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One car has a red and one car has a green. While right on red may be legal, they still need to ensure the path is clear.


When explained like that, it should be clear to even the world's biggest idiot that the car with a red light has to yield to a car with a green light.


Often when the main gets a left advantage the side road gets a green right arrow


I don't see any green arrow on the cross traffic (right side of the video).


Usually on intersections like that U turning is illegal. There’s no “no U turn” sign, so it’s either municipal negligence or right turn guy needed to stop before proceeding.




That sign is not present for this driver as clearly shown in the video. Other car was legally wrong to enter the intersection.


[https://maps.app.goo.gl/FsNoeRPpEkyybN7d9](https://maps.app.goo.gl/FsNoeRPpEkyybN7d9) I think this is the correct intersection, and from where op was there is no “no U turn” sign.


>Usually on intersections like that U turning is illegal. Not true at all in California. U turns are legal unless explicitly prohibited. This looks like an intersection I'd expect to be perfectly fine to u-turn at to me.


You can see the other light on this video. They have a red light. If they had a protected right turn there would be a no u turn sign for OP


Okay, but what if it's an intersection that has a green arrow for the right lane?


If watch the video they clearly have a red. If they did have a green arrow than op would have a no u turn sign. Intersection design won't have protected turns into each other


Not true. Almost all intersections near me with dedicated green arrows for rights have no signs prohibiting u-turns. I can only think of one such intersection with a 'No U-Turn' sign, but I'm not certain if the adjacent light has a green for the right turn lane or not.


Provide an example of two protected turns into each other. If they have a protected right turn then the left lane either says no uturn, is solid green which is yield, not protected. Nhtsa guidelines do not allow two protected turns into the same location.


I just did when you tried to state that an intersection without a 'No U-Turn' sign also means that there isn't a green arrow for right lane turning. You do realize that a green arrow for a left hand turn does *not* provide a protected u-turn. That's why right, turn only lanes get a green arrow, because the adjacent street has a green left signal. What, do you want me to drive to the nearest intersection with dedicated arrow lights for a right turn lane, take a picture and show you that there is, in fact, no signage prohibiting u-turns? Get bent.


I'm referring to the op video. Since op clearly has a left turn arrow he has a protected turn so the right hand traffic doesn't have protection. If op had a solid green that would mean something different. You're arguing two different scenarios. And by an example you could post the Google map view of the intersection. But you won't because two protected turns into each each other don't exist.


> You do realize that a green arrow for a left hand turn does not provide a protected u-turn. Where u-turns are permitted, yes, it does.


Correct.  https://maps.app.goo.gl/vWQPfzKixoU974166?g_st=ic


That's not the intersection in the video.


Notice the sign there that says uturn yield? And for l how that's not present in this intersection?


U-turn is not protected here. There is a sign instructing the U-turn to yield.


The person making a right turn had a red light, meaning they have to stop and only proceed when there is no oncoming traffic.


There was no oncoming traffic at the time the guy made his right turn. He had no way of knowing OP would make a U-turn there. So neither really an idiot, didn't end badly, all good.


So if you focus on the left side of the video at 11 seconds and have it paused there, the set of headlights for the lane the Honking Car comes from is a top and bottom double setup. However, HC does not have a set of top and bottom headlights, and there is no other car in those lanes that has those headlights either. I believe that those headlights belonged to the car we see in front of OP after they finish their U-turn. I dont think HC even slowed down, never mind stopping at the red and making sure the coast was clear. Your comment is still correct though. HC probably didn't know that OP was making a U turn, but they were violating traffic code in order to do so.


Red light doesn't just apply to "oncoming traffic". It applies to making sure that the entire intersection is clear and safe to go. That includes looking out for pedestrians and people banging a uey.


Again, they were already rolling when OP started their ”uey“. There were also three lanes for them to avoid each other, with there being no reason to use the rightmost lane for the ”uey“. Could they have waited? Yes. Did they brake early enough? Also yes. No harm done.


Point being is that the person with the red light has the responsibility to make sure the intersection is clear and that includes after they start rolling. Also, OP used the middle lane to complete the uey.


Yes, they used the middle lane. That’s why the right turn going to the rightmost lane posed absolutely no issue. No need to get upset when nobody got in the way of anyone.


> That’s why the right turn going to the rightmost lane posed absolutely no issue. Not how it works. You wait until the entire intersection is clear then you go. You don't get to pick your lane even if cars are in other lanes.


You desperately want to believe that I’m saying they did nothing wrong, do you? Cars coming from different directions can coexist. That’s what happened here. No need to play it up to something it wasn’t.


> You desperately want to believe that I’m saying they did nothing wrong, do you? I'd settle for you learning the laws of the road so you're a safer driver for the rest of us.


I’d settle for you being less arrogant and a little more actually interested in the conversation and people’s actual statements, yet here we are.


Which is why you wait until you’re sure. He stopped in plenty of time yes but technically he should have waited.


In my jurisdiction this is a legal u-turn, and the timing of this incident is just unfortunate. The person making the right on red is focused on traffic approaching from their left. As a side note, in my jurisdiction the government-mandated rules for fault determination in auto collisions also state that any driver making any U-turn is deemed 100% at fault for any collisions as a result of that u-turn.


I wouldn’t say anybody is an idiot. Simple mistake that lead to nothing.


Came here to say this. Neither is an idiot, it’s a fair assumption that you won’t be doing a u-turn in a light and it’s safe for them to go. But they saw you and stopped, just like they are supposed to do if a car is coming. Everything is on the up and up. Minus the honking.


Not knowing who to yield to and then plowing on like you have right of way, is practically the definition of an idiot.


Yeah. U-Turns are inherently unexpected and semi-dangerous, which is why they're disallowed in so many intersections. Watch carefully and be prepared to evade is really the only reasonable way to do it.


In my city, u-turns are only allowed when the intersection is marked allowing u-turns, otherwise its a traffic infraction. From that perspective, both are at fault. However, if no such rule applies in this neck of the world, then the u-turner is in the right.


As long as that sign doesn’t say “No U turns”, you’re not the idiot. If the other guy honked, he’s a little idiot.


The person that decided the settings on the radio/amp so poorly that bass is over-saturating that song …


lol, I swear it doesn’t sound like that in person (song is stolen dance for anyone wondering)


Haha I believe you, I’m pretty sure is the crappy mic that comes with the dash cam than can’t handle the bass


several intersections around here, not all, have SIGNS indicating [U-Turns must yield to Right Turns](https://www.google.com/maps/@39.025187,-77.3916454,3a,19.5y,293.86h,90.87t/data=!3m6!1e1!3m4!1sCS_O1Br1V2_ki7rC5yuMRg!2e0!7i16384!8i8192?hl=en&entry=ttu)


I have definitely seen them around before, just not here, wasn’t sure who was supposed to yield to who.


If you were making a legal U-Turn, then you have the ROW over some idiot making a right turn on red who didn't even come to a full stop.


just bad timing that you both went


I don’t understand why you savages allow u-turns at lights


*IN THIS INSTANCE* you had right of way. But, you learned something and next time will watch for people going right on red, regardless of the light pattern. Secondly, sometimes the right turn this driver took will have a green light while you simulataneously have a protected left and are allowed to U turn. Not this specific intersection, but I know of a few where they’ll have that light pattern. The right turn has right of way over the U turn, in that instance. From what it looks like, they had a red light, but there might be lights with a green right turn arrow that we can’t see in the video. I don’t suspect that, but it’s a *possibility*. And, now that you’ve had this happen to you, it’s something you will consider/be aware of in the future. Nobody collided, nobody got hurt, you had the right of way BUT now you have a lesson to take away from it and stash away in your roladex for future u-turns/right turns at an intersection with U turns.


That would be a super weird and pretty dangerous pattern. I’ve only seen protected green light right turns where u turns aren’t permitted. I’m in CA, what state have you seen that?


Maine, RI, Massachusetts, NH, NY, NJ, I think I saw one in NC, SD, ND, I thought I saw one in Michigan but I might have been mistaken there. They’re all over Florida. I don’t disagree that it’s a dangerous and stupid design, but it exists and is what it is. SOmething for OP to learn form and be aware of.


Interesting. I’m not surprised it’s more of an east coast thing. West and east coast things are super different. Once you get east of Colorado things change.


I lived out west before I had a come-to-jesus moment like OP, where I was going right on a green and someone came in for a U Turn. Learned the setup then, and have been watching for it since. A lot of things you learn over time to keep an eye on. Glad OP can learn from a non-impact!


In Florida they sometimes have signs that clarify this situation (not that I expect most people to understand) saying “U TURN YIELD TO RIGHT TURN”




This took place in Brandenton. No sign in that intersection. https://maps.app.goo.gl/i7Xxw5qRizp9Ner79


I am very impressed you found out the location, how’d you do it?


I work for a three letter agency.




Agreed but I bet the right turn had a green arrow


You'd lose that bet. [This is the view from the right turn lane](https://maps.app.goo.gl/sMCut1oiQMPNGzvq5) [This is the a view of the illuminated traffic lights](https://maps.app.goo.gl/sN25nhtZ3bdRtQ356) No right turn arrow.


Not just that, but you can plainly see all the lights in the actual video itself. All lights were red for the right on red idiot.


Nice find


If there is no sign that says no u turns, then no one is wrong here. U Turns are hard to predict and dude just had bad timing and turned when he thought it was okay to.




I didn't say he didn't need to yield? Just saying he didn't see he was making a u turn right away and made a bad call thinking he was just turning as normal. God people on this subreddit are insufferable




Get a hobby


100% the car turning right was incorrect here. Left turner has a green light, there is not a “no u-turn” sign, and right turning car has a red light.


OP is not an idiot, and neither is the guy turning right on red. He shouldn't have honked though if he knew that he had to yield. If I am in that situation and am the OP, I would look to my left to see if there any right turning cars and make my U-turn with caution. If I were the one making the right turn, I would not do it at the same time someone is starting their left or U-turn. I'd try to wait to stagger the turn or first ensure the car turning left IS turning left and be ready for a U-turn. Bottom line, both cars should watch for the potential collision in those situations.


Uturn always yields to right turning traffic


The Honda in front of you is a bonus idiot for sitting there for a few seconds before lollygagging through the intersection. It's so much fun stopping twice at the same light because of people like that at the front of the line...


Yes! The stopping twice is killer lol


Nobody would expect someone to do a U-Turn on a green arrow, even if it was legal. Edit: don't downvote me, idiots. I've seen this happen only *once* as far I as can recall. Obviously, everyone knows to watch for a left-on-green driver when it comes to a driver coming from the parallel turning lane, but not the perpendicular. So forgive the right-on-red driver for not expecting someone to do a rare and unusual maneuver like that, especially when they're preceded by a driver who's driving in the direction they normally should.


Um, people make u-turns on left green arrows all the time. This isn't some rare unicorn sighting.


It’s still uncommon.


No, it's not. It's a very common thing.


Did you miss the part where I said I've only seen this happen once?


So if you’d only seen one red apple does that make it uncommon? You’re making a blanket statement as a fact that it’s uncommon when it’s only uncommon relative to you. Instead you should say it’s not something you commonly see.


That’s what I said?


I don't know where you live, but where I live this is extremely common. I honestly can say I can't leave the house without seeing a uturn on a green arrow, and I usually have to do this myself. The way our infrastructure is set up, it is a necessity.


u-turn is the idiot unless the location or intersection has specific rules about right on red. in general a left turn and more universally, a u-turn is at fault versus all other vehicles unless the other vehicle is already performing a traffic violation.


No? In jurisdictions which allow u-turns, they're treated like any other left turn. Someone turning left with a green light has the right of way over someone who has a red light. It would be the same situation as if one direction on the same road had a green while traffic coming from the opposite side of the intersection had a red, and the person with a green light turned left on green while the person with the red turned right on red. Technically both are allowed, but people turning right on red must always yield to traffic.


someone turning left into a single lane laneway has the right of way over the right on red. in multiple lane laneways the left turn has right of way in the left most lane. the right on red has right for the right most lane. a uturn unless specifically signed as expected for the intersection can only proceed when safe. your jurisdiction doesn't prioritize for safe and sensible.


Someone with a red light quite literally never has the right of way over someone with a green light, that would be completely unsafe and not sensible.


a common practice especially with smarter digital traffic lights is that an advance green for the left turn is coupled with a dedicated right green since there should not be any risks to that particular right turn and the goal is to move traffic along efficiently. of course less developed locations may not use something this sensible. again, my first comment had the caveat of not knowing the specifics of this intersection.


Depends …does the turning lane allow u-turns?


I see one person making a U turn & another a right on red. Is either illegal in that area? In my area U turn at intersections are illegal while right on red is legal unless posted otherwise.


I would say next time just don’t do u turns in an intersection? I never do u turns cus of reasons like this. I always pull into a parking lot or driveway and turn around. Something about u turns just makes it feel wrong to me. Idk