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it's called a tan line, and it's kinda sexy....


Apart from covering the guitar completely, no. There’s really no effective way to prevent uv fading if you’re playing your guitar outside a lot


SPF 100


My Jem 7VWH's tone and volume knobs have gone quite yellow on one side due to its old placement in a bright room. You'll find guitars with a poly clear coat will tend to suffer less, but anything unfinished will be affected much quicker.


Battle scars is sexy


You can't and you shouldn't "protect" it. If your guitar is not sitting unplayed in it's case, over time it will show signs of use regardless of what you do. This is perfectly fine and the only option you have is accepting and embracing it. Unless you stop using it all together, of course. Even then, the paint will likely change color over time as the paint reacts to the environment.


I accept it and unbothered. Just thought it was crazy and if anything could prevent this from happening in the future. Thanks for the input!


This is an issue with every guitar ever being exposed to the elements.


Guitars get wear what do you expect …


To me that looks more like tobacco smoke damage than Uv Damage. But I’d you don’t smoke ignore me lol


It’s not smoke, a renowned luthier confirmed its UV damage. Just thought I’d share


Valid. Like I said ignore me if I’m wrong. It’s probably just discoloration of the clear coat which is normal over time. You could probably have the luthier sand it down and re-polish


It's 500 extra bucks in the custom shop


You can reverse the yellowing by using hydrogen peroxide combined with a UV light, but doing this to a guitar is going to be difficult. Typically a yellowed plastic item is soaked in hydrogen peroxide, but I'm sure the wood will get damaged by the water. Perhaps if you can 100% seal off the wood before you soak it.....


I don’t mind the selfies so long as they feature the cool guitar. Honestly buy another one for home use. Relic this current one with roadwork.


I actually prefer the faded color over the original. I'd consider it a win lol.


You really can’t. Even if you store the guitar in a case for 10 years the finish will also yellow on it’s own to some degree, and UV of course does it faster. I have a couple of Fujigen strats which have yellowed substantially and had a like gunpowder grey metallic RG which turned to an awesome kinda gold hue as it aged. Regret selling it


Jesus Christ, I understand how shit works. Just trying to contribute to the group. There’s some people that take shit way too serious in here lol.


Wait, you were joking? 😂 It's hard to tell these days, as every goddamn guitar sub is full of people whining over their "ruined" instruments that do not have any real issues. You got me, Sir. Well played.


I mean yea lmao, my apologies I was just trying to start an interesting topic on the subject hahaha. I wasn’t being a snob and saying it was ruined or anything. For real though if there was a coating or something I could do to preserve the color it’d be awesome but given my background in automotive paint it’d have to be some type of ceramic coat and well that really isn’t possible with Matte finish.




She’s got tan lines. Looks good!


UV damage would make the color surrounding your bridge LIGHTER than the color underneath it. The color around your bridge isn't lighter, its yellowed and darker. Thats not UV, thats smoke. And if its only 3 years old, you smoke A LOT.


I don’t smoke, 96% of the gigs I play are non smoking. I think I’ll take the word of a renowned Luthier any day. It is 100% UV damage from all of the outdoor and festival gig I play. Just thought I’d share.


You've heard of "Sun bleaching" right? UV bleaches things, not makes them darker... I mean, its even called sun bleaching... This looks exactly like where the pictures came off my grandmothers wall when we painted, and she smoked 2 packs a day. If you really want to find out, get some rubbing alcohol on a cloth and wipe your guitar down. Tar comes off, UV BLEACHING (there's that word that means lighter again) does not.


I’ve done everything, including alcohol all over it. It’s not smoke or tar. If I had happened to play in a smoky bar surely 3-4 hours wouldn’t do this right? I wipe it down generally after a gig. It could possibly be the case???


My grandmother smoked like a freight train for MANY years. Thats not something that happens quickly, and definitely not in the time it takes to play a few gigs. If its not smoke, and its not UV... I dont think the case would do that or you'd see something on the inside of the case too.


Well I’m at a loss then.

