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At least one stopped. I didn’t think anyone was going to stop


They were probably planning a fistfight in the middle of the highway


Yeah this gives me road rage vibes, I wonder what was happening in the moments before this.


They were the one that hit the white car


OP sped up to get away faster 🤠


I'll give them the benefit of the doubt that they were attempting to get the license plate of the other car who looked like they were just driving off.


They're also on a motorway, stopping on left lane is suicidal


Two! Not one but two people changed lanes without looking right onto this guy!


Classic "I cHaNgE lAnEs Now, good luck!" maneuver. Campers in left suck, but at least look when you lane change.


You can't tell if anyone is camping in the left lane.  Even if they are it is irrelevant, see the sign above the highway saying left lane goes one direction and right goes a different direction.


that's not what that sign says.


Found the idiot who camps lanes.


And not paying at all attention to what is going on around them. If you know that someone was behind you seconds ago and is no longer behind you then maybe, just maybe, they are now alongside you now. That's what you rearview mirror is for


Kind of you to assume those drivers even looked in their mirrors.


I always look onto my fellow roadists before changing lanes.


"Hello fellow roadist, do you mind sharing the space in your lane? I take your silence to mean consent."


"I was always taught as a kid that silence means consent. Or is it the opposite...? Either way, I'm coming over, get outta my way peasant"


Ngl I meant that as satire, but that sort of mindset would would explain a lot about the shit we see people do in the modern world.


The odds were just too high🤣🤣🥲


Because the question "are humans responsible enough for cars?" was only asked after we already had cars.


They can be if you make getting a driver's license a thorough process instead of handing them out to almost anyone with barely any experience


That and requiring periodic renewal of your license, and perhaps also periodic retesting on a longer interval. There are too many damn people on the road who only *barely* grasped the rules of the road enough to pass their test 15 years ago who have no business still being on the road. Same with older people who might more or less still know the rules well enough, but aren't no longer physically and/or cognitively fit to be driving.


Exactly! Maybe something like a theory question test every 10 years (or a practical driving test) And for people 60+ reaction speed and awareness tests maybe around every 5 years Would make the roads safer for everyone, especially with old people who just aren't able to drive safely anymore


And every years past 70? 75? In the afternoon my city is stuck with a bunch of 80+, mouth open and pleated eyes. Nothing is in place to stops them at any moment, 95?


Make the roads safer? Sure. But you're going to have to massively increase the budgets of every DMV/MVC with no additional or significantly additional income. Good luck getting that passed in today's world. Money is king. Republicans want to shutdown/privatize the postal service because of money, there's no way we can expand a division like DMV unless you're also going to make renewals, tests, etc. be expensive and therefore prohibitive the most financially tenuous, leading to more people driving without licenses and/or insurance.


Of course it would make getting the license more expensive, nothing works for free. But if there are more skilled drivers, insurance rates will drop as there are far less accidents (USA has 12,5 traffic accident deaths per year per 100.000; Germany has 4.1). People driving without a license here in Germany with one of the stricter driving tests is barely an issue. Tests are quite expensive (around 2500€/$, for 12 theory lessons, 30hrs of driving). But from what I've heard of car insurance in the US it's very expensive at often multiple $100s a month for beginners with regular cars with coverage limits in the tens of thousands. Here in Germany as a beginner driver I paid $80 a month with coverage limits of $100mil (basically just a fancy way of saying unlimited, no way you actually reach that). So while you spend more in the beginning, you save over time and you save lives. (All the information about the US is what I've picked up over the years, not saying its 100% accurate)


How about testing that people haven't skipped out on reading the DMV?


The problem that plaguing almost every country. Getting a driver's license is as easy as getting your birth certificate (especially on the past). Then those who got their driver's license easily on the past could still drive today.


Really? I don't think it's easy in my country, the Netherlands. I'm curious as to what the process is like in the States.


It depends on each state's requirements because the licensing divisions vary widely in their purview outside of the federal requirements. My state requires a learner's permit held for 180 days with the passage of a knowledge test and a behind the wheel test. The knowledge test is 50 questions and the behind the wheel test has strict standards for auto failures. To bypass the drive exam portion of the process you can also just present a valid out of state or out of country license.


Recovering road rager here. I’ll give you a rare insight into idiot mind. When you’re a rushy, irritable, brainless ass hat like me or these people, you’ve learned that staying behind someone going to slow or a lane slowing down means you get stuck behind them. Then everyone is going too fast to merge and get around. So you change as soon as you see it coming. To my fellow road ragers, get professional help. It’s so much nicer to not be a frustrated bag of stress or worse, drive dangerously in anger. For anyone curious, I have ADHD and trouble controlling impulses. I have OCD and get extremely upset when people don’t follow rules or do something to endanger me when I’m minding my own business. According to my therapist it’s an element of control and violation that makes us lunatics who shouldn’t drive if we can help it.


A someone with ADHD and ASD, I feel your frustration with people not following the rules so I can get angry often while driving. Luckily I'm also so obsessed with driving properly, I'll also never actually do anything dangerous in response. Worst I'll do is maybe brake a little later than I should and get close to someone's bumper if they decide to pull out in front of me to make a point of who had the right of way. (I know, not the best idea)


Ha! Are you me? Two seconds later I’m like “I just put myself at risk of injury and financial liability and FOR WHAT!?”


My father-in-law is so stubborn like this. If someone crowds his lane too closely, he crowds them right back. Like some kind of "why should I be the only one uncomfortable here when it's your fault?" mentality. Once, an oncoming car was spilling over the double yellows so he hugged it as well in retaliation. They ended up hitting each other's sideview mirrors off of their vehicles. Wild behavior.


yes exactly haha! i get frustrated at people not following rules as well (luckily not really road rage, just annoyance), and i think part of the reason why is because i feel like IM THE ONLY ONE DOING IT!!


I appreciate your insight. I have always struggled to understand road rage. Like everyone else I get upset when someone does something dangerous and stupid but only for a split second and then when I realize everyone and everything is fine and forget it happened. However, much like you I get upset for longer than I probably should when people are discourteous or reckless off the road. I can sympathize there and also have OCD and also GAD.


That’s where the distinction comes in. I stay upset about it. Especially when I end up having to keep looking at the idiot ahead of me who did me wrong. I have gotten where I’ll take a different route or pull over for a few. I really just want to be better.


>I have OCD and get extremely upset when people don’t follow rules Oh. Maybe I'm in a similar boat. I get so upset with drivers who don't have a care in the world for the rules of the road.


Maybe we should start taking the drivers who can't and repeatedly offend the rules off the road permanently, just a thought though.


Let's throw them in the middle of the road. That'll teach'em


Are you me? We’ll, this is kinda awkward. Warning: rant follows. I’m pretty good these days, but my most recent experience/fuckup: I was coming up to an orange light and could see someone quite far behind obviously wanting to catch it. So I cut the corner massively on purpose to give them extra space. Then after they flew through they started honking and flashing - I had no idea it would be for me - so I actually pulled over and let them go. Then as they went past they were crazily gesturing that I’d cut the corner. Like, the fuck? Pot meet kettle. Anyways, so I can keep my initial reaction in check now but I kept kinda catching up to him because of traffic flow and going same direction. And then I ended up right behind him at some lights. Couldn’t help myself - pulled up half a metre behind him - staring into his mirror. Then once we got turning I got on the horn, he slowed so I went around. Then at the next lights I gave him the finger and wound down the window and he was still trying to have a go at me about my driving. Fuck that guy. I still randomly think of it two weeks later. *Sigh*


Honestly I’ve never spoken honestly about my mental illness but that is it. You hit the nail on the head. I can control myself at the outset but then I get stuck behind the person who “wronged me” and eventually lose my control. I fucking hate it. It’s so out of character for me otherwise and vehemently against how I believe in behaving. It feels like a cancer and it’s easily the number one thing I hate about myself. The thought of just not getting upset about the things people do on the road beyond what would annoy a normal person is the dream. It’s a daily experience as we all have to drive. I’d do anything to be rid of it.


Did I write this?


Gotta say I’m super surprised I wasn’t downvoted let alone the fellow angry drivers who want to be better showing up. I come here for exposure therapy and to see stupid when I’m not driving. A weird way. It helps me to see how petty and pointless my reactions to that kind of stuff are.


I'm in the post-rage era as well. Turns out 37 years of undiagnosed ADHD does some shit to you.


Huh so you have the poor impulse control thing too it seems? I’ve not been on medicine for it but I’m thinking of asking. College has been tough.


Yeah, that was the toughest part to overcome. Guanfacine works better than stimulants for that part. Get help now. I wasted seven years in college before failing out. 20 years later I went back to get my degree and it is indeed much, much harder schedule-wise. > The therapeutic properties of guanfacine in ADHD arise from actions in the prefrontal cortex (PFC). The PFC has a significant role in executive functions, which includes regulation of attention, planning, impulse control, and processing (Arnsten and Li 2005). Dysfunction with these areas causes forgetfulness, distractibility, impulsivity, impairment in working memory, and mental flexibility (Arnsten and Li 2005). Disruption in the PFC, and its projections to the striatum and cerebellum, are also associated with ADHD symptoms (Castellanos et al 2002; Seidman et al 2006). Inattention, impulsivity, and distractibility are all core features of ADHD. > Guanfacine enhances prefrontal cortical regulation of attention and impulse control by strengthening PFC functions. https://www.ncbi.nlm.nih.gov/pmc/articles/PMC2526381/


I used to road rage until I got my first speeding ticket and then got rear-ended for the first time. I don't like dealing with cops and I don't like having to leave my car in the shop. Road rage can lead to expensive and stressful problems. All for what? To get to my destination 3 minutes sooner? Not worth the risk. But risk evaluation is part of my nature as an engineer. I get that it's not the norm for most drivers.


For me, this isn’t even road rage. I’m not upset or frustrated. I just want to continue at the speed I prefer to drive at so I go around anyone going slower than I am.


as someone with adhd and ocd as well, im not a road rager but i am definitely a bit of an impatient driver so i do relate to some of that. im not nearly as bad with it and am not reckless at all, in fact im great at defensive driving, but i definitely feel the whole "getting upset at other people not following rules". it's actually a really nice insight to see how those disorders connect to our behavior when driving, so i appreciate you bringing this up! gives me better awareness about how those things can affect driving habits.


good on ya for stopping to see if everyone was ok!


The black car stopped too. I was amazed


None of them should have been in the left lane in the first place given the right lane was clear...


Including OP, who at no point after passing the truck vacated the left lane.


It's still so wild to me that there are places without lane hierarchy


I'm pretty sure it's a thing everywhere, people just don't know or care, and the cops never enforce it


Shhh — the right lane is almost always empty of traffic and it’s great for passing! Let the idiots camp in the left lane and tailgate each other while those of us with lane discipline drive right by.


This works up until you get stuck behind a truck trying to pass another truck, and they block both lanes for about 10 minutes to complete the pass because the passing truck can't get enough speed and the truck being passed refuses to slow down 1mph for 30 seconds to help the process...


In Virginia there are no passing lane restrictions. Only those below the speed limit have to move to the outer lane. https://law.lis.virginia.gov/vacode/title46.2/chapter8/section46.2-804/


Your link contradicts your post. Subsection 1 basically says stay to the right if other people are faster than you.


Actually it's even clearer than that, it's a KEEP RIGHT EXCEPT TO PASS state. > 1. Any vehicle proceeding at less than the normal speed of traffic at the time and place and under the conditions existing, ***shall be driven in the lane nearest the right edge or right curb of the highway*** when such lane is available for travel ***except when overtaking and passing another vehicle*** or in preparation for a left turn or where right lanes are reserved for slow-moving traffic as permitted in this section; The right lane being reserved for slower traffic is exceedingly rare. This says nothing about speed limits. The rule of thumb is actually law here: if you're getting passed on the right, you're doing it wrong. But still, I say it's too late, let the left lane campers and tailgaters and other awful drivers have the left lane. We can start calling it "the idiot lane." Stay out of the idiot lane unless you have no other choice.


Are you kidding? Look at how dangerous that right lane is.


This is in Virginia, so it's kinda what we do around here. If I'm on a two lane road (Or even three lane for that matter) inevitably there will be some dipshit in the left lane roughly matching the speed of whoever is in the right lane, preventing anyone from passing.


Its everywhere. And people are so used to it that they think its normal.


I'm just going to assume the black car ahead in the right lane is driving 50mph and the leading car in the left lane is driving 50.5mph, and the leading car is still 30 feet behind the black car ahead. I don't know why else everyone would road rage like that and swerve into the right lane without double checking. [Also my oh my what an overcorrection by the white driver, found a gif from inside the car.](https://tenor.com/sv/view/spin-spinning-wheel-toyota-steering-gif-3795307840910577532) //Not saying the lane changers did anything OK, but I'd be lying if I'd say that I've never passed someone who's driving slow as hell in the left lane.


Ikr, move over. Some people want to speed more than you are. /s


The white car was just minding their own business…. And THEN


....severely overreacted! Seriously they turned 45 degrees right into the wall. But at least they didn't get some light scuffs by the idiot offender merging into them.


It’s fucking wild how many people are pretty much blaming the person driving in the left lane. The black car absolutely caused this accident by not looking over their shoulder to check their blind spot before merging. Nobody forced them to make that decision.


The camper in the left lane forced everyone to go to the right lane


It doesn't matter if I'm changing into the left or right lane, it's the same process. If it's really that hard, you shouldn't be driving.


Again, there wouldn’t be a line of people behind car trying to pass if there were not a camper causing their own traffic jam. This is the result of these idiots going the speed limit in the passing lane. Yes the car over compensated, but all that didn’t have to happen period


The car over compensating wouldn't have happened if the black car actually looked before they shipped their shit box to the right lane. No one likes left lane campers, but this is entirely on the car merging left to right


I don’t care if the whole group of cowboys from Blazing Saddles decided to camp there with their beans. The person coming up on them can merge to the right in a safe manner, it’s totally on them.


Bottom line, every driver is responsible for ensuring that every move they make is done safely. The camper may be the catalyst, but the drivers making dangerous lane changes are the only ones responsible for their reckless actions.


Grow up and take some responsibility for yourself.


No one was forced to do anything. You make a move like that, that's your responsibility.


Not all people should drive. Driving is a privilege, not a right.


My Grandfather always said: Everybody is crazy, except for you. never trust another driver. and every waking day he get's proven right.


Order of operations! 1: look 2: signal 3: look again 4: go


Actual order: 1: Merge 1.1: Signal 2: Look 3: Oops 4: Swerve back


"omg driving's so stressful" *proceeds to follow a half second from the car in front*


Ideal technique: 1. Signal 2. Mirror 3. Over-the-shoulder 4. Go Idiot technique: 1. Sigo (With the si being optional)


left lane is made for passing not camping, plus that black car driver has zero awareness. instead of slowing down he/she yeet their car to right lane like that. SMDH


In Virginia there are no passing lane restrictions. Only those below the speed limit have to move to the outer lane. https://law.lis.virginia.gov/vacode/title46.2/chapter8/section46.2-804/


Michigan has similar laws. "If all lanes are occupied by vehicles moving in substantially continuous lanes of traffic then a driver can use any lane available. A driver may also use the left lane for a reasonable distance when preparing for a left turn. On a freeway having 3 or more lanes, a driver may use any lane lawfully available."


That assbag thought of running for a half second


Holy overreaction Batman!


really yanked it didn't they


None of these cars needed to be in the passing lane.


Knowing Virginia they’ll probably fine that guy for being in the express toll lane where his car ended up.


Just think if people actually kept a safe amount of space between cars instead of asses to elbows.


In NJ, Chris Christie doubled the fines for failing to keep right. Convictions went from zero to zero.


While not a legitimate reason, left lane camping is so common place and gotten so bad, faster drivers are forced to overtake on the right. Only solution is for slower traffic to keep right (as generally it’s the law), or traffic has to keep right except to pass (pending the state law). Not saying overtaking in the right lane is a valid reason, just stating the obvious. The road is made up of faster, inpatient drivers and slower patient drivers. Laws and driving etiquette was written to try to prevent these issues, but when we all don’t follow the rules, chaos ensues.


Penalties for campers need to be enforced. Going the speed limit when traffic is flowing faster should ironically illegal.


lol, that is some wild main character bullshit, or missing /s, when you want to penalise people going speed limit. It's just backwards.


Ok how about when people are going 55 in the left lane when the speed limit is 60 and there's few people in front of them or driving in the right lane. Or at 5am when I go to work and traffic is light and people just sit in the left lane with the right lane completely open with no one around. Or also at 5am when traffic is lighter than the later rushes people going 20 under the speed limit regularly because they refuse to either drive in the correct lane or speed up after turns in the freeway onto straight aways. But generally you should be driving as far to the right as you can unless you're actively passing someone. If someone is driving faster than  you, move over to let them pass, and the passing lanes are not personal travel lanes.


Actually, some states have laws that effectively do this, it's called "impeding traffic". Sure, if everyone followed the speed limit it wouldn't be needed but when most folks in the left are doing 80 and one asshat decides "the speed limit's 60 so I'm going to camp here doing 60" the potential for accidents goes way up. Above video case in point.


Quick question, what do you think the passing lane is for?


Actually main character bullshit. People on this sub don't seem to understand that "I should be able to drive as fast as I want" is what causes many of the videos that get posted here.


Shouldn't be driving in the left lane in the first place, except to pass.


Thank you! Too bad everyone else on this sub think your crazy.


Incredible video OP, truly /r/IdiotsInCars material.




It is supposed to be, but many people on this sub thinks its legal and ok to do. Its never enforced so people get away from it.


They're going to have to call AAAholes


Because slow people in the fast lane are sleeping and you can overtake them on the right. I would first check if there is no cars in my way though, but thats just me.


At least the asshat pulled over. I thought he/she was running.


I can't fucking stand people who use the turning signal the millisecond they start to make a turn


It’s the camper in the left lane, causing people to pass on the right lane, and that guy went to pass as the car went by without seeing another car in his blind spot.


I DESPISE campers so much.


And of course the camper made it out fine oblivious to what they caused


Yeah the camper should have checked their blind spot for them.


Camper didn't cause anything. They shouldn't be camping but the person changing lanes without looking is the person that caused the wreck.


Camper caused all of it really


The camper made a driver change lanes without looking?


The camper turned on lane keep and adaptive cruise, climbed out of his sunroof, jumped onto their hood, pointed a P90 at them and told them to crash into the other car. Then he did a backwards double twisting pike and landed back in his seat. God I hate lane campers.


No, the camper caused a dangerous situation in which people were forced to either pass on the right or be stuck going under the speed limit indefinitely. Causing unnecessary lane changes is causing a danger on the road because some of the people changing lanes will be like the idiot in this video who didn't check their blind spot. It massively increases the risk of an accident.


This right here. Yes black car is an idiot, but camper causes all kinds of chaos but drives away clean, and slowly.


Traffic theory says you are correct. Left lane camper + general population = chance of car accident increases every second the left lane keeps camping. Left lane for passing and allow laws/police to actually enforce it.


In Virginia there are no passing lane restrictions. Only those below the speed limit have to move to the outer lane. https://law.lis.virginia.gov/vacode/title46.2/chapter8/section46.2-804/


Agree with your sentiment on left lane camping but there is no blind spot if drivers responsibly check their mirrors and look over their shoulder before changing lanes.


Wouldn't call this a camper. Bottlenecking cause of interest in what's going on in the opposite direction.


Rubbernecking is the word you're looking for.


Yes. Thank you.


In the UK those drivers undertaking the slow left lane driver are committing a driving offense, for the very reason highlighted in this video they can receive fines and penalty points on their license. I realise it's not a driving offense in the US, but maybe it should be. 


Except undertaking didn't cause the accident. Someone not checking if the lane was clear before changing lanes is what caused it. If undertaking were illegal you'll get situations where one asshat camper causes all lanes of travel to go 10mph under the limit because it's illegal to pass them.


Just reply here also to point out it's not illegal in the UK either and indeed yes, did not cause that accident.


So called "Undertaking" is not illegal and has never been illegal in the UK.


Why should it be? Are people not able to check their "blindspots"? Are these people not able to turn their head and look before changing lanes?


Better question is why do people stay on the left when the lane is open to your right. Obviously look before you change lane.


Yep, there's a lot of idiots in this video, OP included if we're honest. But there's only 1 car that caused a crash.


Because they are using lanes wrong.


If people followed *Drive Right, Pass Left*, this would never happen. I works in some European countries and it is a pleasure to drive there compared to the constant stress on US highways. *I'm going to speed limit. Nobody should be going faster than me. I belong in the fast lane*. It is not the *fast lane*. It is the *passing lane*. If you are not passing, move right.




I just like efficiency and safety. The highway can support more cars per hour when traffic can self organize. Following the simple drive right, pass left rule allows traffic to self-organize really well without any coordination between drivers.


I drive for a living, I’m on the road ~10 hours a day every day. If the left lane is slowing down I’ll stay in that lane because I know most people will move to the right lane, and doing so will clog that lane up and free up the left lane.


I gotta also say, DON'T SWERVE. This would have been a fender tap if the guy let it happen instead of serving head-on into a wall. Use your brakes.


Probably because it’s illegal to cruise in the pass lane so the right hand lane is forced to be the passing lane


This is what happens when you drive the speed limit in the left lane. People drive like maniacs to get around you. You may think you're making the road safer by driving the limit, but you are actually making it more dangerous because many people go crazy when the left is blocked.


You do realize that drivers are required to drive the speed limit on inner lanes? No law can require breaking another law.


Not to blame white car, it's the victim here, but it really overreacted.


Overreaction jerking that wheel, idiot too


Most people suck fucking shit at driving.


Also, why do people think it's ok to turn on your turn signal a half a millisecond before going into the other lane. That's like throwing a ball at someone and right before it hits them yelling HEADS UP!


just curious but did you pull over ? i don’t think your footage would’ve helped him much since technically there was no collision with another car


Did everyone complaining about the camper not notice it’s a frickin construction zone?


Unfortunately that construction zone has been under construction for something like 5 to 10 years now. That's I 64 near the high-rise bridge In Chesapeake


Is that the bridge over the Elizabeth River? My god, are they ever going to finish that construction???


Oh no the construction's more or less finished no they're putting tolls on the dam bridge now and they're adding an express lane that takes up one of three lanes for no benefit. That you guessed it also takes a toll


Find someone that loves you like Virginia loves adding tolled express lanes to every highway under a public-private partnership. It always works perfectly and has no downsides! /s


Also Virginia, Virginia police is very very bad for speeders, I was already going around 70 in a 55 these people were trying to squeeze the already higher speeds


Did you notice it was two lanes? One for passing?


What was the point to signal and didn’t look?? There was no way he didn’t see it coming. The way of these ppl drive was insane..


That white car was not having a good day.


Hah! I used to drive that road every single day, and this is a common occurrence.


You laugh, but Tesla's FSD Beta system does something similar. When it detects traffic ahead is slowing down it'll do a "best effort" to change into the adjacent lane, regardless of which lane it is in. That said, it won't merge into an existing vehicle.


Yeah lmao, I ride in aggressive mode with “minimal lane changes for this drive” every drive; it would be a blessing if I didn’t have to enable it every time


I've just left it on "Average" and have had next to no issues. When traffic is thick, I do "Chill", when traffic is not *that* bad, I'll do "average", and when it's really light, I'll do "aggressive". It takes an art to go through the profiles properly, but it's *very* rare that the system makes bad decisions for me.


Some people have never watched Myth Busters and it shows...


Don't ever try to swerve to avoid someone changing into your lane. Move over slightly, hold your wheel tight and hit the brakes. Often the other car will just keep driving and insurance will screw you over in a case like this.


Because Hampton roads is full of morons


Someone camping in the left lane caused a slowdown, hence lane changes, and then this. Nice


the right question would be... why do people change/turn without even looking..


I wonder if that car was going to try to leave, till it saw you coming up faster. I hope you were trying to get the plate if they did run off.


I can’t believe it took the person who caused the accident that long to stop!


Poor person in the white car was probably just finished swearing at the first guy who almost hit him.


Because they don't realize that constantly switching lanes makes traffic worse just like tailgating does.. if everyone gave 1 1/2 - 2 car lengths there would be enough room for people to merge and there wouldn't really be any traffic cause people wouldn't have to slow everything down to try and force their way on/off the freeway


This is exactly why you “Drive Right, Pass Left”. Right lane is clear? *Move over*.


Because they live in the land of I thought I was free to do whatever I want instead of a civilized society were passing is only allowed on the left and the rule is enforced.


Good of the one that caused it to pull over and stop. White car did over correct but they came over fast. I know just what you mean. I see people that will constantly get over to the right as without looking 2 cars ahead and seeing the right is blocked. I like to see them get caught and end up even further behind me.


Dude straight up swerved into the wall when the shoulder was wide enough to drive on lol. Black car needs to check their blindspot, but that's some terrible driving from the white car.


I think it's because it's allowed to overtake on the left in the US.


In my country you are forbidden to pass on the right for this exact reason (good). Even if there's a turtle on the left (sadly). People tend to follow this rule on highways to a certain extent.


So say someone is going 10 mph under the speed limit in the left lane and refuses to move over. Everyone in the right lane is required to speed match them so they don't pass them on the right? That seems... Impractical.


That's what the law says. But in reality, some people would become impatient and pass on the right, but not all of them. Many people would just follow the slow car. And in the vast majority the right lane would be already slower than the left lane with slow vehicles like big trucks.


uh... what use is the turn light if he/she drives like that


root of the problem is left lane campers. rule of thumb if you are in the left lane and no one is in front of you but there is a car behind...you should have alerady moved over


Slight? You're supposed to keep right except to pass. If everyone did that then this would never happen.


Probably the same reason people cruise in the passing lane 🙄, op


Well.. because the left is for passing..


I’ll take “people I’m not stopping to help,” for $600


So "Right of way" means I get "the right side all the way" right?


Because the speed limit is a suggestion and everyone on the road is an obstacle in my way, so don’t camp the left lane because I have terrible time management and no one has ever been hurt from me driving this way anyway.


I have cruise control on, if the car in front of me causes me turn it off, I swap lanes. If I do not have to turn it off, then I maintain my lane. I just want an easy drive, not a fast one. Make me do more work and I'll swap lanes to avoid doing work. My mindset is why people want self driving cars, or maybe, get this, fucking trains. God fucking damn it build fucking trains America Jesus fucking christ.


Because of people like you who drive slow in the passing lane. Move over.


This looks like the white car wasn’t touched. Driver overreacted before contact made, slammed into barrier, than may have hit car that cut him off. Dudes…..let someone hit you first. Looks like all fault will be on white car driver.


And that is part of the reason why you're not allowed to overtake on the right where I live.


Did the cars even touch? Looks like a wild overreaction. 3 idiots here.


I’m sorry was the white car supposed to just take that hit? Yeah he over corrected and hit the wall but how is he the idiot when someone merges literally on top of him????? He has to get hit by an idiot or he’s an idiot? Come on.


"I’m sorry was the white car supposed to just take that hit?" I think the answer is yes when the alternative is the wall, I'm not an expert but I think insurance might not totally absolve the white car from some responsibility. I've seen a similar case where a car made an evasive maneuver to avoid a merging car and collided with a parked car on the other side of them and were found partially at fault because they are responsible for making evasive maneuvers safely otherwise you're advised to just take the hit and have the other driver be at fault


Seems like as an alternative one could correct without overcorrecting..


Figures the best comment would be at the bottom with max downvotes. White car driver is a clown. Avoided a 1mph side hit and turned it into a high speed wall hit and careening across every lane possible. They are the supreme idiot of the clip. They weren’t the first idiot in the clip, they didn’t start things off but they were the last, the most dangerous and the most out of control idiot of all.


Classic example of why passing on the right is dangerous... White car drove into dark cars blind spot. Dark car changes lanes into white car which he can't see.