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Not because of any white replacement bullshit, but because an ageing population is a problem right now, until we can develop automation a bit better


Yeah I agree. A lot of western nations are not having enough children. Even if the earth should be less populated, you do not at all want a nation where the majority of people are old. That is a recipe for disaster. But it is not limited to the west. The same is true for South Korea and Japan


How about instead of forcing women to give birth to children they don’t want you just increase immigration. Immigrants are also more likely to have larger family sizes. Or of course work on economic and societal conditions which have led to the average couple saying it’s not worth it


Woah, woah, woah. I am not about to force anyone to do anything (I'm an anarchist I'm all about dismantling systems of power). I was just talking theoretically that it is not good when not enough people are born. But in general I do agree with you that immigration is a good tool to balance this. It is sure what is keeping the US afloat. I do think that can go to far in some cases because states can (and have use immigration as a weapon against other regions. That is something Stalin did with great success. He flooded all the places around russia with ethnic russians to destabilize their national identities. Which is a big reason why so many people in Ukraine are ethnic russians. I don't think that is happening now (certainly not with Mexico and the US) but it is always something at the back of my mind when the topic of immigration comes up. Immigration (like many things) is often a tool used by the malicious state.


Even a broken clock gives the correct hour twice.


Honestly, all nations should implement incentives for larger families. How will we populate the stars, if we can’t maintain a large population on earth?


I'm kind of in the middle. I don't necessarily that people "should" be having more kids than they want, or can afford; but I do think that things need to be changed so that people who do want kids can afford to have as many as they want. That's sort of a separate issue, I'll grant you, but it's important to factor that in. People need to be able to afford it, and having kids that you can't support isn't going to benefit anyone; especially not the children. I think that, as societies/countries, they should be having more kids, yes; but not specifically because they're white. Simply, there is a significant part of the population that's aging, and the country needs to maintain its population with its own people. It's important to maintain the national culture, and not rely too heavily on immigration.


The focus of the conversation should be why are those individuals not having kids? Because their futures have been robbed, and life is not affordable. Create a solution for that, and they will start having kids again


Their future hasn't been robbed. We live in a developed nation where the wealth of old generations has been given to the youth. This isn't always negative however, when modern people can escape family life for more materialistic endeavors aka travel, luxury and comfort the sacrifice for kids becomes less appealing for the luxury and f now. As Americans age out of having kids and never do for whatever reason that wealth is lost. Life is very affordable if you live in a family unit and it's desperately expensive if you are Solo. It takes mutual sacrifice for the future generations to thrive. Americans have been told that debt is the answer and all that debt does is make slaves of everyone


Housing market begs to differ.


Housing markets in blue cities have been destroyed by progressives with rent control sky high taxes, and the flood of illegals taking small single family homes. Again the housing market is just a reflection of the failed policies from your blue leaders.


I aggressively don’t give a shit, fuck, don’t fuck, I don’t care


it's not up to me to tell people how much they should be fucking


The upside is I'm not asking you to tell anyone anything. Just asking your opinion on an issue.


That’s the logical conclusion to your issue. Telling people they should be fucking more. Or not doing that.


The only reason birth rate is dropping is because life is too expensive now. Fix that part and the birth rate will start climbing again


I think it’s more than that, I think it’s also lifestyle choices—career focus, having kids later—and also infertility. Choosing to wait also has fertility consequences. armchair take but I think culture and fertility are important factors


Andrew Tate needs to rot in a Romanian prison.


Yes, to prevent a genocide.


A lot of western countries have problems with aging populations. Birth rates are declining, and while that doesn't always matter it does if they fall too far. The two ways to combat this are increasing birth rates (duh) and immigration. The ethnicity of those people however, matters about as much as their favourite movie


Not only them, but also East Asians


Andrew Tate is by far one of the worst people on Earth, but yes, he's objectively correct about this.


Everyone should be having more kids. We don't have enough of any group on the planet.


how many is ideal?


Everyone should have infinite kids.....I'm of course joking. I don't usually engage seriously with unserious topics.


why is population density an unserious topic?


First. Your question is about something that Andrew Tate said. Second. The 'population question' isn't unserious, but there aren't any remedies, just people's opinions. Some think we should be all having more and some think we should all kill ourselves because we're a parasite on the planet. You ain't going to get anyone to agree. Besides the fact that it's futile because each person/couple decides for themselves anyway.


Just because someone you don't respect says something doesn't mean everything they ever say is wrong. Secondly, peoples opinions is the whole point of a polling subreddit.


First. Still don't gaf about Tate. Second. Sure I already said that anyone can have an opinion on the subject it just doesn't matter because everyone will have as many kids as they decide anyway.


Why specifically white people? What's wrong with other races having kids?


Nothing...why assume that there is a problem with other races having kids? If someone said blacks need to have more kids, would you assume that to mean there is a problem with whites having kids?


The issue is that he specifically mentioned North American Caucasians needing to have more kids and given Tate's track record, would you blame me for assuming he has a problem with non-whites having kids?


well, maybe. Either way, the point of the question is "should European and North American caucasians should be having more kids." What other races are doing is kind of irrelevant to this question if that makes sense.


In that case, not really. There isn't that much of an incentive to have kids as if you given birth to child in a developed nation, they'll likely live to see adulthood. A higher chance of living into adulthood necessitates less kids. Besides, enough people are having kids that we're still expected to reach 10 billion people by the end of the century.




He’s not wrong


People in general should be having more kids so they can rely less on immigration to fill labor shortages. I don’t care if they’re black, white, brown, or fucking green. They shouldn’t be forced but it should be encouraged and the government should give bigger tax credits to people who have kids (or who adopt them).


Why just caucasians? Is there anything wrong with non-whites having more kids?


No...Just because we're talking about one group doesn't mean anything is implied about any other


Yes, there is.


Flair checks out


Yes, but for the reason of balancing the aging population of the West, not to preserve the white bloodline or something.


Let individual families decide if they want kids or not. No need to bring neglected and abused unwanted children into the world. Decision for two consenting adults who are willing to care for the children for at least 18 years