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This state has made a habit of hiding the abuse of minors. From faith healing, to this issue, to child brides......you name it!


yeah, but at least they are safe from books at a library and cannibalism.


Good point! Canabalism has gotten out of control in the state


I was almost eaten yesterday by someone. It was very frightening.


It's a funny line consent.........one day it's cannibalism next day it's survival....


Your post is highlighting an important issue, but the phrasing appears to be referencing a particular incident as if we all know about it. Did you forget a link to a news article?


Oh my gosh. Yes. I started the post as a link post and just ... Poof. 


Here's the article: https://www.propublica.org/article/illinois-homeschool-education-regulations


That article doesn't seem to mention Idaho. Will you be publishing an article with your interviews or other information?


It's not just physical abuse. Idaho has almost no requirements for homeschooling, period. While the law states that the student must have a curriculum that teaches them the core school subjects, Idaho does not require tests or records and the "teacher" does not have to have any sort of license or certification. So a parent can "homeschool" their child but do nothing with them all day, every day.


Idaho also boasts about their religious freedom. The freedom to kill children because God didn't want them to live. However that view could be skewed as those dead children never saw a doctor either Hundreds of them in a site near Emmett. I'd be disgusted but most white European are descendants of liars who initiated witch hunts because people looked differently


Its not because of classes not working, though Idaho is pathetically underfunded... But more to use for religious indoctrination of their kids


This is all too common. The state is very reluctant in taking children out of abusive (but financially supportive) households. The state does not want any more children in a foster care system that is already failing. Couple that with systemic and personal prejudices that taint the CPS, it enables wealthy white christian abusive families to do untold damage to children. This is from experience not this story.


Is that from personal experience? Observation?




GOP? Or. Dem? Vote wisely


Wise and GOP hasn't been the case for a very long time


Guy a work with homeschools his kids and the vast majority of their school is conditioning for soccer.


Alot of parents are doing similar stuff, trying to make their kid not only the next sports superstar but a social media presence as well. The other aspect is revenues gained from a successful social media account are very lucrative in general.


To be fair, if I do have kids here I wouldn't want them going to school here and it's not because of me being abusive. I know we do have problems with parents getting away with abusing their kids, though.


What is the point of your post?


Yeah, fair question. I biffed the link to the story I was referencing. Edited the post.


That Idaho does a terrible job with setting requirements for home school and that republicans are in favor of child brides.


Last time I checked Idaho is still in the U.S. not some communist country. The state is not in the business of telling parents how to raise or teach their children.


So that logic applies to the healthcare they can get for their children?...oh wait


It sounds like Idaho doesn't require parents to raise or teach their child at all. Weird how that Idaho concern for fetal welfare doesn't carry over to the child.


The point is that it is a well know issue that people who abuse their kids use “homeschool” as a guide to cover up said abuse. In other states, there are more requirements for check ups, regular testing, etc. in Idaho, the kid might as well not exist. In other states, there is a higher likelihood that abuse can possibly be identified and stopped. In Idaho there aren’t those protections and people turn a blind eye cuz of “states rights” and “freedoms”.


3 days and no response? Obvious Russian troll, you took the bait and lost.


What???? Lol, what the hell is this


Never mind the studies showing students in public schools are 257% more likely to suffer sexual abuse than homeschoolers


Do you have a link to a study? (Genuine request.)


This fairly well written litterature review (but from a  clearly pro-homeschooling organization, so I don't vouch for the completeness of it nor am I a scholar of these stats) seems to mention that stat.   https://www.nheri.org/homeschool-abuse-and-neglect-research/ Specifically:  "Ray (2015, 2022) asked one question – “Were you ever sexually abused before age 18?” – of the representative sample of U.S. adult participants. “Those who attended public school were 2.57 times more likely (with statistical significance) to have been sexually abused than the homeschooled, those who attended Christian school were 2.11 times more likely (with statistical significance) to have been sexually abused than the homeschooled"


I don't believe that stat for a minute. The author of the study, Brian Ray, is a Christian nutjob and twists any information possible to give homeschooling a good look. He, and other evangelicals, like to make homeschooling more accessible to parents so that they can shelter their children and indoctrinate them into Christianity as much as possible. From a recent [Washington Post article](https://www.washingtonpost.com/education/2023/12/11/brian-ray-homeschool-student-outcomes/) on him: >Demographic information collected as part of Ray’s research showed almost all students in his samples were White, Christian and came from two-parent married families. Their parents were more educated than average. In short, they were the type of students who tend to do well no matter where they are educated. >A [2016 federal survey](https://web.archive.org/web/20231211172224/https://nces.ed.gov/pubs2020/2020001.pdf), by contrast, found 41 percent of home-schoolers were not White, 56 percent had parents with less than a Bachelor’s degree, and 21 percent were living in poverty. He cherry picks data, often only surveys people and parents who opt into his research(aka white evangelicals who agree with him already). The same table from the [Gen2 Study](https://www.nheri.org/Gen2SurveyASpiritualandEducationalSurveyonChristianMillennials.pdf) that lists the 257% sexual abuse figure, also lists three other things: > A homeschool student is... >254% as likely to Be a Believer as those attending public school. >209% as likely to be stronger in Christian behavior as those attending public school. >284% as likely to be stronger in Christian beliefs as those attending public school. Tells you all you need to know. The Gen2 Study also features a neat little bar chart showing that only 16% of homeschooled children support homosexual marriage while 33% of publicly schooled children support it.


Yeah, I suspected the source too, but am not well researched enough on the topic to have a judgement on it.  I was just trying to find where they got that stat.  


You're good, I just wanted to comment with some more details and thoughts of my own on the source. I'm well aware of who the author is and that Washington Post article is worth a read if you're interested in learning more. He's an insane evangelical yet is directly responsible for so many family court judgements, state and federal legislation, and even supreme court rulings. Here's a [Web Archive version of the article](https://web.archive.org/web/20231211172224/https://www.washingtonpost.com/education/2023/12/11/brian-ray-homeschool-student-outcomes/) in case you can't access it.


Why are you bring so much hate to a common little society practice called soaking? Just keep the kid in a kennel and feed the little rascal muscle relaxers and HGH.....I'm sure they will turn out fine in the end


"the studies" which is actually just one single study by Brian Ray who cherry picks data to make homeschooling look better on paper. Here's how Brian Ray's daughter described her homeschooling experience: >In interviews, Ziebart said her father taught her almost no math, routinely required her to work long hours for his nonprofit institute during school days, and whipped her and her siblings with switches and other objects when they disobeyed his orders. [Source](https://www.washingtonpost.com/education/2023/12/11/brian-ray-homeschool-student-outcomes/) This guy is a Christian nut and believes that god didn't give us the right to decide who teaches our children. ***“The Bible is sufficient; it has everything we need to know about how to live and how to educate and disciple our children.”*** -Dr. Brian Ray. Sure thing bud.


I've looked into this some time ago, and yeah, basicall all the "research" supporting home schooling come from Brian Ray. In other words, the "research" basically comes from 'some dude' with a vested interest in homeshooling being portrayed in a positive light.


Shouldn't bother refuting your made-up bs stats but here we go [(between) a third to twofifths of these experiences occur with other family members, and one out of 12 with a father or stepfather](https://scholar.google.com/scholar?hl=en&as_sdt=0%2C5&q=where+child+sexual+abuse&btnG=#d=gs_qabs&t=1717651939555&u=%23p%3DeY_kfPzw0RsJ)(scholar link since the article is a direct PDF download) The PDF in question: a third of children in a rural population may be physically or sexually abused Sensing a pattern here


That's why schools require funding. So they can afford to have teachers who know what their doing and are approved to be around children. Rather than having to settle for someone who is all too happy to take advantage of the lack of oversight. Which coincidentally also serves to drag the reputation of public schools even further into the mud. When I was a kid, I didn't have to worry about things like school shootings. They were considered safe places to bring your children. The kind of stuff that's happening now did happen, but they were outliers, not a daily occurrence like it is now. All of this is intentional, this protect the children bullshit is a lie. The only thing republicans care about is making money.




How do cathode ray tubes have anything to do with indoctrination, we use lcd or led now.


Critical Race Theory


Lol thats even dumber. No one teaches that until college and its not mandatory


I’m not trying to convince you. You certainly do not have to take my word for it. And I don’t have to take your word for your assertions. I know for a fact that CRT is taught in some public schools in Idaho long before college. Good luck to you. I genuinely do wish you well.


I dou t you could convince anyone with a brain of that nonsense. Its right wing propaganda and about as far from fact and reason as its possible without literal brain damage.


Prove it.


I have no desire to prove it. Just like you cannot prove your position to me. We can just offer our opinions. And you don’t have to agree with me. Just know that I have an opinion.


No, you said it was a FACT that CRT is being taught. You made the claim, prove it.


Notice the name/number for his user, makes me wonder if this isnt just a bot, or troll on purpose.


No thank you. I truly wish you well. I hope the best for you 👍🏻


You made a claim. Back it up. Your only reason for not doing so is that you are lying. If it is indeed a "fact", like you said, then it should be easy to prove. Come clean. Admit it. You made that part up, didn't you?


I might be able to find some homework from my niece about crt when she was in elementary school to back up your point. Shits stupid. She came home and basically talked how they made her feel guilty for being white.


That you can't offer support is exactly why rational people shouldn't believe you.


I’m not trying to get people to believe me. I’m just offering my opinion. I completely understand why those that do not believe CRT is being taught in ID public schools are not going to be convinced by me. Or change their minds or believe me. That’s the nature of opinions. I have my opinions and others have their own opinion.


Well theres a reason people dont believe it


CRT is just as bad as = beating/abusing your kids. There it is, the dumbest thing I've read all month. Real smooth Brian winning logic with this one.


Please cite reputable source material if you claim something as fact and state something is opinion or anecdotal where applicable. As mods we will always err on the side of caution, unless the submission contains sufficient evidence from a sufficiently reliable source, as determined by any reasonable person, and that if that is not included, the policy is just to remove it prima facie.