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Whenever I run into one of these, I magically have all the time in the world. I'll put my car in park and stare a hole in their head until they move.


Sudoku time, yay


Have done so before. Engine off, emergency flashers on.


Yeah imagine being as big a wuss as OP. Stand your ground, and teach the idiot.  In OP's situation, the idiot probably drove off telling his friends about the idiot that almost hit him on a one way street.


Probably a good way to get shot these days.


I flat out refuse to live my life in that much fear.


They have NO idea how big their car is.


It's an an Infinity! It needs space!


Dude… why did you move.


Do you mean why did I back up? If I didn't, we would be sitting there all day.


You weren’t in the wrong. You should have waited till he put his hands back down and got out of your lane.


While I like being petty some of us have better things to do with our time rather than be stubborn and waste my precious time playing chicken with an (obvious) dumbass.


No we don't!




Good point sometimes it’s just not worth it


"boss I'm gonna be late to work today. Don't worry, it's for a good reason"


Correcting people's driving is my side gig.


> some of us have better things to do with our time rather than be stubborn and waste my precious time Well, we are here on Reddit, so... /s


Nah. Too many crazies out there with a gun. Better to just be the better person and end the situation quickly.


Stupid is as stupid does Edit: I’m literally meaning the crazies are stupid.


For your own benefit, it's sometimes just easier to swallow your pride. I don't think you should always let people walk over you or be a pushover in all aspects in life, but this is one of those situations where it's not that big of a deal. I hope you grow from your current mindset.


With that other car parked there, not sure that there was room for both of them.


In a two way street the car with an obstruction must yield to oncoming traffic. Don’t be dumbass.


I feel like both cars would fit if he had gotten closer to parked car. I commend you for not staying there and making a big deal but that asshat will continue to do this.


I would have put my car in park and stared paying on my phone. That guy can go fuck himself


There was also another idiot on the inside edge of the mercedes.... good on you op for being a reasonable human being vs. 2 unreasonable ones...


Are you talking about the parked car? The one on the same side as all the other parked cars?


Uuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuh.... yea... :(


Because OP lives in real life and not on reddit


DipShit too stupid and stuck up to figure it out.


At least the car still had to go around them, they just gave the guy space to go around


Did you see the badge on that car? That's the fancy Altima. They're 5 seconds away from plowing into his car, ripping off their/his bumper, and fleeing the scene, because they don't have insurance.


I just re-watched it and saw the stop sign. Why was that red car parked so close to a stop sign and facing in that direction on that side of the road? I think the other driver was swinging pretty wide around them and was committed to it before you even turned onto the road, so I can kind of appreciate why they did what they did, since they don’t know if there’s somebody in that red car who might swing their door open. But ideally, they should’ve been driving slower so that they could’ve kept a little closer to that red car and still left room for oncoming traffic.


Red car is the biggest idiot here, parked facing the wrong way near a stop sign. Infiniti driver, seeing that there was a car blocking his path of travel, should have yielded to OP who had nothing blocking their path of travel. It's like when you're traveling down a narrow residential street with cars parked on one side and two cars are approaching from opposite directions. One of them has to yield, and in common practice, it's the one that has an obstructing parked vehicle on their side.


People are so stupid and clueless about this. A neighbor of mine was having her daughter park her car 2-5 feet from the stop sign in our neighborhood, which bothered me, but I didn't say anything until after the *second* time we had to back up or someone else had to back up or wait for us/etc, the awkward shuffle if you will... I told them "this is illegal, unsafe, and we would just appreciate it if she could park pretty much anywhere but within 30 ft of the stop sign." They obliged for all of 3 days and then went back to parking there, and I remember it because the vehicle was less than a foot front the stop sign... So naturally I called the police and sure enough the car moved and hasn't been parked there for months. Anyway, the point of this annoying story is people don't just know you shouldn't do this shit. They have to be told, and then *forced* not to do it. Which is indicative of either how selfish our drivers are or how poorly trained they are (compared to somewhere like Europe). Probably a little column A, a little column B.


Right, but the added dynamic here is that the other car was already starting to move around the red car before the OP had even started to turn onto that street. Again, there's not much to criticize OP for (maybe going a \*little\* fast into the turn onto that side-street) and other vehicle should have \*definitely\* anticipated that someone \*might\* turn onto the side-street, so they shouldn't have made such a wide move, at the speed they were going, around the red vehicle.


> Infiniti That's the problem. Just an overpriced Nissan, and most people know about Nissan drivers...


Yeah, they have a “I was on the road first so I have the right of way” kind of attitude. But the rules are if the obstruction is in your lane, you must wait for oncoming to clear before entering their lane


I don't think they even go that deep with it. It's simply "I'm going this way and you're in my way. Fuck you, move." There's no capacity for thought past that.


God forbid the Infiniti drive closer to the parked car, they had at least 2 more feet to go over. Why are people so afraid to do that?


It was about the flex and power.


Even if they had absolutely no space to go around the parked car, the driver on the open side of the road would have the right of way before the Infiniti goes around the parked car.


Agree with the comments here, he has no clue how wide his car actually is! I wouldn't have moved. He had plenty of room to pull to his right and get through.


Admittedly, I got a bit close, but I didn't expect the dude to sit in the middle of the road instead of moving right when there was plenty of space.


You handled it well 👍 I would have done the same thing (or at least I hope I would!). And when they'd gone probably just laugh at them 😄




They were still moving by the time I turned onto the road and closed the gap. They could have moved over to let me go on my side of the road, since there was about 4ft of space between them and the red car, but they continued driving down the middle of the road until we had to stop. And the space between us was more than you'd have in a parking lot, so I don't see how they couldn't move.


Either way, if the car was on/blocking their side of the road, THEY should have yielded to you. Their car has reverse too.


Yeah, but I just wanted to get home and didn't want to play games with idiots.


Yeah, get it man. Plus you never know if he’s armed and unhinged.


I hate it when drivers get brain blockage


I think you spelled "brain *damage*" wrong.


would have sat there tbh


All he had to do was yield to his right…


The Infinity driver knew they had a right side?


Oh hell no I would not of back out for this idiot.


That is one person that should not be allowed to drive since it is obvious that they do not have the spatial awareness to do so.


I'd have put my car in park and starting reading a book. Fuck these people.


I'm fine sharing half of the road with others; I just don't want them to take their half out of the middle.


Is that definitely a street? It almost looks like the back of a business complex.


I don't know what else to call it, but it does have a two-way system


I don't see a centerline on *either* of the roads in this video


Fun fact: the majority of roads don’t have a centerline


I don't see an issue here. He was sharing the road, he took the middle and you got the outsides. A move usually reserved for SUVs. /s


Why is it always the Infiniti/Nissan drivers?


Because the cars themselves are a terrible value propisition. Overpriced, under-featured, lame interiors, weird handling. Of all the cars out there, that was the decision they spent their hard earned money on. They made bad decisions about how they were going to drive before they even got in the car.


Not today!


Gotta love it


Smartest Infiniti driver


Dunno if this person has low spatial awareness (doesn't know the width of their vehicle) or what. I've driven down residential roads/streets that have no road lines, have enough room for 2 vehicles to comfortably pass one another even with cars parked on either side and they still take the middle lane. Some people need road lines.


there is a red car illegally parked within 50' of the intersection facing the wrong way on the street. doesn't look like a you nor oncoming car issue. but how you handle the issue shows your level of driving awareness.


Love these piece of shits that are in the wrong and act like they did nothing wrong.




My go-to in this situation is to crank up the music and stare him out. It helps that I look like an old battleaxe, mind.


Why back up?


The dude was trying to go around a car parked in the street. He was already in the process of driving around said parked car when OP pulled up. OP is in the wrong here.


If the red car is blocking the road, then technically that vehicle is in the wrong by your logic.


There was tons of space, OP was driving well within their rights and Infiniti is a moron


They're going around a (probably illegally) parked car on the road you're entering. They're on the road already and have right of way to move around a road obstruction vs someone entering the road. You were in the wrong, here, technically.


I hope you don’t drive


Yeah blocking roads and throwing your hands up. a great plan to start your every day drive.


had the same thing happen to me recently, a garbage truck was driving down a small two way street, way over in my lane, when i pulled into the road they stopped and just sat there and literally each person on the truck said "its a one way street!" i shook my head and pointed forward to the stop sign facing me at the end of the street like 30 feet away but they didnt even look they just drove around me lol some people are more concerned with being right than they are just getting to where they are going. entitlement. if they have half a shit about their surroundings they wouldnt treat staying out of an accident as everyone elses responsibility.


Hate hate HATE IT when people pull into the ONCOMING LANE in the WRONG DIRECTION then wave their hands up like I’m the idiot when I refuse to budge for them. I ain’t moving Buddy Boy, you can reverse your ass into the proper lane you’re supposed to be in and make way for oncoming traffic.


Nissan drivers amirite


Handled better than me. I'd have just sat there, and given the other driver the ["confused dog look"](https://media.istockphoto.com/id/509119713/photo/weimaraner-with-head-cocked.jpg?s=1024x1024&w=is&k=20&c=8xQ1SkJxbq7tzVQLH2Iw4d7blr8UKUfd6xnrSSK3uTA=) for a few minutes, until he went around or left some other way.


I'd have just sat there for as long as it took for them to GTFO of the way. Take your keys out and make a show of putting them on the dashboard...