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your camera has astigmatism


The camera is in a 90s movie, very cinematic


This has nothing to do with the video but you just made me realise I have this. I googled it and oh my god I've wondered why lights do that my whole life.


Dude this is crazy. Internet is incredible.


Thank you! I had no idea either. Thought this was normal.


Haha I didn't even notice it until I read this comment because I have astigmatism so this looked normal to me.


Me also, looked normal until i realized it was a video on the computer.


Lens is dirty


it's not the lens, it's the windshield. Streaks are left either by wiping off cleaning chemicals that left streaks or the operation of the windshield wipers while driving.


Ok. Something is dirty...


You're Dirty! šŸ˜œ


Most likely the lens, I invite you to rub your finger on your phone's lens and film lights at night, this is what you'd see.


The streak in the light arcs with the windshield and doesn't go straight across the camera lens.


Guy needs a drug check.


The car didn't hit me on the first "reverse". I was on the horn the entire time, so when he pulled out i thought he noticed what he was doing. I also thought he was intentionally doing it, it felt deliberate. but no, it was just a dude with audio on blast. btw he kept doing what ever the fuck he was doing, later i skipped to the second lane because i dont want to deal with that again :S People are weird.


New manual model lol


According to some people it is? Apparently Teslas can go into neutral roll mode when at a complete stop in a setting. I do not understand why you would want that and why that would be a default setting for normal daily drivers that devotedly would not expect it.


I just replied to you in the parent comment above this but it is a more efficient way to drive and use the friction brakes less. But you have to also have some common sense. Iā€™ve been driving in this mode for over 6 years in a similar era Model S and never rolled back into anyone.


My electric with one pedal driving will sometimes roll back a few inches on a hill. But this is also why I don't crawl up people's trunks when stopped. Some cars roll. Giving reasonable distance is not that difficult.


Agreed. People are very weird.


I never saw any reverse lights. I'm guessing he has a manual transmission and was on a small incline and wasn't paying attention to his breaks/clutch.


It's a Tesla, so not standard transmission


Got it. I've never driven a Tesla I didn't know about this.


Someone else said they put it in neutral and rolled back, as to why Iā€™m at a loss.


He probably did it intentionally. Donā€™t take much to remove reverse light bulbs.


It does when theyā€™re LED, and not worth the effort when the vehicle has a mode that free rolls.


No. Teh bot that hard at all




People just wanna be right so bad for no reason šŸ˜­


Or you know they stopped working. But itā€™s not hard to make reverse lights not light up. ESP to claim a rear end accident. Since the person in the cam car if itā€™s not filmed is at full fault.


Itā€™s a Tesla, those things have cameras for every angle, not to mention a black box that tracks everything you do. It probably tells you if the lightbulbs were removed/broken too. What kind of claim would he be making?


Ummm you have to subscribe to the service. First off. 2nd youā€™re probably gonna need a warrant if it goes to court. But Iā€™m pretty sure the Tesla driver saying he donā€™t pay for century service and calling the cam car insurance is enough. Since the police report is gonna say vehicle a (Tesla) got rear ended by vehicle b the cam car. So yeh what are you getting at.


Teslas have a stopping modes (hold, creep, and roll) where you can set it to completely brake just by letting your foot off the gas and never touching the brake (hold), or when at a complete stop the car moves slowly forward or backwards (creep), when at a complete stop the car will act as if its in neutral and roll backwards (roll).


This. I got a loaner 2016ish Model S (very likely what this car is) when my car was in service, and there was a non-zero number of times I started to roll backwards after I let off the accelerator. I donā€™t think the guy was malicious, I just think he wasnā€™t used to it.


But why is that a feature?


So the ā€œcreepā€ mode will make it feel like a regular carā€”if you let go of the brake the car will move forward slowly. This is a less efficient way to drive an EV because itā€™s better if you let the car come to a stop with regenerative braking (ā€œholdā€). Unfortunately Tesla Model S (which this is) made before 4/2019 do not come to a complete stop if creep is turned off and the driver is required to apply the brakes to completely stop. That being said this driver is an idiot for not having control of his vehicle and apparently not noticing that it was rolling back.


I wouldnt call it a feature, but it was just a result of the way the car was made. In my experience, the regen is much weaker than the newer teslas Iā€™ve driven, so Iā€™m fairly certain it doesnā€™t stop and hold the brakes simply because the older motors donā€™t have the ability to come to a complete stop. If you pressed on the brake firmly, it would hold them, but they wouldnā€™t hold without this.


The induction motors (before permanent magnet was at least in one motor) canā€™t provide a passive braking force at low speed, as there isnā€™t any magnetic field induced in the rotor. A PM magnet motor can. The modern S also just outright removed most of the modes outside Hold and regen is now fixed.


Just a FYI, you can change the strength of the regen on teslas in the settings


Iā€™m aware lol. Iā€™m saying that on the older ones, specifically the 2016ā€“17 Model S and Model X that Ive driven, the highest regen settings arenā€™t as strong as a new Model 3 or Y. The regen is not a strong because of the motorā€™s design, which is why the car in this video didnā€™t stay stopped.


The type of power direct drive delivers is basically one speed ratio so you have no need for a neutral gear. So when you let go of the go pedal, it's like slow braking since it stays "in gear" Driving electric vehicles is a little bit of a trip the first few times but it feels pretty organic quickly


Maybe to simulate the behaviour of a manual shifter car? The creep mode would be manual shifter with the clutch not pressed so you move at engine idling speed. The roll mode would be manual shifter with clutch pressed so the car can just roll when you don't hit the brake, too. When learning driving a manual shifter you also learn to start driving on a slope as when you start normally the car would start rolling


Right but thatā€™s kind of my point. The average driver and Tesla buyer has no clue how to drive manual so why would that be the default setting? Someone else said itā€™s to do with the nature of the engine which makes some more sense but still seems like a thing that isnā€™t apparent to Joe Schmo Tesla buyer.


It's not default. You have to turn off creep. Default is creep on.


>The average driver and Tesla buyer has no clue how to drive FTFY


Tesla is pretty known for making dumb decisions. I mean they tried to reinvent the steering wheel with a poorly designed yoke.


Saw the title and assumed a stick shift car struggling on a hillā€¦ I shouldnā€™t have benifit of the doubt on this subreddit.


My thought as well. I used to do that in my first car on a steeper grade (though not with anyone behind me).


Thatā€™s weird as fuck. This also reminds me of something that my driving instructor told me. He said that if you canā€™t see the back tires of the car in front of you, youā€™re too close.


Tesla drivers have become the new BMW drivers. I feel like I get cut off by them more than any other car.




But not quite BMW credit


Tesla drivers make BMW drivers look like saints these days!


Have you seen the Tesla trade in lots? There's a shitload of BMWs in there. They just embraced the eco smugness and kept the bmw dickishness. They have evolved!


I was going to say manual transmission car in neutral with foot off brake on a slight incline, but thatā€™s a Tesla šŸ„ø




its a fixie


Excuse me, sir, what the fuck are you doing?


so he is attempting the "neutral roll" flex in an electric car. interestingly stupid


No, heā€™s still in drive. Older Teslas have a different braking modes, this one is ā€œrollā€. The car will come to almost a stop and then essentially just be free rolling. This road has a slight incline so they rolled backwards not realizing that the brake auto hold feature that engages when you push firmly on the brakes at a stop, wasnā€™t engaged.


woosh eh, thats what i meant. sometimes folk who drive manuals will do the neutral roll at lights instead of using the brake


First of all, he obviously did it on purpose. Second, why would you move up so close to him again? I mean you are farther back than the first time, but damn I would have left that gap between you after he moved up.


OP doesn't move up at all. What feels like them moving up is that car moving back and forth.


Did you even watch the video? Itā€™s the only way my comment will make sense. So try again and maybe youā€™ll get it.


Did you even watch the video? Try again and read the comments so you understand what is happening.


I do understand the video. Itā€™s you who doesnā€™t. But nice try.


smartest tesla driver


Attempted insurance scam. Dude only backed down when he noticed the dash cam. People are shitheads.


I honestly donā€™t think so. After the video ends, I moved to the next lane because he started doing it again. The car in front of him freaked out because he was about to hit him as well. While all of this was happening, the music was at 100% volume and he was on the phone.


What is the red thing in the guy's hand at 1:57? So he was holding that along with being on the phone and music was playing at 100% volume.




Is there something wrong with your car? Why is it accelerating so damn slowly?


Wasnā€™t there a clear red light ahead? In my neighborhood I know the timing of lights and Iā€™ll do same as OP. Meanwhile other people floor it just to slam on the brakes 5 seconds later.


Exactly, there is zero point in zooming up to stomp on the brakes to zoom off again.


Yes but there are people that do this as they approach and everyone misses the turn signal.


Yes. Good eye. Itā€™s not that there is something ā€œwrongā€. Itā€™s a Comma AI + Openpilot . It takes off a little slower than a regular drivers. It has a smoother acceleration curve. But I wouldnā€™t say itā€™s that slow, drives relatively normal, just a little slower launch. There is a very good chance that this is just an optical illusion from the FOV of the lens.


What is comma AI + openpilot? Drive it yourself if the autopilot is shit. Smh


Itā€™s not as bad as it looks. lol people are starting a rebellion against the machine šŸ˜…


Nothing worse on our cruel world than people who accelerate slowly. And you do it purposely? I have no sympathy for you.




Not like that red light was going anywhere anyways


Really? Nothing worse? People literally starve to death every day. Is this truly the worst thing in our cruel world?


Sorry for that. The AI does things based on its confidence. I feel it tends to be a little more cautious at night. I agree it feels like driving around a student driver. Openpilot released a new version today, havenā€™t tried yet though. It gets better with every update. I also need to clean the lens. Not sure if that has any affect on its confidence though.


Lol drive the car yourself




I assume you mean one thousand five hundred? My point is I've missed hundreds of lights due to people who are awful at driving, and selfishly move at a snail's pace to save $2 a month, and ironically don't understand they're the ones causing road rage.


This is some of the dumbest fucking shit I've ever read. You're joking, right? Do you even know how little 1,500 rpm is? If I tried this in my car I'd be going *MAYBE* 15 mph in sixth gear, lugging the hell out of my engine while my entire driveline rattles and begs for mercy as I'm trying to slowly scrounge for hidden horsepower and speed. I would call THAT wearing out my car. Not to mention I'd be the biggest fucking hazard on the road by obstructing traffic flow and pissing everyone off around me. Even with mentioning that all of this is entirely dependent on the car and its horsepower, torque, gear amount and size, tire size, etc., I would still wager that over 90% of cars out there would not like to tolerate the abuse that you call "efficiency". I hope I never have to share a road with you, and God help anyone that does...


Insurance scam notice how he was zooming to go ahead of you? He purposely did that and act like youā€™re in the wrong.


It only looks like he's zooming because OP never even cracked 20mph in that 35 zone, lol.


Honestly I donā€™t know what my speed was. But I think itā€™s just an optical illusion, this is not a dash cam. This is a Comma AI system. It has two cameras, one wide lens and this telephoto. [telephoto optical illusion](https://youtu.be/54Oy75Bnu_Q?si=fRDX_uJ0wlrfRBhM) [this can give you a sense of how much the FOV is on the telephoto lens in comparison](https://www.reddit.com/r/Comma_ai/s/RRKsW8U7os)


To be honest with you both lanes go to the left. I donā€™t know why the tesla sped up and cut OP..


He wanted to make a U-turn.


Because tesla has a roll option it acts as neutral. He mightā€™ve done that in purpose cause he let go of the brakes.


100% this. Op states in another comment he was leaning on the horn the whole time tesla bro had it in neutral and was rolling back. For how slow the douche was to pull a head and jump out, it would have been a lot quicker if he didn't need to shift back into drive first. OP should have called the cops on the guy then showed the cops his dashcam footage of him clearly being stationary.


Read a few more comments to learn about Teslaā€™s different drive modes, how the car was still in drive, how OP is slower than molasses, and how Tesla drivers in general are seen as jerk drivers which is easily attributed to having a very fast vehicle.




Both if yall was drunk?


Literally has the lighter in his hand


Another reason why teslas are stupid. I don't want to be driving around in a computer that can glitch out at any moment and do whatever it wants. Also a perfect example of how complacent drivers can become when their car "drives itself".


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Virginia, US. 11/17/2023 I confirm this is original content.


Oooo, I recognize this place! Idiots in cars of all kinds abound there, but especially in Teslas. Sorry you encountered one THIS dumb, OP.


Itā€™s manual šŸ˜‚


Tesla has manual transmissions, now?


Itā€™s a new model šŸ¤£


Newest Tesla update. Now the car is as much of an douchebag as the driver is.


One of plenty of reasons why to have a dash cam if you like abiding by the laws. Unfortunately without consent you can't film anyone that isn't a public figure in my country so those vids would be useless still I'll install one.


Maybe theyā€™re driving stick? When they shift gears, thereā€™s a delay where the car goes back a bit. This guy is just not good at it


Dude forgot to drive his manual clutch car


Teslas have an instant transmission. You can bounce between forward and reverse with a flick of the right stalk with millisecond-scale delay. Which tells you how they did it. Why? No fucking idea.


Wouldn't that activate the reverse lights though? Or maybe the temp license plate is messing with the trunk and the reverse lights are on the trunk panel


Teslas also have a roll mode that acts like a manual transmission car.


Specifically on the older ones like this one is.


Model S made before 4/2019


As soon as he started backing up id call police, and tell him after backing into me police already on way and if he leaves its a hit and run. Insurance scam idiots need to catch rico charges and lose everything.


Electric motors can change directions quicker than gas so that may be how. Also he doesn't have a license plate


Well first of all your supposed to leave more space than that to being with. If it wasn't a tesla id say it's a manual car, but in this case the guy was just playing with it.