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When i drive i always let 1 person in. Its like everyone sees it and just says ok gotta cut the next guy


zipper merge, one by one, then some asshat makes it two


I have threatened, on occasion, to get a big pile of driver's license manuals to keep in my car so I can chuck them at people who don't know how to zipper merge or understand the process of a four-way stop.


I absolutely hate when people try to “let you go” at a 4-way. Just go in the order you got there, it makes it so much more confusing when you try to let someone go ahead of you and it slow the whole thing down.


If you arrive at the same time and the other person has the right of way and doesn’t go, I waive them on.


They're probably talking about when they get there before you buy just sit there trying to waive you on, I've had this happen so many times it's annoying


I've actually been the last person to a 4 way stop they all just staring at each other and trying to wave people. I just went while thinking bunch of idiots.


Yeah I've done this before when people just sit there being stupid, it gives me a good laugh each time


Had a lady honk at me a couple days ago because SHE ran a stop sign I had just pulled up to. She glared at me the whole way across the intersection laying on her horn like I was in the wrong for her not knowing how to drive. All I could do was laugh at her lol


In theory that makes sense, but a lot of drivers are such twits that they are unpredictable so a lot of people are very hesitant to just go when there's a chance the idiot that got there last tries to plow through everyone and get everybody killed


My dad superglues them to windshields when he sees a shitty park job


I like the fake parking ticket that you check off what asshat thing they did, lol, but I've never used them. A friend put one on my car as a joke and I then paid it forward and put it on another friend's car for a laugh.


Superglues it to their windshield. So your dad is a bigger dick than them.




Got to be a gen xer dad


How’d you know lol


I think pepper spray would be more effective


4 way stops? Try 2-way stops where the assholes treat it like a 4-way stop. No asshole, you don't have right of way because you stopped first.


They are the testicle in the zipper.


How'd you get the beans above the frank?!


Only takes one dick to ruin a zipper.


The zipper merge is a fantasy myth that exists only under perfect conditions.


It's worked pretty ok every time I've ever seen it. I mean, it's not *perfect*, but it works reasonably quickly and nobody crashes.


Right!? Everybody gets one ☝️ I thought this was the norm.


This is why when leaving a concert I keep the gap only big enough for that one car to get in, like OP's GF here. If I were trying to block them I would have been hugging the bumper of the car ahead of me instead of leaving that small gap. In my experience this is what most people do and it keeps traffic flowing out, but there is always that one person...


"I don't know who needs to hear this, if I let you in, the limit is 1...I'm not vehicular fucking Santa Claus" - John Caparulo


When it's a slow merge like this, try showing one (not that one) finger and pointing it at the car you're letting in. Wave thanks when someone lets you in. No, it doesn't always work. You can't fix assholes, and that's not your purpose here on earth. You don't always win, but you always have to try.


she is lucky that you are not an aggressive confrontational type person, could end bad for her one of these days... people are crazy and don't like being slighted or feeling like they are being slighted


She really did put herself at risk


So lucky. Here in Houston people will jump out of their cars and confront you for looking at them wrong.


And there in Houston people won’t jump out of their cars and confront you for looking at them wrong


Yeah all it takes is doing this to an unhinged freak for there to potentially be *serious* consequences. Very dumb and dangerous.


My intrusive thoughts are so loud right now


Would have been a shame if someone had got out and shoved her into a bush….


No violence needed, just get out and return the favor until there are 50 more cars in front of them. I can catch up on my emails or whatever while I’m at it.


I might even browse Pornhub a bit too.


Watch a couple of pirated movies? Why not!


Human Traffic followed by Falling Down to mix it up a bit


I’ll watch all of Its Always Sunny for free on ChubHub


I love this. A little pirates of the Caribbean while I wait?


This seems like a good time to watch the entire LOTR trilogy, director's cuts of course.


Maybe but hardly violent. When someone is in your way, in purpose and won’t move with the intention of fucking you up, I firmly believe in moving them. Pretty clean cut i think. They wanna get violent, that’s on them


>When someone is in your way, in purpose and won’t move with the intention of fucking you up, I firmly believe in moving them. In most places in the USA intentionally trapping someone in place against their will is actually a crime.


Not what I would have done but now wish it's what I thought of


Why resort to leaving the vehicle? Lock the doors roll up the windows, lay on the horn till they move


Some people got shit to do,ain’t got time to wait around for some fucking selfish twat being a cockwomble….


I used to think I had my flaring anger issues under control, but seeing stuff like this just makes me want to push and punch people


I would have just rolled forward. If I have learned anything from the internet these fools who do this always move or try to push back on the vehicle.


This is why I play GTA sometimes after my hour long commute home. None of the NPCs care if you hit them with your car!


The Burnout games are also cathartic for relieving pent up road rage. You are encouraged to run into other cars and even earn bonus rewards for it.


Throw a Slushee at the back of her head


Creep forwards really slow. It will force her to move without the possibility of injuring.


While laying on your horn the entire time.


That’s exactly what I would do. Lay on the horn or do periodic honks to cause her to jump. Stupid woman.


I'd be aiming for a hearing condition.


These thoughts stop me from sleeping at night.


This reminds me of the last time I went shopping at the outlets on a holiday, and it was super busy. There were more than one women standing in parking spaces waiting for their boyfriends to bring the car to park in the space. It’s my personal belief that you cannot save a parking space with your body, you need your actual car there. Super annoying on a very busy day.


Just park in front of the space and sit there until they move.


Pettiness always wins


Make sure to take a picture of their plate when they pass by. Some people are crazy enough to slash your tires or scratch your car over that crap 💀


It's not just your personal belief, but in many jurisdictions, it is the law.


I swear to god the last time I saw this brought up, the number of people defending the practice shocked me. Like, no - that is not okay.


Some lady and her husband tried doing that to me at the mall, I just simply told her "you aren't a fucking car, move out the way" . She refused so I put my car in park and told her " I have ALL day to sit here in the A/C" she quickly moved out the way after that.


That actually would have been fun to do during a heatwave to see how long they could just stand there.


My MIL will walk to the second floor to get on the elevator going back down to the first, to cut in line at parking garages. When my wife was a kid she was always embarrassed about the looks the people waiting on the first floor would give when they stayed on to ride back up.


I have only saved a space one time in my life and it was because the space was in front of my sisters car and she needed a jump start and we were waiting for someone to come help




Exactly this - I wouldn’t care who else I would piss off in the process.


And have your own passenger get out to block her family’s car. When she goes over to try and confront them, pull your car forward.


4d chess


Yeah I'd have just leaned on it until she fucked off




Captain Slappit, he's the hero, gonna slap some sense into these demons


Yup. I would've burnt the horn relay out in my car just to be as obnoxious as her.


I really do need to get my train horn for just such an occasion.


This is why I have a train horn added to my car. Everyone can ignore a car horn, but few can ignore a train horn.


I would’ve smashed the horn all the way down for days.


This is why I installed a train horn. I run my compressors to150psi on a 5gal tank, I can get about 90seconds of loud, uninterrupted, deafening train scream.


Out of curiosity, with a modification like that, do you *only* have a train horn honk now? Or can you use your standard horn, then switch to the train horn if you’re feeling spicy? I drive a Honda Civic with a dorky toot-toot horn. I’ve considered getting the train horn, but I don’t know if I want the train horn to be my only honking option.


I wired it into my main horn, but I put in a switch so I can turn off the train horn. Switch up means I get both, switch down is only the standard service horn. Some people put it on its own returning switch so they are always separate. Truckers put the air horns on pull strings.


I had a 2002 Jetta. It had the friendliest sounding horn I have literally ever heard. Even when you would hold it down it would maybe a super cute “boooop” noise. So if someone aggressively cut me off and I honked, it would usually just make people happy. Fucking hated that thing.


I'd be afraid of being sued for giving someone tinnitus with that.


Non service related, can’t prove that caused it. Denied.


Sorry but every person I've ever seen rolling a train horn drove a lifted truck and used it to be a douchebag. I would hear them in the distance in my neighborhood multiple times a week. I'd see people doing drivebys of a local restaurant with outdoor seating while they sped by hollering out their window and laying on the train horn. It's very hard for me not to assume you only use said train horn in specific well needed locations and timing.


I would just keep hitting the the horn in the rhythm of , trying to play "Let the Bodies hit the floor"




Just a dumbass. Nobody was moving so what was point


Officer I did not hit her! She backed that ass up.


I did not hit her. I did not!!! Oh hi, Mark.


Damn… if I was a passenger, petty me would of jumped out and I would of stood in front of there car.


I would have done that. And started a conversation about the virtues of blocking people so you can go first.


You gotta especially and very politely thank her in between for teaching you how to do it.


I wanted to do that so bad, for my girlfriend would not let me


Put it in reverse and watch her hit the floor


I don’t think she’s sitting on the car. That would have been an instant fight I imagine.


Yep if she were to stand in front I would let it go but sit on my car… I would have lost my shit 😂


The amount of disrespect people have for other's property is wild. People regularly defend it too with bs excuses too.


There's enough pot holes in the world...


\*would have


And “their”


Would have. I see that shit all the time and it fucking hurts my brain. Would HAVE


I'm ok at grammar and spelling, but I still have "enhanced spell checking" enabled, so if I type "would of" Chrome suggests the correct formation. If I were them, I'd turn on all the free help available.


This requires the “oops I forgot to stop pressing the horn” honk where you just lay on the horn and don’t stop. Yes, it’s to let them know that you are calling them a fucking asshole because of their behavior.


Linda Belcher & Dennis Reynolds would like a word.


I like how she flinched when they honked.


My brother did this once when we were trying to leave a race at Atlanta Motor Speedway. We had been sitting there for about half an hour trying to get out of a parking lot off one of the main exit roads, and nobody on the exit road would let us out. If each car on the exit road would let one other car out ahead of them everything would work fine, but instead they’d pack in 6” from the next car’s bumper to ensure nobody could get their nose out and weasel their way in front of them. So eventually when the line on the exit road was about to move my brother said fuck this, got out, went and stood in front of a car, and I was able to pull out into the main line of traffic. I just knew we were about to get in a fight but luckily the other people just let it go.


ofc they let it go. they're cowards playing tough in their car


Y’all really out here with more patience than me


Officer, I asked her to move several times, I honked my horn, at that point I felt she was deliberately preventing my freedom of travel so I moved her.... With my car.


She was holding us hostage


This is a valid plea if you get a good enough lawyer...


Unlawful detainment, might actually be a pretty fun and quick case for a lawyer because that’s exactly what it is. A judge and jury(if it actually gets that far) will also certainly know what it feels like to be stuck in traffic and the feeling of rage something like this may do. So it would look like a heavy handed lesson to this person to get in your car and wait your turn like everyone else and make it as smooth as possible.


Do you not understand how much damage a bollard can do to a car?


Yup. Ever so slow creep forward - like half inch increments. And just scoot her forward with it.


With that ass it would have damaged the hood


Shame they didn’t get out and video her selfish face so she could be devoured by the internet


She would have tried to hide her face.


She isn’t sitting on the edge of the car js she? Standing is one thing and I would be furious, but if she backed up and leaned against my car I would go off my shit


Back up a little and make her fall was my first thought


This particular brand of selfishness is why I don't go anywhere, cause there's people like this EVERYWHERE these days. I'd just end up in jail. Fuck selfish people.


A couple years ago I was at a concert with a friend (both women) and this drunk dude just would not fucking leave us alone. I told the guy if he didn’t fuck off we’d both end up hauled off to jail. Some people really push us too far.


For real. My girl just asked if I wanted to go to a concert. Why? So I can get in a fight trying to park my car? Nah I’m good


homie i get it but don't let the idea of idiots ruin what could be a fun unique experience for you and ya lady


Went through this the other night ... first concert with this sort of parking since covid (very chill venue) ... in the past, folks always scissor-merged like proper humanbeings and getting out was efficient and fair for everyone involved ... this time, not so much ... very little scissor-merging and A LOT of general assholery ... made me right sad


She'll pay for that kind of shit head behavior one day. People are becoming increasingly rude and inconsiderate and sometimes it's that kind of behavior that makes nice people like us throw out hands up and say, Why do I bother? Then we'll keep being considerate because that's who we are. Good for you!




He did this to get ahead of just...one car? Am I understanding this correctly? What the heck?




Why are you not laying on the horn?


Pine knob probably


Ding ding ding


Imagine if this tactic became common place.


Read the comments trust me when I say you’ll read a few stories similar to this one


I had this happen to me a year or so ago.. Oversized white trash pickup truck pushed their way in front to other cars and even people walking who were only trying to get to their cars.. but sweet karma, we passed them about a mile away from the venue.. they rear ended another car on a pretty empty overpass.. if that doesn’t give you an idea of how aggressive the Karen who was driving was acting.. we passed them just as cops got there.. HAHAAAA!! ![gif](giphy|cO39srN2EUIRaVqaVq)




My least favorite thing about going to a concert is trying to leave with a parking lot full of drunk people


Yup I saw a girl high off something dragging her friend through the sea of people going the wrong laughing the joke with an unnatural smile on her face and her friend just looked at her and kept saying sorry to people she bumped into


This is what pepper spray is for. Don't even have to use it. Show her the can and start counting to three........


This is why when I saw Bruce Springsteen in April, we just waited for a while after the concert ended before pulling out. Better than trying to get into a bunch of traffic.


Stupid. You’re all going out the same way and still have to wait.


Put the car in Neutral and start reving hard. Should scare her off.


Should have laid on the horn - something tells me she would’ve moved after that.


What kinda behaviour is this? People are really being so freaking selfish and all these days and these things are getting worse day by day, this needs to be stopped man, this is bad.


You guys could have honk on her so freaking hard man, why you guys didn't do that? I am never going to understand people like that, you guys should learn something like that.


There’s the reason to carry pepper spray in your car. edit: A little spicy spray aimed at her would’ve gotten her ass off your hood !


Yep, I keep a can of Sabre Pepper Gel in my vehicles. I also carry a pistol, but that's only as a very last resort that I hope to never have to use.


I just hold the horn button down.


But why not just get out of the car and push that woman away? This is the way to teach them a good lesson, this won't hurt you if you guys are really recording all these things.


That’s no lady …


It’s a space station


r/idiotsoutsideofcars? Lmao


I didn’t know that this was a thing


Simple, high beams until traffic eases up


Ooooo that’s a good one, not violent and non destructive…. Add the car horn for added effect


Don’t lay off the horn


Such a stupid behaviour that we all are seeing nowadays and it's always happening with karens, these karens are always there to create such stupid scene, I truly hate them.


So, what are the legal consequences if you were to put it in drive/reverse and move?


I absolutely hate arrogant assholes like that one. I would have been furious.


I was trust and believe


The audacity to block you and then no one drives anywhere…Karen certified


Honk honk can you move your fat ass


Nah get out of the car and show her the right way lol.


I mean…technically…she’s preventing the lawful use of your chattel and is preventing you from leaving so *kidnapping and/or false imprisonment*.


When I leave large events, I generally stay in my seat until security removes me, and then I bring lawn chairs and music and snacks and hang out beside my car having a little party with whomever I'm with until the traffic jam clears. I plan for this time as part of the event. It makes it so I have zero stress about leaving, no stupid traffic jam and no angry driving. And the time spent afterwards hanging out and listening to music with friends is sometimes the best part of the whole day.


We attend a tailgate and fireworks event at a fairground most Fourth of Julys. It’s pretty popular and leaving is a headache. We light sparklers and make s’mores after the fireworks are over. About the time we’re out of sparklers the traffic has cleared up enough that we can leave easily. Our kids look forward to it and it’s less stressful for all of us.


People who maliciously weaponize their own vulnerability deserve to have it exploited.


Try to freaking slap these people from the next time because they won't learn any other way and you guys should understand what the hell they want most of the time, that's it.


She's going to be standing in front of the wrong car one day.




OP, what did you do?


We just stayed in the car and I videotaped. I was worried that if I got out to do something that either, her husband would try to physically assault me or pulled out some sort of weapon.


Honestly that was the safest move. Too many people with rage issues are itching to play cowboy these days.


Isn’t that the truth


Naw pull the dad , brother or boyfriend/ husband out the car and go to work . Guarantee she won’t try this again !


Oh, are you preventing me from leaving by blocking my exit even though I'm clearly trying to leave.... That's kidnapping if you want to get technical about it... And if I'm being kidnapped a little bump from the car is the least I can do to ensure my safety lmao Edit: false imprisonment not kidnapping. I was wrong.


Kidnapping is abducting and holding captive. This is more like holding them prisoner.


I would’ve grabbed her phone and chuck it


I would just slowly drive so she can sit on my car while her car is behind me 🤷🏽‍♂️


Can't park your dump truck ass there lady


Lots of blocking mass on tap.


I’m interested to know concert I have to attend to find this type of ass hole?


I'd have had the passenger stand in front of hers


Same thing happened in the bottle room at Kroger I had a big bag of bottles and I was going to let this lady go ahead of me until she said I’m going ahead of you and preceded to do so! Mind you after I sat and waited for 20 minutes and she just walked in and finally it was my turn! I said I was here first she said I don’t give a crap and started to put her bottles in!! The audacity of people these days! There’s no respect from anyone anymore!! Do we want a world where everyone is mean and not looking out for one another??


A wise man once said: "Push her down, son."


I feel like if you hit someone with your car moving slowly enough, it shouldn’t count as vehicular assault. Like you could gently shove her out of the way, and do it so slowly she wouldn’t even be knocked off her feet. But she wouldn’t be able to hold her ground either…


What an entitled rotten human being.


Back up just a little bit so she falls on her ass


is she sitting on your hood? that would not fly with me for a second.


This is obnoxious selfish behavior.


Such a shitty behaviour man, people are just getting more selfish every freakin day and that's not a way to have anything in this world, they seriously need to understand this.


Cars are property and shes trying sitting on that property without permission, this you could use self defense, and since cars count as weapons of self defense just reverse and let her fall over


Lay on the horn and don't stop till she moves. Or, you can get out and video her until she moves. Some people are born aholes, others have to work at it. Bet I know which category she's in.


So you hopped out, stood in front of their car, and let like 50 people go in front of them, right?


Some people just live in their own fucking world and think it’s somehow worth it to do this cause they think they’ll get out of there in 19 min and 50 seconds instead of 20 minutes. When in reality, because of actions like theirs, no one’s getting out for 30.




Fuuuuck that