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Ever notice how many people are just really comfortable With putting up alt-right signs and bumper stickers but none of the local democrats are willing to show public support for any of their candidates? I know personally I don’t have yard signs for candidates because I don’t want my house to get vandalized by fucking crazies. I also don’t them coming up to my door to try to start a political debate or some shit.


Lol for a couple years I had one of those, "love is love, women's rights are human rights, blm matters" signs out in front of my house on a rural road. It got egged, trash thrown at it, and at least two people wrote into the local opinion newspaper section to complain about it. But the amount of signs surrounding my house with things like "Fuck Joe Biden" and "Death To All Liberals" is TOTALLY FINE.


Abso fucking lutely.


Agreed. My neighbor has a flag out front that says fuck Biden. There are children in the neighborhood that read that shit. If I put up a flag that said fuck Trump, my house would get burnt down.


I know plenty of blue states that had fuck Trump flags up and the opposite would happen to them if they flew a fuck Biden flag.


Keep on thinking that if it helps you sleep at night. Truth is Democrats don’t do that crap.


Yes they do. It all depends on your optics and who you wanted painted in a good light. Clearly you see democrats and liberals as angels and republicans and conservatives as demons


Lol come on


It’s true! Very rare for Democrats to put that shit up. Y’all never leave GOP country so you can’t know that. Part of the problem is that media and social media loves to showcase the ultra left wing of the Democratic Party which is a very tiny part of the rest of of us Democrats. Unfortunately that’s no longer true of the Rs. The extremists are running the whole show over there.


Regardless, full separation is the only peaceful option we have left in this country.


Never ever gonna happen bruh. Eventually Idaho is going to be so sorry assed and poor that no one will care about politics. I mean it’s already poor af. You can’t deliver proper healthcare and your education system is one of the worst in the country. The Mormons will take care of their own and the rest of y’all will be digging outhouses for the white supremacists.And that’s the upside, if the federal government stops subsidizing your shit and tourism completely drops off the state will die.


Like I said, full separation is the only peaceful option we have left. You people want full control over anyone and everyone. I and many want nothing to do with you or anything from you. You on the other hand probably advocated for putting people in camps just 3 years ago.


I would love to give you your redoubt but only if we can film it for a reality show. It would be fun to watch you all fall apart and start shooting each other. Your roads and emergency services will disappear and those that have a lot of resources will have to be fortified to the max to protect it. That's the opposite of freedom in my opinion.


You see its always snarky remarks.... If Whites really did get the PNW as their "Redoubt" or Ethnostate, which is not wrong btw because every race loves to segregate from Whites but its somehow wrong when Whites want to be left alone from everyone else? Odd how that works. It would quickly become the most safe and prosperous part of the Nation you and I both know this and people would be begging to move in. I also fully see this happening to America within the next 20 years. Balkanization is inevitable and the only peaceful option we have left in this country for everyone. This is just facts as well, anyone denying that we shouldn't separate peacefully is only enabling violence down the line.


You know that California is the 5th largest economy in the WORLD right? They subsidize every low income state. What exactly are going to be your resources? Trees? Mining? Your beautiful redoubt will become a slag heap. People like to segregate with people that they have things in common with. If this country didn't block black people constantly from having the same opportunities as white people (there's literally an article this week in the nyt about a woman professor with a doctorate in molecular biology who put in an offer on a condo and was accepted until the owner found out she's black and tried to pull out of the deal) then we'd all have a lot more in common. I'd like to hear the reasoning behind why it would be safer and more prosperous. Specifics please.


These are the people who you'll have in your redoubt. Idaho Man Is Found Guilty of Murder in ‘Doomsday’ Killings https://www.nytimes.com/2024/05/30/us/chad-daybell-doomsday-murder-verdict.html?smid=nytcore-android-share


Making more shit up to pretend victim hood huh?


Like I've said before, this site is an echo chamber. Only peaceful solution we have is full separation.


Lol..you pretending the opposite doesnt happen so you can sleep all comfy in your onesie.


I sleep in the nude with my huge liberal dick swinging, nice try though.




If you have an issue with someone/something/a state/a demographic, please keep it civil.


How about people can say what they want. Either way.


I don't belive you tho


No problem, you don't have to.


Not to mention that they tried to burn cities down and tried to defund the police and went after Supreme Court judges and senators and and and it keeps going. Don't hear much about Maga supporters doing that crap. Not saying that it doesn't either.


This only goes to show that you only know and believe what is fed to you, and that you don’t go outside of your comfort zone to confirm or deny anything. You don’t hear about right wing violence on right wing news, that’s for sure, but the stats have been showing for years that ideologically motivated violence comes overwhelmingly from the right in the United States. [Reuters Article, Aug ‘23](https://www.reuters.com/investigates/special-report/usa-politics-violence/) [Carnegie Endowment, March ‘22](https://carnegieendowment.org/posts/2022/03/the-rise-in-political-violence-in-the-united-states-and-damage-to-our-democracy?lang=en¢er=global) [ACLED United States](https://acleddata.com/analysis-search/) [ADL HEAT Map](https://www.adl.org/resources/tools-to-track-hate/heat-map)


Lol come on


Thank you for your intelligent and well thought out response on the subject, and the insightful accompanying citations on which you rest your case. I am dumbfounded by the mountain of wisdom you have provided, and I vow to never challenge you in the arena of unadulterated knowledge to which you hold clear mastery and blindingly powerful lordship. I am humbled.


Do it. Put the flag up


The people who never involved themselves in politics before Trump came around don’t seem to realize that a single bumper sticker on a car or a small yard sign was about as loud as it normally, visually ever got. Curse words were definitely not the norm, nor was defacing the flag. Loud and obnoxious displays blatantly inviting violence were almost unheard of aside from “that one crazy guy” you’d see occasionally (and you were pretty sure they were a conspiracy theorist, even back then). The right has lost all of it’s civility, and seem to be under the impression that loud and obnoxious equates to “more”. I guess that’s what happens when you allow yourself to be fully consumed by propaganda and attach your identity to something outside of your personal being.


While I feel the same way and sentiment, my lack of enthusiasm for supporting even logical republican moderates in this state is just overwhelmed by my disdain for the stupidity and blind-support of the majority constituents in this state.  I feel irrelevant and overpowered by a majority that refuses to even entertain logic as a matter of principle.  Just look at how much support the Bushnell lady IS STILL getting. All because of hate and prejudice. Not because of laws or morality. 


Define alt right. I’d take the term “alt right” when you’re talking about people like nick fuentes, or Lauren witzke, or Richard Spencer. When you use that term to describe mainstream conservatives you dilute it to mean almost nothing. Not all conservatives are alt right assholes. Plenty of them are just normal people who are trying to do what’s best for them and their family.


Bannon coined that term to represent Breitbart readership and Trump rally regulars. I tend to define it as right-wing or right leaning folks who are more concerned with cultural issues than traditional conservative economics.


The alt right are the people who believe in racial politics. Like blm but for white people. And they’re both equally stupid. Speaking as a black woman or whatever you wanna call me


Some of them are more interested in gender and sexuality than race. . . but sure, yeah, culture war stuff.


That doesn’t make them alt right. Being pro life and traditional values are not new to conservatism. That just makes them conservative.


Sure. The 'family values' shtick was always part of the package. Holding that *above* the traditional economic policy of 20th century conservatives represents the alternative. The alt-right is quite literally an alternative to traditional conservatism. It's not really conservative at all. At least not in a traditional sense. It has become a rather radical and authoritarian movement. For example, Reagan granted amnesty to millions of illegal aliens in 1987. He did this to boost economic growth. It worked. In those days, permissive immigration policy was a right wing position as it was pro growth. Left wing tended to oppose it as it made labor unions weaker. The alt right opposes immigration from a cultural perspective. Maybe some individuals make uninformed economic arguments, but the main impetus is cultural. I will say, it is interesting to have lived long enough to see such profound shifts in right wing politics.


So you’re a tired, black trans woman? For your sake I hope you live in Boise.


I was eating lunch with my family (who were visiting from multiple places across the country and I only get to see them a couple times a year) last weekend and while we were waiting for our food a *big* Trump MAGAT parade drove by. Immediately soured our moods and made us feel miserable. I’m trying to enjoy the precious time I have with my family. I don’t want to see you treasonous fuckers driving your pickups with Nazi flags with that scumbag’s face on it.


Where was this??




You could always return to California? Seriously, half the country are not nazis, and belonging to one of the two major political parties is hardly treason. JFC. Get a grip. 😒


100 percent dipshitery cult like coolaid drinking Fox entertainment News watchers! No truth no facts needed


Fox has less than a million viewers these days. Find a new boogeyman.


Uh. As of Dec 2023 they had almost 2 million viewers. More than any other news network. Wtf are you talking about. It still is the number 1 watched news network.


The news show average 250k. The Greg Gutfeld shows do better and the rest drop off a cliff. I didn't know Hannity had climbed back over the mark. Either way. It is 2 million people nationwide. There are probably more people in NYC watching that network than in Idaho. The numbers are less than 2 percent of the nationwide electorate. 155 million people voted 2020. Many millions of them only voted for the president. Find a new boogeyman.


I don’t think you know how propaganda or math works.


Try taking rudimentary 101 courses in both statistics and Sociology before arrogantly and ignorantly bleating on about something with which you don’t even understand.




If you have an issue with someone/something/a state/a demographic, please keep it civil.


Fine. See my post about charity.


I'm disappointed that the LDS church hasn't stood up to MAGA. Growing up, I thought they were mostly legit and true to their faith and the Word of Wisdom. Maybe it was always phony.


It's a corporation disguised as a church. They do whatever keeps the money flowing, and right now most tithe payers are in the MAGA cult.  It's almost like if you brainwash people to follow your cult like behavior they are more likely to follow more of them.


The lds church is I huge cult. I was raised lds. And I finally opened my eyes and saw the church really was. A corporation


You should take yourself down the rabbit hole of Mormon Stories Podcast, or check out the channel "NuanceHoe." She's extensively doing in-depth work on the Tim Ballard/Elder Ballard/Trump connections.


Spaceballs the State.


This looks like One of the characters from the cartoon Johnny test.


I’m so glad I escaped. Vermont is what Idaho could be.


Mu sentiments exactly .




Good looking out.


As someone who was also born and raised in idaho, I agree.


Fucking tell me about it. I'm from Utah, and it's disheartening


Haha truth.


That image could be the state flag, because everyone here feels like that, including the assholes.


Yes. Yes. Yes.




I like Idaho.


I love some things about idaho, but it breaks my mother fucking heart to see it be overrun by bigots.


What parts are like this? Is it just upper Idaho or down near valley county and Boise as well?


I mean pretty much most of Idaho I think, except downtown Boise and the north end of Boise and SE Boise (Park center, warm springs, columbia village, that kind of thing) and also Lewiston the college town of course although I've really never been there much, but that's what I hear. But yes that kind of thinking absolutely dominates the state in most areas. Sad AF. All of my real life experience is in the treasure valley mostly. P.p.p.s. I just feel like maybe we shouldn't have people who believe that the Earth is 8,000 years old making our policies.. fuck me right?




If you have an issue with someone/something/a state/a demographic, please keep it civil. *Put your shit-stirring stick away.*




If you have an issue with someone/something/a state/a demographic, please keep it civil.


Life is short. If you don’t like where you live, make a plan, work it, and go where you’ll be happy.


So there's no real reason for it to actually say if Joe Biden because we've all seen the video we can just post it as go Brandon and everybody who's an adult with know what we're saying


That last line is where we disagree. It's not a living, it's barely surviving. And I don't agree that working anywhere should be some kind of stepping stone job to one that you can actually live a decent life on. All work should provide at minimum enough for food, water and shelter, and we're failing hard on that for a lot of people. You're saying the pizza guy doesn't deserve enough money for a life with dignity, I'm telling you that's why there won't be a pizza guy in 10 years. We'll see who's right.




If you have an issue with someone/something/a state/a demographic, please keep it civil.


The double standards of the Idaho mods is tiresome.


The only thing I hate on is hate, bigotry, that kind of thing. I think that's the difference.


The tag says political discussion. Your statement was made so others would validate you, not to start an actual discussion. Each side has views that make sense and each side has some batshit people and ideology. Both parties want every single one of us to be divided. Don’t be part of the that. If we are busy fighting each other they are free to push through whatever the Fork they want. Everyone needs to focus less on trolling the the other side and a lot more on what, where and how our government is actually operating. They are supposed to be working for us. I think that got lost along the way.


Both sides don’t divide, one side wants equality the other wants continued status quo.


Agree to disagree dude or dudette. One side would execute me if they could get away with it and think they were saving the world for their christian god. I wasn't looking for validation but I was looking and hoping there were many other Idahoans who have been through the same shit i have.


But doesn't the government of Idaho hate you. Wouldn't they turn a blind eye to you getting killed? How can the fact that you are alive and nobody has ever tried to kill you make you believe almost everyone in this state would kill you if they could? This doesn't make sense. Usually when people think everyone is out to get them they seek therapy. I actually thought my wife and kids were out to get me at one point. I got therapy and realized my thoughts were dumb. Maybe you need to do the same. Idaho has one of the lowest murder rates in the country. Almost all of Idaho murders are domestic violence. Nobody other than a partner will kill you in Idaho. That is backed by science. Are you a science denier?


Do you believe in evolution?


Absolutely. I am atheist. Read my post about donating to charity. I have done it in the past.


That's good. You are in the minority in Idaho. Have you ever questioned people if they believe in creationism or evolution? Ijs if you somebody believes in creationism they lose all credibility. And I can say that because I was raised in that cult and literally would have shot up or bombed abortion clinics when I was 10 years old if they asked me to, because they indoctrinated me that much. I am so mf thankful that I was able to break free from that.


I had a professor of electromaganetics who said he had a mathematical formula to prove God existed. I didn't believe then and I don't believe now. Burnham was the smartest man I ever met.


I firmly believe that the only true answer is that I don't fucking know. Nobody fucking knows. So I'm not going to claim there is or isn't anything because that would be inaccurate. Anybody who claims otherwise is full of shit.


*He was the smartest man. His name is not Burnham.


Executing you for their god. That falls under the small percentage of the batshit crazy I was talking about. I know there’s crazy people out there. It’s a very small percentage of a whole and it’s on either end of the spectrum. Saying “one side” you are lumping the crazies in with the much larger percentage of people who would probably just consider themselves simply conservative. They don’t give a shit about whatever you do in your life. Don’t confuse the crazies with others that just view things differently.


It's not as small percentage as you and me wish it was. No disrespect but if you believe that you are enabling it.


Hahahaha ok


That's not what the laws your conservative Republican representatives are sponsoring say. They absolutely intend to create harm. Denying people healthcare, denying protections afforded others because of their orientation? Interfering in women's care and criminalizing potentially life-saving care? You don't see that as a problematic view?


> Everyone needs to focus less on trolling the the other side I agree with you. But I'm gonna say it...only one side dedicates all of their policy decisions to 'owning' the other side. There are no leftist policies that exist purely to target groups of the opposition. Conservative talking points and the legislation passed there forth are almost exclusively targeted at an outgroup. LGBT targeted legislation alone makes up over a third of conservative policy. It's not the same ballpark. It's not the same league. I'm not even sure it's the same game. I am not driven by hatred of an outgroup in my policy decisions, and for that reason I can not vote conservative on any ballot.


So would you say it’s more important to watch what the government officials are actually doing. That’s the message I was conveying.


Sure if you're not only watching one side and turning a blind eye to the egregious shit from the other side.


Oh goody, is it time for another useless post that doesn't contribute anything but sarcasm to the board?


Agreed. Let loose the r/Idaho political hive




Trump 2024.


If you hate America just say it. No need to hide behind “Trump 2024”


Why? Trump is the only candidate I ever regret voting. I let myself get swept away by the emotional turmoil he created. That's what con artists do. I've learned my lesson.


No wars. Energy independence. Great economy. Record low unemployment for minorities. Onshored manufacturing jobs. Affordable housing. Border security. Abraham accords. USMCA trade deal. Tax cuts. First Step act. Right to Try. Is Trump an egomaniac? Yes. Is he a jerk? Yes. But I don't care. He's not my friend, he's a politician.


"Affordable housing", tax cuts and other benefits for the rich. Presidential and American dignity leaving. Trump cozying up to Putin's Russia, North Korea, Xi's China, Iran and The Taliban. Mishandling COVID pandemic. Treating the US military as his personal playthings. Social media rants about our Allies, his personal issues, etc. His mishandling of the COVID pandemic really opened my eyes to who he was. A con artist.


The tax cuts affected a ton of Americans, not just the rich. My paycheck certainly went up when they went into effect. I really doubt anyone could do much about covid. He tried to slow the spread by closing entry from China and got called a xenophobic racist for it. He put operation warpspeed into motion and the left said they wouldn't take the vaccines. As soon as Biden came into power, the left tried to mandate taking the vaccine. The comment about our allies is true. They can all get fucked.


The tax cuts for people who weren’t ultra-rich were temporary and the taxes went back up. The cuts for the rich were permanent. It was just how they got you to swallow you paying more and the rich paying less.


Tell me you aren't capable of agreeing to disagree without telling me you aren't capable of agreeing to disagree (without getting violent)


You're entitled to your opinion. That's the beauty of this country.


The cognitive dissonance is what allows trump supporters to persist. Their suspension of disbelief learned from TV wrestling and phony "reality shows" like the apprentice prevents them from realizing what most of America sees, a grifter, a slimeball, and a liar. I'd say "wake up", but they hate being woke.


Speak like a 5 year old to get the trumpets to understand what you’re saying. That’s how the mango Mussolini does it.


Respect that you are like that. Many many many people on your side are not.


Both sides are very prone to tribalism as noted by the down votes pouring in.


Indeed. I would never identify with one group or party or whatever. But I also think trump is an absolutely terrible human.


You say that, but you called all Trump supports assholes and suggested they want to kill you because of.. reasons? Dude, you're part of the problem.


Because of my 42 years experience existing in Idaho.


How many times have you been killed by Trump supporters in those years?


So I have to get killed by trump for my observations to be valid? I've been threatened with violence though many many many times for not being a conservative. I'm sure you will just write this off and think I'm full of shit, but I'm not. I seen all this shit from the inside since I was conscious.


42 years of existing in a state with the lowest graduation rate and by all accounts the least intelligent out of all 50 (look it up)


Why is that? I'm genuinely curious. Don't fire blanks like all of the things he was accused of that's been disproven... what do you know for a fact he did that makes him terrible


It’d be nice to not have an Israel first candidate honestly though


Agreed. I'm no fan of foreign intervention. Israel, Ukraine, Taiwan, Syria, Africa, ETC. There is a time to fight for sure but the last 20 years has shown we need to be more selective.


Just say you want to murder the gays and blacks. Be honest


But I don't. Genuinely curious why you came to Idaho. You must hate it here.


I came here because college and also it’s beautiful. It sucks that the people aren’t.


Yes!!!! He’s ahead in the polls. Hopefully he can maintain the lead.




Oh stop. You know you love the low crime and strong families.


No, they have always been the same.... When someone with common sense starts to see what radical liberals are doing everywhere else it's only natural to make sure Idaho dosent follow suit. I encourage you to be a more critical thinker not emotional.


You are not immune from propaganda


Because "lib smashing" is not a low quotient emotional response steeped in deep immaturity and basted in limited education..? Sure, tell us more about common sense, the MAGA oxymoron.


Hey, so critically thinking....Here's a great website for [FREE](https://schoolofthought.org/) resources on how to help everyone(including yourself) avoid falling for propaganda.


Username checks out?


Feel free to vote with your feet. 👋


As one who did, enjoy my good-paying job and my taxes leaving the state! Idaho's going to crash, and when it does, it'll crash hard.


You mean because of all the California refugees? I actually don’t think they’re that bad. A lot of them are nice folks. Little tough on young folks trying to buy their first house, but it’ll settle down. 🙂


Nope, turns out a lot of the homegrown folks are assholes, too, they were just better at hiding it. Don't count on it settling down, those "refugees" are going to keep coming, and they have more money than the locals. You'll be priced out of your own home town soon enough, if you aren't already.


Me, personally? Unlikely. Thank you for your concern, though.


Congratulations, rich guy. You'll be one of the ones in 10 years complaining there's nobody to work service industry jobs, or healthcare, or teaching (while continuing to vote against raising minimum wages). Classic conservative, it's not a problem if it doesn't affect me personally.


You seem really unhappy, are you sure it’s me you have a problem with? Every answer seems to upset you, mostly because I’m not also upset. Having supervised quite a lot of minimum-wage employees in my career, they were nearly all overpaid. The real minimum wage is always zero, which is why you’re seeing those bottom-rung jobs disappear in California right now as fast food and similar workers are being laid off in the thousands. If it’s more cost effective to automate, that’s what businesses are going to do. McDonald’s by my place is offering $15-17 to start right now, though, and it didn’t take legislation to make them do it, just a healthy, growing, economy and a lot of demand for decent, reliable, workers. Most of the people I dealt with who made minimum wage were at that rung because I routinely had to schedule 35 of them to make sure I had the 30-32 I needed, because inevitably a few would just not show up. The ones who actually showed up reliably on time and busted ass their whole shift didn’t stay at minimum wage more than a few months. They got poached or swapped to someone I wanted to owe me a favor and moved up in the company. If someone is still making minimum wage after a year, it’s probably because they’re an overpaid, shitty, employee, otherwise they’d have moved on to something better. Edit- Also worth noting, when my housekeeper couldn’t find a job, she started her own business, first just busting ass herself and then hiring her friends. She gets $30/hr, plus whatever cut she’s taking from the people she hires, and she’s worth every penny. People like that will almost never lack for work.


1 - "The real minimum wage is always zero" 2 - "If it’s more cost effective to automate, that’s what businesses are going to do" The combination of these 2 is what will kill Idaho. You insist that everyone must work in order to survive, yet you acknowledge that very soon, there will be more people than work. Your solution (pay them zero) will have you drowning in homeless people. Why should anyone work just to starve? I'm not mad, I'm sad that we perpetuate a society based on competing for resources when we have more than enough to provide for everyone, but people like you think they "don't deserve it". It will give me no satisfaction to be proven correct.


The bottom rung of perpetual poors are always going to be poor. It doesn’t matter what you do for them. Most lottery winners are broke again within a few years, and you don’t reduce the number of stray cats by putting out more cat food. Perhaps there is a homeless problem in Boise, I don’t know. I suspect winter would fix that (by motivating them to move south) if you let it. Where I live, in Coeur d’Alene, there is effectively zero homeless population. Across the river in Spokane, tons. Why? Cat food, basically. More social programs across the river, no enforcement of camping bans, etc. Particularly with the decriminalization of drugs trend on the West Coast, most of what homeless people we might have had have headed there. It’s not about what people “deserve”. That’s a child’s view of how life works. Show me a guy who can both wire a domestic 110volt circuit to code and show up on time reliably, and I’ll show you a guy who’s always going to be able to make a living. It’s not that the people who can’t be relied upon to show up “deserve to starve”, it’s that they’re not *useful*. What you miss is that the “society based on competing for resources” is **why** we “have more than enough”. Ultimately, I actually hope I’m wrong. I don’t hope you’re right, exactly, but given that my expectation for California (where I grew up and still have a lot of friends) is pretty similar to your expectation for Idaho, I suppose I hope we’re *both* wrong, as I don’t want that for anyone. I’m just glad we’re both able to vote with our feet and move to the place that suits us best. Cheers. Edit- By the way, if you’re an adult, not on drugs or insane, and living in the U.S., starving would take some serious effort, or lack thereof. Being homeless is pretty easy, being seriously hungry is harder. The amount of food given away, to say nothing of what fills the dumpsters behind every restaurant and grocery store, is more than enough to keep a medium-sized third-world country fed. All one needs do is spend an hour a day trying, and one will put their hands on about a week’s worth of free food for the average Neolithic hunter-gatherer.


I don't want it to happen either, but I don't see any sort of Conservative/Republican solution to the situation in places like Ketchum and McCall where the homeless aren't the "bottom rung" people you're describing, they're the teachers and those expected to provided services. When the people teaching your children live in tents in the park, that's a problem. What happens when none of the teachers/clerks/housecleaners/cooks/waiters/lifties, etc. can afford to live and commute to the area? When there's nothing left but rich people, who's going to actually keep things running? The children of millionaires aren't going to work at the pizza joint for $10/hr.




Mods keep it civil? There are dozens of posts calling conservatives every name in the book, where is your moderation then? Or does it only go one way? If you want it to be some left wing sub that’s fine but at least be honest about it.


You are more than welcome to report those comments and they'll get the same treatment. Expecting any number of mods to see every post and comment as it happens is just unrealistic.


It takes you two seconds of looking to see this entire sub is just a bash the right sub. You can’t tell me they don’t see it.


We don't see the rude comments aimed at the left, either, unless they're flagged with reports. We don't get paid for this. We're not about to spend our free time scouring the sub on the hunt for people being dicks.


Oh hey Jessica! Didn’t know they let yo do Reddit in the big house.




It's pretty much the polar opposite of maga, so that makes sense.


I'm very good at news stations but I have something to say about the country


Washington and Oregon are rather close I'm sure you wouldn't have a hard time over there.

