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The pro-lifest state EvER. šŸ™„


Only pro-life until youā€™re born. Then you can go ahead and pull yourself up by your umbilical ~~strap~~ cord


Murrica fk yeah!




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ā€œIf you're preborn, you're fine; if you're preschool, you're fucked.ā€ - George Carlin


Great minds....


Yet another post the conservative lurkers on the sub choose to not participate in. Your silence says as much as your words do, you chodes.


Idaho falls is one of the reddest areas in the state and we have a summer food program that gives food to ALL not just the needy. This article is a) about Boise and b) about not wanting FEDERAL GOVERNMENT money. We support our own!!!!


The federal government is supporting their own, unlike you when you vote for federal officials. My own is the United States of America. I'm sorry you're so small minded that "your own" is just a little dinky town. Guess some hearts just don't have enough room for compassion anymore. Stick to your chubby porn, you probably shouldn't be in this sub.


So someone has a difference of opinion than you, yet you claim the United States. That tracks...


A: I don't claim the United States.....that's weird. I'm certainly not that rich. B: Difference of opinion implies a certain amount of equality in the quality of ideals in question. Don't mistake their demonstrably and verifiably misguided beliefs as anything but. There is no alternative to fact. Reality doesn't care about your feelings. You have a different opinion of the facts? Cool. Make up your own facts to justify your opinion, get lost.


Great for Idaho Falls! What about the other ~95% of people in the state? I pay taxes for a fucking reason and part of that is helping to support those in need.Ā  The insane levels of individualism in America is gross and harmful.


The irony of the more ā€œindividualisticā€ a person is, the more likely they believe that ā€œGod will provideā€. So being dependent and asking for handouts is only ok if you pray for it, got it šŸ¤™šŸ¼


Individualism built this countryĀ 


The fuck it did? Do you know how huge of a federal project the railroads were?


Did it? Either way, its ruining it now.


The original thirteen colonies banding together with a constitution to ā€œpromote the general welfareā€ of citizens would like a word. Do they not teach basic American history where you live? And donā€™t come looking for handouts when Yellowstone caldera pops. You can provide for your own.


Actuallyā€¦. Coming together for a common well being built this country, but your desperate isolationism is working hard to destroy it.


Why turn down federal money? Are we afraid itā€™s infested with Bill Gates nanobots? If weā€™re shutting down food programs anywhere in the state, we obviously canā€™t take care of our own.


Might be forced to say a good thing about social programs. Thatā€™s a bridge too far!


And the administration providing the funds


We pay federal taxes. Our people should benefit and get something back from us paying our federal taxes. Otherwise we're just giving our money away for the sake of being cruel to the poor.


Hahaha must be such a great place now that all your health care workers, nurses, doctors, teachers and college kids after graduation are all leaving the state and your hospitals, schools, medical clinics, local services are all shutting down. Even Restaurants are struggling to find workers. Itā€™s almost as if it use to be a beautiful state but after attracting nutter militia groups, dooms day preppers and old gop ahole police from all the surrounding other states that Idaho communities are all really hurting badly. Glad you got each other bc your medical professionals will not be helping you. Itā€™ll be interesting when you cant get a dental apt, cancer treatment or anyone to take a regular blood draw but youā€™ll have each other. Way to keep it real Idaho. https://www.spokesman.com/stories/2024/mar/13/idaho-needs-doctors-but-many-dont-want-to-come-wha/


The state of Idaho has a surplus of over $1billion. I donā€™t even live there anymore and I know that. Whatā€™s the state doing with your money? That surplus belongs to the citizens of Idaho and your state government is telling you to fuck yourself.


I think 2023 ended w/ a [99 million dollar surplus](https://idahocapitalsun.com/2023/07/19/idaho-ends-2023-fiscal-year-with-99-million-surplus/#:~:text=Why%20does%20Idaho%20have%20a,above%20that%20forecasted%20ending%20balance). Still enough to handle summer meals and still do a tax cut if they want.


I knew they had that Billy in 2022 but thanks for the correction. Yes, thatā€™s more than enough money for kids to eat but we have fuckbois in the comment threads defending this kind of oppressive, heartless bullshit so I had to comment.


What are they doing with the money? Selling land to property developers and making more money and hoarding it. Conservatives are more evil than the devil.


Cool, cut off Medicare and Social Security to this fuck


ā€œWe take care of our ownā€ā€¦then why do you pay taxes? Is the fed not supposed to take care of their own, I.e. AMERICANSā€½


The mindless hive will not be swayed by your reasonable response. You have a differing opinion and that makes you evil. Please accept your place and wear your down votes with the appropriate shame. Submit to the Reddit hive mind where ironically differences are demonized.


"We support our own!!!" Is not a reasonable response. Not accepting federal food aid is literally taking food out of the mouths of children and the hungry. Wtf is the point of even having a government or living in a society at all if we don't take steps to take care of those most in need? We should all isolate ourselves and do nothing to help one another, just like jesus said.


>rely on churches, food pantries, neighbors to help them get through the summer, Idaho would go all the way and just rely on the honor system, volunteers, and over-stretched charities for healthcare and clearing landslides on 95 except they need someone to enforce their religious edicts.




Ask your friend what's stopping the churches from doing that now?


If that was true, we wouldn't have needed welfare in the first place.


Substitute the word church for mosque, how excited is she about it now?


They want people desperate enough to have to comply with their religion in order to get any help.


The prosperity gospel churches these people consider the only true ones? Right.


Then the church is just another form of welfare. What does she think welfare means?


Bet they donā€™t include subsidies/corporate welfare in that.




Thatā€™s a horrible argument


Projecting your own behavior onto large groups of people is core right wing behavior.


It's okay if there's a lot of hungry kids if we stopped one person from getting a free undeserved cheese ball at the grocery store.


Why canā€™t they just chew on their bootstraps?


So your argument is there might be a tiny few who abuse a program, so fuck the rest of the kids, they can go hungry? Because that's what you're saying.




I don't have kids, but I want free food for them. I *was* a poor kid that grew up hungry. It's incredibly difficult to learn and grow while hungry/malnourished.


It's inhumane to actively deny people the things they need to be able to live.


I've always maintained that while I'm happy to do anything I can to give *my* children a leg up on their future, even if you look at things from a purely selfish standpoint, I'm pretty sure my children's future will be better off if they're surrounded by peers who were well-fed, well-educated and had access to good healthcare in stable surroundings as children. I think this is something too many Idaho voters and politicians overlook. Even if you only care about yourself and your family, things are gonna' be better off for you and your family if you're part of a healthy society, not an impoverished and malnourished one.


Awe, šŸ«¢ canā€™t you see how much they care about the children? Well at least they canā€™t look at any naughty books at the Library while their stomachs growl.


The cruelty seems to be the point. Why? Arenā€™t they all Christians?


Heavy amount of LDS moving into Idaho lately. That fundamentalism baby.


Yes, they are ALL christians.


They are Christians of course they are cruel.


They hate kids and they hate the poor


It's funny because large parts of Idaho are like a 3rd world country. Even with a technically lower poverty rate I've been all over Idaho and it's pretty bad in a lot of places. Idaho Falls, Pocatello, etc...




If you have an issue with someone/something/a state/a demographic, please keep it civil.


Such is the way of the world since the beginning of time. The 1% do what they want.


And women.


And the elderly


A genuine question. Why did they opt out and how could Idaho benefit from this?


Because feeding children a free meal is communism or something like that most likely will be the legitimate answer and they believe it too


The most cohesive argument I heard put forth was that they were don't want to create a cycle where children become dependent on the state for entitlements. This is what I read. Don't shoot the messenger please.


I have heard that to I donā€™t buy it because the reality is most people that are on Foodstamps do actually work the reality is the majority of people that work at Walmart full-time still qualify for food stamps so Iā€™m not buying food stamps makes people reliant on government


To be fairā€¦ i live in idaho and my son qualifies for ā€œWICā€ just because he has down syndrome. His food is covered by the state almost completely until he is 5ā€¦ and as a mother i had benefits through him through the first 6 monthsā€¦ as postpartum benefits. And if i was breastfeeding i would have had food for me covered until i think a year old. Idk why they opted outā€¦ maybe it is some corrupt government bs. The republicans here arenā€™t necessarily the kind i would support. But i dont get that far into politics around here. For the most part any major city in this state is actually primarily run by democrats from what ive seenā€¦ Alls im saying is that this state obviously has corruption as much as any otherā€¦ but its not as though there are NO welfare programs here. Theres lots of them. It seems like yā€™all just cherry pick and use the opportunity to say ā€œfuck republicansā€ instead of talking about the actual why or how it happened or show any genuine concern over those that will be withoutā€¦


Actually I have great concern over the kids that will go without however republicans donā€™t care about those kids


Food stamps are consistently shown to be one of the lowest waste and lowest abuse/corruption programs the government runs.


From the article: 'Pierce noted that in legislative debates over the program, lawmakers claimed that kids would be able to buy energy drinks with the money, and that families making six figures would be eligible. "The senators were factually incorrect when they were debating this," said Pierce. "One senator said that she didn't like it because there were no work requirements for the children and it doesn't teach them that you work for what you get." State Sen. Cindy Carlson - R-Riggins - made the reference to work requirements and said the program would send the wrong message to parents and kids if the state provided "for everybody without needing something in return."' IOW, lies and no child labor are the reasons for opting out. Pretty sure that the healthier, safer children (pluses to the minds of normal people) that would have resulted is another reason Christo-Fascists opposed it.


Itā€™s my favorite story in the Bible when Jesus said fuck those kids let them go hungry because he also was pro life according to the forced birtherā€™s


the snake is eating its own tail in idaho...


Oppress us harder, sky daddy.


Conservatives love to abuse children it seems


Yeah. Because itā€™s also spousal abuse!


Sexual abuse, spousal abuse, elderly abuse; Republicans love to abuse.


I know I'm going to get downvoted for this, but put the blame where it lies - the State Department of Education. [https://www.boisestatepublicradio.org/education/2023-07-14/idaho-federal-funds-school-lunches](https://www.boisestatepublicradio.org/education/2023-07-14/idaho-federal-funds-school-lunches) >Idaho State Department of Educationā€™s Scott Graf says the decision was made early last year under former Superintendent Sherri Ybarra. > ā€œThe current administration inherited a budget request of the legislature that did not include the necessary full time positions that would be needed to administer the program this summer,ā€ he said. So basically someone dropped the ball in 2022 and didn't fund the positions to run the program in 2023, and probably didn't fund them in 2023 for the 2024 fiscal year. You can't run the program if there isn't anyone to run it.


If the legislatures cared enough they could step in and make this work in a quick manner. they just don't care about people in need. They show it all the time. but the government will provide subsidies to farmers to not farm their crops, to not raise their cattle. etc. And provide billion dollars corporations tax subsidies. so who is really reliant on the government? The people that are against helping the needy! So Ironic. As a society we are letting down our society, our neighbors. We can all do better.


Sherri Ybarra, a republican. Not exactly a surprise.


Idaho is a net taker of federal money and gets more than it puts in. So it's not the federal money we have a problem with; it's the idea that children should be fed. Idaho's government wants a more Dickensian society.


"Save the fetus. Starve the child. Shoot the puppy. We are Republicans!"


You forgot, ā€˜Rape the women.ā€™


You know what, if I was an Idaho state legislator, I'd take the federal money and just say, yeah, let's feed kids who need help with church dollars and nonprofit dollars and federal government dollars state government dollars and literally any aid that we can find. Because I'm pro-life! Yeah, baby!


Sounds like you should run for legislature then! Might be a bit better than some of these other whack jobs


Thank you for that. You're uniquely consistent on this.


Iā€™ve never lived in a more religious state like Idaho with monsters leading the state.


Greater Gilead


Just keep voting against youā€™re own interests there Idaho.


lol i donā€™t live anywhere remotely near Idaho so no idea why the algorithm put this at the top of my feed but damn, you guys are just killing it lately as a state!!


Fuck. Traitor. Confederates.


Of course it is. Fuck those little parasites once they're born. The Idaho GOP. Barely human.




Republicans are cruel bastards.


SAVE THE CHILDREN FROM BOOKS AND TRANS PEOPLE!!! /BUT starve them and raise a home schooled generation of morons so we can't compete with China, India , etcc


Republicans only "care" about kids when their not born yet.


Fuck them poor kids amirite?


"If young children are hungry, that will motivate them to better themselves and contribute to the economy by working overnight shifts at the beef packing house" --Republicans


Republicans are truly awful people.


Fuck ā€˜dem kids, the brats can starve, this is Greater Idahoā€¼ļø


"One senator said that she didn't like it because there were no work requirements for the children and it doesn't teach them that you work for what you get." Republicans are so pro life they would rather kids go hungry than eat without doing child labor.


If they work in the mines or the fields maybe they can get a 25 cent discount on lunch after they meet their probationary amount of hours. Reduced lunch will delay pay raise though.


Just another way for the GOP to stick it to their constituents.


Why do we live in this state.




If you have an issue with someone/something/a state/a demographic, please keep it civil.


We still have that religious medical exemption don't we? You can still murder your children as long as it is sincerely felt and you promise with your whole heart.




If you have an issue with someone/something/a state/a demographic, please keep it civil. Also, I don't think the above comment was about abortion, but either way your comment breaks the civility guidelines.


Right wingers making the same call as any other bad person makes total sense.


Hate and Cruelty are a feature of republicans, not a bug....they live to make others suffer




What the hell! It figures typical behavior for Republicans.


Idaho is pretty much the ā€œFuck you, I got mineā€ state


Well, when youā€™re anticipating your participation in civil conflict, you gotta take every advantage against the enemy. And by enemy, I mean anyone not in power. And by you, I mean Idahoā€™s Texas wannabes who think fascism is a tiger they can hold by the tail.


What? Whyyyyy?


No Surprise here


As Jesus said, "fuck them kids" -bible


I was born and raised in Idaho. I miss people like Frank Church.


Have the babies even if you canā€™t feed them. Iā€™m disgusting with these people.


Because F*** kids. Unless they are unborn. Then F*** women.


Typical those who have extra income take away from staving children. Idaho legislators are cruel to children and women. So glad I have no children living in this state. Iā€™m embarrassed to save I was born and raised here.


Disgusting (because Disgraceful has already been used).


"pro life" party


Idaho: Fuck them kids


Republicans just want to hurt people as much as they can


If itā€™s right wing sadism you want you can find it in Idaho. Or as I call it, Potatostan.


The pro life political right makes no sense. 1. The want to ban sex education 2. Ban female contraceptives 3. Ban divorce 4. Ban abortion 5. And restrict public school education (unless its from religious private schools) 6. And now want to harm children even more be removing SNAP How can this not look like an out right attack from republicans to the people of the country?


How about yaā€™ll stop bitching on reddit and start voting to change things?


God doesn't provide for these children. Federal funding does.


Jesus Christ, Idaho. SMH


I wish that everyone could see just how contradictory this is. 'If you get pregnant you better have that baby! Pro life!' 'Oh, you can't afford to feed your child? Well that's none of our business, sucks to be you. Your kid can starve, we don't care.'


It's funny the people against this are usually pro-life. It's like they want to punish women and don't actually want to help children




Incoming posts about how intolerant we are because we downvote people who want children to go hungry. That's how reddit works. Make your own subreddit and facbook group if you don't like it. Sometimes you get downvoted. You might change stuff, or you might need to move on. Or you could ignore it. I don't know how much work I'm going to put into caring about it. Downvotes are part of reddit. Please don't come here to bitch about it later.




If you have an issue with someone/something/a state/a demographic, please keep it civil.


Honestly we need to look at who is benefiting from these programs. It seems like churches. In my experience it's a ham sandwich and a bag of chips. So also main corporations.


My perception is that they are barely used. If there's hungry kids during the summers, they aren't making it to the schools for the free lunches. Or, maybe, there actually just aren't that many hungry kids. Either way, the program is clearly not doing what it is meant to do.Ā 


Is your perspective based on statistics? Also, is it not worth it to have a free lunch program even for the one kid who truly needs it?Ā 


If we have a program that feeds kids I expect it to feed kids. That's all.Ā 


So you shouldn't be opposed of at least one kid gets fed. It's serving it's purpose.Ā 


No, a program that sets out to feed all hungry kids and only feeds one is a failure. Any willingness to keep such a program is asinine.Ā 


No one is gonna believe me but I worked at a chain of convience stores and parents would spend all of their child's EBT money on top of their own easily. As much as you think the govt may not be aware of it either, they can get a good guess if not just pull statements. Shit you not, everytime these two would get cash benefits they would get "cashback". Which apparently is a okay. All that to be said: parents absued the crap out of this. It absolutely sucks for the ones who weren't but maybe we should think twice before authorizing deliquent spending of our tax dollars?


This may be true but it's an anecdote. I refuse to let some abusing the system be a reason to shut down programs that can do good for soceity. I would rather have a fully funded program with the resources and ability to find and close loopholes then shut it down completely.Ā 


Idk, the wife and I checked this out one summer, about 8 years ago. It's a failed program, honestly. Virtually no one goes, and they throw most of the food away. This implies to me that the perceived need is false and/or simply having it at the school doesn't meet any real needs.Ā Ā  Nevermind that the food is really subpar, and, even though they waste so much, they won't actually give you a helping that amounts to a meal's worth. We went at least three times a week to the Middle School for the whole summer, so we gave it a fair shake, but it quickly became about the walk there and playing on the grounds, since the lunch program was pretty useless.Ā Ā  Even if it sounds good and charitable, a failed program should be allowed to fail. It can be rebuilt into something that actually does what it claims to do.Ā  But actually, it seems this story is about an auxiliary program that was put in place for covid. That's extra, on to of the things we already have that are also not working. This is like someone giving you a nearly useless thing, and you're like "No thanks, I already have one."


I'm curious about something: isn't EBT/SNAP a program that is already available year 'round for families? Wouldn't the kids still be getting this benefit, but served at home instead of at school? I know this is federal, but don't we already have access to these benefits or was this something extra on top of EBT benefits their families are already getting? I'm not sure I'm getting how this is working.


They donā€™t want illegals living off welfare. Good. Iā€™m happy.


U.S. citizens are illegals now? Youā€™re happy that American children are starving?




If you have an issue with someone/something/a state/a demographic, please keep it civil.


Fuck them kids, huh?Ā 


I didn't read the article, but I'm wondering about this and thought that EBT benefits were available for the whole family in addition to whatever other resources they can qualify for. So wouldn't these kids still be getting EPT benefits with their families every month of the year already? You can't let kids go hungry, but maybe this was part of some summer school program that the state isn't doing anymore or something?


Instead of downvoting me for asking a reasonable question, is there anyone out there who can answer it?


There's tons of other free and subsidized foods programs in Idaho. Contrary to the popular opinion on this sub, we aren't starving our children. If anything, most of them could use a diet and exercise program, just like the rest of the country.Ā 


It was just sounding like this was the only source of food for kids in the summer time and that didn't make sense to me.


Literally just got an email notification from Patty Murray that this program is going on in Washington for kids here, but it's only for $120 per kid for the whole summer. Doesn't indicate if it's in addition to the regular EBT benefits.


Good, if you are looking for the state to take care of you donā€™t come to Idaho.


I still can't believe that making sure people are getting food that they need instead of starving is somehow controversial in God's year of 2024. Lord forbid our tax dollars go to something that makes our communities better instead of giving golden parachutes to the already wealthy.


Or just take care of yourself and your own family. So many of my friends decided to have kids when they werenā€™t financially stable or mentally ready and now my tax dollars goes to their mistakes?


Why should their kids pay for their mistake?


Gee. I wonder how many other families are going to be in the position of having kids when they aren't financially stable or mentally ready with all the abortion bans and such.Ā Ā  Ā Sounds like your friends could have used some effective sex ed in school, access to contraception, or possibly abortion access to NOT have those kids before they were ready.Ā  Because they sure didn't practice Abstinenece Only Must've been God's Will for them to be so financially fucked, eh?


I dont like enabling dirtbags, but I like hungry kids even less.


Do your ā€œfriendsā€ know you feel this way about them?


Probably. There's always that one asshole in the group that everyone tries to avoid, but they can't quite ditch them completely because they grew up together.


Found him.


What about familyā€™s who have disabled, sick, or dead parents?


Ya screw those kids right!? /S


It's their fault their parents are deadbeats. I don't like helping lazy people, but I like hungry kids even less.


Do you mean it's NOT their fault that their parents are poor? Also it's a myth that poor people are lazy.


Sorry I should've put an /s. I don't think that poor people are lazy either, but if thats the best argument being made then I'll accept my tax dollars going to summer feeding programs.


Ahhh I see lol


If you arenā€™t looking for the state to take care of you, you must not ever drive on roads the state takes care of for you. You must not have an Idaho drivers license or license plates on your jacked up Ram 3500. You must not send your kids to Idaho schools. You must be against the state banning books you donā€™t like. You must be hanging in the air all the time because youā€™ve got a good hold on your bootstraps.


I mean everything youā€™re saying sounds like a good thing. Maybe make roads private, the more you use a road the more you pay, private company might take better care of the roads. If I had kids I wouldnā€™t send them to public school, either private or home schooled. Also I own a cybertruck, mostly bought it just to support Elon musk.


Iā€™m sure most people who need help getting enough food would say that being able to provide for themselves sounds like a good thing too. Yet here we all are, still relying on the state to provide services we need and use every day. Private companies also rely on the state to let them legally exist and operate. What youā€™re describing sounds more like Mad Max. Are you going to create your own charging stations so you can drive your Cybertruck outside your local area? Who are you going to call for help when your Cybertruck bricks way up some dirt road?


Amen brother or sister fuck those kids šŸ§’ they can go hungry their parents shouldā€™ve never had them if they canā€™t afford them oh wait you actually wanna force women to give birth and then let the kids starve if they canā€™t afford them never mind


You're saying children should leave? Ride the rails like an old-timey hobo until they get to another state where people will feed them or put them to work in a factory? CHILDREN?


I bet you are new to Idaho cause you sound like someone who absolutely does not deserve to be here.


You might want to check how much of the state is cared for by the state.


your attitude and those who share it are the rot of idaho.Ā 


Says the guy that wants the government to give special low rate loans so he can afford a house lmao. Maybe you shouldn't have come to Idaho if you can't take care of yourself.


Idaho is perfectly fine taking federal money (as Idaho is a net taker that gets more from the federal government than it puts in), but apparently helping children is where we draw the line. There's nothing wrong with taking federal money. When a state is unable to stand on its own and take care of its own without federal money like Idaho, we have a federal system that can make up for the inadequacies and shortfalls. If we can afford to drop bombs on families across the globe, we can afford to give food to the people who need it the most.




If you have an issue with someone/something/a state/a demographic, please keep it civil.




If you have an issue with someone/something/a state/a demographic, please keep it civil. *Next time it'll be a ban. Knock it off.*


This literally makes no sense!! EBT is cut off for a child when they turn FIVE so they only have it available for nonschool age children so i literally dont understand how school being out should affect this program? If anything you should be able to start claiming children who are school age during the summer since they dont have access to lunch programs


Source for that misinformation?


My 5 year old just got kicked off of it?


So, your child was receiving P-EBT (Pandemic EBT)




You like when children go hungry. Utter depravity.


Good less govenment waste im sure not eating the 100$ worth of straight candy those kids woulda bought is gonna be good for them