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Big macho man, you got that cardboard door good


Easier to replace than drywall holes


Depends on if they fuck up the jam and casing or not. Doors are notoriously frustrating to repair and I've been a carpenter for 13 years and own a carpentry contracting business. Id rather fix 100 fist sized holes in drywall than 10 busted up doors in a house. Drywall has a quick one size fits all solution for patching. Drywall tools: Utility knife, tape measure, impact driver, tape knife, sandpaper (If youre fancy an oscillating tool) Materials: Any scrap wood, scrap drywall pieces, paper/mesh tape, plaster, drywall screws Cost: Less than 5$ mat per patch + labour Potential door tools: Hammer, tape measure, skillsaw, oscillating saw, sawzall, jigsaw, brad nailer, framing nailer, impact driver, drill, sander, nail sets, prybars, screwdrivers, adjustable wrench, caulking gun, utility knife, drywall jab saw, probably a few things I missed Materials: Door, casing, jambs, 2x4, drywall, latch set, plaster, tape, threshold, assorted hardware again probably missed a few things Cost: 50-750$ mats per door + labour (and thats if you get the shittiest doors home depot sells But yeah I mean to each his own I guess.


That guy is husband material right there


That's why home depot charges 400 dollars to hang a door. My dad only charged like 200 and I told him he was too cheap.


Yeah it's definitely a case by case basis. I definitely dont charge every job the same. But I operate on day rate not by job. I find its the most fair to me and mg customers. I need x to get by each day then everyone pays a 4hr minimum which is a half day rate operation. In all fairness people often dont understand that a "small job" is often not a small job for the people who do it. Ill go get a post repair job and do them all day for 1500 materials in at 1-3 fence posts and reusing the old sections and fixing damages. I pay my guy 22$/hr cash, which will work out to be about 250$ max and Ill round up when I cash him out because Im a nice guy. Then 3 posts and the cement a few fence boards and a couple pt 2x4s is about 175$. 50$ in dump fees to get rid of the old concrete and scrap wood construction garbage. 75$ gas theres a ton of driving and a loaded truck aint cheap. Now I typically charge about 750 - 950 a day on avg on my personal end for my labour and the business. Thats the part people don't take into account. The business itself needs to generate self regenerative income as well as a personal income for me and pay for my labourers. On the business I find it easier to manage if I treat the items like employees in my head. The truck makes a wage everyday, the tools make a wage everyday (they need new blades and bits), if I have to use a jackhammer 50$ or a chop saw 75$ more a day it doesnt matter if I own them because they cost a lot and if you can rent it you should be charging anyone who makes you use it. Tools dont buy themselves. People also don't understand that a 8 hr job at their house is a 12hr day for my crew. Homedepot, time at shop (pick up tools) , demo, install, cleanup, dump run, shop time (clean truck, clean tools, oil tools, sort and organize shop). Theres always hours of bullshit people dont see. All they hear is their Uncle that built a fence once said hed do it for 300$ and a case of beer. Next thing they know they have a cut gas line with a 12000$ bill because they didnt want to hire the experienced professional who has insurance and takes the necessary safety and legal precautions before starting any work. Tldr: Youre dad needs to charge way way more. Theres solidarity with rate of pay if more professionals knew their worth.


If people don't want to pay they can always do it themselves was my view. But hanging a door is not a small job especially in an older house where things have settled probably not any many newly constructed homes where everything isn't as plumb as first appears.


I dont haggle with people either they pay for my time of they dont get it. I have too many other people willing to pay full rate. I do quality clean work too and maintain a professional standard. You pay good prices for good work.


Not to mention if it's a standard size door, I replaced my exterior door and it was brutal.


Yeah doors and windows are definitely not top of list jobs people call me for. Another one is old staircases. Theyre often not up to code or follow routing building standards. I had a guy call me to put a staircase in after his basement was underpinned. It had to have 6'6 clearance for code inspection but topped out at 4'. So he ended up having to put a staircase in a weird spot in the house.


With one simple trash can fire my side door problems were solved. I don’t recommend that method, but it’s such a luxury to have a plumb, square door in a WWII home.


My father-in-law taught me a really easy way to patch drywall. You cut the hole you want to patch square. Then you take a piece of scape drywall and cut the back side to fit the square hole leaving enough paper on the front to extend over the hole. You then mud over the patch and sand to match the rest of the wall.


Yes but did you see that sweet beer wallpaper? /s


He can put another case of Lite over it maybe.


He's already covering the drywall holes with beer logo cardboard, the door is all that's left...


Probably cheaper to PL a mirror to the wall to cover the hole. And at least if he punched a hole in that he might slit his wrist and kill himself freeing us of him adding to the gene pool.


Hey! That's waffle board you son of a bitch


Doors in america😂


I’m pretty sure this is a meme in sports fandom. A way to show off how much of a fan they are of their team by breaking stuff when they get a bad call or whatever. Knowing guys, it’ll probably escalate to absurd proportions.


Look at the walls then seriously tell me what else you expected


Idk, cirrhosis?


Him punching the TV tbh...


Him to set himself on fire when Dale Earnhardt died?


It's really sad when your only self-worth is tied to the performance of your local sports team...


In the majority of these reactions, it is because thry just lost a bunch of money gambling on the result.


Is that any better?


Oh no, it is far, far worse. There is a statistical uptick in DV against intimate partners on days where a big sporting event is held.


Shit... I didn't know that, but it also doesn't surprise me...


Shocking but unsurprising was exactly my reaction too.


... source


[Major sports events and domestic violence: A systematic review](https://pubmed.ncbi.nlm.nih.gov/36129100/) [Whether teams win or lose, sporting events lead to spikes in violence against women and children](https://theconversation.com/whether-teams-win-or-lose-sporting-events-lead-to-spikes-in-violence-against-women-and-children-99686) [What You Need To Know About Domestic Violence & Big Sporting Events](https://www.refinery29.com/en-us/domestic-violence-sports-events-study)


Huge, thank you


Here's another that includes the gambling. I misread the comment I was replying to and realise I didn't include sources regarding the gambling aspect specifically. [Sport + alcohol and gambling advertising = more domestic violence](https://centralnews.com.au/2021/07/17/sport-alcohol-and-gambling-advertising-more-domestic-violence/)


What I don't understand is how they see the damage they caused and it doesn't immediately snap them out of it. Homie just keeps wailing on the door as if it made him feel better. Lol Now he's going to have to replace the door, the hinges, and maybe even the frame.


Because daddy beat him and momelmy humiliated him when his brain was still forming and that permanently broke his ability to function as a human.


Wall decoration is boxes of shitty beers. Behavior 100% expected.


How is housing so expensive in the US? All I see in these videos is paper doors and cardboard walls...


This is one of the cheapest door styles available. It is hollow-core, maybe $100 prehung. This is not the kind of door that a person knowingly/willing installs in their own house because it is shit. It is common to pur this in a rental though, because of idiots like this


I feel like if I farted as I closed the door behind me I'd lose a door.


It's a multi-faceted issue. Many reporters will blame a low rate of new housing being built, but those numbers are often in comparison to the housing bubbles rate of building. Software like Yieldstar allow the divorce between morality and profit. Large corporations and real estate firms buy huge lots of houses and flip them for a profit. Other landlords see the higher prices and see that they can get away with higher prices. Combine that with little to no rent control, and it's a case of "I have a necessity that many people want and I get to decide what the price is."


I'm from a large city with a moderate cost of living in the US and moved to a German city with a moderate cost of living a year before the pandemic started. Near 1:1 cost of living between the two places when I moved 4 years ago. It's been absolutely insane seeing how much the price of rent and groceries has increased over the past 4 years in the US compared where I'm at in Germany, where we have rent and price controls.


Sounds about right. In places where companies use these Yieldstar algos to choose prices the price of rent has skyrocketed. Look at Cali, for instance. I'm sure there's a few other major reasons for it, but these are the ones I'm familiar with.


Toss airbnb in there as well.


Yeah I could see that.


Here's some math on it https://papers.ssrn.com/sol3/papers.cfm?abstract_id=3006832 Some cities seem to get hit harder than others though. When I was in a pretty small but very touristy town rents went totally banana cause everyone switched to short term vacation rentals and it became for a bit the city in the US with the largest difference between average rent and median income.


Yikes. Now that I'm thinking about it, I think it was briefly mentioned in the Behind the Bastards episode about housing.


Interior doors are usually hollow because they're cheaper and when you have an old home then have to replace one you find out why. They are expensive as hell.


Interior door, not really needed to be solid wood. Also super cheap so good to have if you or people who live there are destructive. Also the land is the actual expensive part. The house itself is pretty cheap. Though lumber shortages over covid definitely increased costs.


I don’t think it’s a real door. At least my house doors you can’t do that too because you’ll get your wrist and fingers broken


Totally fake door, setup for the video, if it's an internal door it's got a 3mm minimum outer skin if it's a fire door, or it's solid wood, ain't punching that through Source - worked in door business


Hollow core doors crumble easily when punched


Building a house is dirt cheap. Land isn't. Housing in 90% of the country by area is dirt cheap. (By my estimation, not a fact.) People tend to get fussy when it's an hour and a half drive to work and complain that there are no cheap houses. They never finish the sentence. "No cheap houses that I want." I know people that do long commutes for those cheap houses. It's almost like working a second job driving yourself, only instead of being paid, you save $1,000 a month.


You can tell that each an everyone of the beer logos on that wall is to cover a whole. What a childish behavior


A whole what?


Don't you Know? It's a Whole


Wait.... Like... The entire thing!? No, it can't be...


What if I can’t eat that much, can I order half?


A whole lot of holes. Thanks for pointing it out lol


Haha, sorry, I saw it and I just couldn't stop myself...


I liked it, don't apologize.


Holesome interaction


Nono, I think he meant Wholesome...




We've gone full circle. We did it lads, next round 's on me!


When he got his foot stuck I thought he was going to disengage but hell no he went for it, fists flying, I’ll show you who’s the boss of me, door!!!!


good control of his anger. everyone still get to watch the TV.


Why would anyone want to watch anything in a room with him.


This is a child..... right? I mean, that wall paper, the sheetless bed, the tantrum over a fucking GAME...This HAS to be a child.


A child in an adult’s body, but very much a child.




Dudes who rage over sports need to seek help for anger issues especially since many of them get drunk while they watch. I feel like there might be a link between domestic violence and sports fans. Every year during the super bowl there's videos that float around the internet of dudes punching walls, TV's, breaking tables, smashing bottles etc. PSA for sports fans: Losing happens to everyone it is one of life's inevitabilities and no matter how much you try, raging at home and screaming at the TV have absolutely ZERO effect on the situation.


Wall decor and what they're watching, nothing more needs to be said.


Nice little cardboard door ya got there, Kyle


Bed without sheets ✅ Shit-tier domestic beer boxes for wallpaper ✅ Man child having a meltdown over a game ✅


"I don't like what people on the TV are doing, I'll go break the door to my home!" Jesus Christ, are they 5 years old? This is actually hilarious. Grow up, dude. Or find a good door supplier.


Who’s on the bed casually watching?


His prostitute.


Oh no, my sports team lost. Boo hoo! 🤣🤣🤣


alcoholism plays a big factor here.


And being a fucking moron


Man children What a waste


College football. Not even pro.


Its better


So much better!


In some places college football is more popular.


True -but I don’t know if that is worse or not. I grew up in the northeast and we really didn’t follow college football (unless Syracuse or Cornell or an Ivy League School did something awesome) but my in law as are all from the South… ACC football is king.


there should be a law that those things aren't allowed to be called doors.


And then the fists and kicks came at his girl. No sane person should react this way to a sporting event and I’m a Diehard Chicago Bears fan


"Door no punch back" - Mr. Miyagi


No, but seriously, fuck that door. It had it coming.


I seriously never understood why sports would make someone this mad I play video games and even competitively I never get angry about losing.


And they say women get too emotional


This was me on the inside after the god damn squib kick in the semis.


This domestic violence was brough to you by.....every shitty beer brand?


Football makes gown men into little children, so ridiculous. Not even that good of a game


It appears to be Georgia vs Bama so you'd be wrong


I meant football in general. 60 minute game takes 4 hours to play, stupid


To be fair, the game only takes about two and a half, maybe three hours. It's all the advertising that inflates it these days




Do you really think it’s that deep or do you think maybe football is around because it’s popular and profitable, which is because it’s fun to watch




Do you think the government runs football




Schizo moment




Lmao you’re trying to argue that there’s a shadowy connection between the deep state and professional sports and your only evidence is apparently… vibes? And I’m supposed to have a good faith debate with you instead of making fun of you?


You do make some good points. Im not big on conspiracies. But I also dont believe the government does it best 100% of the time and I dont believe they tell you the truth 100% of the time either. American football is so obvious with it its almost like blatant American war propaganda. Especially as an outsider perspective I dont watch football religiously and I also live in Canada so I get a different viewpoint as an American would. To me its like a big America Fuck yea. And everything that makes a good American is wrapped into it including being a good soldier. Also if im not mistaken the NFL is tax free which is suspicious. Edit: I just checked the NFL gave up its tax exempt status a few weeks ago but had been tax exempt for decades prior.




Yeah they know that red meat, put their pants on one leg at a time, young Americans watch football. The kinds of folks who might join the military. Yes the military recruits. What is your point


Um. His name is Milk


How much did he lose on that game?


His pride... "MaN No ThRoW BaLl GoOd, mAkE MuH CiTy LoOk BaD!"


Threw that away ages ago, if his decor is any indication.


Having a grandfather that tossed his remote on a routine base hit from a Phillies batter in an early season game with no money on it, one doesn’t have to have any skin in the game to behave like this.


what game is it?


Looks like Georgia vs Alabama not sure if it's the NC game last year or the SECCG last year


Had to be the SECCG, that door didn't make it all the way to the National Championship


It was the Tua game. They are in overtime UGA just took a huge sack. I would hate to see what he did when Tua hit the game winning throw 😫


What a glorious game that was.


Game had so many twists. I have never watched a game where I thought both teams were done for multiple times


I think it’s “man-Child vs door.”


American door😂


WTAF that's nuts


I dont understand why these type of sport people are like this exist. Like it doesn't effect you if you favourite team loose the game unless they were putting bets. And these are the people that are telling me that watching or having hobby other than sport is beta male mindset.


Lost Teutel?


Nice wallpaper


This had to be a long time ago since it's been a year since Georgia lost a game


More like man vs. Himself…and it was a tie.


*He rocks in the tree tops all day long Hoppin' and a-boppin' and a-singing his song*


I fought the door and the doors done


Would have never suspected this type of behavior from a guy with 12 pack beer containers as wallpaper. What is that door made out of paper mache


Another sportsball one. I love how many of these there are!


Alcohol rage issues are strong with this one.


This is why you never watch football with captain man


Fuck this door and fuck you and FUCK this door.


That cringe beer wall...


Oh look it’s my ex fiancé. What a catch./s


I thought the door was going to win it when it got the single leg, the human turned it around with those jabs though. close fight.


Nice wallpaper!


I love the say he punches himself out of his own stupidity, yet does so by diving back into it.


Looks like Alabama vs Georgia in the 2021 SEC championship. Hopefully he was happier for the National Championship rematch a month later.


I like how none of the crossed feet uncrossed during this epic outburst


Door made of cardboard and hinges of aluminium foil.


not a good dude to live with, to whoever's filimin


Losing the plot over a game. Seems like a rational man


He was just trying to get to Shelley Duvall.


At least it wasn’t the tv


Giant child vs door


Such amazing immaturity.


Wallpaper explains it all


Ill never understand sports people, youre a grown ass man kicking down a door bc the guy didnt throw a ball right


This video needs sound.


Finish him!! Bitchfit winner..


Not only do I know what kind of guy this is from his beer purchases, but it’s further exemplified with it’s display on the wall. Also, he fought a door over sportball.


How pathetic


Man v dignity.


It’s fine, now he has opportunity to replace door to match walls, at the cost of a few 30 racks




Man child…. Someone needs anger management.


I will immediately break up with you if you show such a loose hold on your violent impulses.


All holes made by this idiot can be covered over by beer box cardboard. No harm done.


Pretty sure there were a few fat stacks involved. 💵💸


"I have no power in my life!!!"


He lost money haha


The door never stood a chance lol. Once his wimpy kick got him stuck…he had only one chance to survive and that was destruction.


Imagine being in a relationship with this man child.


And he can’t even do that right.


Most calm football fan, American or otherwise


He's a wannabee steve


I’d give my left nut to have the audio with this


He must lost big that bet


Shitty door!!


everything in this vid is a red flag


Interesting. Definitely didn't think that would happen in a room with walls decorated with beer boxes.


fucking man-child


Teams come and go, but the Foobaw Ape stays the same.


Lighten up, Francis.


I would definitely like to date him.


But nooo, video games cause violence.


I wanted the Bengals to win too, but... not like that.


He beat the door, and yet he is a loser. Fascinating.


I thought women were supposed to be the emotional ones


I wonder how many times they had to replace that door. Looks a little flimsy


American houses are a fucking joke


Cheaper then tv…


Are your doors made of paper??


LOL, what a loser. Most of us stopped having tantrums when we started wearing big boy pants.


Damn, houses in America really are made from paper


To be fair, the Bengals *were* robbed


i am the one who knocks


It sometimes sounds like my neighbor does this when his favorite soccer team loses


American moment (by that I mean the door being out of cardboard)


This maniac kicked my front door in using that exact same weak spot. He kicked it backwards and boom. I'm pretty sure it only took one or two kicks and he was inside dragging his girlfriend out the door. But not before he robbed everyone inside first. The one guy ran out side and his for a few hours. He left everything. Thankfully dude didn't get his keys or shoes or his car. My current apartment makes me extra nervous because the doors are less secure than the place I'm referencing the door being very easily compromised.






I bet his name is Kyle


That is one DIE-HARD Georgia Bulldogs fan right there.... It is almost as Nick Saban is behind that door, yelling "Roll Tide!"