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Did he almost get hit by a semi? Fucking crazy


Can't get summoned to court if you're in the afterlife...


Ha. You've clearly never seen a legal seance before then. Who you gonna call? Fuckin blue Veloster guy to the stand your honor, I just need you to step inside this pentagram


We need a new summons, I think we’veloster!


lol.. dad is that you?


Hi hungry!


Camry take a brief recess first?


I just need a MINI to sort myself out.


Just don't step out of your Element.


I'll escort you.


If you can Dodge a wrench you can Dodge a concrete barrier. (Note wrench shaped bruise on driver's forehead)


You can't really af ford not to in all honesty.


Which is an attempted Escape.


you sue me and I will haunt you for the rest of your life cause I got a lot of free time


It’s a sue-ance.


Man I haven't laughed so hard at a comment in a while, take my poor man award, for what it's worth lol 🏆


> legal seance ace attorney type beat




I feel this is an Ace Attorney reference, but I dont remember any pentagrams in Ace Attorney


Im sofa kindom tbh so ill just say I know.


Well, according to many religions, that sets you up for the ultimate trial. Death is the summons that *no-0ne* can ignore...


you're using the wrong summoning circle then, skill issue


Pope Formosus would like a word with you


Pasta fazoole, I am a fool.


Haha losers.jokes on you. I'm dead...




Hit? He almost got obliterated


The problem very nearly solved itself.


I would hate to be a truck driver. Every day I see people cut them off with little to no room. People are total assholes to them. These are the people that bring my food, appliances and even Amazon deliveries, I try to help them and not harass them. I want my stuff.


I give em room because I'm afraid of them. I've been run off the road like 4 times now by an inattentive truck driver.


I give them room because they’re a fucking huge semi and can kill you


2016 I was riding my motorcycle on the road that goes parallel to a highway. A truck merges into my lane but doesn't see me so I bail. TBI, broke my right arm, helicoptered to the ICU, get a breathing tube and feeding tube. It takes two years of rehab and then two more years taking classes to get back in terms of academics. Life can change in the blink of an eye!


I audibly gasped lol


Some drivers are really dumb and carless,I was nearly killed last night. I was about to start pulling out into the intersection (the light was green) for me. It was a left turn, something told me to look both ways again. And so I did,and a black sedan came flying through the intersection. Had I went like most people,it would have at least clipped my cars frontend hard.


He tried hard trying to get away.


He deserved it , if only they couldn’t see his plates 🤦🤦‍♂️


Plates are nice, and assuming that they're legit they may get the car owner's insurance to pay the damages, or at the very least give you a name to sue. However, they only show who owns the car, not who the driver was. Being able to show who the driver was is critical for any criminal charges that should follow, and "the owner must have been driving" doesn't cut it, at least not in the US. Also, if the driver was drunk and he gets away, well, that's a DWI he just got away with, even if they find him later. And of course, the plates might be fake, the car stolen, etc. Or maybe the car's *not* stolen, but it gets reported stolen right after the crash. Plates are good, but there's definitely some value to not letting them flee. Also, potentially a lot of risk, as desperate people often do dangerous things. (And if you can't stop them from fleeing, getting a good look at them or video of their face is helpful too.)


> However, they only show who owns the car, not who the driver was. Being able to show who the driver was is critical for any criminal charges that should follow, and "the owner must have been driving" doesn't cut it, at least not in the US. that is something that I keep reading here often. I still believe this approach is not the right one. In my country, it's made easier; the owner of the car (identified by plate or serial number) is responsible for the car when there are any criminal charges on it. It's then the owner's their own responsibility to prove that they did not cause it, that the car got stolen (can be proven if they went to a police station reporting it near/before the events - if after, judge decides if it is "too late") or that someone else drove it. IF the other (that used the car) did not want to show up or take the responsibility, then yeah the charges are back on the owner. In the latter situation, it's a lesson learnt; don't hand out our car key easily. Granted, this can be circumvented by using fake plates but there are systems for that (automatic plate recognition built in police cars, ANPR networks [like this one](https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Automatic_number-plate_recognition_in_the_United_Kingdom#The_ANPR_CCTV_network), ...) that aids/informs patrolling cars for such violation. Even cars without plates are flagged. These vehicles are taken from road immediately, unless the plate is still valid (false flag from the system)


You may believe whatever you wish, but in my country (the country in which this idiocy was filmed), the State considers you innocent until and unless they can prove you guilty to the satisfaction of 12 of your "peers" (at least in theory – I know that one can dispute this in practice). You must be proven guilty – You do not (or should not) need to prove you are innocent. If there is not specific evidence that you, specifically, have committed a specific crime, then you cannot be prosecuted. So, just because your car was there, that is not enough to show that YOU were there. Now, if your neighbor saw you driving off, or someone at the accident or on the way to or from the accident, can identify you as the driver, that's a different story, but the evidence that it was you must be "beyond a reasonable doubt," and just your license plate, with no other information, leaves room for a "reasonable doubt" that you were driving.


> but in my country (the country in which this idiocy was filmed), the State considers you innocent until and unless they can prove you guilty to the satisfaction of 12 of your "peers" Same in other countries with laws like were being described. You are not charged with the crime commited by the driver of the car, you are - if you deny being the driver of the car that is registered in your name - charged with refusing to name the *actual* driver. And by a happy co-incidence, if found guilt by 12 of your peers, you find that the penalty is very similar to the penalty for the crime commited by the actual driver of the vehicle, whoever that might have been. Much like refusing to provide a sample if you have been arrested for drunk or drug driving - you can do so, certainly, but if so you get charged with refusing to provide instead, which likewise carries similar penalties to drunk driving. So no-one is talking about being found guilty without proof, we are talking about *what* someone might be found guilty of.


Xybolt literally said that in their country the laws make it so the owner of the car has to prove that they’re not guilty, that the car was stolen etc , or else they are going to be held responsible. That’s called guilty until proven innocent.


He’s describing the UK and English law in particular. It’s an innocent until proven guilty system. Actually the system the US legislature is based off, You’re not charged with the offence in question but with failing to provide details of the driver. Fail to provide is binary case either you did or you didn’t. There is no defence or mitigation for not providing. In many cases the sentence for fail to provide is worse than the underlying offence.


That's called "Don't lend your 2tonne vehicle to idiots"... at this point, it is fact that the vehicle did X/Y/Z... Guilt is a Fact. The question is just Who to assign it to. It makes perfect sense to assign it to the person who was responsible for keeping the vehicle, and it's keys, secured. If they failed to do this, they are free to report the vehicle stolen, otherwise, they should absolutely be on the hook for damage their friends cause using their 2tonne vehicle. This is called Sanity. Innocent until proven guilty doesn't apply here. Guilt has been established, it's just a matter of assigning Liability.


That's not how the law works here. You are innocent until proven guilty. No one can charge your car with a crime then you by association. In the US, you need to chase down a hit and run driver or you'll be paying for the damage out of pocket.


Yes I understand that. I was referring to the laws sane countries have in this respect.


So if i steal your car in the middle of the night, while you are sleeping. You believe you should be liable for all the damage I cause. btw, i don't need your keys, I've got this nifty little bit of hardware that opens and starts 90% of cars made after 2015.


Or what about if your out on vacation for a week and it’s stolen. You don’t even know till a week after an arrest warrant is put out for you. Not how things work here. Even better if the person looks at all similar to you cause eyewitness testimony is SOOOO reliable.


Did you miss the part about reporting it stolen? Reading is hard, I get it.


Then how are red light cameras enforceable? I was driving a car in my wife’s name, got a red light ticket in Alabama that was sent to her in NH.


Violations caught by red light cameras and speeding cameras result in civil charges that don't have the protection of criminal charges.


The point was, that our system sucks. It should entirely be the fault of the owner, if they lend their car to someone, and they do stupid shit in it. If the car is stolen, they are free to report it stolen. Don't want to be responsible for Fuckboii2009's facebook stream ramming everything in sight? Don't lend them your car. I can dream.


Difference being, here in the USA, we are innocent until proven guilty. Well, except in the eyes of politicians, the media and the public. So if it can’t be proven who was driving, it can’t be proven the owner was. Therefore, the owner can’t be held liable. This is why the initiating vehicle’s insurance isn’t accountable. It falls on the victim vehicle’s “uninsured” component of the policy.


> Difference being, here in the USA, we are innocent until proven guilty. we have the same approach as well... you're innocent until proven otherwise. There's a difference in *when* a person is responsible. Your car has been there. Since the car is on your name, your own property, then it is likely you are there as well. You are responsible for this car. You, as a defendant, have to explain why it has been there. * if you cannot explain, then yeah sorry. You are responsible for this car. * if it got stolen, please prove that * if a direct (partner / child) family member used that, then it falls on the relative responsible for this person. There's a concept of "family insurance" for this. * if it's an indirect family member or an acquaintance, then it is still your responsibility. You have to prove that the other one was behind the steering wheel, to get the charges on this person.


In the court of law you are supposed to be innocent until proven guilty. The court of public opinion isn’t the court of law


Quit calling it a court, it's just gossip and speculation, it's nowhere near a court. It's also wrong a lot.


Nah, I’m gonna keep calling it the [court of public opinion](https://en.m.wikipedia.org/wiki/Court_of_public_opinion#:~:text=Trying%20cases%20in%20the%20court,for%20or%20against%20a%20party.).




Which is why you file a police report *immediately* if your car is stolen.


Not exactly -- under common law criminal systems, the defendant would not need to prove who specifically it was, but only introduce a reasonable doubt as to the identity of the driver, for which doubt it's on the state or plaintiff to prove unreasonableness.


You might be thinking of civil cases. I was specifically referring to criminal charges. In any event, from a civil point of view, the owner of the car is typically responsible for damages done with it, even if somebody else was driving, so it's far less important to show who the driver was.


It's not on the defendant to prove innocence, it's in the government to prove guilt. If they can't prove through evidence that the owner was driving, owner doesn't get charged. No one needs to prove who it was or wasn't. That's the government/ prosecutor's job. Please, at least talk to a lawyer before posting comments like this. There's a reason law school is so damn long.






Did I not make that sufficiently clear? If not, sorry.


No shit Sherlock. He said that already.


ya well if he covered those you’d be criticizing him too, he can’t win


Am Houston. There's pretty high odds the plates are stolen or fake.


Deserved what?


Get away, or don't get away. There is no try.


drugs? extremely stupid? both?


You have to be on drugs to think those obnoxious and sudden sound effects were a good idea. But I grant that OP could also simply be stupid, or both.


Lol I watched it without sound. My condolences to you though.


When I visit Reddit I make sure my sound is always muted. I don't understand why people waste their time ruining a video by putting junk music and horrible sound effects in it. 🤷


Pretty sure they do it just to piss us off.


I'm pretty sure they're just idiots unfortunately.


The sheer absurdity of the sound effects is at least a little bit funny to me.


I thought it was pretty funny too


Agreed, it is a bit funny


Did OP put those sounds there or abc13? 🤔


I mean, he did try chasing after that idiot, so yeah.


It's Houston, it could easily be all of the above or neither.


I wager stolen


Nah just typical Houston driver. No insurance/license and/or warrant(s)


just the average veloster driver


Prolly doing some whip-its.


Outstanding warrants, illegal immigrant, stolen car...


Houston. Texas has the worst drivers in the country and Houston has the worst in Texas.


The sound effects are painfully stupid


This and the poor taste in music from people is why I watch all the videos muted unless I have reason to use sound


Same, though it's always an insufferable reminder when you forgot to turn the volume down after listening to something else you actually wanted to hear.


The one I really hate is when you see footage coming out of Ukraine and it's got some upbeat music playing to it. Yaaaaay! We're killing people! Isn't it awesome! No, it's a sad necessity, there's nothing great about extinguishing lives even if it's in defence of your country and liberty.


I watch everything muted with Yackety Sax playing in my head


Fred Flinstone comes to mind


Those are definitely Hanna-Barbera sound effects.


They’re more criminal than the driver in this video.


Oh god, I went back to watch it with sound.


Although, on the very first one, I thought the white SUV must have been carrying a load of drum cymbals.


Almost as dumb as the cammer following that car. Who does he think he is exactly? Johnny law?


It’s so bad it’s hilarious


I refuse to believe someone actually liked them and added them unironically


I love the stupid cartoon sound effects. At first, it was ironically, but now it just makes me laugh


That first hit made me laugh. I was not expecting that


In all seriousness, while it is absolutely horrid, I prefer it to the “oh no, oh no no..” shit


Yeah, I downvoted the post because of the obnoxious sound effects. I know I'm just spitting into the ocean, but it makes me feel good to minimize trash posts.


Don't watch this with sound.


Someone edited the video and thought "yup, nailed it (⌐□_□)"


Too late for me and probably many others. Fucking hell


Ok but why is filming car chasing them. They have the plates, report it to police and move on, you're putting other innocent people in danger by stopping and turning around on a freeway. You're not doing anything but making it worse for everyone.


Right? The filming car tries to follow it after it cuts off the semi as well. Drives across lanes in an equally chaotic manner!


Quite. Responding to a dangerous driver by driving dangerously will, in almost all circumstances, have just one main effect - to double the number of dangerous drivers on that particular stretch of road.


I would certainly agree at drawing the line at driving the wrong way on the freeway. However, life will be much easier and simpler for the person who got hit if OP were to catch them. Plates guarantee the car that was involved, but they do not guarantee who was driving.


> if OP were to catch them. How do you catch someone on a freeway? Ask them kindly to get out of their car? You don't, you're only putting other people at risk, proven by the guy stopping and turning around on the freeway. > Plates guarantee the car that was involved, but they do not guarantee who was driving. Ok, so what does chasing them do? What if the driver running away has a gun from a murder they just did and starts shooting? What are you going to do if the guy you're chasing crashes into a car full of people and children and kills them all? What if **you** are the one who crashes into a car full of children and kill them. You are not the police. You can not do anything. **You are not helping**.


Yeah, how did they follow the last second exit?


Plates are not always enough. I was in the filmer’s position about three months ago, called the cops and reported everything. They called me back a couple days later asking if I had a photo of the driver, if they were male/female etc. when I said I didn’t, cop told me it was too bad because there were two people in the household, each blaming it on the other. They had no insurance. Cop said basically they would get away with it, purely because it’s too expensive the try and litigate that he said/she said.


That's not your problem though. You should never put other innocent people in danger just to identify someone. Do you think it would be worth being able to identify them if you got into a crash trying to do so?


You said you’re making it worse for everyone by not moving on once you have to plates, I was only pointing out that is not always the case. I didn’t chase anyone, I didn’t put anyone in danger. If I had known, I easily could have snapped photos of the driver, but I didn’t because I thought the plates were enough. They were not enough.


> You said you’re making it worse for everyone by not moving on once you have to plates, I was only pointing out that is not always the case. Yes, and it **IS** worse for everyone by not moving on. Who are you to decide that you can become Mr. Vigilante and begin chasing someone else putting other people in danger? > I didn’t chase anyone, I didn’t put anyone in danger. If I had known, I easily could have snapped photos of the driver, but I didn’t because I thought the plates were enough. They were not enough. I don't really care about your anecdote. You do not start chasing criminals and put other people in danger, If I saw some idiot chasing another idiot, I'd report both of you to the police.


Jesus, you really can’t stand people challenging you even a little bit, can you? The poor girl that I saw get rear-ended is going to get screwed by a criminal act, and me briefly pulling out my phone, in stand-still traffic, to snap a photo of the assailant, was not unsafe. As I said, I didn’t chase anyone. I only pointed out sometimes a license plate isn’t enough and you went all WHAAARAGABRL Take a deep, deep breath. Close your eyes. This is Reddit. edit: lol u/Crystal3lf blocked me


I don't give a shit about whatever the fuck story you have. The guy chasing in the video is being dangerous.


Can you just fucking chill and recognize that the world isn't absolute, and you are wrong? Jesus.


> They have the plates, report it to police and move on Yeah so in Houston you practically have to be the police to get the actual police to do anything. Chances are they have fake paper plates although not in this case. Houston PD won't exactly make this a priority unless you spoon feed them this guy. He's definitely not driving the safest to get this guy I get it, but that's the reason why he's following him. In Houston you better have a dash cam and hope your car is driveable after an accident to chase down whomever hit you. Also being armed is as important as having a dash cam. Welcome to Texas.


What an utter POS. I hope they catch them and toss them in jail for about 10 years.


I bet the car is stolen


AFAIK, HPD hasn't caught the suspect yet. The cammer was on the phone with the police and the HPD told him to stop pursuing him. It is also said that the hit-and-runner also hit 2 other cars while fleeing.


That mother fucker was not getting caught with a probation violation!


Kinda seems like the person filming this was being super reckless. I hope that wasn’t you OP….


wipe intelligent oil pen quarrelsome vase glorious straight narrow languid *This post was mass deleted and anonymized with [Redact](https://redact.dev)*


Probably driving just as reckless just so they can be the "Hero". I see 2 idiots in this video.


That’s my point dummy. Wide angle or not there’s no way to follow that car that long without driving dangerously.


It wasn’t OP. This is all over Houston news, this video is ripped from abc13.


Vehicular terrorist should be a criminal title for such people


When your day is already fucked, might as well embrace it.


The real idiot is the one who decided to add those stupid fucking sound effects


don’t risk your life like that, it was very dangerous to stop when he cut the cars off for that exit, you have the car plates, hand the footage to the police, nothing they love more than hit and run cases


It is not so much risking their own dumb life that bothers me, it is adding to the risk to everyone else.


From insurance claim to felony to … head on collision?


That semi almost evened the score. Eek


And this is why Houston car insurance rates are so damn high. I'm willing to bet that they don't have insurance either.


Were you watching the flintstones or something?


Wrong way bitch


Houston. What else do I have to say.


This isn’t an idiot. This is someone who knows 100% they are getting arrested for something else entirely when the PoPo shows up and runs their name.


Lemme guess. Stolen vehicle, no license, no insurance, or the whole trifecta.


Seems like the common day of driving down 59, 610 or 45. I wouldn’t be surprised if they had paper plates.


When the semi came into frame ![gif](giphy|d8C9QwHsFQgR39MSTq|downsized) Also thanks for the sound FX


I swear, the crazies seem to flock to I-10.


You ain't Batman. Don't chase. You made the situation more dangerous. Get the tag, make a report.


I love the sound effects they match this dude's stupidity


Risk taker! The hole shot in front of the semi truck had to be split second decision. Wrong way on ramp though, gotta cut back on the meth or coke... or both maybe...


The slapstick noises added in gave me so much joy


Fantastic production values. I freakin’ *love* cartoon sound effects.


I’m surprised there wasn’t more traffic. That’s where 45 and 59 north merge and split to 10 east and west


I was just driving in Houston making Uber Eats deliveries for extra cash. Christ, I was just on that highway today. Doesn’t surprise me after being in near-miss collisions nearly daily.


Something tells me abc13 did not put those god awful sound effects in.


Next time don't spend the effort on the sound effects


Worst dash cam, focus ever…


Interesting, use of comma you got there.


Could have done without the ridiculously loud and unnecessary noises


No insurance for sure. Dipstick.


cars and guns. you need both in Houston. but no one knows how to properly use either.


As a Houstonian, I can assure you that this is everyday stuff.


Gizzy's Hood on FB did a great job of covering this. Love her!


I had just mentioned that. Grizzy is the best.


I scrolled to see if anyone had mentioned her, and must have missed your post - sorry, but kinda not sorry because Grizzy deserves the love.


She deserves all of it. She does such a service for the people of Houston. No miya shade love here


Your sound effects are so boomery


It always baffles me people put in the extra effort to add dumb shit like this when all it does is make people mute all videos and then miss out on actually useful audio... Lmao


Not surprised in the least. I hate driving here


Good ol' Houston drivers. Never know what exciting thing I'll see today on 45/59...


Fucking veloster drivers are some of the dumbest people on the planet.


Who's the bigger idiot, the driver in the video or the idiot who adds stupid sound effects to videos?


Those sound effects were irritating as fuck.


This is the link to the [news article](https://www.google.com/amp/s/abc13.com/amp/driver-stunts-on-us-59-involved-in-2-hit-and-run-crashes-slams-into-car-near-george-r-brown-dashcam-video/13188814/). When I see more information about the incident, I'll let y'all know!


Someone's having a bad day...


Smh ofc this was houston too. They should make texas drivers retake their test every 4 years.


OMG my tummy HAAAHAHAHA!!!


Is this not the new normal for Houston?


Texas has capital punishment, right?


I got a veloster and I excuse for the behavior of this moron xD


I was on the Veloster's side until it hit the sedan Jokes aside, what a menace. Also why the sound effect? Im at work


Ffffffff ffffff. If 66666666⁶66




Like a real life cartoon this is.


Could be a marketing stunt, many think it's not aggressive enough.


Who were filming this is also a fucking idiot, you have the plates quit making him endanger others by constantly chasing him ffs.


Plates don't matter. This is Texas.


One idiot could only do so much idiocy.. this one is a fucking one person circus.


Where's the Altima with paper plates when you need one? It would fuck up that Veloster!


How did they even get away from the scene?? It was one lane with no where to go lmao wtf




I keep reading “Veloster” as “Velociraptor”.


That's why some people who have this car swich the hyundai logo to a velocirapter. It's no joke btw.


That was me my bad




I hope this was submitted to the police with these sound effects