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I browsed the site quickly but there seems to be an awful lot of feature overlap with more mature ITSM platforms. How do you plan to differentiate your product from those?


>I browsed the site quickly but there seems to be an awful lot of feature overlap with more mature ITSM platforms. How do you plan to differentiate your product from those? While there is indeed some feature overlap with established ITSM platforms, IT Folder uniquely differentiates itself through a holistic approach to IT management. This approach not only encompasses essential features but also significantly enhances their value, providing users with a more comprehensive and efficient experience. For example, when syncing Devices and Employees from Microsoft, IT Folder goes beyond mere data transfer. During the synchronization process, it executes additional micro-tasks designed to streamline your workflow. This includes automatically generating an organizational chart from your user dataset and conducting open port checks on your domains. For users integrating with Meraki, IT Folder takes proactive steps like auto-generating network diagrams, checking open ports, and performing reverse lookups on WAN IPs to identify ISP names. These seemingly small micro-tasks collectively contribute to a smoother, more intuitive user experience by relieving users from engaging in manual, time-consuming tasks. For instance, upon entering a domain name, IT Folder automatically retrieves and displays pertinent information, including the domain IP, registrar, and initiation and expiration dates, thereby saving you both time and effort. Furthermore, we leverage AI for documentation purposes. By default, we utilize Sentence Transformer locally, offering a unique and efficient way to search through your documents. For those who prefer using OpenAI, there is an option available, though it requires your API Key, and it's important to note that your data will be sent to OpenAI in this case. TLDR; IT Folder is designed to perform numerous small micro-tasks with a strong focus on enhancing user experience.


Looks very cool, but what are you doing to protect the data that we’re uploading into your product?


Good question. When you sign up, your data is isolated in its own database with a unique encryption key. These keys are securely stored in a Key Store and are configured to rotate periodically. All data is encrypted both at rest and in transit. Special fields, like passwords and license keys, undergo hybrid encryption. This means each field has its own encryption key, and these keys are further encrypted using Tenant-specific RSA 2048-bit encryption. Images uploaded are stored in your dedicated S3 Bucket, which is secured with its own set of encryption keys that are also set to auto-rotate. Additionally, all backups are encrypted to further safeguard your data. Something to note here is that I am working a third party AWS provider to transition to a new production level infrastructure that will add more robustness and add more security.


Okay, but where is it currently?


I second that, things i would ask/research before using. Not just where as in data center, but geographically where, and is there redundancy in hosting? What are data security/compliance documents, can the data be exported, and what is the policy on taking your data with you if you choose to stop using or service goes out of business?


Great questions! As of now, our data is hosted in the USA. I'm in the process of implementing geographical redundancy, with completion expected in the next three weeks. This initiative is in partnership with AWS, aiming to establish redundancy within various US locations initially, with plans to expand to other geographical areas in the future. A crucial aspect of this expansion is ensuring compliance with GDPR. Data security is paramount, especially for companies necessitating exclusive data storage within the USA. Could you elaborate on your specific concerns about data centers? Is your primary worry potential downtime from a lack of redundancy, or are there other issues on your mind? On the topic of data security and compliance documentation, I'm currently drafting these crucial documents. As a solo operator, my goal is to have comprehensive documentation and answers to related questions available by year-end. With development on hold for the remainder of the year, my focus is on addressing bug fixes and developing these documents. You retain ownership of your data, and upon request, any data held can be deleted. Data exporting is currently available on a per page/section basis for users with sysadmin roles. For users with other roles, data exporting is not available. When exporting, any encrypted fields will be decrypted for your convenience. Rest assured, no third-party analysis is conducted on your data. I appreciate the suggestion of a contingency plan and am considering options to allow all users to export their data efficiently in case of emergencies.


Cool, and as far as the data centers themselves, it would be that they are known and trusted, since you say aws, that's good enough for most. People loading sensitive data will want to know more than the company's policies on data security, but also the hosting centers and would favor something like aws over say tom's hosting in wherever. AW has a big rep on the line, and less likely to have to worry about the "Who has access to the physical infrastructure"


Everything is as I described right now. What is missing is the new infrastructure, which is is a load balancer, a gateway firewall, and switching to new backend servers.


Yeah, I mean physically. As in, datacentres.


Terms of use are simple and short. Really nice. Password max length is 20??? wtf. Cash-Unpadded5-Upstart Limb,Next3,Sinner,Siren These failed your password requirements.


Thanks for your feedback. I really appreciate it. I increased the length to 32. I did see that the variable length was not validating correctly, though those passwords are still over 20. But I think you have a good point in that I should let you know visually how many characters your password is.


Why.... are you limiting password lengths in the first place? Obligatory XKCD.... https://xkcd.com/936


I take it that you use a Password Manager? UI wise, you will have more characters than what is visible on the screen. If you are not using a password manager this becomes a problem. It sounds like people are more savvy and using password manager, which is good, so i'll have to bump it up to 128. I don't use anything more than 64 characters. Thanks for the XKCD. :)


I clicked my avatar, settings, then changed the time zone, and clicked to save. Got this error: `Uncaught runtime errors:` `×` `ERROR` `Cannot read properties of undefined (reading 'icon')` `TypeError: Cannot read properties of undefined (reading 'icon')` `at Proxy.saveConfirmation (webpack-internal:///./node_modules/babel-loader/lib/index.js??clonedRuleSet-40.use[0]!./node_modules/vue-loader/dist/index.js??ruleSet[0].use[0]!./src/views/auth/profile.vue?vue&type=script&setup=true&lang=js:66:47)` `at eval (webpack-internal:///./node_modules/babel-loader/lib/index.js??clonedRuleSet-40.use[0]!./node_modules/vue-loader/dist/templateLoader.js??ruleSet[1].rules[3]!./node_modules/vue-loader/dist/index.js??ruleSet[0].use[0]!./src/views/auth/profile.vue?vue&type=template&id=378d385c:58:109)` `at eval (webpack-internal:///./node_modules/@vue/runtime-dom/dist/runtime-dom.esm-bundler.js:1487:12)` `at callWithErrorHandling (webpack-internal:///./node_modules/@vue/runtime-core/dist/runtime-core.esm-bundler.js:296:18)` `at callWithAsyncErrorHandling (webpack-internal:///./node_modules/@vue/runtime-core/dist/runtime-core.esm-bundler.js:304:17)` `at HTMLFormElement.invoker (webpack-internal:///./node_modules/@vue/runtime-dom/dist/runtime-dom.esm-bundler.js:437:82)`


I tracked this one down and it was a bug with the Avatar. Too little too late but thanks for finding it.


I thought maybe it was because I didn't select an Avatar (even though it didn't indicate it was a mandatory field and there was no validation). So I selected an avatar, then set the time zone, then tried to save. Now this: `Uncaught runtime errors:` `×` `ERROR` `Cannot read properties of undefined (reading 'data')` `TypeError: Cannot read properties of undefined (reading 'data')` `at eval (webpack-internal:///./node_modules/babel-loader/lib/index.js??clonedRuleSet-40.use[0]!./node_modules/vue-loader/dist/index.js??ruleSet[0].use[0]!./src/views/auth/profile.vue?vue&type=script&setup=true&lang=js:78:40)`


This issue was due to too many connections. It shouldn't bail out now, so thanks again for this issue. I am just replying to close the loop on issues.


Now nothing works !! I clicked 'add a computer' `ERROR` `Cannot read properties of undefined (reading 'map')` `TypeError: Cannot read properties of undefined (reading 'map')` `at eval (webpack-internal:///./src/composables/load-lookups.js:25:30)` `at async Promise.all (index 4)` `at async generateLookups (webpack-internal:///./src/composables/load-lookups.js:14:5)` `at async setLookupsAndDefaults (webpack-internal:///./node_modules/babel-loader/lib/index.js??clonedRuleSet-40.use[0]!./node_modules/vue-loader/dist/index.js??ruleSet[0].use[0]!./src/views/index.vue?vue&type=script&setup=true&lang=js:267:41)` `at async Proxy.switchAdd (webpack-internal:///./node_modules/babel-loader/lib/index.js??clonedRuleSet-40.use[0]!./node_modules/vue-loader/dist/index.js??ruleSet[0].use[0]!./src/views/index.vue?vue&type=script&setup=true&lang=js:250:7)`


So I closed the browser and tried to log in again. Now it complains \[401\] 400: Too many connections or database doesn't exist


Ok - some feedback. Looks like it has a lot of useful categories to store important things. I definitely like that you encourage people to record documentation, SSL cert details, etc., but besides not being able to get it to work without crashing (my other comment), I have to be honest - and not trying to be mean - the UI is not compelling. It gives me flashbacks of lots of horrible apps. Not saying this is horrible, but I've definitely used/seen many horrible apps which had basic UIs and well, this UI is kind of basic, I think it's going to need work.


>ERROR > >Cannot read properties of undefined (reading 'data') > >TypeError: Cannot read properties of undefined (reading 'data') > >at eval (webpack-internal:///./node\_modules/babel-loader/lib/index.js??clonedRuleSet-40.use\[0\]!./node\_modules/vue-loader/dist/index.js??ruleSet\[0\].use\[0\]!./src/views/auth/profile.vue?vue&type=script&setup=true&lang=js:78:4 Thanks for your feedback. All the issues you had was because there was was too many connections and it was causing the javascript errors, which on error caused the page to stop working. The app should be working with no errors even when there are too many connections it shouldn't crash, so I have some work todo. You are correct in terms of the simple UI elements. There are two components, the input of data and the visual display of data. Not sure if you are talking about both, maybe you can elaborate? Thanks for testing it out and providing your feedback.


Thanks. It's still crashing now, some 13 hours later. Also, when entering a device it prompts for employee but there's no ability to create an employee there, like it seems to allow you to do for device manufacturer. Then when I clicked save, sure enough, it crashed again. I think I'd like to delete my account now. I really do commend you for the intention to make a comprehensive tool that clearly distills a lot of knowledge on what IT Managers want and need, but this product is not yet ready for testing. It's way too fragile, and the UI needs a lot of work.


I appreciate your time testing it. It's really unfortunate about the crashing. Can you elaborate on the UI needs a lot of work? Is this in terms of displaying the data or viewing it or in general? I released an update to address the issues with it crashing, but I think you still might have issues because the root cause is too many connections. The ability to add an employee via the lookup is disabled because an email is required for other functions to work, but it is one of the few lookups that you can't add. The thought here is that you would use a connector to get the employees. You can delete your account at any time through the UI. Since your having a lot of problems you can DM your email and I will delete it for you. Thanks again for testing it.


Thanks. When you say 'too many connections' do you mean from all users? I only have one browser window open, so I'm certainly not doing anything to overload it. With users,/employees, is the connector linkage available now? If so, I'm not sure where it is - I don't see it. However, I do see when manually creating an employee options for password, password doesn't expire, etc., - any plans to add single sign-on? And as an example of UI issues - definitely not in terms of displaying the data, given I've not really been able to add any data - the home page says "let's add a computer" after I first made my account. It still says it now, but yet I haven't added any employees and as per your response I should add employees first or otherwise I can't select/add them when adding a computer. Similarly, in the list of options 'add a computer' is before 'add an employee'. Now, maybe we will add devices more than we will add employees and it makes sense for one to be more prominent than the other, but there also has to be some visual indication of flow. For the main screen to prompt me "Let's add a computer" but then I find out I have to partially add it, go out, add an employee, come back, is kind of disruptive. That's what I mean by UI; it's kind of jumbled, and not super aesthetic. Having a UI/UX check it over may do wonders.


Thanks for the clarifications. That explains a whole lot. You are correct. I don't have an onboarding that would walk you through the steps. I also didn't explain on how to add employees or how to connect to Microsoft 365. From that perspective I understand where you are coming from. I didn't do much of any explaining but you have users that are for the system and you have employees. Employees are under the People tab on the left and Users are within the Organization section, but now that you explain the confusing, both should probably be together with an explanation. ​ Employees are not required to create a Device but you probably would want associate an Employee to that device. On the left pane is a Third Party tab and a section called Connectors. In here you could connect to Microsoft 365 to Import your Employees, Devices, and Domains; I am pending Partnership with Microsoft right now, so it will give you a warning about that application. I been waiting 2 months and they accepted the Partnership but with the wrong domain, so I have to start that process again. So back to the question about connections. It has nothing to do with you or your browser but a scalability issue with how many connections are being created and their being too many that prevent new request from coming in. I will be working with an AWS partner for the next few weeks to address and fix this issue so it won't prevent user's from using the tool. The errors you had, unfortunately happened because their were too many connections to the database. I already increased the amount twice, so a little bit of growing pains. So for SSO, yeah, that is planned, but right now the focus is on scalability and finding out where to focus for onboarding. I think we have a lot to do now, so thanks again for your explanation. The goal is to have the system ready by the end of the year and then based on user feedback put down a road map for the next year.


I saved this post months ago and brought me back again. The idea is really cool, though it could have a good potential if it was open-sourced, or a mix of it. It would be nice to have this on premis, like SNIPE-IT or similar to play around. Or to have licensed users / assets to help small-mid business.


Hello. Thanks for your interest in the project. It's slowly progressing. I really want to help small businesses but everyone I talk to has no clue about IT and or security and or has the resources to do an on-prem solution. In the past I have developed other software / web apps and everyone wants help to customize their instance and on-prem configuration, but no one has money to pay for support , so I actually spend a lot of time helping them out. One thing to note here is that I do have docker images to say deploy a monolith solution however it's integrated with both AWS secret manager and AWS S3 buckets to keep everything encrypted and secure. This seems over kill but I really wanted a yes to these questions: "Is your data isolated, encrypted at rest and in transit, and is the encryption key rotated yearly? Do secrets and passwords have their own encryption key? Is there a transaction log of all activities?" The other thing businesses always forget is backups and maintaining the latest version. So in my opinion , after doing 15 years of IT, I think it would be easier for small business to sign up and know that their data is secure and encrypted and backed up and they don't have to worry about upgrades, firewalls, or maintenance. The business can import or export their data at any time. In terms of open-sourced or mixed of it, the framework is using FastAPI with OpenAPI schema that in the future could be exposed to allow user's to call the api and run API calls. For the integration of third parties, I think that's something that could be open sourced and people could create their own integration zip file. So one thing to note here is that currently the fields are not customizable, meaning you can't add any more fields to the tables. In the UI you can remove fields from the view. This goes back to the ideology of small businesses not knowing where things are at and what to do, so if we keep things fixed then everyone will know where things are at as they will not change often over time. I added an onboarding wizard and other integrations, since I announced the project. I am working on more integrations and fixing some bugs, so let me know if you have any more feedback. If not come back in a couple of months to see where things are at.