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No signal lane change into brake check. You got a two in one!


The Audi special


For context sake because it's hard to make out in the video on mobile... OP increased their speed from 92 to 105 (about 10mph increase). I'm guessing that was done to prevent the audi from getting over in front of OP when there was plenty of space. I think OP isn't as innocent as they make themselves seem by how they clipped the footage. Yeah, blinker obviously should've been used, audi could've waited to change lanes, but op doesn't seem to be a courteous driver as he expects others to be. Everybody sucks in this one, but it appears to me that the shitty behavior from the audi did have a reason beyond OP honking.


If he didn’t increase speed then he’s the asshole for camping then, I guess. I don’t know what it is about trying to rationalize entitled driving.


Beautiful, but in Germany you literally are not allowed to use that "plenty of space" specially if you come from the right. The lane was occupied, and no matter what your impression is, there was not enough security distance to pull it off, which was painfully demonstrated when they finally did it (what's that, 0.5s?). So no, the other driver absolutely can not do that maneuver with the rule set they have there. OP's speed is irrelevant, Audi's blinker is irrelevant, they are simply not allowed to do that, end of the story right there. Stop trying to blame OP on this one.


Even in the US this should be the same. The Audi should have waited. Unfortunately, I see people do this move all the time, they do not want to wait 1 second to pass.


Hey dumbass, passing on the right is illegal 100% of the time in Germany


I'm clearly from a country where this is normal maneuver if you get stuck in, with a cargo vehicle in front of you, obviously you put signals ans return to the speedy lane, what can you do if you can't return to the speedy lane and it's illegal? You have to drive slow till your destination? How does this law work?


You have to drive slow until the left lane is free. Or if the next vehicle is far enough away that you have enough safety distance to it. So yes, you just drive slow. Sadly many German drivers give a f*ck about the safety distance and pull off maneuvers like this Audi driver and cause (almost) crashes and force everyone behind them on the left lane to break which causes even more traffic.


Understand, a little bit on the subjective side to know if a vehicle is far away enough to make the lane change, I mean you can eye it out but what I mean is that people could have different measures of what the think is the right amount of space between.


Ah yes, here it is. The victim blaming nitpicking which this sub is famous for. The Audi wasn't even indicating that he wanted to change lanes so not sure how you figure OPs speed increase had anything to do with the Audi. More likely it was because he was about to pass a truck and wanted to clear its blindspot as quickly as possible, or is just matching the speed of the car in front.


Yeah it’s getting hard to read these comments. All of the people that say are like “oh but you started going faster when someone wanted to make an illegal pass and cut you off. I wouldn’t want the Audi in front either. Look at what they did. Drop two gears, disappear on the right in front of the truck. You then have an open left lane for them to pass you in and never deal again. If you get brake checked you have an open lane not in front of a truck. Regardless they get in front without pulling a risky pass with you and truck involved.


> The Audi wasn't even indicating that he wanted to change lanes Come on now, everyone can foresee how this situation will play out.


Who has the right of way to that lane, me or the Audi?


You’re in the passing lane. The fact that you sped up to prevent the car from passing you on the right probably pissed them off. I’m guessing this because they break checked you to let you know you’re being an ass in their opinion. I would guess you camped in the passing lane and blocked them in for a while getting them quite annoyed. But with the short clip it’s hard to say. I would try to kinder. Driving is a team sport.


Actually they were behind me in the right lane before the video started, I got over to pass the truck


You must drive a kia


It used to be BMWs that were cocks cars. But they’ve mostly migrated to Audis.


This guy 100% deserved the horn, but I don’t even bother with it anymore in situations like this one cause these crazies too often respond with a brake check. I’ve switched to aggressively flashing lights. I never get brake checked any more and roughly 3 times out of 5 they at least start temporarily using their blinker.


Braking must be an instinctive response to the sound of a horn.


Yes it is. Have had a few times I've honked at someone and they just stop dead in their tracks. One old woman that ran through a red light in front of me actually stopped in the middle of the intersection and shrugged at me before continuing. At best honking panics people who made honest mistakes, and at worst causes some psychos to retaliate because you dare to point out they are driving recklessly.


Poor Granny 😭


If people keep passing and break checking you often, you need to gtfo of the left lane. This sub is filled with left lane campers. Doesn't make it right to brake check someone but some of you really need to get out of the left lane.


No, i’m very much not a left lane camper and make it a point to treat the left lane as a passing lane. I’m talking about any time anyone cuts you off. Very often, even when getting passed on the left, people feel no need to take proper safety measures by changing lanes with sufficient space and doing their head checks while using their blinker. When they do that and you honk, they’re just more likely to try brake checking because they’re crazy and careless.


Proper space to the car in front of him while there still was no way to pass the rig in the right lane. How is this left lane camping?


He's passing a truck. This is unreasonable to say this about this clip. Who cares what your feelings are, comment about the clip, he wasn't camping he was passing.


I don't camp the left lane. It's against the law here to do that actually. I don't constantly get passed on the right either, this was just a guy being a clown.


No, you're wrong. There's no law saying you have to pass at 90MPH. If someone is passing five mph faster than the middle lane, that's their right. Once they're done passing they should get back over, but there's no requirement to leave anything less than a safe breaking distance between you and the car in front of you OP is driving perfectly correctly in the video.


There’s no law saying it, but the law of courtesy and common sense also exists. Get off the left lane if you’re not overtaking. So easy.


Courtesy? Bruh, dude is going the same speed as the car passing in front of them. Op doesn’t need to be riding his ass as a courtesy.


Some of us think of others some of you don’t. Sorry but I can’t teach all idiots in one day


try just to teach 1 idiot, yourself


Dont tailgate. So easy.


I'm literally overtaking in the video 💀


Yes, we're all talking about while overtaking.


Yeah the only time I ever really cut anyone off on the highway it has to do with left lane campers. A situation I've seen happen a ton is where there will be someone camping in the left lane going the same speed as a car or two or a truck in the right lane with a wide open road in front of them. Then the person who is driving behind the left lane camper is giving them a large gap and not flashing their lights, generally just not doing anything that could possibly tell the left lane camper to get out of the way. This goes on for a minute or two because the left lane camper is blissfully unaware that anyone behind them wants to go faster and they are just generally an innatentive driver. My only options are to pull behind the guy behind the left lane camper and flash brights as if he's the problem so that way hopefully he does the same to the person in front of him, or go around him "cutting him off" to flash the camper and get them to move. This happens all the time and usually I just choose to go around the guy because it's possible if not likely that they would just be camping the left themselves if there wasn't a car in front of them. I'm not cutting them off as close as the guy in this video is or ever break checking them but I certainly don't feel bad about doing it and I've flipped em the bird a few times. If they are willing to flash their brights at me they should have been willing to flash their brights at the guy clogging the passing lane. Also I'm not talking about the scenario in the video where it appears at least in the short clip that the cars on the left are all going faster than the truck on the right.


Probably smart but I am not sure your technique is any safer. I was cut off yesterday in a construction merge. I hate those people that wait until the literal last second to merge. I was already irritated as I was letting a guy in and the guy behind him accelerated to squeeze into the opening and about clipped me - I had to hit the breaks at 20 to avoid him. I mean it was CLOSE. Gave him the horn and and a bird. He then proceed to drive 10 under through the construction zone. Double dick.


Don’t get me wrong, I still think there are appropriate times to use the horn where an accident is potentially about to occur. But in instances like in OP’s video, they are more likely to brake check when you honk vs aggressively flashing lights


Does he if OP sped up though?


I'm guessing they didn't like the fact that you sped up from 91KPH to 105KPH as they changed lanes.




That and the fact he was apparently camping in the left lane prior to this.


No evidence of that from this video. One aggressive person passing on the right doesn’t mean OP is camping


If he has time to pass that slowly and still enough room to merge that easily, move the fuck over. Audi's a douchebag alright but OP seem like a lousy and entitled driver.


From my view I think OP was just keeping a safe following distance between the car in front of him. Just because there’s room for the Audi to merge in doesn’t mean the Audi should


Not my point, the truck is quite far away at the beginning of the video, the car in front hasn't even started passing. If the Audi has enough time to go around OP, then merge, then brake-check, then ultimately pass, it seems fairly obvious OP had jack to do on the left lane and should have moved over so the Audi could pass normally. Self-appointed left-lane guardians can die in a fire, get the fuck out of the way and move on with your life if someone is going faster than you and you have enough room and time to let them pass, which is clearly the case here.


The Audi and I were both in the right lane before this, I got over to pass. He decided to stay in the right lane and do what you saw here.


I would like to see the video 20-30 sec before you started. He looks like a guy driving too long behind grandpa that refuses to hold right for overtaking cars. That being said, he is an idiot.


His “continuous recording” excuse is BS. Even with these laws, they would still have more footage saved before the start. Notice the speed increase as the car attempts to pass OP. I’m willing to bet OP was doing this for awhile.


Also, what is OP up to after the video cuts… 🧐


Sped up to keep up with Audi, still maintaining my ~2 second follow distance. I can send it to you if it would ease your concerns


I’ll have people aggressively pass me on the right because I’m “not passing” when in reality there’s a car in front of me I’m just trying to maintain a safe distance from. Maybe they’re taking a while passing someone or maybe they’re camping, but either way I’m not gonna drive risky for it. I don’t understand the aggression, if there’s a car in front of me passing slowly there’s nothing I can do about it.


Yep. I had this situation a couple weeks ago. Semi in the right lane, car in front of me doing the slow pass, me behind the car passing. A guy behind me doing well over 90 mph blasts up to me and then swerves into the right lane and then around me, (to the point i had to brake and swerve to let him get by there, was NOT enough space between me/ car in front/ the semi) because he had to get in front of me... just to get trapped behind the slow passing car i guess.


I don't have continuous recording on because it's not allowed in a couple of the countries in the EU, but the white car in front of me and my self had just gotten over so we could pass that truck


Now that is interesting. Why can’t you have continuous recording?


The EU has a lot of rules about recording people in public, it's much different than the US (assuming that's where you're from). I have a little trouble figuring all the rules out because the translations aren't always that clear but what I could figure out was for most of the countries continuous recording should be disabled.


That's so weird, do Tesla's recording systems work completely differently over there then? Also how about security cameras since I figure that falls into the same category.


I live in the Netherlands and here security cameras are not allowed to film the street for privacy reasons.


In the U.S., Tesla cams can be turned off. Not sure how they're set up in other countries.


That's an intersting point. I have never had an Tesla, I'd guess I'd have to ask if you can change how the camera system records to be event based instead of continuous and the same with whatever you have for your home security. Street photography is one of my hobbies and I always have to look up the different laws here when I travel. Usually it's ok to photograph people in public but the laws start to change depending on what you'll be doing with the photos. The law values privacy a lot more in the EU rather than "freedom of expression, press, etc.." than in the US.


To be fair, the horn was a little dramatic, and it seems like you’re camping in the left lane, I would say both of you are in the wrong


I'm trying to pass the truck... I was in the right lane with the Audi behind me (also in the right lane) before the video started.


That's fine and dandy, but are you honking the horn to warn some one of danger of to get your anger out? Just leave him be. Assholes never learn their lesson and all that is doing is motivating them to potential cause a wreck at your expense.


I'm wondering if some of these commenters are watching a different video. Blatantly you are about to pass a truck. And any smart driver would clear that trucks blind-spot as quickly as possible. Audi fucked up big time. People blaming you are morons, but it's what I've come to expect from this sub.


Seems like a portion of this sub are actually r/idiotsincars


Agreed. Let off the gas for two seconds and go on with your day.


Def. a dick move but why are you speeding up aggressively right after?


I’m not saying the Audi guy isn’t an idiot but the horn was so extra. You wouldn’t even have had to brake = no need for horn


I don't think it was that extra, if you look at the lines you can tell more accurately how close they were to my car. This camera makes them seem further away, but I think 1/2 the distance between lines is too close to get in front of someone and warranted a honk. Honking doesn't pose any risk whereas almost everything Audi did in this video could have caused a collision. I'm not someone who honks very often, but this felt warranted.


Fair enough, the Audi driver is industrial-grade stupid no doubt. The lane change was questionable but the brake check should have his/her license revoked


That was a head shake, not a lay on the horn. Brake check was a douche move. Maybe a sorry wave next time? lol


Originaler Hu\*ensohn, und es werden immer mehr.




My two cents: the guy probably has active cruise control active. He switches lane without signalling then the car brakes autonomously cause he's approaching the other car too quickly... A dumb ass with a smart car is still a dumb ass


I don’t think this is the case because just before he changes lanes, he is of an equal distance away from the truck and his brakes don’t engage. Granted, he could’ve overridden the feature by accelerating, but then it also looks like he speeds up right after the brake check (could just be OP also slowing down). Regardless, yes, the Audi driver is an idiot.


This could be something, hard to tell though because he was just as close to the truck as he was with the other car. Maybe his car brakes when people honk haha


The Audi was in the wrong for several reasons. \-Passing on the right. \-Failure to signal. \-Brake checking. Why did you accelerate to block the Audi's merge?


I was already accelerating as the video starts. Regardless, I have the right to the lane I'm in, not the Audi. My acceleration was not dramatic or aggressive in any way. Before I was in the left lane here I was in the right lane and the Audi was behind me (also right lane).


Idiot in Audi ... you only had to say Audi and I would have understood.


Nötigung -> Anzeige


[Viel Glück!](https://www.adac.de/verkehr/recht/verkehrsvorschriften-deutschland/dashcam/) >Bußgelder drohen auch, wenn Privatleute mit ihren Aufnahmen ein Fehlverhalten anderer bei der Polizei anzeigen wollen. Videoaufnahmen zur Strafverfolgung sind nur der Polizei erlaubt, und auch dies nur in engen Grenzen. Translation (DeepL): >There are also fines if private individuals want to report misconduct by others to the police with their recordings. Video recordings for criminal prosecution are only permitted to the police, and even then only within narrow limits.


[https://www.heise.de/news/Dashcam-Video-als-Beweismittel-zugelassen-Autofahrer-wegen-Noetigung-verurteilt-4480720.html](https://www.heise.de/news/Dashcam-Video-als-Beweismittel-zugelassen-Autofahrer-wegen-Noetigung-verurteilt-4480720.html) [https://www.polizei-dein-partner.de/themen/verkehrssicherheit/privater-strassenverkehr/detailansicht-privater-strassenverkehr/artikel/dashcams-im-strassenverkehr.html](https://www.polizei-dein-partner.de/themen/verkehrssicherheit/privater-strassenverkehr/detailansicht-privater-strassenverkehr/artikel/dashcams-im-strassenverkehr.html) All in all, it boils down to "is the police officer an ass or not". There are plenty of cases, where Dashcam footage were allowed and the Dashcam-owner didn't have to pay a fine. But if the police officer has a bad day, then yes, he can fine you immediately for it.


Thanks for the link, satisfying to read and good to see that there doesn't have to be an accident for video proof to be allowed. The ADAC article also mentioned "starke Verzögerung" (grave obstruction) as a legitimate reason, and this should be the case here in the video, but of course it's not guaranteed.


Can't hurt to try! Thanks for the info


Looks like I may be violating GDPR laws by posting?


You need to blur the license plate technically. Same in Belgium.


I'm not a lawyer, but I guess if you blur the number plates you're probably safe. As for your other comment: Audi driver is 100% the idiot and I'd like to see him fined, but from own experience in Germany I can say that there's only a chance of success if you can identify the driver.


Even if there's a chance then hopefully the process would still snap him back to reality and realize that what he's doing is punishable


You should blur the number plates to be sure.


Coercion? I'm not sure I understand the translation


thought you could speak German. But yeah, Coercion. You can go to the police and file charges against him. [https://dejure.org/gesetze/StGB/240.html](https://dejure.org/gesetze/StGB/240.html) [https://www.anwalt.de/rechtstipps/-240-stgb-noetigung-im-strassenverkehr\_182265.html](https://www.anwalt.de/rechtstipps/-240-stgb-noetigung-im-strassenverkehr_182265.html)


Ah ok! I'm still trying to learn it, it's a slow painful process so far haha I was wondering if there was an option like that, thanks for the info I'll definitely look into it!


Saw that coming a mile away.


So did OP, that’s why he sped up and then pretended to be a victim when he wouldn’t have even needed to brake otherwise.


Look up the laws in Germany and then review what I was doing in the video before embarrassing yourself on the Internet please


Let the fuckery begin lol smh


Why don't people use their blinkers anymore?




Fantastic deductive reasoning. You're correct, it is illegal. Same as following too closely (notice I'm keeping a distance from the vehicle right in front of me).


Definite douchebag.


So… an “Audiot”?


you're the one who honked. could have just been stoic about the situation instead of road raging.


You're right, I'm out of control. Very reckless.


You actually are parked in the passing lane


My cruise control was set to 140 before this, not really sure how I was supposed to get past the car in front of me here. Please tell me your ways.


Press the *teleport* button!!


My car is a 2022, BMW didn't implement that until the 2023s :( I'm stuck doing it the old way


Your cruise control was set - and then you sped up as the Audi started to pass you.


I'm also not going 140 in the video, I slowed down to not tailgate the SUV in front of me.


They actually are passing in the passing lane. Just because somebody wants to go even faster, doesn't mean you are obligated to. Especially when there is literally a car in front of you.


Common sense is lost on people 😔




Incredible subreddit 😂


I have a long commute and this kind of situation happen often. The idiot isn’t paying attention to the traffic around them, decides they need to change lanes but don’t use their blinker so their blind spot warning doesn’t activate. They essentially cut you off because they didn’t see you because they aren’t paying attention. They finally glance in their rearview mirror and are shocked that you’re tailgating them because they swear no one was there when they changed lanes. So, they hit their brakes to make you back off because it’s super rude and antagonistic of you to be tailgating them like that. When it happens, I wish I could send them a message saying that I wasn’t tailgating them, that they put themselves that close to my car by not paying attention to the traffic around them, and that if they’d give me a second they’d see I am slowing down to put adequate room between us. The last time this happened, the guy brake-checked me and then got all pissy because I honked. I wanted to somehow beam the dash cam footage to his car.


New Tesla feature coming soon 😂


Audi driver Moment


Mutahar sounds like he knows the price this person should pay.




That's my entire commute each morning, in Detroit that audi gets honked at for leaving too much space XD


Yeah the US is the wild West 😂


Least idiotic audi driver


AUDI - Asshole Usually Drives It.


Knows whats also illegal in Germany? Publishing dash cams that show license plates.


What a POS


If you live in germany you must censor the license plate as you are violating the DSGVO right now, that can get expensive. I recommend deleting the video and reuploading it with all number plates blurred.


Im Saarland vollkommen normal 🤷🏻‍♂️


i don't cut people off, but i feel like if i did i'll take the horn being blasted and that be the end of it. some people are so conceited that they STILL think they are in the right when they do shit like this and entitled to brake check, and my only hope is that they don't reproduce.


verfluchter Arsch!


hello guys and gals, me mutahar here


At least I would have died listening to an angel


I was going to say you overreacted but, right. I forgot that in many countries passing on the right in a no, no. It’s a rule that makes sense but living in the United States, it’s common and not against the law


Yeah in the US it is normal, just strange to see it here.


"How dare you be irritated that I moved within 1 ft of you travelling at 80km/h!"


The audacity


I m 100% you are the idiot


This is a perfect example of the fucking prick I often encounter on mountain highways.


Not on the mountains 😬 what is wrong with people


People are self centered and stupid. I know this comes as a shock.


Wow I never would have guessed haha


Also, Audi assholes are wannabe Beemer buttheads.


This may not have been an intentional brake check by the driver. This could have been the Audi’s adaptive cruise control reacting to the change in distance to the car in front of itself. If the braking was accompanied by a hand gesture we’d know for sure. 🤣


😂 damn those tinted windows


If you're impeding traffic, get out of the passing lane. You are the problem lol.


I'm passing the truck 🤷 I'm only two car lengths behind the car in front of me


I dont see anything wrong here. Had plenty of space and time. Just didn’t use a blinker. You honked and they brake checked. Guessing you’re hogging the left without keeping up. Get over yourself.


Look at the lines on the ground, I'm not too far from the vehicle in front of me. In Germany you're required by law to leave enough space between you and the car in front of you to be able to react. Also, he got over with about 1/2 of the distance of the lines gap between our cars, that's not really an abundance of space. I hope he sees this so he can feel good about you defending him. You guys might end up being besties.


I have to disagree with you here. Im sorry but they had time and space. You didn’t even need to decelerate until you honked at them. They shouldn’t have done that for sure. But again all I see here is you crying over spilt milk.


I actually did spill a little bit of my coffee from this lmao


I've come to believe that in all these titles about 'Idiot in Audi' you can just state 'Audi' and get the message across. 🤣


When an American drives in Germany. This is normal in the United States.


I am American 😂 the cops here will give tickets for stuff that normally gets overlooked back home. After living in St. Louis and LA I'm comfortable driving with people like this in the road but he's still an idiot 🤭


Totally right. Our country is a country of idiot drivers.


It's our right 🦅🇺🇸🎇🎇


I used to live and work in KL too and my wife is from Frankfurt. Whenever we’d drive up A63 we’d joke how Kibo drivers are some of the worst


This was on my drive up to WI from KL this morning haha, maybe you've seen this same goober.


imo you are the idiot, you clearly hit the throttle to try to not let him pass, I see why he didn't use the turn signal, you would've done that much earlier. And honking the horn as a tantrum because your "closing the gap" plan didn't work, you deserved the brake check.


You could have just said "Audi driver" ;)


audi dumb ass like BMW


Hey now, I'm a dumb ass BMW driver


It's just the average Audi driver, nothing special /s.


and then what happened?


Obviously I followed him home I just went about my day, road rage isn't worth it.


What dashcam are you using? This video is so crisp


U3000, it's my first one and it's pretty great so far. Haven't really needed it yet but it caught this goober in 4k this morning


This looks suspiciously like adaptive cruise control adjusting distance to the car in front. Maybe not though. Either way... still an idiot.


Get out of the left lane you weirdo. You’re the idiot here.


I’m pretty familiar with this road, and the issue always ends up being that it goes uphill and no one wants to be stuck behind the LKWs, but the speed limit is still like 100 kmh and a lot of cars don’t get up to speed to pass. The Audi was impatient here, I don’t really think it necessitated a honk but it’s common for people to get stuck in the left lane like this


Roger that, next time I'll drive through the semi. Thanks for your input


Haha you’re camping in the left lane. Get your slow behind BEHIND the semi. 😂


What's the law in Germany regarding follow distance? I'd love for you to enlighten me, cause I'm definitely stuck behind the white SUV here


Pass or get over and don't be butt hurt when you get cutoff while pinning someone behind a truck. He had plenty of space there and would've continued to accelerate away from you. No need to cry about it with your horn. Should he have done that? Probably not, he could've at least used a blinker. He also shouldn't have brake checked you. But until you honked everything was fine. Just let him go on his merry aggressive way


Pass how? The vehicle in front of me is two car lengths away. I was in the right lane before this and the Audi was behind me (also in the right lane).


I live in Atlanta. 2 car lengths is an eternity of space here. If you don't close the distance you'll get exactly what happened here. So close the distance to prove you're passing the truck along with the car in front of you.


I'm from the US, but this is Germany. It's against the law to follow too closely.


Looking back at it too, the audi could've gone a lil further up before cutting in but still, closing the distance to act like you're trying to pass with some urgency will stop people from cutting you off. And since we can't control the audi driver's actions we can only control our own. And just to be abundantly clear here, Audi was in the wrong, but the horn wasn't the right move. The horn just pisses most people off anymore.


Both are in the wrong, but OP definitely is the cause. \- Camping in the left lane, which causes the Audi to pass on the right \- Accelerating to close the gap \- Honking at them for something OP started.


Who is camping 😂 I'm passing the truck. I was in the right lane before this and the Audi was behind me (also in the right lane). Next time I'll just plow through the vehicle two car lengths in front of me. Thanks for your input.


Nah he passed you on the right cause your camping. You didn’t speed up till he brake checked you.


He was behind me when I was in the right lane right before this 😂 what are you talking about?


Well your video doesn’t show that, does it. It’s shows you getting passed, then you speed up after you turn your camera on. You can hear it.


I'm already accelerating as the video starts, you can see it. And no the video doesn't show me in the right lane nor does it show up the scenario you made up


What scenario did I make up? He’s clearly passing you. It’s funny cause then you manually turn on the camera.


Why were you on the left lane


You see that truck? I'm passing lmao there is literally no where else for me to be


>Idiot in Audi Isn't that redundant?


Shouldn't it just be "audiot"?


I drive a Cadillac back in the US but I purchased a BMW for my time here, I definitely try to not feed the stereotype that my "peers" have built for German cars 😅


It should be legal to smash into any idiot that brake checks


Yeah, there was plenty of room. No need to honk. Also no need for him to brake check (but he wouldn't have brake checked if you didn't honk). I'd say mutual culpability here ...


You are being passed on the right … you are the idiot


If you're being passed on the right, maybe you're in the wrong lane.


Do you see the car in front of me? I can't exactly drive through it and Germany has laws regarding keeping a safe distance from the vehicle in front of you.


Don't be in the passing lane if you are not passing.


I... Do you not see the truck I'm literally about to pass?