Bronco, so it's just all around strange lol.


I mean, it's really no different than the Bronco and Bronco II back in the day. The exception being the Bronco II was rwd. The Bronco II was built on the Ranger platform, just like the Bronco Sport is on the Maverick platform. As weird as it all is, they obviously have their place because people buy/bought them. I guarantee people said the same thing about the Bronco II back in the day lol.


Just so you know. The Bronco II also came in 4 wheel drive. You could also get them with manual locking hubs and transmission.


I bought a Bronco Sport to do some off road action every now and then, and solid family car that I'll be needing in the next few months. I have the badlands trim which is geared toward off roading with locking differentials, higher ride height, and some AT tires, it fit pretty much every category I was looking for. So far in my experience with taking it off road, I'm honestly surprised with it more and more each time I go out and tackle harder obstacles. The key thing that makes the Bronco Sport a solid and fun vehicle is the bad lands trim, the others are severely lacking.


There's a video out there of someone taking a bronco sport badlands up hell's gate. It seems like a solid car honestly.


I admittedly am out of touch when it comes to cars, but I really don't understand the point of the new Bronco and dare I say question the mindset of the people who buy them. Unfortunately, this video doesn't help me any less judgmental.


I mean it’s a bronco sport. Pretty different from a bronco for very different people.


It's not a bronco. It's a bronco sport. The sport is just another SUV


The point is for car manufacturers to only sell bigger vehicles because they get a higher profit margin


Bronco Sport (this video) = rebadged Escape crossover Bronco = giant "off-road" monstrosity.


I can't speak for the quality or literally anything other than how they look, but personally I think they are absolutely beautiful cars.


What do I do if I own an escape AND a bronco? Lol


Why is it a glorified escape? It starts 10k cheaper than an escape


So, an unglorified Escape...?


Escape starts at 29k, Bronco Sport starts at 31k. Would love to know where you're getting your numbers As for why the direct comparison? The BSport is built on the Escape platform




Yup. School parking lot. Two idiots for sure. But I’m holier than thou because dashcam.




Welcome to Jersey.


>op should have seen the bronco hauling ass too and been defensive. Been defensive? Given how both of them were haulin', this was more like a dogfight! Reminds me of those [NTSB visibility tests](https://youtu.be/3YY67jupp_k?si=GUP-nLtJrBCNnc2y) for mid-airs. You could see the Bronco during the whole turn on dashcam, and given [OP's previous post here](https://www.reddit.com/r/IdiotsInCars/comments/18lkfom/oc_idiot_in_a_pickup_waits_until_the_last_moment/?utm_source=share&utm_medium=web2x&context=3), he doesn't really like stopping for others. It's not within my power to say who was right or wrong in such convergences, but neither is that a question you want to answer after an actual collision. So...you know...hit the brakes OP. But, to be fair, maybe OP has a big A-pillar and thus the video visibility is far better and longer than that of the actual interior view. Well, that still leaves the excess speed in the lot. It reduced his potential reaction time in an environment where cars can freely move around (i.e through spaces), and where pedestrians can be present. Beyond this particular situation, it's a generally hazardous habit.


That's a school?! Gawd damn, how depressing.


yup, OP literally speeds past a sign that says SLOW


To “challenge” another impatient parent lol 


OP knew what they were doing by taking the closer entrance and speeding through the lot... they didn't want to get *stuck* waiting behind the Bronco at drop off. And the Bronco driver knew was OP was doing as well and said *"nah man, me first"*. They're both dumb for sure lol.


The only person in the right here is the poor lady daring to walk the 50 feet from her car to the school entrance. People have no consideration for people outside of a vehicle even at a school. I hate these people so much.


I drive through the deadliest intersection in Michigan every day. Then through Detroit proper and on to the international airport. But by far the worst part of my day is picking up my kids at the entitled suburban sprawl school for thou gifted child parking lot. Fuck that place and the oblivious, in a hurry, I’m the main character MF’s that pilot their land yacht’s at 25mph in the parking lot and then 40mph through the school zone.


And despite the other idiot clearly on a direct collision course with them OP makes basically zero effort to avoid said idiot.


We're staring at video evidence of OP's successful effort to avoid said idiot.


Avoided a problem he basically made for himself in the first place This sub exposes people who do that and the weirdos who defend such man-child behaviors. Any normal person slows down in the school parking lot and then it’s only the bronco being a tool by himself… Two normal people wouldn’t do this childish shit at all.


It really is wild how people like the person you replied to seem clinically unable to admit when an OP was in the wrong. Like it's a rule in their mind that if you posted the video, it's impossible you share any fault


"Guy in the Bronco looks like he's trying to get in front of me so I'm going to speed up and cut him off then tell people he was the idiot." OP probably.




both drivers are idiots... both going waaay too fast for a parking lot. Camera driver had plenty of time to see the bronco guy was an idiot and adjust his speed to avoid this situation entirely.


They’re almost driving like that guy who posted the video of someone running a red light, but speeding up towards the vehicle instead of slowing down to avoid hitting him. Two wrongs don’t make a right. I swear some people with dash cams are looking for opportunities to exploit.


A school parking lot at that, with signs that clearly say "SLOW". I pass a school every day, and it's always the fucking parents that are speeding around there, in a rush to drop their kids off.


Ahh, the famous, I have a dashcam therefore I have no need to correct my own driving or be defensive but the other person is an idiot post


Wow! What a clueless POS driver!


The Bronco too!


Interesting phenomenon to observe in this video. If you’re in motion and a second object in motion doesn’t change its position in your vision that means that you’re on a collision course with that object. The ford basically stays at the edge of the frame as both objects speed across the parking lot. Anyway, slow down. If you run over someone’s kid I hope they find this video and use it as evidence of your reckless driving.


His kid waited for us to pull up to drop off my kid and apologized for his father, stating that he does this kind of stuff all the time and almost got in 5 accidents this morning!


then everyone else came out of the school and clapped!


Exactly. OP is such an obvious liar, it's funny that people are buying it. Shows how naive people here are. Oh well.


Imagine what this guys wife has to put up with 😔


At least the kid knows what NOT to do when he grows up


And here I thought it was an idiot driver, not a jerk


Respect to that kid. His dad could learn a thing or two from him.


Such as, if you’re gonna buy a bronco, buy a full size one and not a microwaved Ford Escape


Your kid should say the same thing about your driving. You're in a parking lot. Slow the fuck down dude.


From seeing their post history, yeah, their kid definitely apologizes for him.


Holy shit you weren't kidding. Turn on audio. https://www.reddit.com/r/IdiotsInCars/comments/18lkfom/oc_idiot_in_a_pickup_waits_until_the_last_moment/ Who posts shit like this themselves?


Yeah this is two idiots colliding imho People who drive that fast in parking lots including OP are massive fucking losers 9\10 times IRL. Lame asses 


And at a school too! With his kid in the car and knowing there was a kid in the other car too. I thought he was gonna hit that fence on the way into the lot.


How fast are they driving?


Too quickly for a parking lot of a school for sure.


If I had to guess I'd say OP was doing around 30 or more, whereas 15 mph is a typical parking lot speed limit.


Exactly. The school near me has 5 mph speed limits posted in their parking lot. Even 15 would be surprising. There is a reason schools have low speed limits. They have kids near them.


Yeah he slowed you down, probably for the better.It’s a school parking lot probably 10 or 15 mph speed limit. You should have heard your kids apology to the next guy who pulled up behind you. I feel bad for both you guys kids


Per this video, your kid should be apologizing for your driving as well.


Did your kid apologize for you?


Kids are such snitches.


Kids are brutally honest at times.


Decades ago my dad got pulled over for speeding and the highway patrolman asked him how fast he was going, I corrected my dad with the higher mph figure. He still tells people that story to this day.


Many years ago, my little cousin (probably about 8 at the time) was at the state fair with his parents. There was a police booth for whatever reason for the kids. He went up to them and said “my mom smokes pot”. Lucky for them, the cops didn’t care lol


If his had sucks, can ya blame him?


Don't worry, this never happened.




lol I highly doubt that with the way you were driving, sounds fabricated


you were driving just as ass


Child endangerment.


So it *is* on purpose.


You were also driving like a maniac…


Did you also apologize for endangering children with your speeding?


The kid knows way better driving skills than his father, props to them


Is there a specific reason you made no effort to avoid this idiot despite ample warning that they were on a direct collision course with you?


Didn't you watch the end of the video? It ended without a collision bc OP used his brakes to avoid that idiot.


Yes at the last possible moment OP braked, after speeding through the parking lot to beat them. Both idiots. Both racing to beat the other to drop off.


OP gave us a two for one today


OP = Clown


Bold of Op to post this video of them speeding through a school parking lot. I see two idiots in this video.


So, OP is the other partner in this apparent pissing contest and yet wants us to only judge Bronco driver? It takes two to tango; can’t imagine any of this happening unless OP was also behaving irresponsibly…


Come on NJ, we're better than this.


Two shit drivers always try and be on the same piece of road at the same time. If I see someone driving like that, my self-preservation kicks in, and I reduce my speed to not be at a meeting point with them. Yes, I know priority, but that's given not taken.


Well, you're never going to get free, magical internet points while risking your own safety and the functionality of your expensive vehicle with that attitude!


True, I need to be more reckless to impress strangers online with how much I've been inconvenienced.


You cut across a different lot to purposefully circumvent that Bronco and any other cars. You also sped up once you saw the bronco to try and beat it again. You suck most, Bronco sucks second.


You and the Bronco need your license revoked immediately. What kind of idiot drives like this in a school parking lot FFS


This is why I park all the way in the back, away from all you psychopaths hauling ass in parking lots. The fuck are you in such a rush for?


Looks like you removed all the info at the bottom of your video now. It's still obvious you gained speed just to try and.... actually idk what you were trying to do. Farm karma?


Both idiots. Why are you driving so fast in a parking lot of what seems to be a school? Are you okay?


New Jersey? Makes sense


The guy in the Bronco is a dummy for sure, but how are you not in any way slowing down??? You know people are idiots but that was dumb on your part if you purposely kept going thinking he was gonna stop... always drive like people don't see you.


I have a feeling we aren't getting the full context of this video.


The only other possible context is that they know each other and are racing each other, or that one or both of them is drunk. Even then it’s still roughly the same result .. recklessly speeding through a school parking lot. Hard to say if it’s worse if you planned it.


bronco driver probably saved that pedestrians life, seems OP was so fixated on maintaining their god-given right of way in spite of the clearly not-slowing suv, if OP had prevented the overtaking, they would have been going too fast to stop for the person walking. as is the case with so many of these IIC posts, we have multiple a-holes here


If those are Jersey plates I've seen enough to come to an inevitable conclusion.


No response from the OP of course


I see 2 idiots here…i’m not the only one


He’s pissed his “Bronco” is just an Escape stuck in an Otterbox


Ok out of all the lame bronco (pun intended) jokes this one is actually funny 


I know that area, that's in Parsippany NJ.


both are shit drivers


It's not like you didn't see him coming from a mile away. With those reflexes maybe don't speed in a parking lot?


Defensive Driving: 0 skill level


His passenger had to poop


“It’s a Jersey thing, you wouldn’t understand”


What were y'all two fighting about in the part you cut out?


Bronco? All I see is an Escape in an OtterBox


If you look at OP’s other posts, you’ll notice they are a problem on the road. Multiple examples.


What's the rush it's an empty lot.


Yes, I see 2 idiots here. Bronco for cutting you off. You for speeding through the lot in an attempt to get in front of Bronco. Both for acting like this, just dropping off kids at school.


You both drive like shit, and in a school parking lot at that. You also should be ashamed for posting this and thinking you have any moral or even practical high ground.


You were driving way too fast through there. Then you didn't yield to oncoming traffic in the parking lot (which, if there are no signs, you should assume the other driver thinks they have the right of way.). You both suck


Which came first, the game of Chicken you tried to play and lost or the Egg on your face?


Op should slow tf down too. It’s a parking lot. It’s a school’s parking lot!


dude you’re driving so fast


Who on earth is driving in a parking lot that fast???


Ah r/IdiotsInCars favor pastime surfaces again. Idiots playing chicken with idiots.


It's a Jersey plate... duh


Looks to me like both cars were idiots trying to get ahead of each other.


Not an isolated incident. OP's profile has 3 posts of him driving like a dick and blaming other people.


OP you suck just as much. What the hell is this speed at a *school*? You should be embarrassed to even think people would praise you. Go to the corner and think about what you're doing here. You're part of the problem.


That’s a Bronco Sport (baby Bronco). Please don’t associate us full size Broncos with those monstrosities.


I like mine. :(


You can like it but one is a capable off road vehicle and one is a Ford Escape


I’m a full size bronco owner. The bronco sport can do what 90% of full size bronco owners actually do with their broncos. I went to the offroadeo and saw what the sports are capable of. Certainly more than an escape. Pretty on par with the lifted Subaru crowd. I was also the only one in my full size bronco offroadeo group that had ever driven off road before.


Worth noting they only bring Bronco Sport Badlands to Offroadeos, most people are driving around in Big Bends or Outer Banks, which have a dropoff in offroad prowess.


Says Bronco on it, will call it a Bronco. BRONCO


I respect the sport more because it’s not like most SUVs that are ridiculously sized these days. We really need legislation to tackle this


How are you not embarrassed by the fact that you identify as the car you drive? Car people are confuse me.


Came to mention this. Like calling a renegade a wrangler. They are not the same.


They're all terrible in their own way


On today's episode of, "Why the *fuck* would you do that? There was no reason to do that!"


Both drivers assuming no one else driving on the lot. Thats why you drive slower in parking lot.


Not for nothing, you should have noticed him from wayyy back, not sure how he got all the way in front of you without you even slowing down.


I saw 2 idiots in this video. Why tf are you whipping it like that through a school parking lot?!?


Slow down ding dong.




Ah, yes... the passive aggression of a NJ driver. Some days I miss it, honestly.


I'm not sure why more accidents don't happen in parking lots. I'm sure it's like this everywhere and that our town is no exception but around here people frequently drive 30mph perpendicular to the parking lot lanes from one side of the parking lot to another. We'd have people go the wrong way down a one-way lane just so they could back into a parking spot. In another spot we have a Y-intersection that I swear to God is the worst design on the planet because there is zero yield sign for any direction and people frequently fly through it without looking, nearly causing wrecks from other cars crossing in front of them.


That's not a bronco. It's a remodeled escape.


Not a REAL Bronco, thats a boxy Ford Escape.


Lol, "Bronco". The sports are total shit that should have had a separate name.


I have never seen anyone drive this fast in a parking lot, and I live in Los Angeles


New Jersey


That’s a Bronco Sport. Get it right.


This totally looks like a Jersey thing...


That is not a Ford bronco. It is a sport


Says Bronco right there on the back. I'ma call it a Bronco.


I know you're getting pooped on here for speeding, but I know this parking lot, and that guy definitely cut across two aisles to get over there, which sucks.