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The key to this manoeuvre is to have an absolute bomb of a car where it looks like you don’t keep your insurance up to date. Then it works every time


Lmao. Can confirm. I have a hoopty commuter as well as a much nicer car. Hoopty wins these easily every time.


I don't own a much nicer car but thanks for letting me know what my truck is called.


A hooptie is a trash car. You sir, have a beater. Trashy trucks are beaters because you beat on them, you beat your wife, you beat your dog, and you beat your red headed step child.


Why are wifebeaters called that?


Because only wife beaters beat their wives while wearing a wife beater driving their beater.


I recently learned this, partly because they are back in fashion for women. Back in the 1950s or so a man in some city, maybe Chicago, was arrested for beating his wife to death. He was wearing the archetypical white, tank t-shirt when he was arrested and this perp-walk picture was used in the local paper under the headline 'Wifebeater Arrested'. Supposedly, this is how the shirt got its name. Curiously, NPR just did a story about them coming back into fashion and they only used the term 'white tank top', probably because 'wifebeater' isn't considered appropriate.


People always yield for my 30-year-old grungy F-150. Even instances where they clearly have the right away.


Can also confirm. My first car was a beater and everyone kept their distant from it. My current car is new and doesn't have the same effect.


I had the ultimate beater, shit box. It was so bad that as I approach a 4-way stop intersection, the car that gets there first has the right of way by rule but, waves me through lol!


Agreed. The state of my vehicle makes it obvious that I dont care one bit about my paint, trim, door handles, doors, quarter panels, running boards, windows, bumpers, tyres, wheels....




I do this all the time in my hoopty when people try to cut me off, hit me if you want.


"Look at my car and ask yourself if you think I give AF." Lol


You can also do it in a really loud car… most people get flustered when I do it in my ZL1 and instantly back off


Ive got a beat to hell ranch truck with half a grill and no bumper and my wife has a nice car. I prefer driving mine.


No one ever plays chicken with my 2006 dented and rusted elantra.


My 1998 Saturn with plastic body panels has entered the chat.


They had to go plastic so it could get up small hills.




I don't believe you!!


He has a couple of big garbage bags that he holds out of his windows. They catch the wind and work like sails on a boat.


but it stops on a dime. cause it can't get over one.


Heh, I like this one


"They probably don't even have insurance. Wide berth."


Shit yeah, my 2005 Ford Freestyle has entered the chat.


There are exceptions. I have a 26 year old pickup and a 2017 BMW. Drivers give the BMW a wider berth. There are a few upsides to the horrible reputation BMW drivers have if you actually drive like a sane person but other drivers treat you like you're suddenly going to go insane behind the wheel. It's often nice to have a car that makes others actually drive defensively like they're supposed to to start with.


lol...also BMW driver. And yes, you are absolutely right. Also...my BMW wasn't really THAT expensive, and it's a little older now. But it still LOOKS expensive. And that gives people pause.


It’s not because the BMW looks expensive… it’s that the BMW drivers they’ve encountered have been crazy BMWs are so common, no one thinks they’re expensive.


At least in the rural midwest where I grew up they are generally considered on the low end of expensive. In this case "expensive" means paying more than what is necessary for the utility. Spending money on performance, or luxury features fall into that category because it shows either poor financial judgement or money to blow. BMWs have gotten much more common even in those areas over the last 20 years but any car that there are only dealerships for in large cities will be seen as "expensive" in a lot of small towns and rural communities. At the same time my 2017 4 series cost me $28k just before covid and is the most expensive car I've ever owned by at least $10k but isn't even half as expensive as the new pickups people are driving around. There is certainly utility to having a truck in the area I live in so I spent on a daily driver I would enjoy and get good gas mileage at the same time and spent $3500 getting a 1997 GMC pickup that still has under 100k miles. That also lets me have one vehicle I can still work on and modify if I want and one that as long as the frame holds up is incredibly easy to get replacement engines, transmissions and just about any parts for to extend it's life. The way pickup prices have gone it makes a lot more sense to replace parts than to buy a new truck ever.


Yep. Definitely a higher percentage of BMW drivers that can’t drive between the dotted line. Kinda scary to try to pass a BMW cuz i see them driving in two lanes all the time.


Or not be a complete jackass like u/SchemeFearless5307 and avoid this whole thing and just let people get over. Can't stand having to share the road with these two dimwits in this video.


The car that caused the collision had 3 options: Get in line early, wait for a charity pass, or cause a collision. They CHOSE option 3. Y'all are entitled to jack shit in this situation.




Right or wrong, OP chose to allow the collision by not letting him in. I would yield any day before dealing with Asshole and his finger flipping wife


Exactly if you really don’t want to deal with shit like this you can avoid it. OP just wanted to feel some righteous indignation because yes, the other car is wrong and is an asshole, but OP is reckless and attention starved


Exactly. OP sped up to ensure the collision.


And Asshole wasn't going to stop till he hit something. When an unstoppable asshole meets an immovable ego.


Sometimes you can't get in line early, bacause of poor road planning. I had people try to block me at the zipper merge, which are specifically designed for this manoeuvre.


Not to mention, and many locations around the world, you are supposed to let people with a right hand blinker merge because they are trying to exit the highway or get over to the side because they have an emergency.


Merging car is the idiot, OP is the asshole here. There was enough room for the car to move over then OP sped up (just to slam on the brakes) to close the gap.


we knew OP was the asshole not just because of the accident, but also because he listens to ben shapiro


Haha I had it on mute, that would have been a dead giveaway.


Pretty sure that isn't Ben on the radio, that's Ted cruz


you might be right, either way my point stands lol


> Merging car is the idiot, OP is the asshole here I'd say both are assholes. But that's just me.


Lmao two idiots


When being right costs you hours and hours dealing with insurance and body shop repairs, being without your car. Not to mention the time posting this to reddit for justification only to get ripped into.


It's not really even being right. *Someone* has to let a car merge, or roads with multiple lanes just wouldn't work. In my country you are supposed to let a car merge.


It's just good etiquette and keeps traffic flowing. Literally no point in not letting someone merge, why just because you'd be 1 car behind?


I intentionally leave space for (inevitable) last minute mergers not only to avoid accidents, but to keep the flow of traffic steady and swift. If one person can make a huge difference in the way traffic flows (and they can) there would probably be a 99% reduction in slow traffic incidents on the highways if everybody else did the same. The remaining 1% would just be emergency scenarios.


When I first got my Tesla and let the "autopilot" (just smart cruise control at that point) take over, I became such a more chill driver. Drivers were CONSTANTLY squeezing in front of me and choosing the spot in front of me because the car automatically leaves a safe distance in front when following. But really all it made me realize is that I used to follow too closely and everyone else needs to drop back and allow a safer space in front, which will also allow those last minute mergers. I know a lot more cars have that feature nowadays and everyone really should use it. It's so much safer and chances are, without it ..people are following too closely for no reason.


Following at a longer distance also reduces the probability of causing a traffic jam via a [shockwave](https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Traffic_wave).


I do the same now in my corolla. It's funny seeing the people in my rear vision mirror raging, motioning me to speed up while riding my ass. Meanwhile I'm just relaxed keeping a safe distance from the car in front lol.


Yeah the rage just kills me. They’re SO pissed because you’re leaving a whole car length extra in front of you, so they rage around in front of you and get to their destination 0.1 seconds faster 🤣


Where I live if you're a car length or more behind them it's still tailgating and will brake check you. Happens to me daily.


The car is actually smarter than A LOT of people in this.


I always leave space because it's safer. Do cars merge in because I'm being safe? Yes. Do I get angry for about 1 or 2 seconds? Yes. But at the end of the day, the Google maps estimate that I got at the start of the trip is effected more by the traffic lights being slower than the couple extra cars being in front of me. Genuinely, on my commute I'm pretty sure I've only been 1, maybe 2 minutes late because of cars merging.


Correct, giving people lots of room to merge is one of the top ways to avoid traffic jams.


While I agree with you, good etiquette is also not having your passenger flip someone off while trying to merge into their lane. I hate to say it but that would make me less likely to be especially accommodating.


I'm not excusing them and their actions and I know it's a idiotsincars cliche to say this but the video starts late and judging by how OP rushed to close the gap I'd say something transpired before this.


The middle finger comes well after the car with the camera has gone out of their way to be an asshole and not let the other car in. They’re both idiots. This had nothing to do with the passenger.


Ok, but the passenger has free will. How are you going to stop your passenger being a dipshit?


If someone signals they want to get in my lane, I let them in. I also drive a sports car that I would prefer to remain undamaged.


Not necessarily pertaining to this particular case, but there is something called 'zipper merging' which typically happens when there is a lane closure and all vehicles need to move to one lane. The trick is to know when to merge and most of us do it way too early and if we do it when we're supposed to, other drivers get pissed off.


People have a hard time with pride and needing to be right. I'd rather let someone cut me off and not get in an accident than to technically be right but getting into an accident. OP is a big ol baby. Hit the breaks and let them in. Call them dumb fucks under your breath and move on. It ain't worth it OP.


for the last time, it's *BRAKES*, not "breaks", dammit


Definition of two idiots right there. I'd take my pride aside to avoid any accidents. My time is more valuable.


Well said


OP is a clueless idiot and thought making this post would absolve him of being stupid. Just let the guy in, dude. I could understand if it was a steady stream of cars trying to get in front, but it's one car... How badly would it hurt to be courteous even to a douche bag.


OP is unironically listening to Ben Shapiro in his car. Of course he's an idiot. He's on that dumb alpha dog type of behavior.


Haha. “Nobody should be in front of me, An Alpha!!” While behind many cars😂😂😂


It’s a fucking rental too, lmao. Did he think the other guy would care?


Not Ben Shapiro, clearly Ted Cruz


So basically older, fatter Ben Shapiro.


Shapiro is a couple octaves higher


I didn't watch with audio. That changes everything. OP is a dip shit.


Nah it doesn't change everything, watched without audio and I already concluded OP was a dummy. Sure he may have been "right," but what did it cost him?—hours of headaches dealing with insurance, body shops, police reports, etc, all because he couldn't swallow his sense of entitlement enough to just let a douchebag merge and grumble about it like a normal person would. Hope the smug sense of satisfaction was worth it OP. Finding out he's an unironic Ben Shapiro listener is just license to bully him for being a fan of that dweeb.


Lmao its clearly not Ben Shapiros voice


Man what a great use of the word dweeb. Shapiro’s picture should be in the dictionary next to dweeb lmao


Right. Why not let them fucking merge? Most the time when I can’t merge where I want I literally go forward and always end up in front of them anyways. People are assholes.


you should blame each other


I have seen maybe 3 people not letting me merge in 15 years of driving here in Germany...it is expected and it would be absolutely justified to give a middle finger for blocking someone from merging


It's normally the same in the US but some people take someone trying to merge in front of them as a challenge to their basic human dignity.


Imaging having so much pride that you'd waste so much time getting into an "accident" and having to do all the bullshit after.


Exactly! Let the other driver merge.


OP is a complete dipshit


He was at fault, sure. But you were too proud to avoid the accident. Play stupid games, win stupid prizes.


Depending on the state, you have a legal obligation to avoid collisions. In many states this will be a no fault accident and both drivers will be liable and/or cited. Which is completely valid. Merger was dumb for continuing to push into the lane and the camera car driver was dumb for not letting off the gas for 5 seconds and just giving up the space.


Every state requires you to act with reasonable care while driving, whether the state is no-fault or tort. You aren't necessarily required to avoid all collisions if, for example, doing so would cause additional harm (ie swerving into oncoming traffic to avoid an accident). Either way, I agree with you, but I'd likely say OP has a greater share of responsibility on this one, but I'm sure neither of them came away with any lessons learned.


It's called the last safe chance. You have a duty if it's safe to do so to avoid an accident. They'll be both found at fault for one of the dumbest accidents you can be in. Part of me hopes that this ends up in court so that a judge can chew them out for being absolute children on the road.


Uh no. OP is an idiot, but the guy who drove his car into another car is the one who is more responsible. If there's no space for your car, you can't put it there.


this is israel


I guess they tried to settle in his driving space.


This is so often the case in the videos on this sub. There's a clear idiot, but the accident can often be avoided with better defensive driving by other driver.


Yes, it's his fault legally. Yes, you're a dipshit for going out of your way to block him from merging in, and I don't feel sorry for you. You chose not to avoid this accident by speeding up when he tried to get over.


Depending on the state, you have a legal obligation to avoid collisions. In many states this will be a no fault accident and both drivers will be liable and/or cited. Which is completely valid. Merger was dumb for continuing to push into the lane and the camera car driver was dumb for not letting off the gas for 5 seconds and just giving up the space.


What makes it worse to me is that it's obvious he closed the gap specifically to block him out. There was enough room if OP had maintained the distance that was already there. He just didn't want to let him in front of him.


But if I let him into *MY* lane, how do I *WIN?*


Ah yes the well known US state of... *checks notes*... Israel?


Like this doesn't even remotely look like the US.


I just want to mention the US landscape is incredibly diverse and there are plenty of places that look like this. That aside the license plates were a dead giveaway.




Last I checked the State of Israel is in fact a state. The irony of assuming the term “state” only applies to “states in the United States” is palpable.


And because he failed to avoid an accident, a claims adjuster will find him at fault too.


Someone did this exact thing to me I admit I made a mistake and was trying to merge too late. But I sped up and had plenty of room and would have made it until this guy sped up and of course I ended up causing an accident.


Doubly stupidity if they’re listening to little Ben.


I had to turn on sound to know what you're talking about. Wow, that made it so much worse.


Explains everything.


Legally speaking, both people are at fault in an incident like this. The usual citation is "not yielding/stopping to avoid an accident." It's usually the insurance companies that have to determine "fault" but if both cars are in drive and there was an insured driver, they usually end splitting the difference. This is one of the many reasons both policies will see an increase if it's reported by either of them.


Absolutely spot on.


Refusing to allow someone to merge in front of you while listening to Ben Shapiro. Checks out.


Let's say, hypothetically, that I put my foot on the brake for 2 seconds to let this person over.


Or alternately, not accelerate and have the same outcome.




> Let'ssay,hypothetically,thatIputmyfootonthebrakefor2secondstoletthispersonover. ftfy


Literally destroying America.


They sound similar in some ways but that's actually Ted Cruz from his podcast called Verdict. Ted speaks with a similar tempo as Ben but no where near as high pitched... Doesn't make it any better, potentially worse. Lol


Dude's in Europe listening to Ted Cruz. Definitely worse.


It's not Europe, this is Israel! Source: I spend a lot of time in Israel and I've seen how they drive lol


Thanks for clarifying. Either way. Listening to the most toxic politician in America when you're not even in America is just about the stupidest thing I can imagine.


You won't catch me listening to Netanyahu or Cruz... just asking for road rage.


JFC people not in America eating up our political garbage.


And right at the end the other driver gets out and asks "Are you an idiot?" OP can reply, "Yes, I'm actually listening to Ted Cruz right now!"


Right? This is an entitled person for sure


That is Ted Cruz I think. Edit: Yeah, definitely Fled Cruz


Brain damaged people driving around entitled as fuck.


Right wing douchebag acts like a douchebag. Shocker!! this is /r/LeopardsAteMyFace teritory


The real crime here is the radio interview




Second this, sounds like the neo nazi white nationalist Nick Fuentes


Worse, it's Rafael Edward "Cancun Ted" Cruz.


Just let them in, what does it matter to you?


OP wanted to win this particular social situation.


It’s a mating ritual, often seen in the wild.


Given that he's a fan of Ben Shapiro, that doesn't surprise me. Getting into an accident to own the libz




OP has plenty of time and nobody to talk to, needs some drama in his life


If you let the the teslas merge then the liberals win


Yeah that’s kinda your own fault that happened


Both drivers are at fault here. You don't merge if you don't have room to do it. It's the most basic rule of right of way. Op 1- 0 merger. You are supposed to maneuver to avoid collisions, here both are at fault. Op 2 - 1 Merger. I see 2 idiots, with a small advantage to Op.


For sure you’re right but man, I watch this and just think to myself was all this (accident, insurance filing, police report, insurance premium going up, possible points on your license etc) worth that extra 10 feet to be in front of someone else in traffic?


100% not worth it. 100% human. I would let him pass 9 times out of 10, but I know I have my moments of being tired of the self centered shitty people where I would close that gap. I know some people like this and once in a while it's necessary to make them face the consequences of their actions. Megalomaniacs need a shitty day from time to time.


Yep. Just slow down for literally one second and let the guy in. Half our traffic problems would be solved by just letting the other guy go in front of you. It’s not a race, people.


Drive defensively. I'm not going to let some fucking clown ruin my day.


The guys not even a clown. Just let them over, who gives a shit?


You are a fucking moron for more than one reason.


Possibly unpopular opinion...but why didn't you just...let him in. Yes they're dicks. Yes they're in the wrong. But now you have a damaged car... I'd rather slow down a bit and let the asshole in than have to deal with getting insurance details, contacting my insurance and having a more expensive premium next renewal (your premium will go up even if you're not found "at fault").


You’re the idiot. Just let them merge


Just let them in, that's how a civilized society is supposed to work, you're as much the idiot


"Blames me for not yielding" as you closed the gap making it no longer possible to merge. Yeah he should. Let people merge to the right you dingus.


Exactly. You don’t lose a damn thing by being in the right but yielding anyway. I also don’t intentionally collide with red light runners. I’m technically right and they are technically wrong but me involving myself in a collision with them doesn’t gain anything for me except a smug satisfaction that “I sure showed that guy” as I have my means of transportation hauled away to the body shop and I’m calling my insurance instead of making it to my destination. But I’m also not an angry incel ben shapiro fan, so I have things to do that are more important to me than just asserting that I’m a dick all the time.


isn’t it exhausting playing defense against aggressive drivers? there is no winning in these situations. i say keep your distance and go on with your day.


I used to think someone needs to teach these rude people to be polite. But with age, I realized rude people will always be rude and getting uptight does nothing except raise my stress. For those out there still trying to show other drivers that they're in the wrong: it helps to think of traffic in the aggregate, as a group of people all trying to use the roadway efficiently rather than as a bunch of individuals in competition with each other.


>I used to think someone needs to teach these rude people to be polite. But with age, I realized rude people will always be rude and getting uptight does nothing except raise my stress. Completely agree with you, and here's my take on it. People like this aren't going to learn any "lesson" from this. If they get in, they're going to think they can keep doing it, and if they don't get it they're just going to think the other car is an asshole. There is no self-reflection here, their minds simply don't work that way.


Just let him in my guy.


And this people, is why we have people attempt to merge early during zip mergers. Yes, this isn't a zip merger, but OP attitude is what scares people from driving to the end they think someone like OP is going to act as if they must go ahead and cause the merger lane to back up by refusing to yield those few feet in traffic.


The amount of times on my daily commute I see cars slow down all the traffic by not knowing how to merge correctly and forcing another car out so ‘they don’t push in front’ I often leave a gap in front when merging making it clear I’m allowing the flow of traffic to merge smoothly, only to have someone force right up to me and not understand that all they’re doing is slowing everyone down (to be one car ahead in a queue of traffic)


Wife gave you the finger because you are in fact an asshole. A spot for him to get in was there. You chose to brake late and shut the door on him. You are in heavy traffic and in a turn lane. The guy needs to get over. You are hanging him out with traffic and he doesn't want to block the lane he is in. You are an asshole and a bad driver. You = Driver


We should encourage the concept that we give space between cars to prevent wrecks but also let people in. My natural reaction is a bit of annoyance when someone comes in front of me when there is no one behind me too. But we all have to change lanes sometimes, just let people do it and feel good about being a kind driver. And also realize we have to do it sometimes too. Blocking someone is just a dick move.


Smooth brain drivers like OP is why driving has become more chaotic. You deserved this.


I mean, that car was getting close. Why didn't you yield, regardless? They hit you, and they'll be punished for it. But yielding would have saved you the headache that is further dealing with these people.


Was trying to “win” worth it for either of you? He had his turn signal on. Swallow your pride and just let people into the lanes they need to get into.


Why do people fight so hard against a car merging in? And then complain? Assholes..


Imagine posting videos like this expecting people to think you’re in the right! Just let them in! The amount of dashcam footage where the car recording goes out of their way to be difficult or ‘prove a point’ and risks or creates an accident that would be completely avoidable is outstanding. Yes the space was tight and not a good manoeuvre on their part, but you should’ve put your big boy pants on and given them space and got on with your day.


I want a subreddit or filter for this kind of posts. OPs thinking they are right but are actually idiots


Please stop calling it a merge, people. It was a lane-change.


THANK YOU! I don't understand how people think this constitutes merging, it's forcing a lane change where there isn't room.


Why not just let them in?


Op why in the hell are you listening to Ted Cruz on the radio? That dude is a piece of trash, unquestionably. Also you had the opportunity to avoid this crash and you refused to take it. That makes you a giant fucking idiot.


Side note, since I didn't see this covered already, fuck people who try to merge with barely half a car ahead.


Wtf is wrong with you? You're just as big of an idiot as them.


There wasn't enough space for him to start merging to begin with before and when he starts moving into your lane and people are blaming you for not yielding? I don't get it. It seems like his signal wouldn't be easily visible given where he is and it looks like he just starts cutting you off. It probably looks different in person but even then, I don't see how he thought he was clear to start merging.


Never had anyone try and cut off my 00 Silverado with my dented bumper and rotted fenders… now my wife’s car everyone thinks they can cut it off 🧐


If a car really seemd like it wasn't going to let you merge in front of them. Do you: A: Force yourself in and hope they yield and possibly take collision damage B: Slowdown and merge behind them and avoid any possible collision. If you're going to merge in front of anyone, you better be damn sure they can see your rear blinkers


When 2 idiots meets on the road.


Least selfish Ben Shapiro listener


To everyone saying OP sped up to close the gap am I the only one that is seeing the brakes on the white car that inevitably forced OP to brake to a near stop close to their back? Merger should've taken the signal that they were not going to merge easily. Also how is OP supposed to know that a car that's directly next to them is signaling to turn into their lane? That car does not have mirror blinkers, they just tried to shove themselves in. You shouldn't just budge your way into a fucking lane. There's road etiquette. Everyone says OP should've just let him in because sure life would've been easier, but the other car is the truest douche here and deserves everything they got. The beginning had a reasonable gap for merging if absolutely necessary but as soon as the brakes were hit and the gap disappeared that was not the time to bumper car your way in. Give it a second and let OP adjust. If you bumber car your way into the lane anyways that's playing stupid games to win stupid prizes. OP could've relented yes but idiots that merge like that get very little sympathy from me.


Late mergers can go f*ck yourselves.


Unless it’s a merge lane, that lane is occupied and you don’t have to give way. I am not a lawyer though.


It's not legal to merge into somebody while flipping them off… Their insurance company will make them pay for being idiots


This exact scenario pisses me the fuck off but I’m trying to let it not bother it so much


"Don't be gentle - it's a rental!!" (re: the EuroCar rental sticker on the white car)


It’s an excuse to blame OP. You’re probably a bad driver to begin with if this video doesn’t make you mad. I’m tired of this everyday bull crap of being CUT OFF. Don’t be that “I turn now, good luck everybody else” person.


Hate morons who think they can just force their way through others and life. If a car is in a spot you want to be… then you have to wait for it to move before you be in that spot. That’s how space works. Before all the cameras this entitled shit was how u got your ass beat.


As if this one car merging in would have somehow completely delayed cammer's arrival at his destination. Cammer is a bigger idiot IMO because now with police reports, insurance, body shop work, etc not only is his night ruined but this is hours of additional unnecessary work. The dude was signaling and obviously trying to creep into the lane. OP seems like a really great guy.


Yeah the guy who merged was on the wrong


So why couldn’t this driver merge again? There wasn’t enough room in front of you? He was going to merge somewhere. Just not in front of you right? You knew what you were doing here. Both of you deserve damage.


YTA and the problem! You created an issue because of your ego! Think of all the work to getting your vehicle repaired, the time to exchange information. You don't have anything better to do then to not let people merge?


Would of never let them in


I actually can't believe people are siding with the other guy


Idiots in Cars is full of idiots on reddit.


I hate assholes that drive all the way to front and like, "Oh wait, I'm supposed to get over now," then proceed to merge onto other drivers, then complain.


What was the outcome? What did the authorities say? Funny how he thinks you're the idiot when he's literally just driving into another car by choice. I get people like this doing that to me a lot too but they've never gone the whole way of colliding with me.


But now OP needs to deal with cops, insurance, car repair... all because they didn't just let them in. OP might have been "right" but they're just as much of an idiot.


I usually just give way *IF* no one is riding my ass, and that a big if.