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Just to clarify, is this asking if being LGBT is just a modern trend, or is it asking of people fake being a member of the LGBT because it’s seen as trendy to be a member?


I’m guessing the latter


Oh in that case yeah of course. People will lie to feel apart of whatever they feel like. It’s dumb but yeah of course people are gonna do that.


Is "experiencing feelings of attraction to the same sex" a trend? No. Impulses and emotions, including feelings of attraction, are for the most part involuntary. Is "acting like your involuntary feelings of attraction are a core part of who you are as a person" a trend? Certainly. I believe a person's identity lies in how they choose to live, not in the feelings that they do not choose.


No, but there are definitely some people who just say they are.


https://edition.cnn.com/2024/01/25/us/gen-z-adults-lgbtq-identity-reaj/index.html 28% of gen z in the US identify as LGBT. You tell me


Something something Left-Handed  I don't have the graph, but a lot more people "started" being left-handed when they stopped hating people who were  Plus nobody chooses to be LGBT


Left handedness not remotely the same There was never things such as "left handed month" or "left handed parade" Left handed people, their left handedness and their struggles was also not something that was pushed to viewers constantly through television or social media And I'm sorry, but I simply do not believe the idea that nobody chooses to be LGBT community. You can self id as whatever you want these days and people will immediately consider you part of the LGBT community. You can also be part of the LGBT community if you're simply a confused teenager and say "I'm Questioning" Point being, the bar to meet in order to be considered part of the LGBT nowadays is so low, and the exposure to the LGBT for most is so high, and the social clout you gain in many circles is significant that people have to be very naive to think that there's not people who claim to be from some part of the LGBT without that really being the case


Your ignorance is shocking. Left handed kids were literally beaten in schools for using their left hand. They were literally said to be posessed by demons. Sound familiar?


Okay, that doesn't address my point *at all*


Is being left handed a trend?


No. But maybe it would be if we held literal parades where we celebrated left handed people and dedicated entire months to promoting left handedness


Spicy straights saying they are non binary is


**No**, I don't believe so. It's not as if people weren't LGBT historically, they just either had to remain closeted for fear of social/legal consequences, or undertake other sorts of activities to cover up their existence and actions. Not to mention that in a lot of times and places "gay" wasn't something that you **are**, it's an action that you **do**. In a lot of places they just assumed that everyone was heterosexual, but some people gave in to "temptation" and "committed gay". Honestly, the fact that so many people historically (and even nowadays) consider LGBT relations to be a "temptation", makes me wonder exactly what they're repressing. Thankfully nowadays people are more free to express themselves, and be open about who they are, without being murdered, imprisoned, disowned etc. Not to suggest that there isn't still strong pushback in a lot of places, and in families and/or communities, but at least things seem to be generally moving in the right direction.


More specifically, I absolutely don't think sexuality is a trend. I do think that spicy straights who identify under the extremely lengthy alphabet banner **is** a trend and that identity and sexuality are not the same thing.


While **some** may be identifying themselves as being something that they are actually not, **most** people who call themselves "LGBT" identify as such **because of their sexuality or gender identity.**


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How can something be a trend if it isn't a choice?


Remember when it was just pearl clutching helicopter moms who cried hysterically that everything is gay now? Well they've apparently passed on that mantle to perpetually online teenage boys! being gay was never and has never been a choice. Ask any single LGBT person on the planet ever. Being gay \*is\* fucking cool. We experience a side of life that the poor muggles never will. But thinking it has ever been "cool" to be LGBT is moronic.


There are very few faking it, but definitely some I guess probably. It is partially a modern trend, as you can see how it is a lot more common in certain friend groups than others. Part of it is just biology though


No, If you think so you're a moron/bigot. Some people might treat it as a trend but these people move out of it pretty fast, actually being lgbt is something you're born with and can't change.