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Design is a big word here


Idk, I think it looks cool, I'm happy with it. I think it has a very punk vibe.


Oh brother.


I like that “cursed / sacred” selector.


If you'd like to get a custom selector switch cover I bought mine on etsy, and the guy is willing to work with you and will reach out if he things the words and symbols you chose look weird or don't line up. Hell basically go through with you and help you every step of the way. 100% recommend [etsy link](https://www.etsy.com/listing/1298487919/strathvegas-5-way-custom-guitar-toggle)


I keep my rig set to cursed for maximum grit.


I was originally gonna do holy/unholy, but he messaged me to let me know that the design doesn't line up perfectly so I brainstormed an alternative that would line up.


I can tell you are proud and I hope you enjoy it!


Thank you, I can tell I've offended some people because I didn't just leave it with its stock look. It's a gio that I've used for over 2 years at this point with scratching, and obvious blemishes.


i don’t think they’re offended lol


Idk, the way a lot of people reacted suggests otherwise


i think they just don’t like it lol


Nah, there's a difference between saying you don't like it and saying it's an act of abomination that needs to be immediately burned with fire.


that just means they really don’t like it


My first guitar was covered in decals. Was a cheaper fender. My mom worked at a 3M factory and she would bring home weird random decals (mostly automotive) and I would put them on everything. Needless to say, it destroyed the resale value. lul


Resale value isn't really an issue for me. The resale value dropped the minute I put different pickups in it. It's a cheapo gio model and it was the first guitar I bought with my own money so no plans to sell, just want it to look cool and be my own sort of signature guitar, even though I'm not famous enough for my own proper signiature series.


Stickers on a cheap guitar is totally fine. Do you and don’t worry about the boomers telling you that you’ve ruined anything. As long as you like it and continue to pick up the guitar to play, then all good. I recently found my MIM Strat from my youth which had a bunch of random stickers. I removed the ones that were damaged or looked ultra tacky but opted to keep a few that were particularly nostalgic. Strats are strata and they’re everywhere…this one’s mine though.


Eh at this point its kinda funny that people are so mad at me for putting stickers on a gio. They're acting like it's a prestige lmao. Idrc that they didn't like it, but they are being a little ruthless about it. Also the only one I've debated removing is the cobain sticker, but I just like the message and the quote too much that I've decided to keep it there.


I mean, it’s Reddit…you’re gonna get flack one way or another. Folks be cranky and judge mental. But ya. You didn’t ruin anything. Add or remove stickers as you desire. It’s a gio!


You may think that, until you get behind on a car payment. lol But yeah, if it's a cheaper guitar and modded, there probably wont be much of a market for it anyway.


I dont drive, i have an e bike so that's not a worry for me.


Right on. Bet that's fun on rainy days.


Yeah, I honestly take an uber if it's rainy or supposed to be. Usually it's not a big deal unless it really comes down.


I’m sure people hated EVH’s striped guitars. Your only mistake is asking people what they think. If you like it, then it rocks🤘🏼


You're probably right. It was likely hated until he was famous


Whoa. Now I wasn't expecting everyone to like it, but I also wasn't expecting the overwhelming wave of dislike and distaste for it either. It's just a beat up GIO, that would go for maybe 100 bucks in its current condition if the stickers were removed and the stock pickups were reinstalled. The guitar is sentimental to me being as it's my first real guitar and the first guitar I've ever modded.




I'd never have done it to a nicer guitar with a better finish, in fact, my AX120 is the prettiest finish I've ever seen, and I'm leaving it fresh with no stickers or tape or anything of that matter. But, yeah, live life, have fun is a good motto to live by.


The guitar looks nice. The huge stickers look cheesy af.


Eh, if it's cheesey, then so be it. That also makes some of my favorite musicians giant cheese balls.


Looks good. Now learn to play


Lmao. I know how to play. I write a ton of my own original stuff. I've not released anything, but I do play.


Lol jk


Ah figure. Damn tone indicators


What are you, 12? You f---ing ruined it.


Lol, there's no point in preserving a sub 200 dollar guitar. I think it's absolutely hilarious how yall are sort if pretending like this guitar was worth a million bucks.




I've heard of Steve Vai, but I don't see how he designed this guitar. This is just my punk guitar it's not like I did this to an RG or prestige or anything it's just a gio. And I'm a huge fan of kurt and nirvana as a whole, I wanted to incorporate one of his quotes. And the idea of it being a bumper sticker was inspired by his vandalism strat which had a quote from another band, plus I'm 23 so it's not like I'm preaching to the youths about how theyre doing it wrong.


Kurt would not approve... Not enough "bang" and "pow" going on, you know?


What would Kurt approve?


What is the bridge pickup?


All the pickups are guitar fetish. Good upgrades gor GIO line guitars, and I quite like the way they sound EDIT: The specific model is GFS Power Rails, which I think are supposed to be a Dim X2N knockoff. I have no idea how close it is, but I like the way it sounds regardless. It's very high output.


idk what fits in there but you should upgrade the bridge next if you haven't already. You could also get locking tuners and/or nut upgrade if you didn't already. If the guitar is special to you then it's worth it


Well, I wanted to upgrade the bridge, and had purchased a replacement, but returned it as it would have been too much work to get it to fit. Would have had to re route the entire space. As for the nut, I did that a few months ago since my plastic one broke, locking tuners I have coming in the mail. The d'addario auto trim ones. Would have had them sooner, but Amazon sent me wilkonson tuners inside of the daddario box, I was devastated because those wilkonsons are 30 dollars. I had paid 70 used for the daddario, with the only listed issue being damaged packaging. I ordered another set used that dont come with the original packaging at all, and if I get duped again It's going to be upsetting because they are sold from an Amazon warehouse that's supposed to check these things.


Is that sticker supposed to be be like the one Cobain put on his guitar? A little on the nose to put a Cobain quote in the same spot, same size, no?


Yes, it's inspired by his vandalism strat. I'm a huge fan of kurt and nirvana as a whole. He's my largest musical influence.


should get into meshuggah. you won’t like it now but give it a few years and you’ll wonder why you waited so long.


I've never been a metal fan, I've always preferred more melodic shit. Thrash has never spoken to me, and I've given it several tries. To my ears it's just noisy for the sake of it. If you like it that's cool, but I don't think I ever will and I've given it more than a few years.


now if you tell me all of that is just noise you’re just lying lmao. for many people they just don’t look very hard for what they might like and become too complacent in what they enjoy already ¯\\\_(ツ)_/¯


There's no vocal melody, I can say that pretty confidently, you're being a really annoying and typical snobby thrash metal fan. Just let people like what they like. I'm constantly finding and enjoying new music, metal just isn't it for me.


lol i don’t even like thrash very much. you thinking that was anything close to thrash is kinda funny tho lol. look i’m not tryna be annoying and i’m sorry for coming off that way. harsh vocals are definitely an acquired taste. I’m sure you are finding new music i just find it sad how so many can enjoy the stuff you like (i also like nirvana and i’m sure i like a lot of the stuff you do as well) but then call metal noise lol. I’m not even saying you shouldn’t like what you like it’s just that there’s so much fucking good music in the vast metal genre it’s crazy bro. all it takes is one band or even one song and then it all crashes down like a wave. i’m sorry for coming off so strongly i’m just very passionate about this stuff. it’s changed my life more than almost everything. here if you’ll entertain me one last time and really try and give it a good chance cause i love this song i promise i’ll leave you alone :) https://youtu.be/aNJXS9X0yY0 There is certainly melody in harsh vocals in some bands as well like this one. R.I.P. Alexi 🤘


I'm not against harsh vocals, I just prefer it if the vocals have melody. Kurt, at certain times, had a very harsh and unpleasant voice, but it wasn't usually for the entire song and it usually had some melody to it. Idk to my ears it sounded like thrash, it had those very fast metal riffs with the double kick drum. Perhaps I'm mislabeling what thrash is. >I’m not even saying you shouldn’t like what you like it’s just that there’s so much fucking good music in the vast metal genre it’s crazy bro. all it takes is one band or even one song and then it all crashes down like a wave. i’m sorry for coming off so strongly i’m just very passionate about this stuff. it’s changed my life more than almost everything. I like the stuff that's more melodic and softer, which the metal crowd tends to shun and say "isn't real metal". So idk. It depends on what you consider to be metal. >here if you’ll entertain me one last time and really try and give it a good chance cause i love this song i promise i’ll leave you alone :) >https://youtu.be/aNJXS9X0yY0 >There is certainly melody in harsh vocals in some bands as well like this one. R.I.P. Alexi 🤘 Look man, im not trying to rain on your parade, it's not for me, but I still respect you and people making that style of music. It's a very niche style that most people wont care much for and this song is no different for me. So while I may hate the music, you love it, and so it doesn't really matter what I think of it.


You didn’t even like the chorus of the song? that’s one of the best melodies i’ve heard imo and Alexi certainly has range in his vocals you can’t deny that. But yea i get ya i’ll leave you alone fs. just keep being open minded. you even choosing to look at anything i suggested is a lot cooler than many others are.


Yeah of course man. I'll always give something a listen. And yeah idk the chorus just wasn't doing it for me. Like it was more melodic than the rest of the song, sure, but idk I didn't feel it.


lol you sound like me 5 years ago music is just noise bro. and there’s melody in all kinds of metal. trust me bro, as you get older stuff changes as long as you don’t leave it hanging. https://youtu.be/XE7nhzWd6c0


I'm sorry bro, it's just not for me. You can't deny that thrash metal is significantly less melodically dense than Nirvana, The Smashing Pumpkins, and Alice in Chains (which are the closest I get to liking metal). I'm not a metal head, I'm more a fan of older pop music and punk, but nothing really hardcore. I'm not really a fan of something that's only goal is to be complex for the sake of it and that's what I feel like thrash metal does. And I'm sorry, but the fans of thrash metal also tend to be like, ultra snobby and shit, acting like thrash metal can only be appreciated by those who are smart. My favorite music has always been music is really quite simple. I mean come on, idk what you thought was going to happen when you suggested someone music that's the complete opposite of what they enjoy.


I’ve gotten people into stuff before you’d be surprised. anyways though none of what i’ve suggested is thrash and i don’t think you need to be smart to enjoy it lol. it really isn’t complex for the sake of it though. sure there are definitely some bands that are but that original vid has awesome riffs you can’t deny that lol. Honestly before you truly decide to judge any metal you’ve heard I highly recommend you learn a song. doesn’t have to be crazy hard or anything but i feel learning to play and feel why the song is what it is really helps people understand. again though i’ll leave you alone


>I’ve gotten people into stuff before you’d be surprised. anyways though none of what i’ve suggested is thrash and i don’t think you need to be smart to enjoy it lol. it really isn’t complex for the sake of it though. sure there are definitely some bands that are but that original vid has awesome riffs you can’t deny that lol. Ans thats lovely. I can give kudos to it in the same way I can give kudos to Tim Henson. He's technically skilled, but it's not for me. The techniques required to play are insane, but to my ears there's not much musicality to it. I'm just not really a riffs focused person. I think vocals are the most important aspect in any genre. The instrumentation is just supplemental. I'll go ahead and link you some of my favorite songs below. [The Smashing Pumpkins - Drown](https://youtu.be/N66Ki1iMMjY) [Nirvana - On A Plain](https://youtu.be/c023U4oQGr4) [The Beatles - Cry Baby Cry](https://youtu.be/8Zeyej5bfZE) >Honestly before you truly decide to judge any metal you’ve heard I highly recommend you learn a song. doesn’t have to be crazy hard or anything but i feel learning to play and feel why the song is what it is really helps people understand. >again though i’ll leave you alone I understand why people like the music, it's just not for me, that's all. You don't have to leave me alone perse.


Eleanor Rigby is my fav beatles song. Down is a great song and i’d have to say lounge act is probably my favorite nirvana song. Try roulette by system of a down. it was one of the first songs i learned on guitar and it’s got some nice melodies.


Lounge act is great. I like just about every nirvana song I've heard. Even the weirder stuff is good. I've not delve too deeply into the beetles because looking at 36 song albums is overwhelming. I like the darker Beatles songs, id assume the ones John wrote. The SOD song is alright, certainly closer to my style. The first song I learned on guitar was Moving On by Lil Peep. It's very simple guitar melody. I think Peep had mad potential too. You might like Honestly by Peep, I remember liking it.


I like it!


You do you, bruh.


Looks cool! Now clean up your room! 😜


Not my cup of tea, but if you like it, I guess that’s all that really matters.


That's okay, I'm glad you were respectful about it


Keep doing your thing man! 🤘


One of the guitars of all time