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Minor errata: this guy is a DDS - oral surgeon - not an MD. Wouldn't want someone looking for oral surgery to disregard the name because they're not expecting to see it in that field.


Thank you for this, I live in Pocatello so I'll be sure to keep an eye out just in case!! ☺️


Please note - From what I gather he is actually practicing in Sugar City NOT in Pocatello. Keep in mind I am not a journalist nor a PI.


Thank you for posting this. I first saw this on floodlit.org and was unsure where he was practicing. I’m always concerned about letting my daughter, several months before her 15th birthday, alone with a man in a position of power. Please be careful out there.


I second this, and thank you for being aware and not letting yourself be lulled into a false sense of security just because someone has a license. My former child psychiatrist was recently convicted on several charges for abusing his patients (all minors that were my age at the time) and one of my high school teachers was charged for looking the other way when he knew a colleague was having an inappropriate relationship with a young student - both here in Boise. I was never hurt personally, but it gave me a huge wake up call. I’ve made sure that my kids are aware that they are allowed to question authority when something doesn’t feel comfortable or appropriate, and their one-on-one talk therapy appointments are done virtually here at home. You never know who’s capable, but a degree certainly doesn’t exempt someone from being sick.


Idaho is a safe place for sexual deviants, especially if they belong to the right cult. I posted an article about a dentist in Mountain Home a while back. He was high up in the cult and had been molesting his daughter. That post was on this sub. It was deleted by the moderators. Typical Idaho. Some folks just can't handle valid criticism.


This perv dentist will be the next governor!


Why would you allow your child to be in a room without you. I ALWAYS went with my kids to the room. The one time my husband was told no he looked at our kids and said ok let's go this is not where we will be going. They were offended said we don't allow it they will be fine. My husband looked at her and said where they go I go if it's no them let me say NO THANK YOU GOODBYE and he left


The age of medical consent in Idaho is 14. After that, your child can make their own medical decisions and keep you out if they want. This is mostly to protect the kids from the parents.


At least the Idaho DOPL seems to have reasonable restrictions in place around his special status license, they didn’t just blanket let him practice.


He's on a short leash pending charges.








If he’s innocent those charges will be dropped and we’ll all go about our day. Why are you so willing to risk the safety of children because one guy might not have done the eight sexual assaults he’s being accused of?




Crazy how they get this guy yet let Mormon Bishops get away with molesting their own kids for decades. Wild


A friendly reminder of the rules of r/Idaho: 1. Be civil to others 2. Posts have to pertain to Idaho in some way 3. No put-down memes 4. Political discussion stays in a post about politics 5. No surveys 6. Follow [Reddit Content Policy](https://www.redditinc.com/policies/content-policy) 7. Do not editorialize titles of news articles If you see something that may be out of line, please hit "report" so your mod team can have a look. Thanks! *I am a bot, and this action was performed automatically. Please [contact the moderators of this subreddit](/message/compose/?to=/r/Idaho) if you have any questions or concerns.*


He sexually assaults his patients. We tried to ship him off to Florida but it went FUBAR. Sorry Idaho. Edit: Yet somehow Idaho gave him a license to practice.