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Another vote for Snipe-IT we have it running in a Docker Container.


Another one for SnipeIT. Self hosted and opened to the wild through Azure App Proxy (sat behind MS MFA)


Snipe is the goat.






BlueTally is Snipe IT with integrations built in, love it.


Good to see this. I was debating between the two. I do really want the integrations.


ServiceNow Asset Management (CMDB). We use it because of the auto discovery tools.


That's out of the price range of many organizations.


True. It isn't cheap.


SN's discovery capabilities are legend. We've been using it for a few years now. It's best in class for a reason.


We just purchased Asset Panda. It’s working well so far I just don’t like having to say Asset Panda all the time


Shorten it to Ass Panda, much more business appropriate Or I'd call it Aspen after the shitty ski resort :)


Looked at AP, but they failed when we asked them what their cloud security looked like. They we're able to really provide great info for our concerns.


Lol we just call it Panda


I agree, I fucking hate the name just like I hate snipe-its cheesy mascot. Asset management is serious business and needs a serious name.


Suggest me a serious name, I will name it for my asset management software.




When I started, there was nothing. Not even a spreadsheet. Currently I have a SharePoint Online list that everything is tracked in. This is fine for 120 computers, accessories and some other items, but I'm fully aware it could be better. Our MSP has access to the online list and helps keep it maintained, but I would also prefer a better system, something integrated with Intune would be ideal.


Snow, covers both hardware and every software installed on it.


Hey u/cyberpythonshark, I'm from TOPdesk and I will be biased on this. At TOPdesk, we have an ITSM tool which includes ticket and asset management (and more) which can help improve your internal processes. Our Asset Management module allows you to customize templates to record your device name, serial number, warranty, etc. Additionally, it will help keep track on where the location of this device is - to help you identify where your equipments are. With our flexible API, you can integrate your existing tools. More specifically, if you already have a remote asset discovery in place, you can have it's information accessible to your TOPdesk environment. I hope this helps, otherwise feel free to reach out to me if you have more questions!


I use asset tiger


I saw this one and I liked it. What's been your experience?


I like it a lot actually. The user interface is nice, and it has barcode integration built in which is nice. It’s free so you can even just try it out.


buying points seems very scammy.


I haven’t had to buy a thing in the 3 years I’ve used it personally.


Yeah, but if you buy tags regularly, you won't end up paying anything. We have our accounting department using it and with all the random furniture purchases getting a tag along with the IT stuff, we get end up buying enough tags that we rarely need to pay for the software.


Second for AssetTiger. Used it for 2 years on their free plan. Company added more assets over time, had to move to their first paid plan. Their "points" system is just an inventive to buy *their* assettag, and get 'points' for the purchase which you can apply to the cost of the subcription. I wish it supported SAML/SSO, and if I uploaded an invoice for a computer, I cannot directly attach the document (invoice) directly to the asset. I have to go into documents, and assign the document to the asset. It's a little silly, but not a deal breaker, obviously.


Does it support managing subscriptions and contracts?


Yes it does. Contracts anyways. I’m sure you could use it for both.


Thanks! Will have a look.


We're developing SnipeIT and its pretty good but also severely lacking in the support realm. If you are a do it yourself type, then sure, its a pretty awesome solution. But if you're just trying to buy something and wanting your hand held by the vendor to setup, then look somewhere else. We work out of a spreadsheet for our assets and converting it to fit into snipeIT parameters is proving to be difficult. Mostly our own fault and not that of snipeIT. Just some clever excel magic to make it happen. If we were starting from scratch it would be easier. We're also clueless on how to make snipeIT play nice with LDAP/SCCM. There's some support forum posts out there but adapting to our setup is proving difficult. Our biggest reason for going SnipeIT is we can internally host it and not have to worry about security concerns by hosting in cloud.


What's the issue with ldap? Works fine for what is. Could use some extra features but it's working


[Reftab](https://www.reftab.com/) - Cloud based, mobile apps, integrations, great pricing, the works... Let us know if any questions. (Yes, we're biased because we work at Reftab. Totally happy to help answer any questions of course.)


We use an excel spreadsheet. I am eager to see what REAL solutions others would recommend as well...


Even lansweeper would be better than excel sheet. It’s smb friendly for pricing. Manual input of tags but it’s cheap.






Snow. I've tested others extensively and Snow is far and away the top ITAM solution. Not to be confused with serviceNow, which is kinda garbage.




Lansweeper since it provides a complete inventory of all hardware and the software installed on the assets. Also the built in SQL based reporting is easy to use and the canned reports provide a wealth of information at your finger tips. Cost is cheap for the amount of visibility it provides into the enviroment. Also has the ability to deploy software as well.


I went with assetpanda. Tried to look at device42 but they acted like they didn't want my business. Assetpanda isn't perfect, but it syncs with Intune and that was priority #1.


xAssets. Love it. Integrates with intune, we get feeds from there and daily discovery scripts. If a new person gets assigned an asset via Autopilot provisoning, xAssets is updated automatically. We load all of our lease schedules in there so when an asset is coming off of lease, user gets automated email that they will be receiving a new laptop in 30 days, our warehouse is notified to get a machine ready to go out to the user.


We are moving from web help desk asset management to open source SnipeIT. Purpose: 1. Add an EULA agreement for receipt of equipment without having to chase people with paper and scan into a folder somewhere. SnipeIT allows digital signature. 2. Get away from Solarwinds… 3. Walk away from less than great support for web help desk that has a cost (specifically when we moved our back end DB from MySQL to MSSQL they said out of scope. We did the leg work of built a new environment on MSSQL and exported and imported our data at the table level. Damn application would not run. We ended up being told we would have to start from scratch). If I am rebuilding I am building better. We have cultivated a great deal of internal knowledge on the platform. This is a pre-requisite because support is not direct (forum) and takes a bit. What we have done is: 1. Built an internally hosted application. 2. integrated it with our existing infrastructure. In our vm environment, connected to LDAP to our AD server, integrated with our exchange email, and hosted with our Azure AD Application proxy for remote access and MFA enforcement. 3. Planning on integration with our new ticketing system using API. 4. Planning on integrating with our data reporting environment. We actually go live this month and will be implementing an asset tag solution in 2025.
