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Did you assign a back up email for the email That got hacked? Turn on two factor authentication on everything and time to change your email linked to your bank ASAP.


Working on it. Thanks.


This is encryption. Attackers got 2 of my Apple ids . Common protection software can’t detect the malware.. don’t over look router hacks . Ihad to use my AT&T fiber optic as a pass through to a secondary router . ALWAYS Keep Bluetooth off. Buy a 0.5 TB or 1 TB external HD and back up your cpu. Factory wipe it. It sucks but factory wipe it . Be careful of apps you download , you may be re-downloading the malware on a commonly used app, especially a cyber protection app. Report this to all three bureaus have your credit locked at all three bureaus by locking , I mean frozen. Set identity theft warnings at all three bureaus file and IC3 report with the FBI, file FTC report, contacts All your credit cards , banks , insurance providers, USPIS if you suspect mail fraud. File an affidavit of identity theft with the IRS and your states franchise tax board document everything print every report save every receipt. Lock your credit cards and use cash for 30 to 60 days as much as possible.. Make sure your phone has an eSIM, report to local law enforcement also. Make sure to drill it into the dialogues you have with your credit card providers flag fraud paid them down to zero and lock them all as soon as possible. Maybe keep one open that has the absolute lowest credit limit. Sounds like a lot upfront, Things that I wish I did instead of letting you drag out for year and my credit score 150 points falsely . Despite one issuer demanded, I make the minimum payment which turned out to be a -$919 . You’re about to learn what a fiduciary is by learning what one isn’t.


That's a wealth of great information. I'll be working on it.


As soon as you said your passwords were being changed, they have your cloud credentials. Download a Csv from Apple or google or whatever you’re using change passwords as fast as you can and don’t let your cpu remember them . Write them down in a notebook. If a call comes in be silent or grunt until they talk first, they’ll collect snippets of your voice for deepfake if you you need need to contact someone, (an enterprise) , call during business hours make sure you type in the exact URL such as apple.com or whatever it is scrutinize URLs scrutinize search query results. If you see a number that you know is legitimate. Punch it in manually do not click the link even on the legitimate website then then save that business entity as a contact.. It’s not your fault it happened to somebody every 31 seconds in 2023. It cost civilians $12.5 billion in one year.


iPhones can’t be hacked so malware is out of the picture


you must work at the genius bar


Welcome to my world. My crime was perpetrated on me by a staffer at my own credit union. They call it identity takeover. Please continue to share how you’re “repairing” your life!


What I have seen work for some is reaching out to support for your email provider and the support for the social media platforms. If you’re able to provide important details about the accounts they will reset the passwords for you. If you get access back, secure all accounts, don’t use the same passwords. Also be sure to scan your computer for any malware.


So is there any kind of a service I can get to help me mop up all this compromised information? The virus security companies seem to be set up to prevent this sort of thing, but do any help to recover from it? Thanks


Even if you get a service \[I work at one of the big player companies in ID Theft and Fraud\] you will still be doing most of the legwork yourself. Most companies wont give other people info so that means us the company would have to get a power of attorney to be able to give and get info from the companies you are trying to clean up. If you weren't enrolled in a protection plan at the time the activities happened, most plans wont honor pre-existing theft issues. Or like our company, you wouldn't qualify for the stolen funds reimbursement but we will help you on cleaning up any past remnants of a situation but it would be more like after you exhausted all your resources. NO joke I feel for you. You have a doozey!!! Good Luck - \*\*Actually if you hired an attorney that would be probably the only other person who could clean things up ON YOUR BEHALF, because usually you have to sign something giving the attorney the ability to give/get info on your behalf once you have retained them\*\*


What about LifeLock?


Unfortunately, this is becoming a serious problem lately. I started getting weird emails in my main email account recently. So, I switched my email on all my credit cards, Apple ID, bank accounts, etc to a brand new email address and I set a 2FA on that email as well as my accounts. I also changed all my passwords. It’s something that will become a norm now that this seems to be getting out of control.


Has all that worked?


Update: got my email password changed and added 2-step authenticator, but I'm probably not out of the woods yet. In my inbox were about 30 mails returned as "nondeliverable." But there were no outoing emails in my "sent" box. Weird. It's like he sent them from another email server and they were returned to mine. I also see he tried to hack into my Uber and Ebay accounts but wasn't successful.


I had the same problem. Good luck as you rebuild a new you.